Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 531: It was you who brought Bai Long here.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng entered the door, he felt a burst of cold air rushing towards him.

He glanced around calmly, taking in the situation in the room.

The layout of the room is extremely simple. Except for a set of tables, chairs and a screen to separate the line of sight, there is no extra furniture.

The fireplace was filled with burning wood, and a brazier was placed in the corner, but the temperature inside the room was no different from outside, it was just as cold.

And the source that absorbs the surrounding heat and emits cold air like a black hole lies motionless on the bed, like a zombie.

If it weren't for the fact that this person was still breathing weakly, it wouldn't be much of a problem to just treat him as a corpse.

Sitting in front of the fireplace, the bearded man stopped delivering wood to the fireplace. He patted the sawdust on his hands, stood up and said softly: "Mr. Victor, this is the medical skill you have been talking about." Dr. He is a very smart doctor, he really has an extraordinary appearance."

Although he said this, judging from the numb expression on the other person's face and the formulaic stiff smile, I am afraid that the critical illness notices issued by the previous doctors who came to diagnose him have pushed his inner hope to the lowest point.

Victor introduced each other, "Yes, this is Dr. He. Despite his young age, his medical skills are extraordinary. This is Xiao Ao."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. He changed his muscles and pinched his face. He didn't know what it looked like. It was just a popular face.

"There's no need to say too much about flattery. Take me to see where the patient is."

Wang Xiaofeng did not recognize Oscar on the spot. After all, he was now Dr. He Beibei and was here to treat patients. Although he was an unlicensed physician, he still had basic professional qualities.

Anyway, we have found the person, and we can recognize each other anytime.

"The patient is here."

Victor took Wang Xiaofeng a few steps forward, crossed the screen, and saw with his own eyes the patient lying on the bed.

The patient was wrapped in a heavy quilt, with only his head exposed, like a big ice cube that was constantly emitting cold air.

Wang Xiaofeng walked forward unceremoniously and opened the quilt, and suddenly a naked male body appeared in front of him.

The man has a strong build and a calm face, as if he is asleep. Apart from the fact that there are tiny shards of ice on the surface of his body and his breathing is very weak, there is nothing unusual about his appearance. He seems to be simply frozen. .

Wang Xiaofeng placed his finger on the man's wrist, seemingly diagnosing his pulse, but actually sending soul power and mental power into his body to check his physical condition.

The mental power went smoothly, but as soon as the soul power was input, he was hit by an unusually cold energy counterattack. In just the blink of an eye, the tiny ice slag on the man's body spread along Wang Xiaofeng's fingertips towards his palms. And go.

Wang Xiaofeng snorted coldly and shook his hand casually. The ice-blue energy attached to his palm was thrown directly into the brazier in the corner like garbage.

The brazier, which was still trying to dissipate heat, was suddenly wrapped in ice crystals. The flames inside were not extinguished by the low temperature, but were instead vividly frozen inside the ice crystals.

Victor was surprised: "Even the flames can be frozen! What a terrible cold."

Wang Xiaofeng twisted his wrist with a bad look on his face. He was very familiar with this alien energy that corroded the bones and eroded everything. He was still studying it half an hour ago.

Co-author It turns out that it was you who introduced Bailong into the city.

Oscar was still sighing that he finally had a reliable doctor. When he looked up, he saw Wang Xiaofeng giving him a vicious look.

When did I mess with Dr. He? Oscar was a little confused, but he still hid behind him very carefully.

This is not a fear, I just feel that too many people are watching, which may affect the diagnosis of my brother's condition.

Victor rubbed his hands and said, "Dr. He, this"

"Don't worry, I'll take a look again." Wang Xiaofeng's fingertips touched the man's wrist again. This time he only used his mental power. Sure enough, it did not cause an energy riot in the other man's body, and some energy erosion was also absorbed by his soul. The force was separated.

The expression on Wang Xiaofeng's face kept changing, which made Victor standing aside become frightened.

"Alas." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and stood up.

When Victor saw this, he couldn't help but sigh. Wang Xiaofeng was already the last doctor he could find in a short time.

Although he was well prepared, Victor still couldn't help but whisper in a low voice: "Poor brother of mine, he has been having bad luck since he was a child. But it's okay, instead of living in such a muddle-headed world, it's better to Go back and give birth to a good child in your next life."

Oscar sobbed in a low voice: "Oh, Brother Hot, I'm sorry for you."

"What are you talking about?" Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the two of them strangely, "I was lamenting your good luck. If it were two days later and the energy had completely eroded the heart veins, then we could only pray for a miracle from the gods. .”

Victor's dim eyes suddenly burst into brilliance: "You mean it can be cured?"

"Of course it can be cured, but the initial treatment plan is to focus on recovery. His physical condition is too bad." Wang Xiaofeng took out a piece of paper from the soul guide and wrote down several recipes for medicinal meals.

"The first phase is mainly about recuperating the body and restoring vitality. It will last about a month. During this period, I will stabilize the condition and prevent it from getting worse."

Wang Xiaofeng handed the written recipe to Victor.

Victor carefully put the thin paper into his arms, but he still raised a question: "I have tried to let my servants feed some food before, but whether it is tableware or soup, as long as it comes into contact with the body, it will be The energy erodes it and turns it into ice crystals, which are impossible to touch."

"This is the part I need to solve. You guys step back a little." Wang Xiaofeng asked the two of them to stand by the fireplace and twisted their wrists.

Cyan soul power rose up from Wang Xiaofeng's body like arrogance, and was then tightly bound within one meter of his body.

"So strong!" Victor was even more eager to make friends. As a doctor and a powerful soul master, this was simply the best human connection.

"This soul power?!" Oscar looked at the completely unfamiliar doctor in front of him in disbelief. Although he did not see the iconic gourd, his soul power would not be fake.

Brother Feng?

As if he felt threatened, the man lying on the hospital bed also burst out with a burst of extremely cold energy. Blue energy swept around, and the temperature in the room instantly dropped several degrees.

The soul power outside the body temporarily blocked the erosion of the ice energy. Wang Xiaofeng walked to the side and slapped his right hand hard on the Dantian. The invisible soul power erupted from the palm of his hand, pulling the opponent's internal organs and deeper cold in one breath. poison.

This time it was like poking a hornet's nest directly.

The ice energy in the man's body seemed to have found its target, and it eroded towards Wang Xiaofeng's right arm.

But after it spread to the elbow, it couldn't go up, and the ice energy could only continue to accumulate on the arm.

The ice crystals on Wang Xiaofeng's right arm continued to expand. In just a few minutes, they became as big as a basin.

The mental power scanned back and forth at high frequency, giving Wang Xiaofeng feedback on the opponent's physical condition.

[Except for some energy left in my heart, everything else has come to me. 】

When Wang Xiaofeng had an idea, he swung his right arm violently, and the thin layer of soul power attached to his right arm was cut off. Large icicles from the basin fell off his arm smoothly, smashed through the window and fell outside. In the pool.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and then a cold wind swept by.

There is a five-meter-high water flower ice sculpture in the center of the pool, and the surrounding plants are covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

"What a terrifying thing." Victor tremblingly held up his felt hat that was tilted to the side. He turned his head and saw that the surface of the man's body on the hospital bed had lost all the ice residue and returned to his normal appearance.

Victor said happily: "Is this cured?"

"It's just treating the symptoms rather than the root cause." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "As long as he is still alive, the bit of ice energy remaining in his body will continue to devour his soul power and restore him to his previous state."

"So my treatment plan is to do the opposite. On the one hand, I will continue to strengthen his physical fitness, and on the other hand, I will continue to weaken the energy level of the ice energy in his body. Finally, I will swallow this energy and turn it into my own use. "

Victor smacked his lips, "What a bold idea, a genius-like idea."

"Because it is a temporary plan, the possibility of recovery is only about 30%. The next step is to continuously optimize the plan to try to increase the cure rate. As for more, it only depends on his will to survive."

Wang Xiaofeng took out a sealed bag filled with glucose water from the gourd at his waist and hung it on the screen. The hollow rattan was connected to the bag and then to the needle. After flicking, the liquid flowed out smoothly from the needle, and then was accurately inserted into the acupuncture points. .

"Take something to fix the needle, and you can pull it out when the liquid in the bag is gone."

Oscar quickly took out a bandage and wrapped it around it.

"Now we can supplement the patient's nutrition." Wang Xiaofeng turned to look at Victor: "So where is my room?"

"I'll take you there right now."

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