Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 543: Enemies meet on a narrow road, meet Bai Long again

Oscar had a dream that he was sitting in a carriage.

Lanterns were set up on both sides of the road, people fell to the ground and held their breath, and disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect chanted their names.

Wang Xiaofeng was crying and shouting from behind, asking to go with him, saying, "Don't leave him alone, please."

It's really annoying.


He muttered as he looked into the dark cave.

The bonfire had long been extinguished, leaving only charcoal glowing with red light.

Oscar got out of the sleeping bag, and there was no one else around.

The one-meter-diameter hole drilled by the Mirror Beast was blocked at some point.

The iron pot on the iron rack gave off a hint of the aroma of food.

Oscar yawned and walked over to open the lid. Inside was a stew that was still steaming.

The rich soup and the battered meat sausage blend together, exuding a warm aroma that is irresistible.

The scattered wild vegetables are crispy but not rotten, which makes the aroma of the dishes richer and more delicious. Even if the hot steam hits the noodles, people can't help but eat it.

Only when there was only soup left in the pot did Oscar realize that he had finished the entire pot.

He usually doesn't eat that much. Well, this must be because he has just absorbed the soul ring. His body needs a lot of energy to replenish it. It's definitely not because Wang Xiaofeng's cooking is so delicious.

As for why it wasn't made by Haote, haha, that guy's skills are limited to grilling meat and cooking wild vegetable soup, and he can only eat it to the level of an immortal.

Looking at the bottom of the pot with only soup left in front of him, Oscar thought about how to remedy the situation. Wait, this soup seems to be good for dipping bread?

"Xiao Ao, you're awake."

After finishing his warm-up exercises, Hot walked into the cave and said hello to Oscar.

"Brother Hao, have you had breakfast? Why don't you try the new sausage I just made? The taste will definitely make your eyes light up." Oscar calmly swallowed the bread in his mouth and turned slightly to block the bright light. New pot bottom.

"I've already eaten it." Hot smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the deliciousness of the food, "Dr. He's cooking skills are really amazing. It's just sausages and wild vegetables that we usually eat, but they can be so delicious when simply stewed together. delicacies.”

"If you have the energy to flatter me, you might as well pack your things." Wang Xiaofeng walked in with a huge stone on his back and said, "It's a good time to go down the mountain while the wind is not blowing too much."

Hot pointed to the stone on his back, "This is it?"

"This is ice ore, which is a good fertilizer for Dendrobium."

Wang Xiaofeng put down the stone, smashed it into fine sand with a gourd, sprinkled it on the roots, and then poured a little diluted moon slurry nutrient solution on each plant.

"The planting techniques of these birds are too barbaric. I'm afraid they will raise these blood dendrobiums to death."

After finishing their work, Haote and Oscar also put away their things.

There was really nothing to pack, all that needed to be taken away were pots, pans and sleeping bags.

The main thing is to take stock of everyone’s harvest yesterday.

Thousand-year soul beast fluff, mirror beasts, unknown ores, blood dendrobium flowers and various other items were piled in front of everyone.

Wang Xiaofeng took a few feathers of the Emperor Feather Bird as a souvenir, while Haote and Oscar took a few blood dendrobium flowers.

All other unnecessary items were handed over to Haote for disposal. After returning to the city, he sold them all, and the money obtained was distributed according to the agreed-upon share ratio.

This kind of situation is not seen in other mercenary groups. Most of the mercenary groups are made up of temporary members and lack trust among each other.

Wang Xiaofeng's small team of three is more like an adventure team than a mercenary group.

After dividing the spoils, everyone walked out of the cave with a full harvest.

The wind blowing between the mountains is indeed much lighter, unlike when we went up the mountain last night, the strong wind made even walking unsteady.

This is a good time to go down the mountain. Feng Xiao can fly down the mountain directly with mushroom intestines instead of having to climb down the mountain bit by bit.

"Look, those birds are coming back to see us off." Oscar said, pointing to the small black dot in the distance.

Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes, "The one at the front is indeed the Emperor Feather Bird, but the one following it seems to be a dragon?"

Hot scratched his head: "Isn't this the territory of Emperor Feather Bird? How come there are still dragons?"

"Apart from the four-legged lizard, how can there be any dragons in the Thousand Needles Forest?" Oscar replied subconsciously.

After saying that, his face turned pale, and then he realized: "Damn it, Brother Hao's bad luck has come again. Let's run away before it finds us."

"It's too late, it found us."

The little black dot behind suddenly sped up, even a few minutes faster than the Emperor Feather Bird in front who was naturally able to control the wind.

Apparently they had been discovered, and for this reason they even spared the Emperor Feather Bird, which was regarded as prey.

I really don’t know where Oscar and Haote provoked it, and they are so vindictive.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around. There was no place to stay except for the gentle slope and platform in front of the cave. He was a living target if he stayed where he was, and even more so when he went down the mountain.

Oscar quickly suggested: "How about we escape through the tunnel dug by the mirror beast?"

Wang Xiaofeng denied: "I advise you not to do this. This mountain peak has been hollowed out by the Di Yuque family and cannot withstand a huge impact. If you want to be buried alive by tens of thousands of tons of sand and rocks."

The white dragon flew very fast. It was just a small black dot, but now it was as big as a glass bead. Even Oscar could vaguely see its outline.

"This won't work, and that won't work, so what should I do?" Oscar was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Even though he had always called Bai Long a four-horned lizard, the fact that he was hunted for more than ten days left an indelible psychological shadow on him. Every time he slept, he would not be able to sleep without Wang Xiaofeng or Haote beside him.

"Counterattack." Wang Xiaofeng said forcefully.

As soon as these words came out, Haote grinned and Oscar was stunned.

Wang Xiaofeng's suggestion seems to be overwhelming.

But in fact, since he was beaten last time, Wang Xiaofeng carefully analyzed the two encounters with the White Dragon.

Hot and Oscar were attacked by a white dragon that time. They took a mouthful of dragon breath before they could react. Three people were lost on the spot, and Hot was seriously injured.

The second time was the raid on Baidi City.

Wang Xiaofeng was the one who experienced that battle personally. From beginning to end, he discovered a problem, that is, the white dragon was not as powerful as he imagined.

An old and frail Contra and a group of troops who looked regular but didn't even have a military formation were almost killed.

The defense relies entirely on a suit of scale armor, and there are only three attack methods: dragon's breath, melee combat and dragon's power.

Now, more than a month had passed since the last encounter in Baidi City, and Wang Xiaofeng wanted to see if the newly grown scales were as tough as before.

Hot grinned, hit his left palm with his right fist and said: "Haha, I still like Dr. He's proposal. I have long wanted to avenge the shame."

"Then let's be dragon-slaying warriors today."

Hot's true identity has also been revealed. At this critical moment, there is no need to hide his strength.

In just a few words, Wang Xiaofeng took over the command from Haote, "Xiao Ao, phantom intestine! Mirror intestine ready."

"I have a phantom intestine."

Oscar summoned phantom intestines, each holding two, "Brother Hao, give me a drop of blood."

Hot didn't ask why, he just cut his finger and threw a drop of blood over it.

The sausage absorbed the blood and turned into a pale silver sausage under the influence of the fifth soul ring.

Feeling that the soul power in his body had been reduced by 35%, Oscar couldn't help but sigh, this is a normal phenomenon.

"Use the clone to lure the white dragon to the cave."

Thick soul power condensed under his feet. Wang Xiaofeng stepped hard. The soul power stirred up snow and sand with the rolling airflow, and the sand and snow roared into the sky.

When the snow fell, three figures were seen running into the cave in unison.

Seeing this, Bailong's speed skyrocketed again, and suddenly it crashed onto the platform like a small mountain. The tens of thousands of years of ice and rock suddenly sank under the load. Countless cracks suddenly spread out like spider webs, and the snow on the top of the mountain collapsed and fell. , as if to form a big avalanche sweeping everything.

But this natural disaster did not attract the white dragon's attention. It didn't even look at it, and the dragon's breath that was ready to go spewed out from its mouth and poured into the cave.

But right now, almost at the same time.

Two figures emerged from the air, as if identical giant bears jumped out of the void, aiming at the three inches below the throat and eyes to attack.

The three inches below the throat are where the reverse scales of all dragons are located, and are very fragile. Therefore, even if the attacker's aura is a little weaker, the white dragon will subconsciously take the lead in protecting its own weakness.

While holding his chest and neck to protect his weak points, the cold dragon's breath swallowed up Oscar's physical clone in an instant.

But everyone's goal was achieved.

The dazzling colorful light caught up with Haote's figure, and the powerful increase caused his body to expand again. The thick aura seemed to have a physical form. The frosty air surged out of his body, and then gathered in the soul ring. On the bear's paw.

"The fifth soul skill, Palm of the Giant Spirit!"

Although Bai Long closed his eyes at the critical moment, how could the thin layer of scales on his eyelids block this premeditated and charged attack.

The bear's claws, which had expanded more than three times, not only blew out Bailong's right eye, but also almost shattered the right half of his face, revealing jade-like white bones among the flesh and blood.

Roar! !

The uncrowned king of the Thousand Needles Forest burst out with a shocking roar.

The white dragon had never suffered such a serious injury. The severe pain instantly overwhelmed its reason, and powerful dragon power burst out from its body.

Hot was so close, and Long Wei pressed heavily on him, making him feel dazed for a moment. His paralyzed body was pushed hard into the mountain with a slap from Bai Long.

Once, twice

Huge claw marks were deeply imprinted on the rock wall, and countless cracks climbed up the mountain.

An extremely thick gourd vine suddenly appeared on the ground and quickly tied up the white dragon's right claw to stop its attack.

A huge gourd fell from the sky and hit it hard on the head, causing the white dragon to stagger.

As the soul power surged, the flying snow rose again.

Wang Xiaofeng used gourd vines and phantom clones to attract Bailong's attention, while Oscar secretly dug out Haote and took him away.

The pungent powder made it almost impossible for Bailong's sensitive nose to distinguish the smell of the enemy. The flying snow made it difficult for his only remaining eye to find prey. This made the increasingly irritable Bailong begin to attack everything around him indiscriminately. .

The mountain peaks shook more violently.

"Come on, this place is going to collapse."

The huge avalanche surged vertically and horizontally, swallowing up the entire platform and the white dragon's body with a thunderous sound.

The white dragon was pushed down the mountain by the avalanche with an angry roar.

Oscar dragged Haote and floated in mid-air. Looking at the increasingly powerful avalanche below, he said with lingering fear, "We were almost buried alive. Brother Hao, are you okay?"

Haote spat out a mouthful of blood and said with a sluggish expression, "It won't die yet, but my palm should be enough for it to bear."

"It's a little early to be happy now." Wang Xiaofeng stared down.

In the middle of the rushing snow, several meters of ice and snow suddenly rose up, and the dragon shadow twisted its huge body like crazy.

To Bailong, so-called natural disasters are similar to taking a shower in a waterfall.

"We can't give it a chance to breathe before killing it while it's sick."

Wang Xiaofeng threw the gourd into the sky with all his strength. The four yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings were put together on the gourd. A thick beam of light fell down, and Wang Xiaofeng's momentum skyrocketed.

The transparent wings behind his back created an afterimage, and the figure disappeared from the spot, falling from the sky like a meteor.

The closer it gets, the more the shrill roar makes people's scalp numb.

That is the dragon's power, which is the double spiritual and physical oppression of higher life forms on lower life forms. It will make people's brains go blank in panic, their limbs will become weak, and they will be unable to survive.

But the blood in Wang Xiaofeng's body boiled as if it had been heated.

Two figures passed him from the side.

That was Oscar's phantom, and the physical clone created using Hot's blood as a template.

Bailong spotted them immediately.

The eroded wound was wrapped in ice, and the ferocious ice crystals made it look less beautiful than before. The fierce and resentful one eye stared at the figure falling at high speed.

Mountain wind and flying snow flew past Wang Xiaofeng, and then, he was greeted by blue breath that surged like a torrent.


The phantom like foam melts and dissipates in the breath.

Then there's Oscar's physical doppelgänger.

Even if he uses all his soul skills, he can't stop his fate of being swallowed by the dragon's breath, turning into huge ice crystals and smashing to the ground, breaking into pieces.

300 meters

130 meters

50 meters

But unfortunately, the phantom intestine can only hide itself, but cannot cover up the airflow and sound caused by the fall.

Bailong suddenly turned his head and swept his breath in the direction of nothing.


Wang Xiaofeng's figure appeared out of thin air, and a thousand-jin pendant accelerated and hit the snow, and the raging dragon's breath swept over him.

All of Bailong's attention suddenly focused on Wang Xiaofeng.

It roared furiously, and the restless black soul power rushed out like an explosion of air. The circular ripples disturbed the snow and dust and spread in all directions!

A huge circle separates the sky from the earth, wind and snow.

This is a fighting arena for one person and one dragon.

A word suddenly flashed in Wang Xiaofeng's mind.

The prototype of the field.

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