Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 546 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 2)

Chapter 551 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 2)

The huge ice energy began to lose control the moment Bailong's spirit disappeared.

Layers of transparent ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the center of the pit, spreading in all directions with terrifying white energy like a thunderstorm.

Huge energy leaked out uncontrollably, swallowing all objects it could come into contact with.

Standing in front of Hot, the vine shield made of gourd vines did not even hold up for a second in the face of the terrifying ice energy before turning into the most primitive ice crystals under the wash of energy.

Then there is the ice wall created by Haote using his soul power.

Perhaps because the soul power has a trace of the same origin, it did not directly collapse under the sweep of ice energy, and it lasted for a full 2 ​​seconds.

This bought Wang Xiaofeng time to add the first soul skill increase to the two of them in time.

Hot pressed Oscar beneath him.

His sixth soul skill can not only improve defense and provide a soul shield for both parties, but it can also evenly share the damage suffered by each other within 10 seconds.

Coupled with having himself as a human shield, at least Oscar's chance of survival is much higher.

The billowing torrent of energy covered the two of them.

Under the indiscriminate attack, Wang Xiaofeng was unable to escape the torrent of ice energy.

A huge gourd stood in front of him.

The ice energy set off a huge cold wave and wanted to devour it, but the gourd was not to be outdone, and the absorbed power attached to the surface. Both of them had the ability to devour. In the end, the confrontation turned into a mutual annihilation of the energies.

But such a tug-of-war turned Wang Xiaofeng into unlucky people. He needed to constantly inject soul power into the gourd to maintain the fragile balance.

Feeling that less than 20% of the soul power in the body is still passing away rapidly, I secretly groan in my heart.

I didn't expect this white dragon to be so strong.

He really just wanted to study whether there was an unknown connection between Haote Wuhun and the dragon bloodline, and he didn't mean to insult its dignity at all.

According to the current consumption rate, the soul power will be consumed by the gourd in about 7 seconds.

The energy explosion caused by the white dragon's self-destruction has triggered the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth to form a huge tide.

Unless we can fight violence with violence, smash the source of the energy riot, which is the dragon head, to weaken the power of the cold wave.

Otherwise, it won’t end in a few seconds.

Um? !

Suddenly, Wang Xiaofeng was shocked and goosebumps suddenly stood up!

A trembling feeling crept into my heart.

There were stabbing pains in the center of his eyebrows. This sharp pain was a warning from his sixth sense.

Even if the ice energy disrupted the magnetic field and suppressed his perception, he could not hide the disturbance within a hundred meters.

But there is nothing around except ice energy


An afterimage flew past the side, drawing a white line in the air. With his eyesight, he could only catch a trace of the phantom.

Ice energy surged from both sides like a tide.

Without giving Wang Xiaofeng any time to react, a huge shock wave blew the gourd away along with him.

The world was silent for a moment, infinite light flashed, and the scattered blue light broke, reflecting across the sky!

Subsequently, the ground shook violently, and large plumes of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

A violent explosion rose from the center of the crater, and countless pieces of dirt and gravel ripped through the sky and landed on Wang Xiaofeng.

Da da da! !

Wang Xiaofeng felt as if his body had been stabbed hard by a huge cactus, or like an electric shock. He felt a stinging pain and was extremely trembling, as if thousands of needles were being shot.

The muscles trembled wildly, and the periosteum like cowhide weakened layer by layer. The body only trembled, intact.

It's a pity the clothes I just put on.

The loose robes cracked under the high-speed shooting of stones, and large strips of cloth were swept by the fierce wind and washed into the smoke.

Wang Xiaofeng was thrown dozens of meters away, and then fell heavily to the ground, pulling out a gully more than ten meters long in the compacted soil.

Blood coughed from the mouth.

The explosion just now broke the fragile energy balance, and the ice energy suddenly took over, causing him to suffer backlash and suffer serious internal injuries.

Wang Xiaofeng steeled himself and looked through the smoke and dust, only to see an icicle more than 20 meters long stuck diagonally in the pit.

Such big icicles, but how come there are icicles falling here?

With such confusion, Wang Xiaofeng looked up in the direction in which the icicle tilted.

When he looked up, a giant dozens of meters tall suddenly occupied his entire field of vision.

Wang Xiaofeng's body instantly became extremely stiff, and the hair all over his body stood up in excitement! !

He had seen this figure from a distance when he crossed the Siberian Mountains, but at such a close distance, his instinctive phobia of giant objects was directly violated, leaving only a blank in his mind.

But after the emotions engraved in the genes were suppressed by the strong mental force, reason regained the upper hand, and Wang Xiaofeng noticed other details.

For example, the giant's body was covered with wounds of various sizes. The most serious thing was that there was only a piece of rotten flesh left on the left side of the head, and there was a huge hollow near the chest!

Translucent front and back.

This shows that it went through a very tragic battle.

The giant seemed not to notice Wang Xiaofeng and continued to walk forward, leaving deep footprints in the millions of years of hard frozen soil!

The huge body made no sound at all, like a ghost wandering in the world.

He crossed the big pit in one move and continued walking deeper into the mountains. However, after walking a few steps, he suddenly fell to the ground.

boom! !

The weight of tens of thousands of tons hit the ground with a huge sound, setting off a violent air current and carrying waves of rolling snow and mud sweeping around.

It wasn't until the sky and the earth calmed down, and the flying snow and dust fell to the ground, that a figure climbed out of the snowdrift.

Wang Xiaofeng lay facelessly on the ground in a large shape, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the air filled with snowflakes.

Mist rose from the nose and then disappeared into the air.

“Originally, I wanted to have a relaxing and enjoyable trip during my graduation trip, and also be able to visit relatives and friends.

But after leaving the gate of the academy, everything went wrong. Either he encountered an old monster in the ancient tomb of ten thousand years, or he encountered a tide of beasts. Even the dragonborn and the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, which are difficult for ordinary people to encounter, kept appearing in front of me as if they were free of charge. Should I find a temple to worship them to get rid of bad luck?

By the way, is Douluo Continent within the jurisdiction of Taozu and Buddha? Or should we follow the custom of local soul masters and worship the angel statue? "

The lack of soul power in his body put a layer of weakness on his mind and body. Without the suppression of his mental power, the thoughts in his mind were like wild horses running wild. However, Wang Xiaofeng did not hate this feeling. On the contrary, it was a lack of strength for him. Some relaxing moments.

However, there is not much time to show off like this. After all, there are still two unlucky guys waiting for him to save.

What a fragrant smell

Oscar slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was an unfamiliar sky.

Miscellaneous memories were running through his mind, and the final image remained of Hot standing in front of him.

So am I saved?

He touched his body in confusion and breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find any part missing. It seemed that the four-legged lizard's decisive blow was not strong.

He looked in the direction where the scent came from and saw Wang Xiaofeng taking out huge bones one by one from the cauldron.

"What smells so good?"

"Dragon meat." Wang Xiaofeng said without looking back.

All the bones were taken out, leaving only a clear soup in the pot. Wang Xiaofeng put in the ginseng, angelica, red dates and large pieces of diced meat, and then poured a bag of rice into it.

He was going to cook a pot of meat porridge suitable for the wounded.

That's right, Hot was injured again, and both internal and external injuries were quite serious. Thanks to him, Oscar, a fool favored by the goddess of luck, did nothing. He was just knocked unconscious.

"Is this thing edible?" Oscar knocked on the bones that were randomly thrown on the ground, making a metallic sound.

"If you can, don't eat it later."

Dragon meat is very tough, tougher than old cowhide, and is not suitable for ordinary soul masters. However, as long as it is beaten with great force more than three thousand times and the fascia is picked out, it can reach the entrance.



Of course, being able to chew does not mean being able to digest, so if you don’t want to meet tomorrow, you still need to have a good stomach first.

"Brother Feng, I was wrong." Oscar apologized at the speed of light.

Wang Xiaofeng was cooking meat porridge and had no time to pay attention to him.

Oscar, who felt bored, looked around and saw Haote, who was wrapped into a rice dumpling lying in a simple tent, and the dragon bones piled aside casually with only half of his body left.

Only a small part of the scales that can withstand sharp swords are left attached to the skin. The thick blood vessels and white muscles are no different from other creatures.

Ribs of varying lengths, several times the size of a human being, form a cage-like heart protection frame. Inside is a black and blue scaly heart that has stopped beating. The whole thing looks like a compact work of art.

The illusory black soul ring is suspended above, exuding a blue color under the sunlight.

It's a pity for this soul ring.

The soul ring can only exist for two hours if no one absorbs it. Seeing Brother Hao's current situation, he will definitely not be able to enjoy it.

Wang Xiaofeng did not move them very far. It could be seen that they were still in the big pit created during the battle with the dragon, but the steep slope more than ten meters high on the side was quite strange.

"The self-destruction power of this four-legged lizard is quite powerful, and it actually exploded out of a slope more than ten meters high." Oscar muttered.

"That's not Po, it's a hundred thousand year soul beast." Wang Xiaofeng said as he put the lid on the pot.

At this time, there was a thin layer of fine snow on the giant's body. It was not surprising that Oscar didn't notice it for a while.

Oscar laughed dryly: "Brother Feng, you are kidding again. How can there be such a big soul beast? And if it is really a hundred thousand year soul beast, how can we still be alive here?"

Wang Xiaofeng didn't explain. After adding some firewood to keep the temperature stable, he walked up the slope. Oscar followed curiously, wanting to see what Wang Xiaofeng was up to.

Climbing up the slope, you get an unobstructed view of the plains.

The snow-capped mountains in the distance show dots of crystal luster under the sunlight.

But when did there become so many lush plants here? And he's so tall.

The snow under his feet felt a little strange, but Oscar didn't think much, caught up and asked, "Brother Feng, where are we going?"

Wang Xiaofeng identified the location and said, "Go and see if our savior can be saved."

When walking through the loose grass, I saw the huge and transparent wound, with coagulated blue blood hanging on the brown muscles.

Only then did Oscar realize that Wang Xiaofeng was not joking. They were now standing on an extremely huge soul beast.

And what he stepped on was not frozen soil, but the horny skin of a giant.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the huge wound with confusion on his face: "It's strange. According to the structure of the human body, the missing parts here are most likely the heart and ribs.

But without a heart, not only did he not die immediately, but he walked an unknown distance, and he was also able to throw an icicle dozens of meters long and accurately hit Bailong's head. "

It's not scientific no matter how you think about it

Could it be that the body structure of the 100,000-year-old soul beast has mutated and no longer belongs to the category of living things?

"Xiao Ao, give me two recovery sausages."

Oscar nodded in a daze, the yellow soul ring was placed on his hand, and two sausages appeared in his palm.

Wang Xiaofeng stuffed the sausage into his mouth, tapped his toes, and a wave of soul power spread out with him as the center.

But the resistance of the giant's body to soul power was very high, and the soul power was completely consumed before even the surface of the skin was explored.

My soul power, which I finally recovered with great difficulty, really didn't even give me a chance to be lazy.

Wang Xiaofeng took a deep breath, and the sea of ​​consciousness in his mind trembled slightly, and powerful mental power fluctuations radiated from his body.

With the help of mental power, a human model of the giant began to be constructed in his mind.

However, whether it is soul power or mental power, the giant's body is highly resistant to both, so the model still looks a bit blurry.

But it's enough.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly found the abnormal point, which was the abnormal fluctuation coming from the navel.

Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes and prepared to move, but after walking a few steps, he found that Oscar hadn't followed. He gave him a slap in the face angrily, "Don't look stupid. It's not like I haven't seen him for a hundred thousand years." Soul beast."

After receiving a slap on the back of the head, Oscar finally regained consciousness.

"But such a big one, and it is also a hundred thousand year old soul beast that is on the verge of death. Not many people in the entire continent have encountered it." Oscar exaggeratedly opened his arms and made a circle.

"Brother Feng, do you want us to take advantage of this opportunity?"

"This is our savior. Don't think too hard. If you don't see the icicle in the pit, we are already in the underworld as a companion. How can we brag here?"

Wang Xiaofeng stopped and said seriously: "Even if it is unintentional, unconscious, or even because it is a soul beast, we are human beings, and different species are naturally antagonistic.

But the result is that it threw the icicles and saved us from the king of hell.

Repaying kindness is a beautiful virtue of human beings. I don’t want you to lose these most precious things of human beings for the sake of strength.

If you want a hundred-thousand-year soul ring, wait until you reach level 90. Let’s go to the Star Dou Forest to seek revenge from the Titan Giant Ape, and take it as your ninth soul ring. "

"You are the boss and you have the final say." Oscar spread his hands, "But why do I remember that you have promised the Titan Ape's soul ring to Boss Dai."

Wang Xiaofeng said nonchalantly: "It's okay. Without the Titan Giant Ape, there is still the Azure Bull Python. The Star Dou Forest has existed for such a long time. Who knows how many hundred thousand year soul beasts there are in it. If you don't like it, wait until then." Pick slowly.”

The two walked through the jungle made of hair again and reached the abnormal point fed back by their mental power.

A huge sarcoma appeared in front of me, with purple blood vessels all over the surface, which looked extremely disgusting.

Oscar felt the slight vibration coming from under his feet and asked curiously: "What is this? It actually vibrates quite rhythmically."

Wang Xiaofeng input soul power and mental power into the sarcoma, but encountered stronger resistance. Although he could not reach the core further, the feedback information was enough.

"This is its second heart." Wang Xiaofeng said with certainty.

With two heads and two hearts, there are indeed many wonders in the world.

"My dear, my heart grows in my belly. It's just that I don't know enough." Oscar smacked his lips: "Then, we need to cut out this sarcoma and fill it up in the big hole in the chest?"

"No, this heart is very healthy and has not squeezed other organs. It is still delivering blood to the body and maintaining energy circulation." Wang Xiaofeng stood up.

“What we can do is cut off the necrotic flesh, suture the wounds, and replenish certain nutrients and moisture for this giant. As for the rest, it has to rely on itself to survive.

Let's go, go back. If you don't go back, the porridge will be ruined. "

Experiments have shown that in a non-high-pressure environment, it is difficult to cook dragon meat by just stirring the porridge at a temperature of less than 100 degrees Celsius, especially if its owner is an ice dragon.

Wang Xiaofeng stirred for an hour, but the diced meat, which was about the size of a fingernail, still maintained its original color. The only change may be that it had been soaked in water, causing the volume to become a little larger.

Fortunately, the nutrients in the meat more or less leaked out under the stirring and merged into the porridge. In addition, other medicinal materials were also put in, so that Haote would not eat white porridge.

After two bowls, Oscar couldn't eat anymore. He covered his bleeding nose and hid aside to practice digestion.

Therefore, most of the large pot of meat porridge that was nominally used to replenish Haote's body ended up in Wang Xiaofeng's stomach.

The dragon bone essence is concentrated in a pot of stock, and finally absorbed by the delicate rice, giving it a delicious taste.

Except the meat was undercooked, everything else was perfect.

"My hard work of cooking porridge for so long was not wasted." Wang Xiaofeng put down the spoon in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. He was very satisfied with the completion of the dish that he had made with dragon meat for the first time.

"Xiao Ao, are you full~"

Oscar raised his head and trotted over: "What's wrong, Brother Feng?"

"Help me protect the law." Wang Xiaofeng pointed at the black soul ring that was much more transparent and grinned: "It's rare to find a suitable soul ring, so we can't just waste it."


Three huge question marks slowly emerged from Oscar's head.

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