Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 533: Twelve uses of dragon blood (Part 2)

Hot's physical condition is getting better day by day. On the third day after waking up, he can already try to get out of bed and walk alone.

It can only be said that he is worthy of a man who talks and laughs with bad luck. Wang Xiaofeng has only seen such a strong recovery ability in Zao Wuji.

"I'll start on the count of one, get ready, three!"

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly drew out a ball of ice energy.

Hot's eyes widened, and a heart-breaking pain instantly spread from his chest throughout his body. The pain made him, a man of 1.9 meters, open his mouth wide, but his throat was so numb that he couldn't make a sound.

Otka next to him saw this and quickly stuffed the small sausage in, then dragged the person to the bed and lay down.

Every three days, Wang Xiaofeng will clear out the ice energy in Haote's body that is constantly devouring his soul power.

This is the third purge.

The first two times were done when Hot was unconscious. I didn't expect the clearance reaction to be so painful. It seems that next time physical anesthesia can be used in advance to reduce the patient's pain.

Wang Xiaofeng cut off the soul power contaminated with ice energy in his hand and put it into a special stone box that could preserve the soul power.

This bit of ice energy is very stable and can be retained for a very long time due to its soul-devouring properties. For Wang Xiaofeng, this is a sample worth collecting.

"Haote's physical recovery is better than I imagined, and his willpower is also amazing. I think that after three more days of training, we can start the next stage of treatment."

Victor glanced at Hot, who was twitching on the bed, and quietly took a few steps back: "You are the attending physician, you have the final say."

Wang Xiaofeng rewrote the formula of the medicated diet on the paper. The patient's condition was much higher than expected, and the previously formulated treatment plan had to be changed accordingly.

"Here, a new recipe. Don't keep those hundred-year-old tonics in your house for the New Year. Use them all to restore him to the peak of the Level 69 Soul Emperor within three days."

Victor's face turned green as he looked at the dozens of century-old medicinal materials on the paper.

Even his net worth is a bit of a pain in the ass.

"There's no need to rush."

"Time waits for no one." Wang Xiaofeng said meaningfully: "Do you want a level 69 soul emperor brother, or a level 70 soul saint brother?"

"I'm going to look through my dad's collection room now." Victor's fat body suddenly exploded at an unimaginable speed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Oscar was a little confused: "Do you need so many precious medicinal materials?"

"Of course not."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled meaningfully: "Victor himself knew it was unnecessary, but he didn't care.

The more you pay, the more favors you owe. Even if those medicinal materials were multiplied ten times, they wouldn't be as valuable as Soul Saint's favor. "

Hot recovered early and his strength further improved, Victor received favors from the Soul Saint, Oscar had a stronger big brother, and his theoretical results were verified.

Killing four birds with one stone, everyone has a bright future.

Sure enough, this is the art of language.

Wang Xiaofeng returned to his house to prepare for the treatment in three days.

But when he came to the house, an inconspicuous thing caught his attention.

A gardener was clearing the weeds in the yard, but he divided the weeds into two piles, one pile was thrown together randomly, and the other pile was arranged neatly and tied into a bundle with a rope.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xiaofeng asked curiously.

The gardener was startled, but he knew that Wang Xiaofeng was a guest living here, so he did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied: "Sir, the young one is collecting wire grass."

"The rhizome is as black as iron wire, and the grass is as its name suggests." Wang Xiaofeng squatted down curiously, cut off the stems and leaves, and brown juice flowed down along his fingertips.

I tasted it and found it tasted bitter but not poisonous.

The gardener explained his behavior: "Boiled wire grass into juice and soaked in it can strengthen the body. The villain is going to take it home and give the child a bath."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "You are busy with your business, don't worry about me."

At night, while eating, Wang Xiaofeng told this interesting story.

Victor said with emotion: "Uncle Fu is also a poor man. His wife left the child just after giving birth. The child was born prematurely and was weak. He barely learned to walk at the age of three.

I don’t know where Fu Bo heard the saying that bathing with wire grass can strengthen the body. Anyway, he persisted in this way for several years.

As a person who sells medicinal materials, I don't know if it has the effect of building a body, but I didn't expose him. After all, people always need a little hope to persist in life.

The wire grass is similar to the blue silver grass over there. It can grow if there is a gap. It can be found anywhere in the far north.

But thanks to it, I remember when I was a kid, there was a big snowstorm in the far north, and all the food crops died. It was by eating this thing that everyone barely survived. "

Wang Xiaofeng spent the whole night with Victor reminiscing about hardships and sweet things.

Early the next morning, the gardener Fu Bo found that the wire grass around the yard had been cleared away. He suddenly felt that his memory was getting worse and worse.

On the third day, Victor came to knock on the door, but was stopped by Oscar. He was told that the other party was preparing the liquid medicine. It had reached a critical stage and it was not convenient to see guests.

Victor can only come here in good spirits and return in disgrace.

Day four, night.

The warm room became cold and dry.

The doors and windows were closed, and the fire flickered.

All kinds of equipment take up all the space in the house.

In the corner, a shadow was watching the potion in his hand gradually turn from dark blue to transparent, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.


"Brother Feng, you look like a villain when you smile like this." Oscar, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but say.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but glare at him, he really had no sense of humor.

"Is this considered done? Brother Hao won't explode if he drinks it, right?" Oscar looked at the transparent liquid in Wang Xiaofeng's hand and couldn't help but ask.

In the past few days, he had watched how the violent lizard blood went from exploding at the touch to becoming as stable and harmless as it is now.

Victor sent people to fill the big hole outside the window more than a dozen times.

Wang Xiaofeng spread his hands and said, "Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe Haote. His body is stronger than you think, and he won't die from drinking."

Randomly finding a wooden plug to seal the mouth of the tube, Wang Xiaofeng put the experimental equipment into the gourd and pushed open the door.

Victor had been waiting outside the house for a long time. When he saw this, he quickly came over and asked, "How are you doing?"

Wang Xiaofeng shook the reagent in his hand: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. Let Haote come over. Whether he can succeed or not depends on him."

"I'm here." Hot in the corner couldn't help but said.

Wang Xiaofeng was startled: "Hey, when did you come here?"

I'll always stand by.

Haote rolled his eyes and took the potion from Wang Xiaofeng's hand, which was about the size of his little finger.

It's transparent, but if you look closely, you can see little ice crystals flashing inside.

"what should I do."

Wang Xiaofeng made a gesture of drinking water, "Just drink it directly, but it's best first"

Before he finished speaking, Haote popped open the cork with one hand and poured the potion directly into his mouth.

After drinking it, he smacked his mouth and said, "It's a bit spicy, and it's also a bit cold."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Victor who was standing aside: "Are all people with beast spirits so naive?"

Victor shrugged, self-explanatory.

Haote still wanted to refute himself, but the soul power in his body began to run rampant. The astonishing cold air centered on him and spread crazily around him.

Wang Xiaofeng carried Victor back more than ten meters until he exited the courtyard.

Ten seconds later, the entire courtyard was enveloped and swallowed by ice crystals.

Victor was frightened. This was completely different from what he initially expected: "You are simply a madman! You actually strengthened the energy in his body!"

"What you want to get, you have to pay for it. Exchange of equal value is very fair." Wang Xiaofeng calmly straightened out his wrinkled clothes. "I have prepared the energy needed for him to break through the level. The rest is It's up to him whether he has the ability to take it."

A battle without gunpowder officially begins.

PS: There are twelve uses of dragon blood, one of which is as a base fluid for soul power increasing potions. Second: Cultivate dragon blood grass.

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