Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 539: Fierce Fighting in the Air

Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar were forced to experience a trip to an altitude of 10,000 meters. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

There are no dark clouds in the sky above 10,000 meters, and the dark blue sky seems to be a reflection of the sea water.


The sun shines down, and the shadows of the lonely and unruly mountain peaks are almost covered

The cold wind howled all around and snowflakes kept flying.

Everyone was competing with each other, and Oscar shrank silently, fearing that the two bosses would accidentally hurt him.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I've caused trouble for you."

Oscar felt that he had caused Wang Xiaofeng to suffer.

After all, although this bird has an amazing aura, he has also seen big scenes, so its aura cannot scare him. If compared, it is probably similar to Zhao Wuji who got angry.

The person next to him, who seemed ordinary, weak and helpless, was actually a fierce man who withstood the soul fusion skills of two soul kings for a full minute in the finals of the elite tournament.

Thinking of this, Oscar couldn't help but feel silently for the future fate of this stupid bird.

"You have time to talk nonsense, why not use your little brain to think of a solution." Wang Xiaofeng pressed the gourd hard to block the sharp claws of the bird, "And this bird doesn't seem to be the emperor we saw yesterday. Feather bird.”

The shadow of the bird that flew by yesterday may have been too fast for Oscar to see clearly, but Wang Xiaofeng could see it very clearly. The appearance of the huge bird that flew by yesterday was green and white.

The bird that caught them in a sneak attack was all white and bigger.

Generally speaking, ten thousand year soul beasts have territorial awareness and will not leave their own territory to intrude into the territory of other soul beasts unless necessary.

And there are more than two ten thousand year soul beasts in the same place at the same time, either they are brothers of the same race or they are husband and wife.

In other words, they who are regarded as prey may have to face two or more ten thousand year soul beasts later.

But the giant white bird wouldn't give them much time to think.

After realizing that the power it was proud of could not suppress the prey, and that the sharp claws and beak could not tear the flesh of the prey, it naturally changed its attack method to another.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was still wrestling with his claws, suddenly felt that the power coming from the other end of the gourd suddenly disappeared, the surrounding light suddenly brightened, and his body was pulled by the biting and violent wind, leaving him far behind the giant white bird.

It turned out that the giant white bird had loosened its claws and wanted to beat them both to death and then enjoy them slowly.

Oscar let out a scream and was blown away by the howling wind.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng caught Oscar with the gourd vine in time and prevented him from floating away.

The two people just fell straight to the ground from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The cold wind howled, and the soul shields covering their bodies were shaking violently.

The giant white bird folded its wings slightly, turned around, and swooped down at a leisurely speed to follow them.

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed the vine and pulled Oscar to his side forcefully.

Oscar was like a drowning man grasping for life-saving straws, holding Wang Xiaofeng's chest tightly with his hands and crossing his legs tightly around his waist.

He gasped for air: "I originally said that we would die on the same year, the same month and the same day, but I didn't expect that we would actually die together today.

Wuwuwu, I still have a lot of things to say to Rongrong. I haven’t proposed to her yet. "

"I never said I would die with you, that's what you and Fatty said. Besides, are you brainwashed? What are you afraid of when you have mushroom intestines?"

Yes, Oscar knocked his head in annoyance. It was all Brother Feng's fault. After staying with him for a long time, he didn't like to use his brain anymore.

Oscar clapped his hands, recited an obscene soul curse, put the soul ring on his hands, and was about to make mushroom sausage, but Wang Xiaofeng stopped him.

"That bird regards us as prey. If we don't teach it a lesson, it will keep staring at us all the way to the end of the world.

I have a plan.

I need to lock that stupid bird with my mental power, and then find an opportunity to launch a surprise attack. You pull me up and get closer to it, the closer the better. "

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I hope you haven't returned the flying skills you learned from Dean Flender to him."

Oscar only felt that he had a heavy responsibility and said seriously: "No problem, leave it to me."

They had cooperated countless times, and Wang Xiaofeng was doing two things. At the same time, he was concentrating on releasing his mental power and trying to catch the high-speed swooping figure behind him.

Without resting in his hand, the gourd in his palm instantly became extremely huge under the continuous input of soul power. At the same time, a large amount of surrounding air began to rush in toward the mouth of the gourd.

The noisy cold wind did not affect their movements.

The altitude keeps falling.

The moment it's about to hit the ground.

Oscar felt his heart stop beating. Three pairs of transparent wings suddenly appeared on his back. The muscles in his arms were tense, and he hugged Wang Xiaofeng's body and pulled him up.

The figures of the two people drew a stunning arc, completed the turn in the air lightly, and after a short level flight, they suddenly rose up from the ground.

A very large angle of elevation.

Even Ma Hongjun may not be able to perform extreme moves.

The distance between the two of them and the giant white bird shrank to less than 500 meters in the blink of an eye.

Wang Xiaofeng's silver eyes were locked on it, and the air accumulated in the huge gourd in his arms finally reached its limit.

"It's now!"

Self-created soul skills, heavy impact

Boom! ! ! !

It seemed like continuous thunder, but among the low thunder, there was a faint whistling sound like a hurricane blowing through.

In the eyes of the giant white bird, there was a black shadow on the snow-white ground, slowly approaching.

But, this is just an illusion.

Just less than two seconds.

The huge gourd had already rushed in front of it.

too slow.

A trace of disdain flashed in the giant white bird's eyes.

Its eyes allow it to see any movement in the snow thousands of miles up in the sky. No matter whether it is a snow hare that thinks it is hiding or a prostrate snow fox, it cannot escape its gaze.

Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar's little moves from beginning to end were not hidden from its eyes.

It is just appreciating the struggle of its prey before death, adding a little fun to the boring life.

The giant white bird only slightly adjusted its swooping posture and easily avoided this seemingly menacing attack.

The giant gourd shot straight into the sky from its side without even touching a hair.

What an elegant and beautiful flight, as expected of me.

Next, how to play with these two interesting prey?

The bird, so busy thinking, didn't notice that in the blind spot of its sight of the gourd that had just flown by, there was a vine hanging from the spout.

The Calabash Vine, which had been waiting for a long time, launched its attack at the moment the Calabash was dodged.

The thin vines became extremely strong with the blessing of the soul power that Wang Xiaofeng had stored in the gourd in advance, tightly wrapping around its right wing.

The tough vines straightened instantly.

Pulling one end upwards and the other downwards, the strong pulling force almost broke the wings of the raptor.

It couldn't help but scream in pain.

The gourd vines on its wings were pecked off with its sharp beak, and it tried to fly away with its intact left wing and barely open right wing.

Unfortunately, Oscar has already arrived with Wang Xiaofeng.

"If you run away, you'll get punched by me."

The relationship between hunter and prey changes at this moment.

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