Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 538: Bad luck will not disappear, it will only transfer

Nights in Thousand Needles are not safe.

The nocturnal soul beast, which had been sleeping for a day, slowly opened its eyes and stretched its stiff body.

Now, it's their carnival time.

The bonfire in the camp cut off the surrounding darkness.

Most soul beasts in the far north are not afraid of fire, but because they rarely see burning flames, they are attracted to the brightness of fire.

The pungent powder cannot stop their curiosity.

In the first half of the night that Wang Xiaofeng was on duty, he drove away four groups of spirit beasts that were attracted by the fire.

Fortunately, these soul beasts are not very old, they are just some hundred years old soul beasts. Bang Bang can easily drive them away with two punches.

In the middle of the night, a refreshed Haote emerged from the tent and changed guard with him.

Wang Xiaofeng entered the tent, put on an eye mask and earplugs, and fell asleep in a second.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already bright.

Outside the tent, Oscar is cooking breakfast.

Hotter was warming up with boxing skills on the side, and the steaming heat dissipated around him as he waved his fists and feet.

After several sets of punches, the surrounding snow had completely melted, revealing the frozen soil and green tundra plants under the snow.

After he warmed up, Oscar also cooked breakfast. After everyone finished breakfast, they began to discuss how to find the Mirror Beast.

Wang Xiaofeng drew the appearance of the Mirror Beast.

It was a pangolin-like creature, lying on all fours, looking naive and harmless to humans and animals.

"The most peculiar thing about the Mirror Beast is its scales. Each scale can reflect light like a mirror. If it stands still, it can reflect the surrounding environment, achieving the effect of invisibility.

The Mirror Beast will be five meters long when it reaches the thousand-year mark, and will grow one meter every ten thousand years thereafter. Therefore, our goal for this trip is a mirror beast with a body length of six to six meters. "

Oscar agreed: "Yes, those scales are really magical, and the disguise can't be seen through at all with the naked eye.

If I hadn't run away and accidentally bumped into it in my panic, I wouldn't have realized that the stone was actually a mirror beast. "

Hot turned his fingers in a circle and asked: "In such a large forest, it is full of white snow. How should we find the Mirror Beast?"

Oscar suggested: "Maybe we can lure it out with food?"

"I have read all the ancient books and there is no mention of the habits of the mirror beast. I don't even know whether it is a carnivorous soul beast or a herbivorous soul beast. This method obviously does not work.

At present, we can only use the old method, blanket search, and troubleshoot step by step. "

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. There was very little information on the Mirror Shadow Beast. Even the method of judging its age was something he and the master deduced from fragments of words after reading all the books.

Hott concluded: "In this case, we will take this mountain as the center and the camp as the starting point, and search in a clockwise direction."

Everyone packed up their things and set out on the road lightly.

Two orange lights fell on Haote and Oscar at the same time.

Hot wiped his eyes, surprised the doctor behind him.

This was the first time he had seen an auxiliary soul skill that could enhance the five senses.

Wang Xiaofeng hung the gourd back on his waist and said with a smile: "I think my soul skill is still somewhat useful for finding things."

Wang Xiaofeng is quite confident about whether he can find the Mirror Shadow Beast. As long as the other party is still here, it will not be difficult to find it.

In the end, the invisibility of the mirror beast is only visual invisibility. Ice and snow can lower the body temperature and mask the smell, making many natural enemies unable to do anything to it. However, it cannot resist the soul master's soul power perception and mental power scanning.

The three of them started walking around the mountain.

The forest in front is vast and lush, and the terrain is getting higher and higher.

There was a sudden movement in the snow in the distance, and the three of them stopped at the same time.

After a while, a white rabbit carefully poked its head out and made sure there was no danger before escaping out. Then several rabbits appeared one after another and grazed together in the snow.

Their pitch-black eyes looked around cautiously, and as soon as there was the slightest sign of disturbance, they would immediately flee away.

Several rabbits were grazing together on the grass, and their white hair blended into the snow, making it almost impossible to see traces of their activities.

Oscar breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, it turns out they are a few rabbits."

Just now, he thought he would be so lucky today that he would run into the Mirror Beast when he went out.

Wang Xiaofeng whispered: "More than that."

Not far from the rabbit, there was a sudden burst of snowflakes flying. If you look closely, you will see a few pure white wolves jumping out of the white snow!

There were seven of these wolves in total. They suddenly launched an attack and surrounded the rabbits from two directions.

The snow rabbit realized that the situation was not good and ran away.

Rabbits are never slow. Although these guys are small, they run as if they are equipped with an accelerator, running more than ten meters away in an instant.

The wolves were very fast, and they knew how to cooperate with the siege. Soon they caught up with the rabbits.

Not a single rabbit escaped from the siege of the wolves.

Suddenly, the blood of rabbits stained the snowy area red.

The white wolves had been hungry for a long time and got into a fight for food.

Among them, the wolf king enjoyed a snowshoe rabbit alone, and no wolf dared to snatch it. The remaining white wolves shared the other snowshoe rabbits equally, and also enjoyed the meal happily.

"Take a detour, this area is no longer safe." Haote was about to lead the two of them forward, but it seemed that the wolves had noticed them.

Animals that can live in the polar regions have very good eyesight.

The wolf king had just seen blood and was at his most ferocious. When he saw there were living creatures moving in the forest, he howled immediately and commanded the wolves to rush towards the three of them.

"They are treating us like weaklings." Haote had been paying attention to the movements of the wolves. When he saw this, he immediately roared and six soul rings appeared on his body.

"Possessed by a martial spirit!"

Thick hair covered every inch of Haote's skin, and the muscles all over his body swelled. Amidst the heavy fluctuations of his breath, his hair turned white, and his fleshy palms turned into sharp bear claws.

During this period of time, Hot has mastered his new form and can easily control his possessed form to transform between half-orc form and beast form.

Oscar ate the mushroom sausage and flew up with Wang Xiaofeng.

Haote, who had no worries, rushed towards the wolves.

The smell of blood has been spreading for a while, so we must act quickly and leave this area as soon as possible.

Hot was running on the ground, picking up streaks of snow wherever he passed.

At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, the third soul ring shone brightly. Hot's right foot stamped on the ground, and a strong shock wave was emitted. The two wolves at the front suddenly stiffened and collided with Hot with inertia. Come.

With a wave of the bear's paw, the two white wolves had their heads smashed by him before they even reacted.

Followed by the two on the side.

The movements are done in one go.

As soon as the Wolf King recovered from his dizziness, only three of the seven white wolves were left in the blink of an eye.

The Wolf King suddenly became frightened. He didn't know that he had provoked an enemy he shouldn't have provoked, and when he saw that the situation was not going well, he wanted to run away.

But Wang Xiaofeng was faster, and Calabash Vine had already ambushed it on its escape route.

The unwary wolf king suddenly tripped over a vine and fell, causing the wolf to chew on the snow. Haote walked over unhurriedly and gave it a hand to let it go without pain.

A purple soul ring floated from the Wolf King's body.

It was a clean fight.

Haote gave a thumbs up to the two people in the air, and their cooperation became more and more tacit.

There were two more white wolves running away, but the three of them didn't care. Without the wolf king, the wolves were just shrimps and crabs, no threat at all.

At this moment, a scene beyond Hot's expectation appeared.

As a gust of cold wind blew by, a snow-white raptor fell from the sky and flew straight towards the duo in the air.

"Be careful!" Haote shouted a warning and rushed towards the two of them, but it was already too late.

The two of them had no means of resistance in the air and were taken away directly.

Huge power squeezed in from all directions, and Wang Xiaofeng silently applied damage reduction and defense enhancement to himself and Oscar.

“The early worm gets eaten by the bird.”

"Early bird gets the worm."

Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar, who were pinched in their claws, said in unison.

"What an unlucky feeling."

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