Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 544: Dragon Slaying

Chapter 549 Dragon Slaying

Soul power oppression and dragon power, the former is the release of soul power, the latter is the release of spirit, they are almost two different things, but at this moment, there is a trend of fusion.

Breaking through in battle, are you the legendary protagonist Dragon?

Bailong didn't give Wang Xiaofeng a chance to complain.

The furious silver eyes instantly locked onto him who was the closest and had the strongest aura.

A large amount of cold air came out from under the silver-white armor-like scales, and slammed head-on with a roar that shook the entire mountain!


The snow on the ground rose high like water waves.

"Well done!"

Wang Xiaofeng tightened his arms, and his body's bones exploded to improve his physical condition to perfection.

The air made a shrill and harsh crackling sound as the white dragon rushed forward, whipping up a fierce hurricane and scraping the surrounding vegetation, trees, ice and rocks.

boom! ! ! !

A huge sound of gold and iron clashing was heard in the distance, and the air suddenly fluctuated like water!

After the impact, the ring-shaped ripples spread out, and the permafrost that was as frozen as steel within five feet suddenly sank!

The hard dragon teeth with the power of ice exploded with a huge bite force, crushing the rebel between the teeth into a pulp.

The combined force of the upper and lower jaws is tens of tons. This force is enough to bite through a several-meter-thick pig iron block. No carbon-based creature can resist this fatal force.

But now someone has broken this routine.

Two strong arms wrapped like a wild dragon were stuck between the white dragon's teeth, and the muscular body could withstand the bites weighing dozens of tons.

The thick, fishy ambergris saliva dripped along the sharp teeth, making a sizzling sound as it landed on the body that was as motionless as iron.

It was the sound of high-temperature evaporating liquid produced by flesh.

Before meeting Wang Xiaofeng, Bailong would never have believed that someone could actually defeat him in strength.

But the unparalleled terrifying power burst out from that thin and small body.

The fact is already before its eyes, and it cannot help but believe that its own teeth will be broken by the opponent's huge force before biting the opponent.

Bailong, who was riding a tiger and unable to dismount, decided to use dragon breath to break the situation.

The oppression of the soul power and the power of the dragon were further integrated, as if the actual soul power and mental power were pressing heavily on Wang Xiaofeng.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the steel-like bones finally couldn't withstand the pressure and were pressed down bit by bit.

This undoubtedly made Bailong see hope, and he no longer hesitated, and a large amount of soul power gathered in the dragon's belly.

The huge soul power even pulled the surrounding flying snow, causing weather changes in a small area within a hundred meters.

The next attack will be a shocking blow.

Bailong stared closely at the figure under the giant jaw, hoping to see fear and terror on his face, just like how he used to play with humans.

Human beings on the verge of death will do unimaginable things, such as killing each other.

This is the best fun for its long life.

But what his vertical pupils reflected was an indifferent face, as if death could not move him.

Why, this human being is so calm, isn't he afraid?

The piercing pain surges in the mouth, and the ice energy accumulates to the limit. In the next moment, it can turn this damn human being into eternal ice crystals.

But Bailong's adrenaline began to secrete, and he felt intense uneasiness in his heart.


A gray shadow rushed into its spiritual realm.

The pressure like a sea wave made the figure move much slower, but it still carried a life-or-death momentum. With the support of the fifth soul skill, it struck a decisive palm.

Unable to move.



Bai Long could only watch helplessly as the substantial giant palm hit his head hard.

The originally stable dragon's breath began to tremble violently.

But Bailong only glanced at it and looked away.

Do ridiculous humans think that this can make the dragon's breath in its mouth explode? What a naive idea.

Even if this kind of energy from the same source explodes, it won't be able to hurt it. At worst, it just takes a while to condense it again.

Oscar's clone became angry. With a roar, he jumped on Bailong's head and hammered at the previous wound.

It was so disturbed that it was not very irritable, and even the dragon's breath could not be maintained. It disappeared in the mouth and turned into pure soul power flowing back into the body.

Bailong, whose attention was completely attracted by the annoying fly, did not notice that a meteor hidden high in the sky was falling at an extremely fast speed.

The huge gourd wrapped in flames was like a meteorite from the sky, hitting the white dragon accurately and heavily with unimaginable kinetic energy.

A great collision between heaven and earth.

The entire mountain range was caught in an eight-magnitude earthquake. At the moment of the shock, everything around was thrown up from the ground by the violent force! Countless cracks opened in the lonely mountains on the earth.

It seems to penetrate the surface of the earth and reach the center of the earth.

A terrifying loud noise swept through the entire mountain range.

Wang Xiaofeng stood there, his hair messy in the strong wind, and the last trace of fabric disappeared with the wind, revealing a black body as strong as Hercules in the myth.

He slowly let go of his hand, and the dragon's head in front of him hung down weakly.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes opened and closed, as if there were flames burning.

He had dissected more than one dragonborn with dragon blood.

The tide of beasts allowed him to accumulate a wealth of experience in anatomy and the weaknesses of the enemy.

Dragonborn did not break away from the category of living things. In terms of countermeasures, apart from the reverse scales, the top priority was to attack the cervical vertebrae of these behemoths.

Compared with important parts such as the heart or brainstem, which are protected by facial bones and bone cages that are different from normal creatures.

The weak point of the cervical spine, which does not need to be punctured but can be shaken or even broken by a violent impact, has become the key.

This was not a fair fight, not from the start.

"Let's win."

Oscar, who had used his fifth soul skill three times in a row, looked as pale as paper. Looking at the battlefield shrouded in smoke and dust in the distance, he murmured: "I really can't squeeze out a drop."

Haote laughed loudly on the side, "I can't even think of what kind of soul beast can survive such an attack. The ninth soul skill of Titled Douluo can only be like this at most."

"Brother Hao, you are wrong. I have seen attacks stronger than this." Oscar looked at the battlefield that was gradually calming down: "One hammer can destroy this mountain."

"I didn't expect that you are young and have seen a lot." Hot looked at the mountain peak that had lost most of its weight and smacked his lips. "Such a sight must be spectacular. I really want to see it."

"Yes, it's spectacular." Oscar sighed regretfully.

Human beings always like to destroy something to show off their strength. Is there anything cooler than smashing the Spirit Temple, the holy place in the soul master's heart?

Unfortunately, he was knocked unconscious at the time, and in the end he only saw the remains of the Spirit Temple.

In the eyes of the two of them, the strong wind finally blew away the dust and smoke, revealing the situation on the battlefield.

The first thing that catches the eye is a large pit that looks like a split operation on the mountain.

Then in the center of the pit, there are people standing and the dragon lying on the ground.

Typhoon weather is so annoying. I wrote the wrong chapter number and can’t change it.

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