Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 537: Soul beasts avoiding the snow together

[Zhangtou Small Theater·The Battle for the Successor 1·The Sun and the Moon Shine Together]

[In the secret room, the agitated soul power gradually subsided. Dai Mubai opened the door and embraced the girl who had been waiting at the door into his arms.

Just as he was enjoying a moment of peace, he discovered that similar soul power fluctuations were coming from the distant mansion.

This made him even more excited.

"Davis, you've made a breakthrough too!" 』]


The sky outside was very dark, and looking out through the blowing snow, one could still see billowing black clouds.

"Fortunately, I ran fast. If I had been slower, I might have been trapped by the heavy snow. The weather in Siberian can change at any time."

At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng heard a rush of footsteps, as if some animal was stepping on the gravel.

After a while, Haote and Oscar also heard it, and the sound instantly attracted their attention.

Amidst the flying snowflakes, a giant wild boar more than three meters tall and as big as a siege truck ran in and ran to the edge of the mountain rock.

Behind this wild boar were six smaller wild boar cubs.

"Be careful, it's a giant Siberian wild boar. This guy is not easy to deal with." Hot stood in front of the two of them and looked at the group of wild boars with some caution.

The Siberian Giant Wild Boar is more than five times the size of an ordinary wild boar, weighs up to five tons as an adult, and can easily collapse a house when running.

In order to adapt to the needs of the environment, the fur of these wild boars is extremely thick, and ordinary swords, guns and crossbows cannot hurt them at all. Many lords in the far north train these wild boars as surprise troops for siege.

The wild boar also noticed the three people.

It hid on the other side under the cliff and stared at Haote cautiously. In its eyes, Haote, who exuded astonishing soul power, was the most threatening.

The six little wild boars were even more afraid and hid behind the wild boars.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little tense.

However, perhaps out of fear of Haote or to protect the children behind him, the wild boar did not take the initiative to attack.

Hot found that the wild boar had no intention of attacking, so he gradually relaxed and led the two of them back inside.

Everyone is avoiding the blizzard, and it is best to live in peace, so why should people bother pigs?

When the wild boar saw the three people retreating on its own initiative, it turned back and hugged its cub, shook the water off its body, and found a comfortable, dry place to stay with the cub.

The snow was still falling heavily, and the scene outside became a little blurry.

The wild boar looked at the three people carefully at first. After a while, it found that the humans inside had no intention of threatening it, so it gradually relaxed and lay on its side on the ground.

The young wild boars are sucking milk in the wild boar's arms.

Oscar, who was doing nothing, glanced at it and said with a smile: "It turns out it's only a female."

The snow was so heavy that the temperature became a little low. Wang Xiaofeng took out a few pieces of wood from the soul guide and piled them in front of the three of them and lit them to keep warm.

There was a kettle on the fire, and the ice and snow in the kettle quickly turned into boiling water under the heat of the flames.

The three of them drank hot water and watched the snowflakes flying outside quietly, feeling quite contented.

The blizzard came and went quickly. After about an hour, the snow gradually stopped and the wind sound became smaller and smaller.

At this time, the female wild boar found that the snow had lightened a lot. She stood up, looked back at everyone for three seconds, and then, from the cliff

The little wild boars followed quickly.

Watching these wild boars go away.

Wang Xiaofeng looked up and saw that the sky was still covered with dark clouds, and the gray-black clouds were still rolling.

"The dark clouds are not dispersing so quickly, but the snow should not fall again." Haote made a judgment, "Wait a little longer until the snow stops completely, and then we can continue our journey."

The last time Oscar encountered the Mirror Beast was in the depths of the Thousand Needles Forest, next to the territory of a Ten Thousand Years Emperor Feather Bird.

It was a very steep mountain, quite conspicuous.

The purpose of their trip was to find the mountain peak, and then use the mountain peak as the center to search for the group of mirror beasts around them.

However, there is always a slight gap between imagination and reality.

The Siberian Mountains are so vast.

Even though the Forest of Thousand Needles only occupies a small part of it.

The three of them wandered around for half a month before they found the peak where Oscar met the Mirror Beast.

A huge black shadow passed through the Thousand Needles Forest and finally landed on the steep mountain.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but look happy, and Oscar even danced with joy.

Finally found!

Anyone who spends half a month in an endless loop between [spelling away the spirit beast → rushing → finding a place to rest] would not be able to bear it.

Haote is relatively calm. He has become accustomed to the life of a mercenary, which involves living in the open air most of the time.

After possessing Wuhun and cleaning up the surroundings, Haote began to assign tasks: "The location here is not bad, I will set up a tent here to rest today.

I'll go investigate the surrounding area. Doctor He, please spread the powder around. Xiao Ao, you put up the tent, and then you can prepare dinner. "

"Okay." "Got it."

After half a month of getting along, the three of them had developed a certain tacit understanding, each performed his own duties, and quickly set up a temporary camp.



"Brother Hao, this is yours." "Hoho, it smells good."

Wang Xiaofeng took the steaming food from Oscar's hand.

Wild vegetable soup with various flavors of sausages and dark bread is today's dinner.

Wang Xiaofeng took a bite of the dark green sausage. Well, it was spicy beef flavor.

Hot said in a relaxed tone: "It's been a long time since I enjoyed dinner so relaxedly."

Oscar nodded, "Yeah, I'm almost rusty when I'm either on the road or on the road lately."

After the three of them had dinner, Haote went directly into the tent to rest.

Being in a tense state for a long time when you are in a hurry consumes a lot of energy.

Wang Xiaofeng stayed up all night, but Oscar simply couldn't sleep.

The two sat in front of the fire and chatted casually.

"If everything goes well this time, will you go back to the academy with me?"

"If the young eagle stays under the protection of the eagle forever, it will never grow, so I want to continue to stay in the far north."

Oscar looked at the fire with blurred eyes.

"Rong Rong and I have made a ten-year agreement. If we can't find the mirror shadow beast this time, then for my fifth soul ring, I will choose a protective soul skill or an amplification soul skill, and then continue to explore the mirror shadow in the far north. News of the beast.”

He was sure that he would be promoted to Soul Emperor in ten years, but Soul Saint was really not sure, so he only had two chances to choose soul skills.

The heavy pressure has been blocking Oscar's heart, making him a little breathless. After speaking out, he felt a little more relaxed.

Wang Xiaofeng added a piece of wood to the fire, "I originally recommended that you hunt the Mirror Shadow Beast, just because I hoped that you could use the power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to find it. After all, it can directly transform the soul of an auxiliary soul master into a combat soul master. Beasts are too rare.

You were brave enough to run away without saying a word. "

"Brother Feng, you are the one who provided me with the information about the Mirror Shadow Beast." Oscar was surprised and said, "So you all know about it?"

"This is almost a semi-open secret among soul masters. Only you, an idiot who only focuses on Ning Rongrong, don't know about it."

Wang Xiaofeng sighed, worried about his good brother's brain full of sperm.

"Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, has thirteen wives who are all fighting soul masters, and those with the lowest cultivation level are all soul emperors.

If you don't stand firm, your family status will be in jeopardy in the future. "

"I was just wondering how a talented food-based soul master like Xiao Ao could come to the far north where there is no place for shit. It turns out this is what happened. Xiao Ao, I support you."

Haote suddenly spoke from behind, startling Oscar, "Brother Hao, you're not asleep yet."

"Sleep now." Hott retracted his head back into the tent, as if nothing had happened.

After Hot's interruption, Oscar no longer wanted to chat, so he got into the tent and covered his head before going to sleep.

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