Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 528 Dragon Dragon


A melodious horn sound came from the city wall not far away, and the sound waves spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

No matter how remote the location is, making such a big noise will attract the attention of the guards. The sound of the horn representing the highest alert is the best proof.

But this is not necessarily a good thing for Wang Xiaofeng.

Because in towns, the sound of horns conveys a warning message to humans, but to spirit beasts, such sounds represent provocation and challenge.

Sure enough, the white dragon, which had just been looking like a leisurely cat playing with a mouse, suddenly raised its body, its pupils shrank, its snow-white dragon neck bent backwards, and its sharp dragon claws were tightly embedded in the city wall, as if it was about to An animal that attacks.

It raised its ferocious head high, and the next moment, the rolling dragon roar carried overwhelming dragon power, like ferocious thunder among dark clouds, sweeping towards the surroundings like a tide.

The high-pitched roar of the dragon directly drowned out the sound of the horn, and the creatures within a few kilometers of the surrounding area remained silent. The two people closest to them were so frightened that their limbs were paralyzed and their pants were wet.

But Wang Xiaofeng, who stood in front of them and bore most of the dragon's power for them, had a deeper experience.

The coercion exuded by the top predator was mixed with the malice that froze all life. It was like the oppression of the soul power of a high-level soul master. It was like a big mountain, pressing tightly on Wang Xiaofeng, making his body unable to move.

The white dragon's limbs suddenly exerted force, and the tyrannical wall of power suddenly collapsed into several gaps. His huge body did not seem to affect his agility at all. With two random flappings of his wings, the entire dragon had already flown hundreds of meters away. Swooping in with that unrivaled momentum, he rushed in front of Wang Xiaofeng, a tiny human being, in just two or three breaths.


Wang Xiaofeng's hair stood on end. The huge pressure between life and death made his spirit instantly break through Long Wei's oppression.

Regaining control of his body again, he threw the gourd from his waist forward in a flash, pushed with his left hand and kicked with his right foot, and then fell to the ground without looking.

Clang! !

A harsh collision sounded in front, which turned into the sound of a giant diamond gourd being knocked away.

Then Wang Xiaofeng was blown away by the strong air flow stirred up by the huge impact. Small and sharp stones hit him like arrows, making Wang Xiaofeng groan.

There was a brief turbulence in the soul power in the body, which was caused by the damage to the martial soul.

What a powerful physique! ! As expected of a dragonborn whose appearance is exactly the same as that of the legendary dragon. The concentration of true dragon blood contained in this dragon is ridiculously high, and its age is also very high.

Before he could calm down the soul power in his body, the huge dragon wings shrouded him in shadow.

The ferocious dragon claws carried unstoppable power and slapped him into the ruins.

boom! !

Wang Xiaofeng flew out like a cannonball, creating a scorching wave of air in the air and slamming into the ruins of a house more than ten meters away. The broken walls along the way were smashed through one after another, and the broken stones shot up into the sky like a giant dragon of earth and stone. rise!

Smoke and dust billowing for dozens of meters

The white dragon was hanging high in the air, with a very anthropomorphic doubt on its face. It looked at its right paw, and the feel of the hand just now seemed not right, and the power seemed not to be fully exerted.

As a descendant of the true dragon clan, no matter how weak the change is, the dragon eyes cannot be hidden. At the last moment, something black appeared on the human body, which seemed to have absorbed part of the power.

In the short moment when it was lost in thought, a spear with a length of more than six meters flew from a distance, whistling and stabbing at the white dragon.

The ice soul power condensed in its mouth.

It breathed out the frost dragon's breath, turned its neck, and the low-temperature freezing wind froze the spear that was shot from a distance, and then fell to the ground helplessly.

At the same time, dozens of feet away, dozens of soldiers suddenly rushed out from all directions, cheering loudly, raising their long swords and surrounding Bailong in the center.

How dare a tiny human reptile challenge the noble white dragon? ! interesting.

Just when Bailong was attracted by the weak soldiers on the ground, at the same time, two sounds of breaking through the air came from the sky.

In just the blink of an eye, two six-meter-long crossbow arrows were inserted into Bai Long's body.

The tactic of attacking in the east and in the west was very effective, but before the soldiers could show their happy expressions, they saw the sharp crossbow arrows scratching two long white marks on the snow-white scales of the white dragon's body, and the scattered firelight seemed to be unbreakable. Silent ridicule of defensive attacks.

"How is that possible!" The soldiers had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"That's an armor-piercing arrow that can shoot down even an adult mammoth with one arrow!"

In the far north, many towns have experienced being attacked by spirit beasts. Especially in winter, raptors lacking food will occasionally cross the city walls and attack towns. Therefore, dealing with attacks by flying spirit beasts is a kind of training that the army must undergo.

But this time, they underestimated their opponents and overestimated themselves.

Although it didn't break its defense, the tingling sensation on its body angered the white dragon. It took a deep breath, then exhaled ice-blue frost dragon breath, and went straight to the area where the crossbow arrow was shot.

On the city wall not far away, next to the giant crossbow that was originally damaged by the giant dragon, two giant crossbows were set up at some point. Several strong soldiers were nervously filling new crossbow arrows.

The next second, the biting ice wind mixed with sharp ice crystals penetrated the wind and snow and directly covered the two giant crossbows.

The breath swept to the right, and most of the city walls were covered by erosion. Facing the frost dragon's breath, a dozen soldiers could not escape at all, and were frozen in the lifelike frost ice crystals.

Bailong stopped breathing, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

This is the fate of attacking the noble white dragon.

"Damn dragon cub! How dare you bully me, Baidi City!"

An angry shout came from the air, and an old man fell from the sky and landed on the ground. His eight soul rings were shining brightly, among which the third and sixth soul rings were shining brightly, aiming directly at the white dragon.

The third soul ring firmly locked onto the white dragon's aura, pulling the old man closer. The sixth black soul ring glowed, and an invisible force extended out, pressing heavily on the white dragon, greatly restricting the white dragon's flying ability.

Bai Long only felt that his body was extremely heavy. He flapped his dragon wings a few times but failed to fly. He glared at the old man fiercely.

"Despicable humans!"

With an angry roar, the white dragon turned around and dived, running headlong into the newly assembled human army.

Like a white bulldozer, it overturned dozens of people along the way, leaving deep ravines on the ground, and started to wreak havoc deep into the army.

Bailong's goal is very clear. He has a soul skill that restricts flight. It is impossible to escape for the time being. However, it has dealt with human soul masters and understands that soul skills have a time limit. As long as it survives this period, it will be able to escape. Flying higher into the sky, these human reptiles are targets for them to manipulate.

The strong body naturally endowed by the dragon clan made it fall confidently, but the white dragon soon tasted the bitter consequences of recklessly rushing into humans for the sake of temporary pleasure.

High defense? It doesn't matter, just poke it ten times without breaking the defense. Attacking the same part will always break the dragon scale.

Invincible strength? The eighteen tying methods composed of fine iron forged chains will make it impossible for you to exert any strength at all.

The white dragon that penetrated deep into the army formation was like being trapped in a quagmire. The soul masters wearing heavy armor took turns to attack. The heavy and sharp spears blessed with soul power fell on them. Amidst the sound of gold and iron, the white dragon gradually engulfed the dragon. There were cracks in the scales.

Every time she waved her dragon claws and swept her dragon tail, she could knock some people away, but it was difficult to kill them all, and then more people would rush towards them.

These heavily armored soul masters had astonishing defense and stood at the forefront, while others kept throwing heavy chains, trapping Bai Long in the army and eating away at her vitality bit by bit.

Whenever the white dragon wants to use the Frost Dragon Breath to freeze the annoying bugs around it, the Eight Ring Soul Douluo wandering around the edge can always interrupt it at the critical moment and use soul skills to attack its eyes, neck and other relative areas. The fragile parts make it very annoying.

However, although Bailong was trapped, it was not that simple to completely trap a dragon.

The dragon scale's defense was really too high. Coupled with the white dragon's tyrannical power, after five minutes of siege, the dragon scale was rubbed off a lot. There were dozens of wounds the size of the mouth of a bowl, but none larger than the size of a washbasin.

Due to the Dragonborn's strong resistance to soul skills, it not only weakened the power of soul skills below the third level, but even the control-type soul skills that could last for more than half an hour only lasted five minutes on the white dragon.

Feeling the pressure on his body disappear, at this moment, the white dragon let out a thick roar like thunder, which was deafening.

The ferocious dragon power spread around like a strong wind, sweeping across the army in an instant.

The army suddenly became boiling and restless. The horses holding the chains suddenly became weak in limbs and collapsed uncontrollably. Some even had pupils dilated and were almost frightened to death.

Most of the soldiers stiffened at the same time and fell heavily into the snow.

"No! It's trying to escape!"

Before the Eight Ring Soul Douluo could make a remedy, the white dragon had already broken free from the chains that were tied to his body. The dragon wings shook, and the white and red dragon body rushed out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye and flew into the sky.

At this moment, the pleasure called freedom swept through Bai Long's body and mind, but at the next moment, the anger of being surrounded by human reptiles for five minutes ran straight into his heart.

The scales that were usually polished to shine became broken and broken, and the snow-white dragon body was now covered with red wounds, like a sick dragon suffering from spot disease.

For it, which loves beauty so much, this is simply a great shame, a shame that cannot be washed away with human life!

The white dragon stagnated in the air at a height of 100 meters. The pain coming from its body was constantly stinging its nerves. Its bloodthirsty pupils stared at the humans below with a fierce look on its face.

The ferocious giant mouth opened slightly, and ice-blue dangerous light began to gather in the open mouth.

Feeling the sense of oppression from the sky, the legion commander knew in his heart that they could not escape as their minds were destroyed by the dragon's power. They could only defend in place to have a chance of survival.

He shouted: "Defensive formation!"

The well-trained soldiers desperately controlled their trembling bodies and gathered together, raised their large shields, and formed a defensive formation. At the same time, they shouted to boost morale: "Fight for the glory of the White Emperor!"

Thick iron shields overlapped side by side and soon turned into a thick iron wall. The shield made of cold iron revealed an indestructible meaning.

The old man looked at the brighter and brighter light above his head, feeling increasingly uneasy.

No, the shield formation composed of these crooked melons and dates cannot stop such an attack. Damn, the offering fee for this trade fair is too low.

The seventh soul ring blocked the light of the other soul rings. Under the influence of the soul ring, the old man who was only 1.5 meters tall instantly swelled up.

Snow-white hair rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an ice storm bear that stood six meters tall, with a thick and thick body, and hair like steel needles.

With the blessing of the martial spirit avatar, the defense power, attack power, and soul power increase by 200%, and the soul skills of rings one to six increase by 50%.

The second and fourth soul rings flashed at the same time.

The second soul skill·Fur Defense, the fourth soul skill·Eternal Wall.

The two bear claws hit the ground heavily, and three huge ice walls rose instantly.

Not enough, not enough.

Just as the old man was desperately squeezing his soul power to thicken the ice wall.

A stream of heat appeared from the body, and a stream of light representing an increase suddenly appeared on the body.

Um? ! Amplified soul skills? When did Jibei have such a high-level auxiliary soul master?

No, now is not the time to worry about such issues.

Relying on the sudden extra soul power in his body, the old man who transformed into an ice storm bear gritted his teeth, and a slightly thinner ice wall rose up in front of him again.

The four ice walls were egg-shaped, protecting everyone behind them, but the ice bear in front of them had been completely wrapped in hair and turned into a ball of fur.

boom! ! !

The thick columnar dragon's breath fell from the sky and hit the first ice wall fiercely.

The first ice wall was broken through with all its strength.

For the second time, hold on for five breaths.

The third course lasted longer.

Crack-crack cracks stretched across the last ice wall.

The furball dumpling was instantly turned into ice crystals by the dragon's breath that broke through the ice wall, and was then washed aside by the dragon's breath.

The soldiers cooperated with the shields and tried their best to stop the dragon's breath, but the frost inevitably eroded and spread from the gaps. The ten people at the front were silent in the cold.

Facing Bailong's counterattack, everyone had reached the limit of their abilities, but they were still inevitably defeated and suffered casualties.

When the frost dragon's breath stopped, the ice wall collapsed at the same time, and the broken ice splashed everywhere.

Bailong was very dissatisfied with this effect and very angry!

In its opinion, the dragon's breath that it had condensed one-third of its soul power should at least kill this group of human reptiles.

But the melodious horn sound sounded again, preventing it from rushing in to hit the target. The soldiers in the city are constantly gathering like ants, and if they drop too low, they may be in danger again.

Only one-third of the soul power was left in the body, and the cracked dragon scales oozing out traces of blood were a constant reminder that if it continued to fight to the death, the best result would be a miserable victory.

The white dragon looked at the humans below and roared unwillingly. The dragon's wings shook, and it turned and flew away.

He remembered this grudge.

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