Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 547 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 2)

Chapter 552 The Fifth Soul Ring, Crowning the King (Part 2)

Brother Feng, do you want to listen to what you are saying? This soul ring has far exceeded the number of years that the fifth soul ring can absorb.

Coupled with the terrifying dragon power of the four-legged lizard, those who have faced it will know the powerful soul impact they will face when absorbing the soul ring.

No soul king at level 60 dares to guarantee that he will be able to successfully absorb it.

Those who are good at wandering will drown, think twice, Brother Feng!

Oscar opened his mouth, and many words of persuasion came to his mind, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

Wang Xiaofeng understands soul beasts better than he does, and he also understands his own limits better.

Moreover, if you use ordinary people's standards to demand a monster that breaks through common sense, has he become arrogant after being promoted to Soul King?

Wake up, Brother Feng doesn't even need to punch you twice.

Oscar's eyes flickered, and he finally decided to trust the person in front of him. He patted his chest and promised Wang Xiaofeng, "Don't worry, I won't let any soul beast disturb you."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be too nervous. The big avalanche we caused before has driven away most of the surrounding spirit beasts. In addition, we are still frightened by the residual aura of the hundred thousand year old spirit beasts. There will be no blind people who will cause trouble for us."

With that said, he walked to the white dragon's remains and sat down. The gourd around his waist swayed slightly, and a blue soul power spread out.

Ordinary soul masters mostly rely on traction and guidance to absorb soul rings, but Wang Xiaofeng is different. He directly provokes the opponent.

The black soul ring that was about to dissipate violently hit Wang Xiaofeng as if it was angered.

Wang Xiaofeng was not afraid and let the black soul ring wrap around himself.

Extremely cold soul power surged out from the soul ring and squeezed into Wang Xiaofeng's body. In the blink of an eye, the body was covered with a thick layer of frost inside and out.

Wang Xiaofeng did not notice the strangeness in his body, because at the same time, the spiritual world was also shrouded in ice, cruel and violent spiritual power rushed into the spiritual world, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness welcomed a guest again after a long absence.

Snow fell for the first time in the monotonous and blank sea of ​​​​consciousness, and fluffy snowflakes fell quickly. At first glance, it seemed that feathers were falling down throughout the space, blocking all vision.

Snowflakes fell on Wang Xiaofeng, sending a cold stinging sensation, like a naked person standing naked in the ice and snow.

"Phew, it's so cold." Wang Xiaofeng let out a breath of hot breath and rubbed his hands, "I didn't expect that the body constructed with mental power can also feel the cold. It's such a novel experience."

Although he didn't understand how Bailong did it, he was shocked.

Mental power can actually be used like this? !

Don’t copy this down quickly, but start learning it quickly.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was carefully feeling the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, a roar suddenly came from the white sky. Before he could raise his head, the dragon's breath that seemed to have fallen from the sky swallowed him up completely.

A ring of icy air waves burst out, centering on him and spreading in all directions.

The white ground was eroded by the dragon's breath, forming clusters of blue ice crystals.

Bang bang bang~

Crisp applause echoed in the white space.

Hearing the sound, the white dragon suspended in the air decisively stopped breathing.

Sure enough, apart from the huge holes carved out by erosion, there was no trace of anyone in the ice clusters.

It turned around lightly and looked at the ground.

Wang Xiaofeng sat on a white chair and clapped his hands happily, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"I have tried here many times. The simulated objects are all superficial and have no attributes or properties at all. In essence, they are still just a ball of spiritual power, but you can simulate the power of ice."

While Wang Xiaofeng was talking to himself, the cold dragon's breath landed again, and his body remained motionless, being swallowed up by the dragon's breath.

The white dragon above moved for a moment, with a happy look on its face, but at the next moment, it realized something was wrong.

Four Wang Xiaofeng appeared again on the ground in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

phantom? No, in Bailong's perception, these people do indeed exist.

"Forget it, you are just a remnant of a soul, why are I talking to you so much?" Wang Xiaofeng and the others bowed and saluted to him like gentlemen.

"Welcome to my world. The condition for winning the game is to destroy this place. I wish you a happy game."

The surrounding space had undergone strange changes, but Bailong didn't know it at all. It just used mental power to simulate the properties of soul power as before, and then sprayed it out from its mouth, freezing Wang Xiaofeng and others into ice crystals.

No matter how many mental clones Wang Xiaofeng creates, Bailong's dragon breath can annihilate them immediately.

It fiercely looks like the master of this space.

But if there are others watching from the side, they will find that the space where Bai Long and Wang Xiaofeng are located seems to have been pressed on the accelerator button, and they move very quickly, even pulling out afterimages.

But the flying snow flying high in the sky still continued to fall at a steady speed.

Brain overclocking·Thinking acceleration·6 times

This is the limit of what Wang Xiaofeng can think of at present.

The moment he saw Feixue, Wang Xiaofeng made a decision. No matter what, he would learn all of Bai Long's skills before his body absorbed the soul ring.

After all, it’s hard to find a teacher who has reached the threshold of the field, not to mention someone who demonstrates this wholeheartedly and without reservation.

As for the outer body, just leave it to the gourd.

The huge soul power contained in the soul ring can almost stretch an ordinary soul emperor to bursting.

But for the gourd, which is like a bottomless pit, it is not even an appetizer. The strong soul power that Bailong is proud of will eventually become the nutrient of the gourd.

This is too long

Oscar couldn't help but stand up and pace back and forth by the fire to relieve his impatience.



Generally speaking, it only takes an hour for a soul master to absorb a soul ring.

However, four hours have passed since Wang Xiaofeng absorbed the soul ring.

The last time he absorbed a spirit ring for so long was when Tang San leapfrogged to absorb a ten thousand year spirit ring.

But they have soul bones attached to them, and they have fairy grass and treasure land to help them.

Wang Xiaofeng has nothing.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng's aura covered by frost was getting weaker and weaker, almost to the point of being inaudible. Oscar finally couldn't wait any longer. At this time, he had to interrupt the absorption of the soul ring, otherwise he would die.

He walked behind Wang Xiaofeng, gathered his soul power in his palm, and patted it gently.

But he never thought that as soon as his palm touched Wang Xiaofeng's body, cracks would spread all over his body from the place where he touched it, and ice flakes would peel off from his body.

Damn it! !

He saw that part of the skin was peeling off along with the ice flakes. He was so frightened that his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

You won't do bad things with good intentions, right?

Fortunately, things did not develop in the direction Oscar thought.

A faint mist filled the air from the cracks on his body, swirling around Wang Xiaofeng's body. A faint jade-colored luster could be seen flowing in the broken pieces.

The black soul ring finally sat unwillingly on the purple fourth soul ring, beating regularly on Wang Xiaofeng's body.

As the black soul ring was completely absorbed by the body, the green gourd on the gourd vine in the sea of ​​​​consciousness also became more agile.

The consciousness sea space constructed of white sand grains began to spurt out huge water columns, which greatly affected the stability of the thinking space.

"It's time."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the rippled space and bowed seriously to Bai Long, whose body was almost transparent but still charged at him without fear of life or death.

"Goodbye, Teacher Bailong!"

With a dull sound like a drum, an ordinary straight punch was thrust out.

Baji·Cun Jin opens the sky!

The power that condensed Wang Xiaofeng's will exploded in this space, and the sky and earth suddenly became silent, and the snow stopped and the clouds stood still.

The remaining soul of the huge white dragon was instantly wiped out.

The already fragile thinking space was completely torn apart, and time lost its meaning under the huge power that exploded in this moment.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes, he saw Oscar squatting in front of him in a very ungraceful posture.

"Is this some kind of performance art?"

As the words fell, the frost on his body turned into ice shavings and fell, completely revealing his jade-white skin, which exuded a special luster against the dark night.

Oscar wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, his behavior just now seemed a bit too stupid.

Could it be that he was shocked by Wang Xiaofeng's state when he was promoted?

It's better not to explain.

Ignoring the sulking Oscar, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the sky, and the whole world changed differently in his eyes.

Light wind, moist water, warm fire, and countless elemental particles construct the entire world.

Is this the nature of the world?

No, that's not right. Elements are part of the world, but they cannot represent the entire world. This is just a virtual image.

With a slight thought, Wang Xiaofeng closed his eyes. The new ability brought about by evolution.

The rewards of being promoted to Soul King this time are huge. All of Hulu's abilities have been greatly improved, but you have to figure out the specific extent of the improvement yourself.

As for the physical changes, Wang Xiaofeng just wanted to shout loudly, "Good guy."

The twelve main meridians and accessory meridians are widened by 20%, and the body's large and small invisible defects and hidden injuries are repaired.

Strength, body reaction, muscle strength, recovery speed, etc. have been improved by 20% to 40%.

Wang Xiaofeng clenched his fists, and a terrifying explosion of air exploded between them.

Is this the green gourd that represents the power of water? The passive improvement brought about by being promoted to Soul King is so terrifying.

If he faced the white dragon again, Wang Xiaofeng felt that he could knock it over with just his strength and blow its head off within five punches.

Of course, the white dragon has become a soul ring, so it is meaningless to say this. The most important thing is that the fifth soul ring activates the blue gourd's ability.

Blue Gourd's ability is very simple, just two words: water control.

The less the description, the stronger the ability. However, how to develop subsequent abilities must first go through a strength test.

There are other things to do now.

Wang Xiaofeng put on his clothes, held a big sausage in his mouth, and then disappeared into the night.

There is still a big guy waiting for his surgery.

Ahhhh, I thought Lin Hai’s concert had the BGM of Herrscher of Death and Life. What a pity.

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