Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 530 Brothers reunited

[Zhangtou Small Theater·Dragon Boat Festival Special·Eating rice dumplings, drinking orpiment wine, and wearing sachets]

[One night, Ma Hongjun, who was going to the toilet, suddenly noticed a firelight shining in the canteen. When he walked in, he saw Wang Xiaofeng lying on a chair with a grass root in his mouth. The big pot next to him was steaming. He didn't know what was cooking. You can smell a fragrance coming from the pot, it seems to be food.

"What are you cooking if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Wang Xiaofeng didn't even look back and said, "Cook the rice dumplings."

Ma Hongjun glanced at the strange green thing in the pot, "Zongzi?"

"This is our custom. After the Dragon Boat Festival, we have to eat rice dumplings, drink orpiment wine, and wear sachets. Of course, the overall custom process is a bit more complicated, but the conditions here are simple, so we can only do it simply."

Ma Hongjun moved a chair and sat next to Wang Xiaofeng, "This is the first time I have heard of such a custom."

"So the world is lacking in spiritual culture. There are no festivals. There are only brainwashing religious activities and emperors' birthdays." Wang Xiaofeng said something that made people confused.

"It's been cooking for two hours. It should be almost done. Fatty, go call everyone over to eat rice dumplings."

When he heard that the rice dumplings were cooked, Ma Hongjun jumped up with excitement. When Wang Xiaofeng wasn't paying attention, he quietly took two from the pot and prepared to eat them while walking. As soon as he opened the kitchen door, two figures fell in.

"Oscar, and Boss Dai?"

Dai Mubai patted his clothes nonchalantly and stood up, saying, "Ah, the moonlight is so beautiful today. Is this the so-called zongzi? Let me try it first." With that, he snatched the zongzi from Ma Hongjun's hand.

"Ah! It's obviously in the pot, why are you trying to steal it from me? Damn it, look at my Phoenix FireWire!"

"White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

Flames and light waves intertwined, turning into gorgeous fireworks in the dark night.

Zao Wou-Ki and Flanders secretly drank orpiment wine in the corner: "Young people are full of energy."

"Don't tell me, this orpiment wine has a special taste.\

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