Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 535 Martial Spirit Pixiu

Oscar and Victor were very happy to see Haote return safely.

When he heard that he had successfully broken through to level 70, Victor immediately waved his hand and ordered his attendants to hold a banquet to prepare for a grand celebration.

Hot scratched his head in embarrassment: "Boss Victor, I'm so sorry for accidentally destroying your courtyard again."

Victor waved his hand and said with a nonchalant expression: "Brothers are like siblings, money is like dung. It's just a few courtyards. As long as you return safely, Brother Haote, it doesn't matter if you destroy a few more."

Hot was so moved that he held Victor's hand and choked up: "I will definitely repay it."

The two wished they could have become opposite-sex brothers on the spot.

Oscar shook his head when he saw this, but turned around to see Wang Xiaofeng writing something on the cardboard.

Oscar has often seen this look in small shabby villages before, "Have you got inspiration again?"

"A little bit, but more of a doubt." Wang Xiaofeng said without raising his head: "I was going to help you get the soul ring in two days, but there were unexpected changes in Haote's martial soul. Stay and observe for a few days.”

Regarding his fifth soul ring, Oscar is not as urgent as he imagined. After more than half a year of experience, his temperament has changed a lot. At this time, he is more concerned about Hot's situation.

"Ah? Brother Hao, is he okay?"

"I can't guarantee it, so I need to observe." Wang Xiaofeng turned to look at Victor, who was having a heated fight with Hot: "Hey, Victor, do you know where there is a place to practice soul skills? The bigger the better."

Victor thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "There seems to be no place specifically for practicing soul skills in Baidi City, but I know there is a place that is big and spacious. You can build it as you like. The most important thing is that no one will disturb you."

It happened that the sky was still dark at this time, and it would take time to prepare for the banquet, so Victor took a few people on a quick trip.

The carriage went north along the road, and the number of houses along the way decreased visibly. Finally, the carriage stopped at an overgrown intersection.

"Wait for us here." Victor ordered the groom, then turned to look at the crowd: "We still have to walk further in."

"When I was young, our family lived nearby. There were many brothers in the family and we didn't have much money to buy toys. This was our amusement park. We could roll grass rings, catch bugs, and throw mud. The place was huge, and there were different fun activities every day."

Everyone followed Victor for ten minutes before a row of half-meter-high guardrails blocked the road.

"Wait for me for a moment." Victor said, ran to the side and knocked on the window.


"it's me."

It was quiet for a moment, and suddenly there was a curse.

"Why haven't you gone to hell yet, you bastard?"

The window suddenly opened, something was thrown out, and then closed with a swish.

"I'll treat you to a drink in a few days." Regardless of whether the other party could hear him or not, Victor picked up the key and twisted the door lock for a long time before reluctantly opening the rusty door.

"Please, everyone."

It's desolate and desolate outside, but there's something different when you come in.

A three-meter-high wall surrounds the surrounding area, and some weeds grow scattered on the flat sand.

There is a huge Chinese character "武" flying on the flag stand on the side.

"You actually brought us into the school grounds." Oscar said in disbelief, "We can't get caught if we just come in like this."

Victor shrugged and said: "Don't worry, this place will only be used during spring recruitment and training of new recruits. It is vacant at other times. No one will come here at ordinary times."

Got it, Qingshui Yamen.

No wonder even the guards were so slack, sleeping until late in the afternoon without anyone taking care of them.

The campus is located in a remote location and occupies a spacious area.

The only buildings around were a warehouse for equipment and a hut for the guards to rest.

Wang Xiaofeng was very satisfied with this place. Even if Haote lost control and ran away during the test, it would not cause much damage.

"This place is nice."

"That's natural." In response to Wang Xiaofeng's praise, Victor touched his nose very proudly, "By the way, why are you suddenly looking for such a place?"

Wang Xiaofeng calmly stated the problems that occurred with Haote.

"Stop, stop, stop, what you are talking about about bloodline and soul power makes my head spin. Anyway, Dr. He, you are very capable, and you will definitely be able to solve Brother Haote's problems." Victor rubbed his head.

My head hurts so much, it feels like my brain is growing.

The beauty from Yingxiang Tower still speaks nicely.

The sky was not as bright as before. Victor turned around and said, "Have you finished reading? Let's go back and have a banquet now."

The day after the banquet, Victor couldn't wait to rush into the Yingchun Building, while Wang Xiaofeng took the two of them to stay in the school grounds.

The two parties did not interfere with each other, and they would not meet until dinner in the evening to chat about the interesting things of the day.

In this way, three days passed by in a hurry.

In the center of the school ground, the giant bear roared suddenly, and appeared next to Oscar 20 meters away in the blink of an eye. A shield condensed from its soul power appeared on the two of them.

"That's it. The sixth soul skill test is over. Let's stop and rest for a while."

Hearing Wang Xiaofeng's cry, the giant bear took out a breath, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and slowly transformed back into his human form.

There are irregular craters all around.


Hearing Wang Xiaofeng's inquiry, Oscar smacked his lips: "My attack power, soul power and defense power have indeed increased by 50%."

Wang Xiaofeng wrote down the data truthfully, then looked at the table data in his hand and frowned, "Judging from the test results, Haote's auxiliary soul skills have not changed in any way."

"But offensive soul skills and self-amplifying soul skills have all undergone considerable changes."

"For example, your body fat percentage"

"Stop, stop, stop." Hot raised his hands in the air and said helplessly: "Doctor, can you please say something I can understand?"

"Your basic attack power has increased by 31%, and your speed has increased by 17%. Correspondingly, your basic defense power has decreased by 22%. This means that although your soul skills have not changed, because your basic The values ​​change, so your team positioning also changes.”

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Haote, who looked confused and had dull eyes, and said speechlessly: "In other words, in the past, your position in the team was to be a tank in front of your teammates, but now you can only take the route of a warrior who charges forward.

So you have to change your previous habits and change your fighting style. "

Hot scratched the back of his head: "What the doctor said is simple, but these things are my ability to eat. They have been engraved in my bones for a long time. I can't change them in a short while."

Wang Xiaofeng replied without raising his head: "So you need actual combat, a lot of actual combat to change your habits."

"The Great Soul Fighting Arena?" Oscar's first thought was the place where they suffered. Although it was tiring, his actual combat experience also increased sharply.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and denied, "Ordinary large soul fighting arenas can only support soul king level battles at most, and only the capitals of the two major empires can support soul saint level battles."

Hott on the side was thinking about what to eat at noon, but he felt a burning gaze fixed on him. He looked up and saw the doctor looking at him with a smile.

"Haote, your martial spirit can no longer be called Snow Soul Demonic Bear. This is a brand new martial spirit. What are you going to name it?"

Hot waved his hand quickly, "I'm just a big guy. I can't even read the words. Otherwise, it's up to you, the doctor, to get it."

Wang Xiaofeng picked up a branch and wrote two big characters on the ground, "Then it's called Pixiu? How about it."

"This is a good name. Such a complicated character is very powerful at first glance." Hot said happily.

Oscar looked confused: "What kind of writing is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Pixiu (píxiū) is a legendary auspicious beast that has the ability to ward off evil spirits and control the house. According to ancient books, it is born with six legs. It looks like a tiger and a bear. Its fur is gray-white. Its head and tail are like a dragon. Its color is both gold and jade. It has a pair of wings as long as its shoulders but cannot spread them out, and it has a horn on its head that is tilted back."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said to Haote: "Although your martial spirit is far from one ten thousandth of the momentum of Pi Xiu, I hope to see some of its grace here in the future."

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