Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 545 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 1)

Chapter 550 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 1)

After the wind and snow that surrounded the lonely mountain and the earth subsided, the layers of depressions were revealed, as well as the mess and desolate frozen soil all over the ground.

The sun shines through the dark clouds and drapes over the earth, like a red curtain closing after a drama.

Hotter trotted to the edge of the giant pit carrying Oscar, who was overstretched with soul power. The scene was more tragic than they imagined.

In the center of the cracked pit lies a "creature" whose original appearance cannot be seen.

Although the outline of the dragon can be seen from the shape, the charred black shell makes it difficult to connect it with the dragon that is as white as crystal.

A pair of broken wings, equally scorched, and fragility visible to the naked eye, as if they would make a snapping sound when pinched with fingers and a little force applied.

Next to the black charcoal skeleton, sat a black-haired boy who was calmly eating grilled sausage.

Sweat seeped quietly from his pores, turned into steam and slowly rose like smoke, soaking the white loose cotton clothes.

Every muscle fiber exposed under the soaked clothes has a steely color.

The footsteps of Haote and Oscar caught Wang Xiaofeng's attention.

With just one look, both Haote and Oscar on the back felt a heavy pressure, a chilling aura, as if someone was being strangled by the throat and making people breathless.

"It's you." Wang Xiaofeng lowered his eyes, as if the actual murderous aura receded like a tide, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

But the goosebumps that jumped all over his body showed that it was not an illusion.

Haote looked at him quietly, with some unfamiliarity in his scrutinizing eyes, as if it was the first time they met.

Is this the genius who defeated Wuhundian and won the elite competition?

But Xiao Ao's strength is still within the range that the brain can understand. This person in front of him

Even though the giant dragon was lying beside him, Hot still felt a little unreal, and his eyes were dull as he looked at the falling snowflakes.

Is the gap between people so huge?

Haote was doubting life there, and Oscar, who had regained some strength, slipped off him. With Wang Xiaofeng's support, his courage also swelled a lot.

He pulled out a stone stick from the compacted pit and poked the blackened dragon body, "Why doesn't this four-legged lizard come out with a soul ring?"

"Because it's not dead yet." Wang Xiaofeng swallowed the recovery sausage and casually wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"But its entire cervical spine was smashed, and it couldn't move below its head. It was no different from death."

Oscar looked at the dragon body that exuded a faint scent of flesh, and said in shock: "You're not dead from such an injury?!"

"Death? You underestimate creatures like dragons." Wang Xiaofeng smiled, "If you give it enough time, it is not impossible to heal itself."

Ignoring Oscar who was fumbling here and there, Wang Xiaofeng looked at Haote, "Haote, what do you think of it as your seventh soul ring?"

"Ah?" Haote was stunned for a moment, with some emotion on his face, but in the end he endured it, waved his hand and said, "We don't know its age, so let's forget it."

"The age of a four-legged lizard." Oscar seemed to have thought of something, and asked in surprise: "Did the master teach you what he kept at the bottom of the box?"

The stuff at the bottom of the master's box refers to a series of inherited knowledge from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, including but not limited to methods and methods for determining the age of various soul beasts with dragon bloodline.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "That is knowledge passed down by the family. Even a master cannot disclose it without the authorization of the family."

"However, I know that it is definitely not more than 20,000 years old." Wang Xiaofeng blinked and said with certainty.


They didn't know how to identify it, but they were able to determine the age, which aroused their curiosity.

Wang Xiaofeng did not sell out, and said to Oscar: "Remember when you first obtained the phantom intestine, I introduced the flaws of the soul skill? Moving will destroy the invisibility, and..."

"Also, he can be seen through by a soul master whose soul power level is ten levels higher than his own." Oscar swallowed and added.

Wang Xiaofeng spread his hands and said nothing.

The level of a soul master and the age of a soul beast are obviously two different things, completely different from each other, but the rules for determining soul skills can be applied to each other.

So, humans are also soul beasts?



"This white dragon is so powerful. I didn't expect it to be less than 20,000 years old." Thinking of this hot made my teeth hurt. I didn't expect that after so many years in the mercenary world, I couldn't even hold my two claws. It's embarrassing.

"White Dragon is also a rare genius among soul beasts. Naturally, age and strength cannot be linked." Wang Xiaofeng smiled.

"How about it? Although the age of the white dragon is a bit low for the seventh spirit ring, its quality is very high. In addition, it is precisely because of it that your martial spirit can mutate. If you absorb its spirit ring, maybe It can tap into the deeper potential of martial arts.”

According to the master's theoretical research, the age of the seventh soul ring can be chosen between 30,000 and 50,000 years.

As for Haote's physical fitness, he could choose a spirit beast that was at least 45,000 years old as his seventh spirit ring, so choosing a spirit beast that was less than 20,000 years old was somewhat aggrieved.

The older the soul beast is, not only can it provide a more powerful soul ring, but it can also increase the body and soul power more, which can save a lot of time in training.

"A 20,000-year-old white dragon is already pretty good. What's more, high-level soul beasts are not that easy to hunt." Haote shook his head with a wry smile. If he really wanted to hunt a 40,000-year-old soul beast, Hua The savings over the years alone are not enough, and you have to owe a lot of favors to form a soul hunting team.

And currently he is facing a very embarrassing problem, the transformation problem from half tank and half output to pure output.

The ten-thousand-year-old spirit beast that was chosen for the seventh spirit ring with integrated offense and defense was no longer suitable for the new spirit, and a suitable spirit beast needed to be chosen again.

But that would require spending more money and time to find the soul beast, and what he lacked most now was time and money. For this, he was willing to take a gamble.

Bet that his martial spirit has more potential.

Even if you lose the bet, the worst thing you can do is return to where you started, and you won’t lose anything.

Thinking of this, Haote no longer hesitated and shouted to Oscar not far away: "Xiao Ao, do you still have the strength to make sausages?"

"I still have the strength to use the first soul skill." Oscar put down the stone stick in his hand and responded loudly.

Then he chanted a spell to summon two large recovery sausages.

He didn't notice that the blackened dragon head under the stone stick suddenly cracked a small gap, and a malicious look flowed out of the gap.

The remaining soul power in the body was forcibly gathered together under the control of mental power.

Damn humans, don’t think you can bully me at will if you win!

I am

Lord of Winter!

Wang Xiaofeng, who was resting cross-legged not far away, suddenly turned his head and shouted to Oscar: "Run!"

When Oscar heard the sound, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but his exhausted body was unable to react immediately. Then, his eyes were filled with white light.

A sudden light burst out from the dragon's head, catching him off guard.

Oscar's eyes were flashed by this dazzling light, and his hazy eyes only saw a figure blocking him.

"The sixth soul skill, Control of Winter!"

Hot's strong body blocked Oscar's body, and the light representing the increase in defense flashed past, and a thin soul shield was formed on both sides.

Along with the dazzling light came boundless pressure.

The pressure, which was like the earth shattering, pressed heavily on the three of them.

Even if the flying snow from the sky falls on me, it feels as heavy as a stone at this moment.

Although the pressure only lasted less than a second.

Bailong's spiritual power was like summer fireworks, reaching its peak in an instant and then dissipating quickly.

But, enough is enough.

The dragon's breath, using soul power as fuel and spirit as flame, successfully burst out.

Because of the new plot of Gan Xing Tie Beng San Yuan Shen, the update is a bit slow. However, to be honest, Lao Mi’s technical progress is really obvious. You can really become stronger by charging money. Also, Chen Bai’s restricted area has been a liver for two days. , um, it’s really bad to play on the mobile phone, and the computer download shows an error and can’t be played. Alas, Xishanju really can only rely on the Three Swords to survive.

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