Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 527 The Shadow Covering the Sky

[Zhangtou Small Theater·Ma Hongjun and the Devil 2·Ouch, what are you doing]

[The aroma mixed with the aroma of meat and fruit trees gradually filled the forest, and oil dripped from the gaps in the dry mud onto the dead leaves, exuding an alluring scent. Ma Hongjun held up the clay in his hand like a victor, but as soon as he raised his head, he found a girl in purple standing on a tree trunk more than ten meters high from the ground. She looked at him with a look that was partly mocking, partly cool, and partly cool. Three points of disdain and three points of smile muscle disorder...]


The blizzard raged in Baidi City for a day, but it was a pity that there was no way to continue. In the end, I could only take my little brother Hanfeng and leave reluctantly.

The wind stopped, the snow stopped, and everyone felt that they could do it again.

Although the sky is gloomy and the temperature is colder, it still cannot stop residents from going out of their homes to sweep away the snow. Soldiers also put aside their patrol work to clear the roads around the venue.

Baidi City officials have issued an announcement that the trading venue will reopen at 2 p.m. At that time, exquisite gifts will be distributed. Visitors are welcome to come and purchase goods.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his cloak and looked up at the sign in front of him.

【Worry-free Tavern】

The location of the tavern is not good, close to the edge of the city wall, surrounded by old houses with few people living there.

A few centimeters of snow did not crush this old signboard that looked like it would fall down when the wind blew.

The eaves of the entire tavern were piled with snow. The only place with less snow was a narrow chimney, which was continuously emitting carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide generated by coal.

The old doors and windows are a little yellowish and a little damp, but the flickering firelight that shines through the cracks and the noisy sounds can still make people feel a little warm.

"By the way, why are the mercenary unions all over the continent in such remote locations? You can see the signboard of the Adventurer Guild as soon as you enter the city gate, you bastard!"

Wang Xiaofeng complained in his heart and pushed open the dilapidated door. At this moment, the tavern was full of people and a lively scene.

The strong smell of beer in the air hit your nostrils, followed by the smell of burning coal and wood, as well as various odors of unknown meaning mixed in between.

Wang Xiaofeng lowered his eyes slightly, and his super perception instantly imprinted the surrounding situation into his mind.

The drinkers who were playing guessing games and bragging loudly, the busy waitresses, and the nonchalant bartender standing behind the bar.

The tall and mighty bartender was idly wiping spotless glasses. He had a lush beard on his face and thick hair on his exposed thick arms. It seemed that he also worked part-time as a security guard.

Wang Xiaofeng was sitting in front of the bar. The bartender showed great kindness to strangers and said with a scary smile: "Welcome to the Worry-Free Tavern, young man, have a drink. This place will make you forget all your worries."

His voice was very calm, unexpectedly revealing a mature and gentle charm that was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

"I want two donkeys to be cooked on fire." Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the various wines on the table and said casually.

The bartender stopped wiping the glass silently: "Sorry, we don't have such a thing in the store."

"Then let's have a burger, with two extra patties."

The bartender frowned.

Are you here to cause trouble?

"Neither this nor that." Wang Xiaofeng sighed and casually glanced at the menu on the wall that was blackened by oil smoke: "Forget it, I want a roast chicken and two shellfish cakes."

The bartender put the glass down and said with a smile: "A total of one gold coin."

"I have no money."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the bartender with black lines on his head and stopped teasing him: "I'll pay the bill with this."

The bartender looked at the low-quality jade pendant on the bar and nodded with some difficulty. The bartender only worked part-time, and the main body here was the mercenary guild. Appraisal of treasures was also part of the job.

But the jade in front of me probably has too many impurities.

"Wait a moment, I'll show it to our boss."

Although this thing is not valuable at first glance, with his professional ethics, he still has to go through the work process, just in case it is some kind of treasure.

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand indifferently and watched the bartender walk into the kitchen with the jade pendant.

A few minutes later, the bartender came out of the kitchen with a plate in one hand, handed it to Wang Xiaofeng, and said calmly: "This is the food you ordered, please use it slowly."

Wang Xiaofeng took the dinner plate, his expression suddenly changed, and there were two more things in his hand. In addition to the jade pendant, there was also a note.

He calmly buckled the jade pendant on his belt, opened the note, and read it quickly.

Ignoring the first dozen pieces of information that were difficult to distinguish between true and false, the last piece of information caught Wang Xiaofeng's attention.

There is a man who is 70% similar to Oscar's portrait. Two months ago, he completed a hiring mission in Thousand Needles Town on the outskirts of Thousand Needles Forest. This news is not that big. There are also several messages on it that say that he is in a certain place. I've seen people similar to Oscar.

However, the reason why this news attracted Wang Xiaofeng's attention was that he happened to know that three months ago, there was information about the appearance of a mysterious soul beast in Thousand Needles Forest.

The two messages are so combined.

Compared with the previous dozens of messages that did not even have a 20% credibility, the credibility of this news has increased to at least 60%. Such a high credibility is worth a trip.

It's a pity. It would have been nice if this news had been given to him before he entered the Far North, so that he wouldn't have wasted so much time wandering around the Far North.

Fortunately, Thousand Needles Forest is not a famous gathering place for spirit beasts, and the level of danger is not that high. As long as you don't intentionally go to the territory of ten thousand year spirit beasts, you shouldn't encounter any big trouble.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was deep in thought.

At this time.

Another new customer entered the Worry-free Tavern.

He looked panicked, as if something terrible had happened to him.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly:

"Dragon! I just saw a dragon flying through the sky."

The bustling tavern fell silent instantly, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone focused their attention on the man.

next moment.

Everyone burst into deafening laughter, and the astonishing sound almost broke through the roof of the tavern.

"How can there be a dragon in Baidi City? I'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet."

The bard immediately drew a few strokes on his own paper.


The man angrily grabbed the toilet paper, threw it on the ground and danced: "It's not a dragon, it's a dragon, the one with two big wings that can fly."

"What dragon man? He must have been drinking again." A drunkard who knew the man shouted loudly, "Did you go to Lao Wang next door to steal another drink?"

Hearing this, the man's eyes widened instantly, "How could you accuse someone's innocence out of thin air..."

"What kind of innocence!? When I went home last night, I clearly saw you crawling into Lao Wang's house despite the wind and snow!"

The man's diamond-shaped face flushed instantly, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he argued, "I didn't climb Lao Wang's wall...I obviously went in through the gate!...How can it be considered a treat between drinking friends? Stealing."

Then came the incomprehensible words, "How can you be drunk after only drinking two cans", "Liquor earned through skill is not considered stealing", and "I am not daydreaming".

It made everyone laugh.

There was a cheerful atmosphere inside and outside the tavern.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the scene in front of him with great interest.

The man's face was flushed, his whole body smelled of alcohol, and he was swaying when arguing with others.

Just now I was yelling about a dragon! Now his neck is red and he is arguing with others. He has not drank much wine. He is obviously an alcoholic who is almost drunk.

The bartender on the side was whispering to the waitress about how to take out the drink money owed to the drunkard while he was unconscious.

The food on the table was put into the soul guide by Wang Xiaofeng. He stood up and was about to leave. Suddenly, a trembling feeling as if he was facing an abyss crept into his heart.

Danger! ! ! !

The soul power that was as calm as lake water in his body suddenly burst out violently like a tide. Wang Xiaofeng's body shook violently, and his whole body was like a missile. He smashed through the tavern in the blink of an eye and rushed out.

The bartender and waitress whom he brought out were still in a state of confusion. They felt that as soon as they closed and opened their eyes, the surrounding environment changed.

It wasn't until the biting cold wind climbed to the top of their hearts that they woke up.

The originally old and cozy tavern was now completely in ruins, leaving only a piece of bright blue ice crystal.

The surrounding old houses were now wrapped in all kinds of irregular transparent crystals. The cold air emitted by the clusters of dense ice crystals almost turned the surrounding things into a cold abyss.

The two of them were stunned, almost unable to believe their eyes. One second they were talking and joking with everyone, and the next second the familiar people and objects turned into ice cubes.

The two were completely frightened.

Wang Xiaofeng was also stunned at this time, but the fear in his heart was greater than the fright.

A huge creature with graceful posture was lying on the city wall not far away, looking around as if looking for something.

The ruins on the ground seem to have been improvised.

The dragon wings spread out on his back were like dark clouds in the sky, and the shadow they formed directly covered his good mood when he had just received the news about Oscar.


It is not a giant dragon composed of cold words recorded on paper, but a real thing that makes people howl from the inside out, from the depths of genes to every cell in the body, a giant beast at the top of the food chain.

That is the gap in life levels.

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked, as if he saw a pair of dragon eyes that contained devouring malice, full of the power of a top-level creature in the food chain.

No, not as if.

The dragon was watching them.

Wang Xiaofeng's excellent eyesight allowed him to clearly see the flash of banter in those cold vertical pupils.

Wang Xiaofeng's whole body suddenly stiffened.

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