Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 540: One move missing

The severe pain aroused the ferocity of the giant white bird. It changed its previous silence and chirped loudly. The harsh sound echoed in the empty sky, unable to conceal its extreme anger.

The soul power condensed from the abdomen and finally concentrated in the throat. The giant white bird opened its mouth and shot out countless diamond-shaped ice crystals.

These ice crystals were not very powerful, but were numerous in number. They covered the surrounding area in the blink of an eye, and the sky was filled with ice rain in an instant.

Under the bright sky, Oscar showed superb flying skills, like a dexterous swift, flexibly passing through the rain curtain formed by ice crystals.

No matter how much the white giant bird increased its soul power output and shouted until its throat smoked, it still couldn't hit them.

But dense ice crystals are not completely useless.

Although it did not cause any harm, it also prevented Oscar from approaching. Wang Xiaofeng was a little anxious. Their current location was too close to the white giant bird's nest. If they were dragged on, something might happen.

"Xiao Ao, come and attract its attention."


Oscar flapped his wings and accelerated suddenly. He flew high into the sky and reached the top of the giant bird. He ate the phantom intestines and two clones suddenly appeared next to him. It was difficult to tell whether they were real or fake.

It raised its head without thinking, and the dense ice crystals also followed the figures of several Oscars, but the dazzling sunlight made it difficult to see clearly, and it subconsciously spat towards a few blurry black shadows.

But the soul beast's beast intuition suddenly issued an early warning. As soon as he turned his head, Wang Xiaofeng had already rushed in front of him. He raised his right arm high, and his soul power continuously poured into the raised right fist.

Then, he hit the giant white bird hard on the head.


There was a dull crashing sound mixed with the sound of shattering.

The scales formed by feathers and soul power were instantly shattered by that punch. The huge force forced its head to lower its head, and it fell to the ground dizzily.

But Wang Xiaofeng ignored the bird and threw out a thick vine from his right hand, tightly wrapping around the white giant bird's newly injured right wing.

Wang Xiaofeng pulled the vines hard and rushed towards the giant bird at a faster speed. Soul power surged in his fists, wanting to imitate the action just now.

Dozens of sharp wind blades suddenly struck from the side.

Oscar quickly increased his height, but the target of the wind blade was not him, but Wang Xiaofeng and Teng Man who connected the two sides.

Faced with such an offensive to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, between continuing to attack and defend, Wang Xiaofeng could only give priority to protecting himself.

He summoned a gourd that enlarged and stood in front of him.

The sharp wind blade hit the hard gourd, making a crackling sound.

Wang Xiaofeng knew that he had no chance to take action.

No matter how tough Teng Man is, she can't withstand the cutting of so many wind blades.

The vines exposed outside the gourd are cut directly.

Along with the wind blade, there was also a soul beast.

The terrifying strong wind passed by Wang Xiaofeng in an instant and blew him far away.

Wang Xiaofeng only had time to see a cyan figure grabbing the giant white bird, and in the blink of an eye the distance between them was widened to more than a kilometer.

Oscar grabbed the landing Wang Xiaofeng, looked at the bird shadow that had disappeared from sight, smacked his lips, and sighed: "This speed is too fast. Compared with it, the cockscomb snake is like a younger brother."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head with regret. It would have been nice if he could have punched him again just now.

It still lacks the means of remote attack.

The heavy impact is too direct and can be easily dodged.

The two slowly landed on the ground. Oscar looked at the surrounding environment. The dense Thousand Needles forest had disappeared, replaced by endless ice fields and steep white peaks.

They were now at the foot of the mountain, completely deviating from their intended plan.

Oscar asked: "What should we do now? Go back to where we were?"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the large ice field where he couldn't tell the direction at all, shook his head and said: "Just stand there and wait. Haote will definitely chase us when he sees us being caught."

On the other side, as Wang Xiaofeng said, Haote started chasing the figure in the air as soon as the two were caught.

Although he lost sight of the giant white bird in the sky within a few minutes, he mistook the giant white bird for the lord soul beast Emperor Feather Bird here, and then ran towards the steep mountains in the distance.

It can be regarded as a typo.

Haote ran as hard as he could, panting as he ran, using only 10% of his soul power, just before the sun was about to fall on the mountains.

Finally found the two people at the foot of the mountain.

Oscar was grilling sausages, and Wang Xiaofeng was enjoying the sunset not far away.

Looking at Haote who was out of breath, Oscar asked blankly: "Brother Hao, would you like one of the freshly grilled mushroom-flavored sausages?"

Hot rolled his eyes and lay in the snow not wanting to move.

Oscar finally stuffed a spicy recovery sausage into his mouth.

"So in the end, two soul beasts fought each other for prey, and then you took the opportunity to escape?" Hot chewed the sausage hard, making Oscar feel cold.

This scene seems familiar.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded calmly: "Yes, thanks to that big blue bird, otherwise we would have become the food of the big white bird."

Oscar is not a person who knows how to lie. Compared with Dr. He in front of him, he looks like a child.

This excuse was full of holes, but everyone had their secrets, and he was not a very curious person.

No matter what means they use to survive from the bird's mouth, as long as the ending is good.

Hotter looked at the gradually darkening sky and suggested: "Since the white bird's nest is on the top of the mountain, why don't we take advantage of the night to make a sneak attack.

First, revenge.

Secondly, there will be natural and earthly treasures growing in the territory of the Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast, so let’s get some benefits along the way. "

The second thing is the important point. Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar looked at him with incomprehensible eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Haote muttered with a red face: "How do you academic soul masters understand the suffering of grassroots soul masters like us?

You have to earn your own daily food, drink, and food, and you have to rob yourself of resources for cultivation.

After this winter, I will be fifty years old. After the age of sixty, it will be countless times more difficult to improve my strength as it is now.

If you don’t give it a try, you won’t have a chance in the future. "

Well, it makes sense and cannot be refuted.

Haote's talent can be seen at a glance, and in the future it will reach the level of Contra at most.

If it were the former Hot, maybe he would think that this is pretty good. Becoming a Contra has surpassed 99% of the soul masters, and it can be regarded as leaving a mark in history.

But the mutation of Wuhun undoubtedly gave him hope, and a flame called desire suddenly rose in his casual and peaceful heart.

He wanted to climb higher.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar.

[It’s up to you to make the decision, after all, this trip is to help you get the soul ring]

Oscar returned the look.

【I want to help Brother Hao】

Okay, if the person involved doesn't mind, then he must be fine, and it just so happens that he can also collect data on Haote's Pixiu martial spirit under the pressure of two ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.

"I haven't seen what the flying soul beast's lair looks like. Of course I have to see it if I have the chance." Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile.

Oscar nodded in agreement, "Me too."

Three votes passed.

Hot couldn't help but smile on his face, and patted the two of them heavily on the shoulders, making Oscar grin.

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