Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 550 New Year and New Look

Chapter 555 New Year and New Look

Wang Daniu brought a few stacks of side dishes from the kitchen and put them on the table. As soon as he turned around, he saw little Douding running past, followed by He Li and Wang Xiaofeng. He said cheerfully: "The washing was quite fast today."

"Xiao Feng washed it with water, so of course it's fast."

Wang Daniu was stunned for a moment, "What water?"

Wang Xiaofeng took out a jar of old wine from the side cabinet and placed it next to Wang Daniu's seat. He picked up the rice bowl and filled it with rice before sitting down.

"The new ability I gained after being promoted to Soul King is that I can control the water element within the range of my mental power."

First, he gave his mother a piece of bacon, and then Wang Xiaofeng picked up the bowl and started eating.

However, Wang Daniu's burning gaze affected his appetite too much, and Wang Xiaofeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only put down his bowls and chopsticks and give him a show.

The clear water came out of the gourd, sometimes transforming into a dragon, sometimes into an insect, and even transformed into the plot of Ultraman vs. Godzilla, performing a wonderful little mime on the dining table.

Seeing Wang Daniu's eyes light up, he couldn't help but reach out and poke it. The water dispersed and gathered again, completely unaffected by it, which made him exclaim in disbelief.

Wang Beibei waved her hands excitedly, scattering the rice in front of her everywhere, and said some obscure words in her mouth.

"You're such a big man and you're still acting like a child." He Li sighed, clenched her fists and punched her hard twice.

"Stand outside for me to eat!"

As soon as Wang Feng entered the door, he saw two pitiful figures sitting at the door holding bowls. He smiled and said hello: "Hey, I made my aunt angry again."

Wang Daniu had a thick batch, and this small scene was not embarrassing for him. He asked with a calm face: "Have you eaten?"

"Eat." Wang Feng touched Xiao Douding's head: "Is Xiao Feng eating?"

Wang Daniu swallowed the food in his mouth, "What's wrong?"

"It's not the things he wrote in reply to me last year." Wang Feng sighed and vented his bitterness to Wang Daniu, "I really can't understand what he wrote, about merging farmland to unify production management and optimizing resource allocation. Also A village joint-stock cooperative has been established”

"Stop, stop, stop talking." Wang Daniu quickly stopped Wang Feng from continuing. If he continued, he would fall asleep. "I'm no longer the village chief. You'd better go to Xiaofeng for these things."

"Eh? Brother Feng, why are you here?" Wang Xiaofeng wiped his hands and walked out, "Mom's anger is almost gone. Dad, please take Beibei in."

"Sure enough, son, you just came home, and your words are effective." Wang Daniu brought his youngest son into the house, not forgetting to close the door.

Wang Xiaofeng took Wang Feng to the stone table under the gourd trellis in the yard and sat down. He took out the tea set, poured hot tea and placed it in front of him.

"You came to my house just after dinner time. Why is it so urgent?"

Wang Feng said angrily: "It's not because of the reply you wrote to me before."

As he spoke, he took out a somewhat wrinkled letter and put it on the table: "I know all the words written on it, but I can't understand them together."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged, "Okay, I'll explain it to you one by one.

The village joint-stock cooperative is a service-oriented organization similar to Wuhun Temple, except that the service targets are not soul masters but the villagers in our village. "

Wang Xiaofeng spread out the letter, pointed to the proper nouns on it and said: "Farmland consolidation means integrating the small pieces of farmland in each household's hands, and planting and managing them uniformly by the village cooperative.

During the autumn harvest every year, the income from the harvest is distributed according to the proportion of the land. "

"I understand." Wang Feng nodded, "But you said in your letter that you want to change the rice in the fields to other crops? Others in the village may not agree.

After all, if you suddenly switch to planting other things, there is no guarantee of production capacity or seedling survival rate. The risks involved are not low, and the food can be seen and fall into your pocket. "

"Afraid of not having enough to eat, I understand."

Wang Xiaofeng sighed. If Mr. Yuan and countless Daxia scholars had not devoted themselves to agriculture one after another in his previous life, and opened up a bright road in grain production, I am afraid that many people in the country would still be hungry.

In Douluo Continent, even in Barak, a major grain-producing country, there are many places in the territory where people are not full.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "We can first set aside a piece of wasteland and set up an experimental field for planting. If we can plant it, we can plant it. If we can't plant it, we can replace it with other cash crops.

When everyone sees the success of the experimental fields, they will naturally be willing to plant new crops.

As for food, I plan to implement the method of interplanting sweet potatoes and sugar cane. When sowing sweet potatoes in October, I will start the rows according to the sugar cane row spacing. From January to February of the following year, after the sweet potatoes are fertilized and the soil is raised, the sugar cane seedlings will be sown in the sweet potato trenches. , does not affect the growth of sugar cane, and sweet potatoes can also be eaten as rations.

At the same time, we can build a granary in the village, and the village cooperative can buy some grain and store it in it when there is surplus, ensuring that the village will not run out of grain even if it encounters extreme weather. "

This is a good solution. Wang Feng nodded and asked: "There are so many things that can be grown, why choose sugar cane? Isn't that just a sweet fruit? It's quite hard and not very tasty. "

"I have studied the geography and environment of our village before. It is very suitable for growing sugar cane, and it is not difficult to grow sugar cane. Just pay attention to preventing insects and rain."

Wang Xiaofeng drank some tea and simply drew a map on the table, "The trade routes in the Balak Kingdom are extremely developed, and we don't have to worry about selling the sugar we produce."

Wang Feng was stunned, "Sugar? What kind of sugar?"

"It's sugar made from sugar cane. Forget it if you don't know. You probably really don't know."

The knowledge taught in the soul master school is only related to soul masters. Talents like Wang Feng who are both soul masters and can manage are already very rare. He cannot be asked to know more.



Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "Anyway, I have a brother who is a high-ranking official in the Star Luo Empire, so I don't have to worry about the market for what I grow."

If sugarcane can really be refined into sugar, then there is really no need to worry about selling it. Wang Feng thought of the already large-scale caravan of Krissen. Thinking about it this way, the upstream and downstream from production to sales can be considered connected.

I didn’t expect this kid to have started planning so early. It’s really scary.

Wang Feng took a sip of tea, suppressed his fear, pointed to the next item with a still expression and asked: "What does aquaculture mean?"

"Isn't there a river next to our village? That's what I thought."

The two chatted from noon to sunset, until the aroma of dishes filling the yard made Wang Feng's stomach growl, and Wang Xiaofeng stopped still.

Wang Feng rubbed his swollen temples and put away the filled notes, "I almost understand what you said. I will put together a suitable plan as soon as possible, and then visit the elders in the village one by one.

If everything goes well, your father, a careless village chief, will mobilize everyone at the family gathering after the festival to honor ancestors. "

He Li, who was in the kitchen, saw through the window that Wang Feng seemed to be leaving, and quickly shouted: "The rice is cooked, stay and eat together."

Wang Feng shook his head: "If I can't help my aunt, I'll just go back and deal with it."

"Hey!" He Li looked at Wang Feng leaving with a spatula in hand, and said to Wang Daniu Mi Tai who was eating on the side: "Why didn't you stop me?"

"It's so hot." Wang Daniu hummed and ate the meat that was fragrant on the outside and tender on the inside. He sucked his fingers and said nonchalantly, "Why do you want to stop him? He even said he wanted to go home and eat."

"They helped us so much, but they didn't even treat us to a meal. If we tell it, we'll make people laugh."

Seeing Wang Daniu's appearance, He Li threw her apron on the ground angrily, "I'm so angry that I quit. I'll let you eat the northwest wind."

Wang Xiaofeng watched his mother leave in a sulky voice, and whispered, "Why did you make her angry again?"

Wang Daniu skillfully picked up the apron and put it on him, opened the pot lid and stir-fried the dishes, "Hey, leave her alone, she will be fine later."

Wang Xiaofeng opened the cupboard and took out the unfinished wine at noon. "By the way, Dad, there is only so little wine left in the cupboard."

This cabinet specially used to store wine was originally filled with wine gourds, but now only six are left. The empty cabinet is indescribably shabby.

"Wang Feng likes this kind of wine, so I always bring a bottle with me every time I eat. This is all I have left after two trips."

"No wonder there are only some low-alcohol fruit wines left in the cabinet." Wang Xiaofeng filled Wang Daniu's wine glass.

Wang Daniu warmed up the lunch dishes casually, then took off his apron and looked at the steaming wine, "You have both ice and water. It looks like you have gained a lot from this trip.

Come, come, tell your father and me about the interesting things we encountered this time when we went to the far north, and how we broke through the Soul King without saying a word. "

From the majestic city of ice and snow to the giants walking among the mountains, from the jeweled trade fairs to the giant dragons raging in the frost

The boy's story was so bizarre that everyone at the dinner table exclaimed in surprise from time to time.

As the festival approaches, the smell of the New Year in the air becomes stronger. As soon as you open the door, the smell of the New Year will hit you.

Hulu Village is a well-known large village, and the villagers who went out to work have already returned home.

When I'm not visiting relatives I haven't seen for a long time, I'm squatting in my own courtyard to make my own New Year's goods: killing pigs, making tofu and steaming sticky bean buns... When the smoke rises from every house, a strong fragrance wafts out of the village.

People greeted each other with joyful smiles on their faces.

Two days later in the morning.

"What, do you all agree?" Wang Xiaofeng put down the melon seeds in his hand in surprise, "No one raised any objections?"

"No, not only the clan elders, but everyone in the village supports all your plans."

"The old man also said that you have done so many good things for the village. Even if they can't protect you from the wind and rain, they can at least not hold you back. Just do whatever you want to do boldly."

Wang Feng said with emotion, "You can be said to be a man of your word in the village now."

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng who silently stood up and walked out, Wang Feng quickly shouted, "Hey, why are you going!"

"I'm going to buy sugarcane seedlings. The best time to plant sugarcane is before March. I want to cultivate good varieties as soon as possible."

Wang Xiaofeng said without looking back: "Brother Feng, pull my dad up and find a test field outside the village as soon as possible.

Everyone trusts me so much, and I can’t live up to their expectations. "

As expected, everything was sold at the pre-holiday market. In one morning, Wang Xiaofeng visited all the nearby markets, found all the sugar cane stalls, and bought all the top sprouts of the sugar cane from the stall owners.

There were everything from black to green, and Wang Xiaofeng rushed into the room holding sugarcane seedlings of several shapes.

On the other side, Wang Erbo volunteered to donate ten acres of his land near the river as a test field, which solved Wang Feng and Wang Daniu's worries.

He Li receives a steady stream of guests at home.

This Spring Festival, everyone is making a small contribution to Hulu Village.

It’s so annoying, typhoons come one after another, and it keeps raining

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