Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 536 Return to Thousand Needles Forest

Early the next morning, Victor, who had just returned from Yingchun Building with his waist in hand, heard news that caught him off guard.

"What, you want to leave?"

"I went to help Xiao Ao get the soul ring." Haote said cheerfully, "This was agreed upon a few months ago, but I didn't expect that I encountered an ice dragon on the way and almost died. Now that I have recovered from my injuries, The original agreement must be fulfilled no matter what.”

Wang Xiaofeng added on the side: "According to my observations in the past few days, there is no phenomenon of soul power running rampant in Haote, so I think he has fully recovered."

Haote's loyalty and honesty coupled with Wang Xiaofeng's superb acting skills, the two sang together and quickly convinced Victor.

Although he was reluctant to leave, Victor didn't force him to stay.

There was nothing to pack, and all the expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation depended on Victor, so after having breakfast, everyone left the mansion where they had lived for more than half a month.

Victor insisted on seeing them off, and the group said goodbye at the city gate.

On the third day after the White Dragon attacked the city, the Lord of Baidi City could not withstand the pressure from all parties and reluctantly relaxed the control.

At this time, there was an endless stream of passing merchants and tourists at the city gate.

"I didn't expect the time to leave would come so soon." Victor wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and took out a crystal business card from his sleeve pocket.

"Brother Haote, when the winter trade fair is over, I will return to the family. If you have any trouble then, you can come to me."

Hot took the business card with the address solemnly and put it into the ring soul guide: "Well, brother Victor, I will never forget your kindness."

Hearing that Haote was finally willing to change his name to calling himself a brother, Victor couldn't help but smile from ear to ear: "You and I are brothers, so don't say anything polite."

Then he turned to look at Wang Xiaofeng. He had not forgotten the great hero. He took out a ring from the inner lining and handed it over with great respect: "Doctor He, here is the consultation fee and remuneration we have agreed on before."

Wang Xiaofeng took the ring, narrowed his eyes, and nodded with satisfaction.

The inner space of the soul guide is not large, only about half a cubic meter. In addition to 2,000 gold coins, there are also more than a dozen precious medicinal materials that are over fifty years old, dozens of rare seeds, and several lost ancient recipes.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

After searching in the gourd, Wang Xiaofeng took out a small bottle and handed it to Victor's hand.

"This is?"

"I see that Boss Victor is not in very good condition recently. His waist, knees and legs are weak, and his energy is low. It should be caused by having sex too frequently."

Wang Xiaofeng showed an expression that everyone understood, "This is a new medicine I recently developed. It can strengthen the body and strengthen the kidney qi. Take one pill beforehand and you will feel refreshed and refreshed."

Everyone agrees that diluted dragon's blood plus various medicinal materials for nourishing yin and nourishing yang are good for use.

Victor, who still didn't know that he had become Wang Xiaofeng's little drug test mouse, looked at the small vial of Sanwu product in his hand with a look of joy and put it away with great care.

"Good brothers, forever."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said nothing, "Then let's set off now."

Hot hugged Victor and then followed the pace of the two of them.

The dark clouds for many days dispersed at this moment, and the dazzling sunshine spread on the backs of the three people as they left.

Northeastern side of the Siberian Mountains.

There is a cliff rising from the ground on the distant horizon, like a huge chasm, standing on the ground.

Dense Thousand-Needles trees are spread all over the mountains and are endless, also known as the Thousand-Needles Forest by the locals.

The products of Thousand Needles Forest are relatively rich compared to other places in the Far North, and there are many groups of spirit beasts living there, so it is also a quite famous spirit beast forest in the Far North.

Among them, most of the soul beasts have three attributes: ice, water, and wood. Soul masters from the far north who possess these three attributes will come here to try their luck and find a soul beast that suits them.

Thousands of years have passed, and a small village has gradually formed on the edge of Thousand Needles Forest, providing a place for soul masters who enter the forest to rest.

"finally reached."

Looking at the smoke rising from the edge of the mountains, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but complain: "I feel like vomiting when I see sausages. I will have a big meal when I enter the village."

Oscar sneered: "Please spit out the sausage in your mouth before you say this."

Wang Xiaofeng stuffed all the sausages in his hand into his mouth, and said with a bulging face: "Uh-huh."

"Damn it, spit it out!"

"Just a little bit, I won't."


Hot looked at the two people running further and further away and said with emotion: "It's good to be young."

Look close, walk far.

The three of them walked for nearly two hours before entering the village.

Qianzhen Village is just a small village, with only about fifty households.

However, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

There are hotels, blacksmith shops, tailor shops, and grain shops.

There were not many soul masters in the village.

At this time, most of the soul beasts in Thousand Needles Forest were hibernating, making it difficult to find traces. The soul beasts that were not hibernating were even more irritable and aggressive than before.

Such as winter wolf, snow leopard, frost tiger

The people who entered Thousand Needles Forest at this time were all soul master teams who targeted these soul beasts.

There is no restaurant in the village, so everyone has dinner at the hotel. The boss works part-time as a chef and waiter.

Although the food didn't look good, the food was large and filling, and it was full of meat. One gold coin made the three of them very satisfied.

Of course, meat is very cheap here, and vegetables and fruits are more expensive. If you switch to fruits, you can't even buy a peel for a gold coin.

A night of silence.

It was still dark the next day, and the three of them stepped into the forest in the early morning fog.

Haote has the strongest soul power and walks at the forefront.

Oscar is in the middle and Wang Xiaofeng is in the back.

The ground was covered with soft white snow, and the three of them stepped on the icy road, leaving footprints one after another.

Not long after entering the mountain, it started to snow quite a bit.

At first it was just sporadic light snow, but in just ten minutes it turned into heavy snow that covered the sky and the earth. The wind howled and swept the flying snow, obscuring the three people's figures.

It snows all year round in the Arctic Icefield, which is actually normal weather.

It's just that we encountered this kind of weather less than half an hour after entering the mountain. It can only be said that things are unpredictable.

"What bad luck."

The heavy snow blurred Wang Xiaofeng's expression, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Let's find a place to take shelter first, and wait for the snow to stop before we continue our journey." Hot pointed to the right, "I saw a cave there."

The three of them kept their team formation and walked about two to three hundred meters before they saw the cave pointed by Hot.

In fact, it is not a cave, but a large piece of the steep mountain wall sunken into it.

Because the wind and snow were so heavy that their eyes were blurred, Haote saw it as a cave.

However, the mountain above could completely shelter the three of them from the wind and snow, which was considered a blessing in misfortune.

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