Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 529 A good show

[Zhangtou Small Theater·Ma Hongjun and the Devil 3·A Farce]

["Is this portrait of you?"

Ma Hongjun glanced at the sword against his neck and nodded calmly: "It's me."

The woman looked at the handsome guy on the wanted poster and was a little confused: "Really?"

Ma Hongjun said without changing his expression: "Yes, I was still very thin at that time."

The woman was a little angry and pointed at the handsome face in the portrait: "This is not you."

Ma Hongjun smiled: "You said he is not me?"

The woman looked at the portrait, then at the little fat man, and shook her head firmly: "No."

Ma Hongjun took a few steps back: "I said he is not me either, this **** is not me at all."

The woman forced herself to calm down, gritted her teeth and said, "What on earth is going on?"

Ma Hongjun's little face wrinkled up and he almost cried: "I still want to know what happened! I was walking in the alley and there was a girl in front of me holding a food box. The smell wafting out was very fragrant. I just called The girl who lived there wanted to ask what was inside. Suddenly, a group of people jumped out. They wanted to arrest me and take me to the government if they accused me of molesting the little girl. I am a soul sect. Can I tolerate others throwing dirty water? I pushed them to the floor with my backhand. Then, you showed up and chased me with a sword for half a month without saying a word."

The woman nodded: "Oh! That's right."

The two stared at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely awkward. ]


The outermost part of Baidi City is surrounded by a tall ring-shaped city wall. On top of the wall, scattered soldiers are on duty in a tense atmosphere.

There were serious soldiers patrolling the streets. No one dared to walk around at will. The doors were closed and there was silence.

The structure of Baidi City is relatively unique. Its terrain gradually rises and bulges from the outside to the inside. At the center of the ring-shaped city wall is a tall and majestic castle that towers toward the sky and is as bright as a lighthouse.

Several consecutive inner ring walls separate the castle from the houses one after another.

The closer you get to the center, the more noble and glorious the building becomes.

City Lord's Hall.

The young city lord was kneeling on the table, handling heavy documents.

The sudden huge snowstorm in the past two days caused disasters of varying degrees in the thirty-seven surrounding affiliated towns and various neighborhoods in Baidi City.

Of course, snow disasters of this magnitude are nothing to the locals who have lived here for thousands of years. People have long been accustomed to it.

However, the traders and tourists who came to the fair did not have such rich experience. In addition, not everyone could afford a guide, there was a language barrier, and some people with ulterior motives deliberately fished in troubled waters, so a lot of troubles occurred.

Many tourists and businessmen have high status. Even if it is a trivial matter, the Public Security Department does not dare to make decisions and can only report it to him step by step.

Such a tedious and troublesome process has caused him to stay at his desk for two consecutive days and one night without sleeping a wink. Even with a third-level cultivation level, he cannot withstand the physical and mental fatigue.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the guard knocked on the door and said respectfully: "My lord, Viscount Savage wishes to see you."

Before the guard could finish reporting, a blond man who looked somewhat similar to the Lord of Baidi City rushed in and said loudly with excitement: "Wow, brother, you didn't see that scene! That slum Almost all of them turned into ice crystal pillars, it’s really amazing! I will also hunt down a dragon beast to use as a spirit ring in the future.”

"It's unbecoming to be so noisy." City Lord Baidi rubbed his eyes, put down the documents he had just approved, and sighed: "You've already told me to call me Lord City Lord outside. I've been saying it for so many years. I haven't seen you change it.

I already knew that a dragon beast broke into the city. Half an hour ago, I sent ten teams of silver-armored guards to deal with the dragon beast. With the worshiper at the trading venue, I should be able to capture it. little things.

What else do you have to do? I'm very busy and don't have time to listen to you. "The Lord of Baidi City picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

"Oh yes, I met your intelligence officer Vasily on the road. He was covered in blood and looked like he was breathing in and out of breath. I asked someone to carry him to a doctor for treatment, but before he left, He stuffed a piece of paper into me and muttered that it was very important news and he wanted to give it to you as soon as possible. When he said that, I rushed over to find you."

Savage slapped his head, quickly took out a crumpled piece of paper from the lining, glanced at it casually, and said:

"Brother, the casualty statistics are written on the paper."

Lord Baidi closed his eyes and whispered, "You can just read it to me. I'll squint for a while after reading the document for so long."

Savage nodded, widened his eyes, carefully read the note that was soaked in blood and could barely read the words, and read: "The casualty statistics of the Dragon Beast Raid: 287 dead, 164 missing, 479 to varying degrees. Injuried.

Property damage: The estimated loss is 10,000 gold coins.

Note: 27 people died in the Silver Iron Guard, 9 people were seriously injured, and 42 people were slightly injured. Four silver-maned horses died, 9 became mentally ill, and 23 suffered varying degrees of injuries."

The Lord of Baidi City remained indifferent, the guards at the door were like statues, and the surrounding atmosphere was as solid and depressing as a dark cloud.

It was so depressing that Savage found it difficult to breathe. It was obviously winter, but he was already sweating profusely, with sweat on his forehead and on his palms.

By the end of the recitation, he couldn't even hear clearly what he was reciting.

Although he is just a dude, he also knows that for a city that is holding a large-scale business event, the sudden attack of soul beasts and such tragic casualties will definitely be a very serious blow to the reputation of a city that is holding a large-scale business event. .

Especially in order to hold this winter trade fair, Baidi City has brought in many unimaginable favors and benefits.

If the participating merchants and nobles knew about this, Baidi City would be the biggest joke in the Far North this year.

Savage's hands couldn't stop shaking, and the fluttering note seemed to weigh a thousand pounds: "Brother, what should I do?"

The Lord of Baidi City let out a heavy sigh, and the cold number of casualties sobered up his groggy brain.

"Savage, take my bodyguard and go immediately." Before he could finish his words, a wail suddenly sounded outside the door.

With a clang, the wooden door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a snow-white figure quickly got in among the guards.

The guards quickly stood in front of the lord, pointing their snow-white blades at the visitor of unknown origin.

"Sorry sir, I didn't stop him."

Stop it! !

He almost cursed when he looked at the old man who was surrounded by guards and lying on the ground wailing.

That's Contra.

All of us put together are not enough to fight with one hand.

The city lord gave each of them a kick. "Why are you trying to stop me? You really have no vision! This is the distinguished guest I invited. Please put away your weapons and get out of here."

The Baidi City Lord didn't see the tired look on his face just now, and his whole person was high-spirited and fiery. He waved away the guard next to him and approached the old man step by step.

Not minding the dirt and ice chips on the old man's clothes, he smiled and helped the old man to a chair aside, "Old Yan, why did you suddenly end up like this?"

The old man known as Mr. Yan trembled and said: "Oh, you are not the dragon cub who suffered a thousand cuts. He has no martial ethics and used his dragon's breath to attack me, a 110-year-old man. He really froze me to death."

d is so shameless, you, an eighty-three-level Contra, come to my place and do misery.

If you weren't such a bad old man and didn't work hard, how could you have let the dragon beast run away and caused me to lose so many elites?

In my heart, I was thinking, but my expression didn't change at all.

Baidicheng's doctrine spoke righteously: "Old Yan, you are the great hero of our Baidicheng, how can you endure such grievances? It just so happened that I just bought a jar of good wine from the trade fair. Savage, you can do it now Go to the wine cellar to take out the wine and warm Mr. Yan’s body.”

Brother, that was bought by my father. He is planning to hold a wine tasting conference in a few days to show off to his friends.

Savage's eyes widened and he winked at Lord Baidi City crazily.

Lord Baidi blinked and said that he would explain to his father when the time comes.

Explain it to me, you big-headed idiot, and I will definitely be the one to take the blame.

Savage had a grimace on his face, and under the angry glare of Lord Baidi, he could only reluctantly leave slowly with small steps.

After a while, a mellow aroma of wine spread into the room, and then Savage walked in carrying a wine jar.

"Well, it smells so good before it's opened."

Just smelling the aroma of wine, the soul power in the body seemed to be drunk, and it was running a little slower.

The old man stopped acting, and he still looked like he was fighting for his life. He was full of energy and intoxicated as he watched Lord Baidi open the seal, pour out the golden wine, and fill a glass.

He carefully lifted it up, put it to his lips, and drank it in one gulp while the wine was not paying attention.

"Uh, good wine, good wine!" The old man's pale face suddenly turned red, and then he burped heavily, and the strong smell of wine suddenly filled the whole room.

"The city lord is so lucky to be able to buy such a fine wine. Old man, I am also lucky to be able to take this opportunity to take a sip of this wine."

The Lord of Baidi City shook his head, "Well, the old man is the hero of my Baidi City. It doesn't hurt to have a few more drinks. Viscount Savage, hurry up and fill up the old man's cup."

Drinking this wine makes you feel at home, like a family.

While talking and laughing, the two secretly made a verbal agreement.

The trade fair will help block the news of the soul beast attacking the city until Baidi City has dealt with that area.

Baidi City secretly lowered the overall tax amount for this trade fair.

After drinking enough, Old Man Yan patted his butt and left. When leaving, only a thin layer of liquid was left on the wine jar.

"Brother, are we going to be bullied by him like this?" Savage said angrily.

"Do you think he only represents himself? He is just a mouthpiece." Lord Baidi glanced at him lightly, then pointed to the empty wine jar: "Find a jar of good wine later and fill it up. Remember, keep the seal sealed. As it is, don’t let father see the flaw.”

"Damn it, you will instigate me." Savage fiercely held the empty jar in his arms.

"The old man just said that dragon soul beasts are particularly vengeful. When the dragon comes to your door, what will you do without the soul Douluo?"

Lord Baidi brought the tea and said calmly: "This is simple. I remember that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family of the Tiandou Empire has been collecting information about various dragon soul beasts for a long time, especially dragon souls that are more than ten thousand years old. The beast is worth thousands of gold.”

"What do you think? As expected of the eldest brother, he can kill two birds with one stone with a borrowed knife. It's wonderful." If it weren't for the inconvenience of holding the jar in his hand, Savage would have wanted to kneel down and shout ** right away.

"Get out of here if you know. I still have a lot of things to do here." Lord Baidi served tea to see off the guests.

I don’t know if the nourishing effect of the tiger bone wine is significant. After drinking the wine, he not only did not feel tired, but his body was not so tired, his spirit was much better, and he felt that he could live another day and night.

When I returned to the desk, I just picked up the secret document when a rapid knocking sounded again on the closed door.

Lord Baidi rubbed his temples tiredly, "What's wrong!"

There was a cry from outside the door: "Sorry, City Lord, the blockade area was attacked by unknown persons."

The Lord of Baidi City waved the guard to put the messenger into the room, and asked seriously: "It's true that a tiger fell down and was bullied by a dog! What are the casualties?"

The messenger lowered his head and reported: "Your Majesty, there are no casualties at the scene."

"No casualties?"

"The guards on duty were knocked unconscious and put aside. They were all knocked unconscious by one blow and there were no other injuries. The dragon blood and dragon scales in the safe were not stolen. It was just that someone dug out a diameter in the center of the blockade. The ten-meter-long crater and the surrounding snow had completely disappeared.

This matter was too bizarre, and the superior did not dare to make a decision at will, so he could only send his subordinates to ask for advice. "

"So the other party has wasted so much effort just to dig soil and steal snow?" The Lord of Baidi City racked his brains and couldn't think of what the other party was going to do. In the end, he could only come to the conclusion: "They are just a bunch of stupid thieves, don't worry about it. them."

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