Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 541: The Greedy Mirror Beast

Thick night fog filled the air, blocking the bright moonlight. The air was a little cold and a little quiet.

The huge ice and snow peaks are hazy under the cover of mist, like a huge statue of a god for the world to worship.

It is so majestic and majestic, overlooking everything under its feet.

The weather tonight is very good. There is not only fog in the mountains to help hide the traces, but also there are no strong winds and no blizzards. It is very suitable for mountain climbing.

After waiting for Haote's physical strength to recover almost, the three began to climb the mountain.

This mountain is very steep and not suitable for ordinary people to climb.

The surrounding stones are all dark gray, like mountains formed by accumulation of dust, giving people a cold feeling.

Looking around, there is no attractive scenery, only desolation.

The three of them just walked forward silently, with the cold wind blowing around them.

An hour later.

The three of them climbed about two-thirds of the way up the mountain and found a gentle snow slope to escape the cold wind.

Oscar, the weakest among the three, took a few sips of hot water and then burped comfortably.

"I finally came back to life. I feel like I'm about to freeze into an ice corpse."

After arriving at such a high place, all three of them had some reaction, Oscar was especially serious, his face and mouth were a little swollen.

Wang Xiaofeng's face turned slightly red, but you couldn't tell in the dark.

Hot is the most normal. The body's resistance to cold is too high.

Wang Xiaofeng moved his somewhat stiff muscles and said, "Hold on for a while. According to the nesting habits of flying soul beasts, the nest is usually built near the top of the mountain.

At our current speed, we can arrive there in about half an hour. At that time, according to the established plan, we will catch the turtles in the urn and catch them all in one fell swoop. "

Oscar clasped his hands and prayed: "I hope everything goes as planned."

After eating a few recovery sausages, everyone regained their physical strength and made final preparations before embarking on the mountain climbing journey again.

The next road is even more difficult to walk. There is no foothold on this steep cliff that is almost vertically downward.

However, this mountain, which seems extremely difficult for ordinary people to climb, is undoubtedly something that requires almost no effort for Oscar, who possesses the flying soul skill.

A few mushroom sausages can easily solve this problem.

If Oscar hadn't suffered from severe altitude sickness and was flying too conspicuously in the air, the chance of being discovered was very high. The group would have used mushroom intestines to fly directly up.

I thought I would have to climb some distance up, but not long after, a huge ice and snow slope suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The slope is approximately 45 degrees, with uneven heights and a very wide area.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at it carefully and touched it again, "This doesn't seem to be a natural formation, but it was cut out by some creature."

"Maybe we've found a location. You guys stay here and I'll go up and check out the situation."

Hot ate the phantom sausage handed over by Oscar and climbed up the snowy slope carefully.

Although phantom intestine will destroy its invisibility when moving after being taken, its ability to reduce the sense of presence and soul power fluctuations will not disappear.

In times of crisis, you can also activate your clone ability to distract the enemy, which is very useful whether it is to start a fight or break out of it.

Especially after Oscar reaches level 50, the number of clones increases to three, and the duration of the ability increases to three minutes.

After a while, Haote came back quietly and brought back exciting news, "I found a cave."

The two of them ate phantom intestines, climbed over a large snow slope, followed Hot's footsteps and walked through a slightly gentle snow field, and then saw a fairly flat platform and a cave more than five meters high.

There is only a thin layer of snowflakes on the platform, which is very abrupt in the environment surrounded by snow.

The surrounding wind was very urgent, but it could not conceal the excitement in everyone's hearts.

Oscar asked softly: "Is this here?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly. In his perception, the two huge soul power groups inside stood out like beacons.

If nothing else, this is the nest of Emperor Feather Bird.

Haote couldn't wait to carry out the martial soul possession.

"Then let's act as planned." Wang Xiaofeng held the gourd, and the light from the soul ring fell on Haote.

The one-horned white bear roared, and the double increase in power and defense suffused his body with a red light, making him look extremely fierce.

Before entering the cave, he slapped the rock wall hard. Under the huge force, the solid ice rock shattered and turned into stones, sealing most of the cave entrance.

Hot waved his bear claw and shouted to the two people outside the cave entrance: "I'll be back as soon as I go."

Wang Xiaofeng also waved to him and watched the giant bear disappear into the cave.

Oscar asked in confusion: "Did you understand what Brother Hao said?"

"He probably told us to stay outside and stop running around."

Wang Xiaofeng said without changing his expression: "I am level 8 in bear language. There is no bear language in the world that I cannot understand."

Oscar rolled his eyes, "I believe you, just keep making it up."

The two of them squatted outside and gnawed on the sausages, not worrying about the situation inside.

After all, a phoenix on the ground is not as good as a chicken, let alone two birds stuck in a cave. It is good to be able to exert 30% of one's strength.

Unless there is another exit, these two birds are going to be here today.

The battle in the cave was not intense.

At first, you could still feel some fluctuations of soul skills, but it soon became completely quiet.

After a while, there was movement from the cave entrance.

Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar stood up quickly and saw the giant bear transformed by Haote smashing the boulders blocking the way.

The two looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that the operation was going very smoothly, and the plan to catch the turtle in the jar was a great success.

Oscar ran over excitedly, but saw Hotter with a sad face, not looking happy at all.

"Brother Hao, what's wrong?"

"Hey, bad luck." Haote cleared a passage, "You will know after you come in and take a look."

The two people who didn't know why followed Haote and walked into the cave.

The light in the cave was not as dim as expected. The surrounding mountain walls were scattered with crystal blocks that emitted faint light. With these weak lights, everyone could barely see the surrounding things clearly.

The cave is very deep and not entirely straight, and the temperature becomes slightly warmer as you go deeper.

Go through the long cave passage.

After a while, two branches appeared in front of them.

Hot took them to the passage on the left.

After walking about 200 meters deeper, the vision suddenly opened up, and a huge and spacious space appeared in front of everyone.

There was no scene of limbs flying and blood flowing like a river as Oscar imagined.

There were a lot of icicles and pits left around by the soul skills.

The big white bird and the emperor's feathered bird were lying in the center of the cave, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. A few chicks the size of rubber balls were surrounding their huge bodies and screaming helplessly.

The scene in front of him seemed to touch Oscar's heartstrings, and he muttered: "It's so pitiful that you lost your parents at such a young age."

"Poor bastards, they're not dead, they were just knocked unconscious by me." Hot couldn't help but spit, "Damn it, I'm really at a loss, the bodies of ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts are the same as those of newborns. The little soul beast is still worth a lot of money."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said nothing.

Hot is such a person, kind and loyal, but also a little greedy for money.

Out of sight and out of mind, Haote walked deeper into the cave. "This place is quite big. Let's search separately to see if there are any good treasures here."

Oscar cheered excitedly.

A man is a boy until he dies, and who doesn’t love a treasure hunt?

Wang Xiaofeng was not interested.

As soon as he entered, he used his soul power and mental power to scan the huge internal space. There were many things emitting soul power fluctuations, but the reactions were too weak, and none of them could interest him.

Although there is a very small chance that a magical treasure will appear, but this thing is originally intended for only one person who is destined to get it, so it cannot be forced.

Since it couldn't arouse his interest, it already showed that there was no fate between them.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around. There were no indescribable objects such as feces around. He also saw no animal bones when he came in. This reminded him of the fork in the road just now.

After taking a look at the two people who were happily playing a treasure hunt game, he didn't bother them and returned to the fork in the road alone.

Just now they were going to the left, and now he was going to go to the right.

The wisdom of the ten thousand year soul beast is no less than that of humans. Judging from what I saw along the way, these two birds are quite clean.

Judging from behavioral habits, the cave on the left should be the living room and master bedroom.

So another passage should lead to the storage room?

By the way, do soul beasts like Emperor Feather Bird have the habit of collecting items?

The thoughts rolling in his mind did not affect Wang Xiaofeng's pace.

When we reached the end of the passage on the right, as expected, there was an empty space.

These two birds are quite diligent. In order to build this nest, they almost hollowed out the inside of the mountain.

Wang Xiaofeng's footsteps paused slightly, and then he walked into the cave, which was only about one-third the size of the cave on the left.

The cave was not large. Wang Xiaofeng took out a few moonstones from the soul guide and embedded them on the stone wall. Suddenly, the slightly dark space became brighter.

The surrounding situation is clear at a glance.

With the help of bright light, Wang Xiaofeng scanned the cave very cautiously, especially the stone wall in the corner, which he glanced at several times.

It wasn't until he found no danger that he walked to the extremely conspicuous pile of bones in the center.

The skeletons of different creatures, large and small, were piled into a circle, and in the middle, there were more than a dozen bright flowers blooming.

"This seems to be Dendrobium officinalis?"

The flowers of Dendrobium are spherical in shape after blooming. They like moisture and coldness. They often appear in cold places such as ancient battlefields or cemeteries. They are also often called the other side flower.

The petals have hallucinogenic and analgesic properties.

However, although the appearance is similar, the color of the flowers is different from what Wang Xiaofeng remembered. The petals of the blood dendrobium in front of him are ice blue instead of the traditional red.

It may be caused by differences in growing environment.

The soil next to it has traces of loosening, and there should have been some heterochromatic Dendrobium growing here.

It was very likely that the big white bird had eaten it, and it was normal to eat a few to relieve the pain after being injured.

If it were just an ordinary dendrobium, Wang Xiaofeng wouldn't even look at it. If he wanted to cultivate it, he could just find a dark cave and pour a pot of pig blood into it to cultivate a bunch.

But he was still a little interested in such mutant varieties, so he dug up three plants with their roots and soil and put them in the gourd.

The rest carefully cut off the branches from the pile mouth and picked the flowers without damaging them, so that they can grow again in the future.

Wang Xiaofeng was concentrating on squatting on the ground to pick mutated Dendrobium husk. Behind him, a huge black shadow quietly approached him.

A pair of cold eyes stared closely at his defenseless back, and the sharp claws flashed with cold light and stabbed down hard.

This is a sure hit.

Just like it did before, the unsuspecting prey was disemboweled and died, still confused as to how it died.

The sharp claws cut through the thick cotton jacket easily.


The sound of sharp weapons colliding with iron weapons echoed in this small space.

The ground beneath his feet was cracked, but his thin body was as steady as a mountain, showing no signs of moving at all.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the black shadow wanted to escape, but a gourd vine suddenly shot up from the ground and tied it to the spot, making it unable to move.

"I have a total of twenty weight-bearing blocks all over my body, each weighing 300 kilograms. They were forged by an experienced blacksmith for seven days and nights."

Wang Xiaofeng said calmly.

"You're not very lucky. Your claws didn't get into the gap between the weight-bearing blocks, otherwise I would have been injured at some point."

After cutting off the last branch and putting the connected blood dendrobium flowers into the soul guide, Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands and stood up. He turned to look at the black shadow that attacked him and cursed in disgust.

"This guy Oscar must have been the face of Lady Luck in his previous life."

Lying on its stomach, it reaches the waist. Its body is more than six meters long. Its whole body is constantly changing colors. The soul beast with the appearance of a pangolin is huddled in a ball and shivering.

The rock wall not far behind it revealed a large hole with a diameter of one meter that was completely absent before.

That location was the rock wall that Wang Xiaofeng took a few more glances at just now.

The invisibility of the mirror beast can be hidden from the eyes, but it cannot be hidden from the double scanning of mental power and soul power.

Wang Xiaofeng took out the measuring tool. It was not easy to encounter a living mirror beast like this, so he couldn't let it go easily.

Oscar carefully knocked off the last crystal from the rock wall with an awl and put it into the soul guide with satisfaction.

On both sides of him were pitted rock walls, and the ground beneath his feet seemed to have been plowed by cattle.

Behind them was the shivering Emperor Feather Bird family, with several bald areas on their abdomen and wing bases.

The most delicate and soft down was completely plucked out, and I don’t know how long it will take for it to grow back.

Really dig deep into the ground, not even a single hair.

After scraping everything they could see, Oscar and Hot discovered that there seemed to be something missing among them.

Haote looked around, "Hey, where is Dr. He?"

Oscar the bear spread his hands and said, "I don't know. He was still there when I first came in. Did he go out to use the toilet?"

“You’ll find out when you go out and take a look.”

Watching the two figures disappear at the end of the cave, Di Yuque's family shed tears of rebirth after the disaster.

When they reached the fork in the road, Haote suddenly stopped and almost bumped into Oscar who was following him.

Haote looked around and whispered, "Have you heard the child's cry?"

"No." Oscar touched his nose. Seeing that Hoter didn't look like he was pretending, his body became a little stiff.

"Brother Hao, don't scare me, I'm scared."

"The sound came from the left."

Hot was not afraid of this kind of blabbering thing. He had traveled all over the country for decades and never saw anything. He picked up Oscar and ran towards the direction of the sound.

After turning the fork in the road, Oscar finally heard the faint cry. If Haote hadn't led him away, he would have been lying on the spot.

A soft blue light shines at the end of the passage.

"The sound came from inside."

Staring at the nearby exit, Haote kept his footsteps as low as possible, then quietly stretched out half of his head, and quickly scanned the interior with his eyes.

Soft light filled the entire cave, and he easily spotted the familiar figure in the center, recording something in front of a huge grass cage.

"Dr. He, you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time." Hao pulled Oscar in and walked in gracefully.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't even look back and said, "Have you finished harvesting?"

Hot flashed the ring in his hand: "Of course, all the valuable ones are here, not a single bit is left for them."

Oscar, who was standing aside, looked around curiously, and then he saw the source of the sound. It was a thing with only one head left, floating in the air, constantly making cries like a child.

"Oh my god." Oscar was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, made a fist with his right hand and hammered the mirror beast that kept making squeaking sounds.


The power of shock penetrated the solid scale armor.

The mirror beast's eyes turned white, and it suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. The lens-like scales on its body dimmed visibly to the naked eye, revealing its ordinary crystal-like body.

"I can't even recognize the Mirror Shadow Beast, but I have the nerve to brazenly say that I want to take its soul ring."

Hot looked at the soul beast that was exactly the same as the one in the picture, and became even more confused: "It's really a mirror shadow beast, but why does the mirror shadow beast appear here?"

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the pile of bones in the center and explained: "This is the blood dendrobium flower. It is a relatively rare plant for soul beasts. It has hallucinogenic effects and strong addiction. It will only bloom in cold places with sufficient blood." place.

The Emperor Feather Bird family deliberately left endless food scraps here just to cultivate these flowers. "

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the big hole in the corner that was hard to ignore, "Then one day, the mirror beast accidentally dug into this place and saw these food leftovers.

It is also highly skilled and bold, relying on its stealth characteristics to keep eating without being discovered.

From then on, it lay down to sleep, woke up to eat, and lived a happy life where it could have enough food and clothing without fighting. "

Oscar took a quick look and saw that the pile of bones was indeed very clean. There was not even a strand of meat on the bones, and they were smooth and bright.

Wang Xiaofeng changed his tone and said, "Of course, the above is purely my personal speculation. Any similarity is purely coincidental."

Haote almost fainted, "Good guy, it turns out you have been making up stories with us."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled nonchalantly: "Normal people will know it's a story as soon as they hear it. After all, maintaining such a large body requires a lot of energy, and just licking the bones is not enough."

"Okay, the joke ends here." Wang Xiaofeng pointed at the unconscious Mirror Beast and said seriously to Oscar:

"Xiao Ao, this mirror beast is 131 meters long. According to speculation, it is about 11,000 to 12,000 years old. It is just at the limit that a level 50 soul master can withstand. Are you sure you want to absorb it?"

Twelve thousand years, this is the limit of years that a normal soul master's fifth soul ring can endure.

But most soul masters would not choose a ten-thousand-year-level soul ring for their fifth soul ring.

A deep foundation, a top-level martial spirit, and a tenacious will are the conditions needed to touch the limit of the soul ring. All three are indispensable.

The best result of being forced to absorb a ten-thousand-year-old soul ring is serious injury. His luck was almost exploded by the rampaging soul power on the spot.

Hot simply gave up because he did not meet the first condition and was unwilling to sign a contract of sale, so he did not have so many resources to lay the foundation and could save convenience.

It wasn't until the sixth soul ring that Haote believed that he could meet the conditions required to withstand a ten-thousand-year soul ring, so he dared to choose an eighteen thousand-year-old soul beast as his soul ring.

As an auxiliary soul master, Oscar's physical fitness is definitely not up to standard. Logically speaking, Wang Xiaofeng must not agree with Oscar absorbing the soul ring of this mirror beast.

But the bad thing is that this kid has eaten the eight-petal orchid fairy grass and his bones have been reforged. He cannot be treated as an ordinary soul master. This made Wang Xiaofeng a little unsure, so he left the decision to Oscar. Let him choose.

Oscar took out his sharp blade and expressed his attitude with actions.

The cold blade reflected a somewhat indifferent face.

"The moment the elite competition finals ended, I thought I was standing on the top of the mountain, but Xiaosan's father and the elders of Wuhun Palace made me see how cruel the real soul master world is.

If you don't have strength, you can't even protect the girl you love.

At that moment I was thinking, if one day I face the same situation as Xiaosan, I must win everything.

Now that the Mirror Beast is in front of me, I must consider whether this will be my only chance in this life. "

The hand rises and the knife falls.

The long sharp blade penetrated deeply into the mirror beast's eye, allowing the greedy soul beast to end its life without pain.

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