Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 549: Little things about returning to the village

Chapter 554: Little things about returning to the village

The Balak Kingdom is located in the central region of the continent, adjacent to the Star Forest, with a warm climate and spring-like weather all year round.

There is abundant rainfall all year round, numerous water systems, intertwined rivers and ports, and dense lakes. This is one of the reasons why Balak has developed a prosperous business.

As the festival approaches, all kinds of goods are piled up on the pier, ships shuttle around the pier, goods are loaded and unloaded quickly, and people are running around in a hurry.

People were coming and going, cars and horses were noisy, and it was a busy scene.

"This batch of goods will be delivered within ten days. Please ask everyone to load the goods faster." The owner of the fleet inspected everyone's work at every step.

With a steady drizzle falling on his face, he turned to the butler and ordered: "Let the owner of the restaurant kill the sheep, and let everyone drink some sheep soup to go away the cold at noon."

The owner walked onto the merchant ship and was about to take a look at the situation in the warehouse. As soon as he got on the plywood, he saw a strange young man looking around on his ship.

The boss looked tense.

When did this man get on the ship? Was he sent by other caravans to cause sabotage?

The profit on this shipment was high, but the default amount was higher. If something happens to him, most of his life will be wasted.

The owner winked at several boatmen around him, and then shouted to the young man not far away: "Hey, boy over there, why are you boarding other people's boats!"

The young man was not afraid at all when he was called out like this. Instead, he showed an expression of surprise: "Finally I found someone who is not busy."

He trotted over and said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally got lost. I wanted to ask where this place is."

get lost? The owner looked around and saw only the fast rivers and busy ports. He shook his head. He couldn't even tell a lie. He really didn't know where the hostile caravan found the people. It was so unprofessional.

"Boy, if you have anything to say, let's talk to the government." The owner's right hand hidden behind his back suddenly made a gesture: "Do it!"

Several strong men holding long wooden sticks surrounded him from different directions. The young man shook his head: "I really just want to ask for directions."

boom! !

A water flow several feet high suddenly rose next to the ship, and the waves hit the ship's hull constantly. The stern workers were knocked down one after another by the violent shaking of the ship's hull.

The water flow turned into a giant dragon, and its huge body coiled across the port. Its entire body turned into crystal blue water, and each dragon scale shone brightly, emitting a light blue halo in the rain.

Being stared at by such a big dragon eye, the host's face turned green. Looking at the smiling young man, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved. You should have told me earlier if you were so strong.

"Can you speak properly?"


"From here, walk east along the official road for about 50 kilometers, and you will see Moro City."

Looking at the very simple map, Wang Xiaofeng scratched his head and said, "I thought it would be faster to take the water route, but I didn't expect that we would go astray so much. I won't take the water route next time."

After returning the map to his employer, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the deserted dock and wiped his nose sheepishly.

As soon as the thought came to mind, the stunned fish on the river were wrapped in the current and stacked on the dock. "I'm really sorry for delaying your loading. I'll take these as an apology."

Watching the young man leave, the owner summoned the stern workers to deliver the 180 kilograms of fish from the dock to a restaurant in Linjiang for extra meals for the stern workers.

"This Master Soul Master is so polite, but why have I heard of Hulucun Village somewhere?"

For Wang Xiaofeng, 50 kilometers is only half an hour's journey to Moro City. Then walk 300 miles southwest to Hulu Village.

At the gate of Moro City, Wang Xiaofeng unexpectedly ran into an old acquaintance.

A big bearded man stopped him, "Hey, isn't this the pride of Hulu Village?"

Wang Xiaofeng said happily: "Haha, Uncle Krissen, long time no see."

He was anxious to get his first soul ring and lied to school about an emergency at home. If he hadn't met the kind-hearted Kristen who kindly gave him a ride, he wanted to walk 300 miles back to Hulu Village. For a 6-year-old child, Wimpy Boy is undoubtedly a hell difficulty.

Wang Xiaofeng always remembered this kindness, so he secretly asked Wang Feng to take care of him.



Taking care of a low-class caravan is just a matter of a few words for Wang Feng, the deputy hall master of the Wuhun branch.

Under Wang Feng's care, Krissen's caravan is now quite famous on the trade route from Moro City to the Star Luo Empire due to its sincerity and diligence.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the busy waiters and said with a smile: "It's a festival, so you guys have to go on a long trip."

Kerrison said with emotion: "You may not know it when you go to school in the Tiandou Empire. Recently, the Star Luo Empire has not been peaceful. Natural and man-made disasters have occurred frequently. Prices have increased several times. Now one trip to deliver goods can cover the profits of the past half a year. .”

It seems that the sequelae caused by the beast tide have not been completely resolved. That's right. It will take a lot of time just to deal with those corpses, not to mention resettling the victims and rebuilding the town.

Kristen invited Wang Xiaofeng: "If you are not in a hurry to go back, you can wait for me for a few hours and we will go together."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "Forget it, uncle, I won't bother you. I can just walk back by myself. I am not the little Douding I used to be."

"Okay, be safe on the road."

"You too, uncle."

In the Wang family's backyard, there is a small yard enclosed by a fence.

This place looks like just an ordinary farmyard.

Bamboo fences, dirt fields, and somewhat green vegetable fields.

But in fact, the vegetable fields are filled with special medicinal materials that Wang Xiaofeng collected from various places.

Wang Daniu was weeding and catching insects in the vegetable field with a serious look on his face. Suddenly, he felt as if someone was watching him. When he looked up, he saw Wang Xiaofeng standing outside the fence.

"Hey, son, you're back so early this year." Wang Daniu shouted into the house: "Honey, Xiaofeng is back, let's make some more dishes for lunch."

Wang Xiaofeng pushed open the wooden fence and walked into the yard, looking a little confused: "Why are you back? I'm mentally prepared to celebrate the New Year alone."

Wang Daniu explained: "The old man passed away, so we came back."

"Only people with brain problems like to stay there and eat sand." He Li cursed and walked out of the house, carrying a large piece of bacon into the kitchen.

Wang Daniu shrugged: "After the old man died, your mother was the happiest person. Because of this, she had a very unpleasant quarrel with several relatives at home."

This was a conflict between elders. Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to comment, so he changed the subject and said, "Where is Beibei?"

"The goose should be causing harm to the village at this time." Wang Daniu said nonchalantly: "He will naturally come back when he is hungry."

The home has obviously been redecorated.

Looking at the room that was nearly twice the size, Wang Xiaofeng tidied up a little. After a while, He Li's voice calling for dinner came from outside the door.

As soon as she left the room, she met Wang Beibei, whose clothes were dirty, covered in dirt, and sneaking like a little mouse.

"Hey, where did this big mouse come from?"

Wang Beibei trembled when she heard the sound. She was obviously frightened. Her dirty little face wrinkled up. She turned around and saw Wang Xiaofeng. Her eyes lit up and she ran over with a huff. She put her muddy little hands on his clothes. He wiped it randomly: "Guo Guo, hug."

"I don't want to hug a big mouse." Wang Xiaofeng tapped the gourd with his fingertips, spit out a stream of water from the mouth of the gourd, and surrounded Wang Beibei to rinse it several times.

"It's so cold~" The little guy had a great time playing.

"Wang Beibei, are you wallowing in the quagmire again?!" He Li walked in angrily holding a bamboo stick.

"Huh?" He Li looked at the turbid water polo floating aside, and then at Wang Beibei, who was burying his head in Wang Xiaofeng's arms like an ostrich, and almost guessed what happened.

"I'll deal with you after dinner!"

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