Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 532 Resting

The room Victor originally prepared for Wang Xiaofeng was in the next room.

But such an explosion of ice energy caused the air of ice to erode the entire courtyard. Until the cold air dissipated, no one could live here anymore, and the entire courtyard might have to be renovated.

The patient needed to be transferred and Wang Xiaofeng's room had to be relocated.

So during the resettlement period, Victor directly brought Wang Xiaofeng to the restaurant.

The maids placed the exquisite dishes on the long table like an assembly line. Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Victor in surprise, but he didn't expect that he actually asked the chef to prepare a banquet for him.

"Doctor He, treat this as your own home, you're welcome."

Looking at the dazzling array of delicacies on the long table, Wang Xiaofeng and Victor chatted and laughed for a while before starting to enjoy.

Product resources in the far north are already relatively scarce. With the heavy snowfall two days ago, prices have doubled and skyrocketed.

Even if you don’t have a special relationship, you can’t buy daily necessities with money.

For this reason, Wang Xiaofeng has been eating dry food for several days in a row and has lost all taste. It's rare to kill a big player, so of course, let's eat freely.

Victor was very happy at the banquet. When people are happy, they tend to drink too much. His face turned red even though he didn't eat much of the food in front of him. He tried to pull Wang Xiaofeng's hand, obviously he was too drunk.

Wang Xiaofeng could only knock him out with one fist and let him return to his mother's arms.

The meal lasted for a full hour, and only after all the food for three hundred people had been eaten, Wang Xiaofeng let the exhausted chefs go.

That night.

The dark clouds in the sky were torn apart, and the bright and soft moonlight was like slowly flowing water, trickling down and wrapping around the house.

Although it was getting late, the candlelight in the house was flickering, and it was obvious that the owner of the house had not rested yet.

There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, intermittently, until they stopped at the door.

Knock knock~

"Doctor He, are you asleep? I'm Xiao Ao. Thank you very much for saving Brother Haote. I specially grilled some sausages for you as a midnight snack."

A delicate voice came from outside the house.

In a storybook novel, the following plot would be a popular science book that could consume dozens of tissues.

It's a pity that the other party is a bearded man instead of a beautiful lady with a light body and a soft body.

There was no reply from the room, so Oscar couldn't help but knock on the door again, "Doctor He?"

"Stop knocking, it's on the roof." A voice came from above.

Oscar took a deep breath, used his soul power, and easily climbed up using the gaps between the bricks.

The originally empty roof was covered with lush vines at some point.

After he climbed up, the dense vines seemed to have consciously made way for a path that could only accommodate one person.

Oscar got in skillfully.

After taking a few steps forward, it suddenly became clear.

The second floor seemed to have appeared out of thin air, but without the roof.

The moonlight that was originally scattered around was gathered together like a dragon absorbing water, and was sucked into the ordinary gourd hanging on the top of the eaves.

The most important thing is the young man sitting aside and taking a nap.

All the visions are locked in this small world surrounded by rattan, and nothing is revealed.

This scene had been seen countless times in Shrek's Mimicry Training Garden of the Botanical Department, but it had never brought tears to his eyes like this time.

"Brother Feng~"

"No, I can't bear to be called you." Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "You have strong wings, right? You sneaked out of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect without saying hello, and formed a team on your own to travel to the far north to obtain the soul ring, right? ,ah!"

"If Mubai hadn't taken the jade pendant and said you disappeared in the far north, I wouldn't have known you had done such a big thing."

The oppressive soul power filled the surroundings, causing the soul power in Oscar's body to slow down a few beats.

"Let me see how much progress you have made in these six months of being alone."

An angry person cannot be reasoned with, let alone the one who is in the wrong.

Better run away.

As soon as the idea of ​​​​Oscar came up, Wang Xiaofeng stepped in front of him and grabbed his shoulders firmly.

"let me see!"

"Brother Feng doesn't want it~"

Those who heard the screams of tears were isolated in this small world.

After a violent beating, Wang Xiaofeng stood up with a refreshed look.

Oscar, on the other hand, squatted in the corner with his pig face, wiping his tears and eating a big sausage to reduce swelling.

"The soul power is not bad, it has actually been raised to level 50, and the awareness is not bad. He has predicted my attacks a few times. Except for these two items, not only has there been no progress, but a slight regression." Wang Xiaofeng made some comments.

"So how did you provoke that dragon and cause me to be scratched by it?" Wang Xiaofeng felt a dull pain in his chest as he spoke.

"I don't know." Oscar stuck out his tongue and said innocently: "I was cooking by the river, and it suddenly rushed out of the water and spitted at us."

"Oh I got it.

It probably means that you entered someone else's home and not only saw the owner in the shower, but also took away their belongings. "

Here it comes, here it comes, Brother Feng’s wonderful metaphor.

Oscar complained: "It shouldn't be that exaggerated, right? And we didn't take anything from it."

"The water for cooking must be drawn from the river. Did you pick up some wild fruits or something at that time?" Wang Xiaofeng clicked his tongue.

Soul beasts look at problems from a different perspective than humans, especially dragons, who are notoriously stingy and petty.

From Bailong's perspective, everything in the entire territory is its private property and is sacrosanct.

As for why he refused to let them go after chasing them for such a long distance, Wang Xiaofeng deduced that the dragon was most likely a female dragon, otherwise why would there be so much resentment.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Oscar stopped struggling and lay flat on the ground and vomited his bitterness: "Oh, it's really a bad year. Not to mention that the age of the mirror beast is not suitable, and he provoked an ancestor for no reason."

"Wait a minute, you met the Mirror Beast in Thousand Needles Forest?"

"Yes, according to the method of judging soul beasts taught by the master, it is probably between a thousand and thirteen hundred years."

"Really? The age is a bit low." Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin, "It seems that after Brother Haote cures you, we have to go back to Thousand Needles Forest."

Oscar sat up in shock: "Huh? I finally got rid of that lizard, why do I have to go back again?"

"First of all, the thousand-year-old Mirror Shadow Beast is only three meters long, while the gossip that spread throughout Thousand Needles Town in the past few months describes an unknown soul beast that is five meters long and emitting crystal light. There is a big difference between the two.

Secondly, the mirror beast is larger in size and is a carnivorous creature. It must grow in a place with abundant food.

In addition, the Thousand Needles Forest is considered a rich area in the entire Far North Circle, and there have been no reports of any powerful spirit beasts in it before.

So I guess that there may be more than one mirror beast in Thousand Needles Forest, and there may be a small group inside. "

Oscar was quite moved, but he still calmly analyzed: "If I enter the Thousand Needles Forest, the dog lizard will definitely be noticed.

On the way to escape, several of the abduction devices I set up clearly deceived it, but in the end the lizard always found us accurately. "

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes.

Nonsense, the ice energy in Hot's body is a signal source, it would be strange if others couldn't find it.

"Okay, that's it, it's decided. Once Haote is cured, I will help you hunt for soul rings.

That dragon was taken care of by the Contras stationed in the city. If it doesn't rest for a year and a half, its injury will never recover. If it dares to come out by then, it's not sure who will take care of who. "

You have big fists, so you can do whatever you say.

Such frivolous words sounded very reassuring to Oscar, and he fell asleep unconsciously while lying on the roof.

With the full support of Victor, a big drug dealer, in just one week, Hot went from being on the verge of breathing out the second he stepped into the gate of hell, to being kicked back to the world by the God of Wealth.

The power of money is truly powerful.

"Well, here I am, where am I?"

"Brother Hao, you finally woke up!"

Hot looked at Oscar who was shouting excitedly in confusion, and his mind was still a little confused: "I didn't expect that even Xiao Ao could not escape the dragon's mouth. Hey, why is the boss Victor here? Are you dead too? "

Seeing Hot's awakening, Oscar and Victor couldn't wait to express their feelings.

"We are not dead. It was Boss Victor who saved us, and yes, Doctor He."

"Brother Haote, stop being a mercenary. It's too dangerous. I've always reserved the position of guard captain for you."

Noisy words surrounded him, but he didn't feel irritated at all. He breathed the cold air greedily.

Well, it’s great that he’s not dead.

Haote closed his eyes in relief.

Wang Xiaofeng did not tolerate them, and directly kicked them out: "The patients need to rest, get out of here."

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