Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 534 The Snow Soul Demonic Bear with Mutated Martial Soul

"To two."

"I can't afford it." "No."

"Shunzi" Wang Xiaofeng threw all the bamboo cards in his hand on the table.

The evil noble once again played tricks on the peasants and won.

Victor angrily threw the bamboo card in his hand on the table, "Damn it, I lost again. Xiao Ao, you shouldn't have played my card just now."

Oscar shook his head with a wry smile, and put down the cards in his hand: "I didn't expect you to be able to afford Four."

"Come on, come on, stick it on quickly." Wang Xiaofeng smeared transparent mucus on the note and placed it in front of Victor, "You don't want to cheat, do you?"

"You can insult my character, but you can't slander my credibility." Victor picked up the note, but found with embarrassment that there was no place on his face anymore. Under Wang Xiaofeng's teasing eyes, he could only stick it on his face. neck.

Victor glared at Wang Xiaofeng. He always felt that the other party had cheated, but there was no evidence.

"If you don't do it again, you won't believe it!"

"Then let's play another game." Wang Xiaofeng shuffled the bamboo cards again and distributed them again.

Victor touched the bamboo card and looked at it, and he was immediately happy.

Two emperors and four 2s, I don’t know how to lose?

This wave is the victory of the evil nobles! !

Oscar's mind was not on the card game. He looked at the quiet courtyard not far away and said with concern: "It's the third day today and there's still no movement. Brother Hot, won't it be cold already?" Bar?"

Wang Xiaofeng lowered his head to sort out the bamboo cards in his hand, and said without raising his head: "I have already said that this medicine cannot kill people, and the worst result is that the energy will conflict and the cultivation will be scrapped and become a useless person.

But judging by the time, we will probably be able to tell what the outcome will be tonight at the latest. "

Victor said: "No news is the best news. The longer Brother Haote persists, the more it means he is almost successful. Versus three."

Oscar nodded: "Boss Victor, what you said makes sense. I have to have confidence in Brother Haote. To Four."

Wang Xiaofeng took a bite of the pastry in a leisurely manner and said, "Yes."

Victor squinted his eyes, his sharp gaze as if he wanted to see through the bamboo card in Wang Xiaofeng's hand, but unfortunately the other person smiled without revealing any flaws.

How can anyone play such a big card at the beginning of the game? It's weird.

But when Victor looked at the cards in his hand, he regained his confidence.

It doesn't matter if I let you play a few cards first. The winner is the one who laughs at the end. Is it possible that you can beat me?

"Don't do it, Shunzi."

Wang Xiaofeng threw all the bamboo cards in his hand on the table

"Farmers win."

"How is it possible!" Victor's eyes widened, "How is it possible that there are such outrageous cards? You must be cheating."

Wang Xiaofeng spread his hands and said, "You can't afford to lose, and which of your eyes saw me cheating?"

Victor acted shamelessly: "Although I can't provide evidence, you must have cheated."

Oscar quickly deflected: "Hey, don't make any noise, don't make any noise, look, there's something going on in the courtyard!"

After saying that, there was a tremor on the ground, and the tall and thick crystal pillars surrounding the courtyard began to collapse and disintegrate, turning into fine smoothies and falling on the ground.

The gray smoothie turned into dust and filled the surroundings, making it difficult to see what was going on inside, and the surrounding temperature became even lower.

Victor shivered and tightened the thick leather coat tightly, but it was completely useless. The cold seemed to penetrate through the clothes and skin, reaching to the bone marrow.

"Something's wrong. I'll go in and check the situation." Wang Xiaofeng asked Oscar to take Victor and stay away from this area.

Seeing the two figures disappear from sight, the four yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings rose again after a long absence, turning into amplifying light and entering his body, and the gourd was also held in his hand.

The courtyard was deserted, and there was a vast expanse of white in front of me.

Flowers, houses, everything turned into smoothies on the ground along with the icicles, without any obstruction.

Wang Xiaofeng saw the motionless giant bear in the middle of the courtyard at a glance.

Um? It's wrong to actually enter the state of possession by the martial spirit. It doesn't look like a half-animal and half-human being in the possessed state, but more like the true body of the martial spirit.

Can you enter the martial soul true body without the seventh soul ring? Wang Xiaofeng's eyes lit up and he strode forward.

The giant bear in front of him lay quietly on the ground.

Xiaofeng, the Snow Demon Bear and Wuhun Wang, has also seen it, but the giant bears on the ground at this time cannot be said to be similar, it can only be said that they are two completely different species.

Compared with the previous Snow Demon Bear, the body of the giant bear in front of him not only grew by thirty centimeters, but the bloated muscles on his body disappeared, and his body became more slender, more like a tiger and leopard.

There is a snow-white dragon tail on the buttocks, but it is very short, only thirteen centimeters. There is also a single horn on the top of the head, which is like jade.

It has a dragon tail, a single horn, and looks like a giant bear.

"Is this Pixiu? The bloodline is back to the ancestors?" Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin, feeling a little unsure.

From the outside, it looks like an incomplete atavistic creature like the Evil Fire Phoenix, but from the perspective of the process, it looks more like the result of a helpless compromise between bloodline and martial spirit.

No, Pixiu is originally the product of blood crossbreeding.

Interesting, really interesting.

It was just a 20L potion of concentrated dragon blood with no impurities removed. Why could it cause such a drastic change?

Could it be that martial soul, bloodline, and soul power are more closely related than I imagined?

calm down.

If drinking a little dragon blood could turn into a dragon spirit, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family would have ruled the Douluo Continent long ago.

Make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

I need more experimental data.

As soon as Haote opened his eyes, he saw Wang Xiaofeng gently stroking his body, mumbling incomprehensible terms, and constantly pulling out hairs in his hands.

It seemed like some evil soul master was doing some kind of horrifying research.

No, no, Dr. He cured me so conscientiously, how could I slander him in my heart.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng taking out the scissors and getting ready to strike, Haote couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Doctor He, you are almost balding that area of ​​my body."

What came out of his mouth was a heart-rending roar.

Hey, why am I speechless?

Hot subconsciously wanted to touch his throat, but ended up raising a pair of furry hands, looking down and seeing his furry lower body.

After realizing it, he began to panic: "Doctor He! Why did I turn into a bear?"

The bear's claw clawed at his shoulder. Wang Xiaofeng lowered his head to avoid it. The strong wind from his palm blew over his scalp, leaving several cuts on the ground behind him.

Ping A also comes with a long-range attack? ! What kind of mutation is this? This is the ultimate evolution.

Hot wailed: "Doctor He, please help me, I don't want to be like a bear all the time."

The sharp bear claws grabbed at him again. Wang Xiaofeng quickly squatted down with his head in his arms and said: "Relax, relax. You are now in the form of a half-martial spirit. You know the dragon transformation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, which is probably similar to That way, use your thoughts to control your martial spirit and take it back."

After leaving a few more cuts on the flat ground, Hotter managed to calm down.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

The giant bear closed its eyes. After a while, Wang Xiaofeng watched the four-meter-tall giant bear slowly transform into a 1.8-meter-tall naked man.

Hotter looked at the smooth skin and said happily: "I've changed back! Doctor, you really didn't lie to me. Hey, why do I seem to have become shorter."

Originally he was 1.93 meters tall, half a head taller than Wang Xiaofeng, but now he could only look at eye level with him.

"You have become shorter and stronger." Wang Xiaofeng took out the clothes from the soul guide and threw them to him, joking: "Hurry up and put them on, Xiao Ao and Victor are still anxiously waiting for news about you."

PS: Twelve uses of dragon blood, the third one: inducing mutation of martial spirits of the same attribute (doubtful).

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