Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 551: Granting titles and dividing territories (Part 1)

Chapter 556: Granting titles and dividing territories (Part 1)

[Zhangtou Little Theater·The Battle of the Successor 2·One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers]

[Tianshou Mountain is an ordinary hill with an altitude of only 999 meters. It is only a few dozen miles away from Star Luo City. The two are very close to each other, but most of the emperors and titled Douluo of the Star Luo Empire are buried.

Only during the annual grand ceremony, Tianshou Mountain would be temporarily opened to allow Emperor Xingluo to come forward to worship.

And this year is an extremely special year.

Two extremely outstanding heirs will decide the new prince under the witness of the ancestors and the pillars of the country.

At the foot of the mountain, young people walk with their beauty, step by step, unhurried and unhurried, revealing a remarkable calmness and ease.

"Mubai, you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself." Zhu Zhuqing let go of his hand, his eyes so firm.

"wait for my good news."

Dai Mubai raised his head slightly. At a glance, the bluestone steps extending to the end of his sight looked like a ladder to the sky.

His eyes slowly closed, and there seemed to be a faint roar of a tiger, coming down from the end of the stone steps, echoing quietly in the mountains and forests, like the sound of a bell, making people enchanted.

"Davis, let's cut off all the grudges in the past today. 』]——

It was unseasonably hot in Tiandou City in mid-February. Even if I only wore a thin coat and walked on the street, I would still feel hot and sweaty. It was obviously cold weather when I went out wearing cotton-padded clothes a few days ago.

The depression of the impending storm made the whole sky gloomy, and even the wind was not blowing much, as if it was a sleepy summer afternoon ahead of schedule.

However, both sides of the street were as lively as ever. In other words, on the last day of the festival, people's desire for consumption was further stimulated, and the pedestrians coming and going seemed more lively than before.

However, there were two people in the crowd, no, they were young men next to the strong man. They had sad expressions on their faces, which were obviously incompatible with such a cheerful atmosphere.

"Good guy, the dean sent twelve letters directly to my home, urging me to return to the college quickly without saying what the matter was." Wang Xiaofeng complained to Zhao Wuji who was standing aside.

"In the end, I traveled for a week, and only then did I find out that I was only asked to go to the Tiandou royal family to receive a title, and to do some publicity."

"There is no need for someone to trick his own students like this. There is no need to call me back when he can easily handle things by himself."

This time, it was rare that Zhao Wuji did not join Wang Xiaofeng in scolding Flanders for all the inhumane things he had done in the past.

"There is no way. The others either have special status or can't be found." He explained in a low voice: "If it weren't for the aggressive Tiandou royal family, Flanders wouldn't let you go."

"Have you broken up with the royal family?" A big question mark appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's head.

"An academy that has three Contras and can use their title combat power at any time to make enemies against each other for no reason, they must be out of their minds."

Shrek currently has three major Contras, namely level 81 Flanders, level 80 Zhao Wuji and level 80 Liu Erlong.

The latter may be due to his extraordinary talent and the untying of the knot in his heart. His cultivation level has been rising slowly, rising to two levels a year, almost silencing Zao Wou-Ki and Flender.

Zhao Wuji followed Wang Xiaofeng to eat and drink, and accumulated a lot of experience.

Flanders reunited the three of them and made a breakthrough in their state of mind.

Liu Erlong can only say that true love is invincible.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that the interests were not discussed, which made both parties look bad."

Zhao Wuji looked around, and when he didn't see any familiar faces, he calmly used his soul power to force his voice into a line, and explained to Wang Xiaofeng the ins and outs of the matter.

"Earlier, Emperor Xue Ye promised at the award ceremony of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Qualifiers that as long as the team wins the finals, the captain and deputy captain of the team will be awarded the title of earl, and the team members will be awarded the title of viscount. At the same time, the prefix of the academy will be added with the word "royal", which is influenced by the empire. financial support."

"Flanders thought he could get a sum of money from the empire for free, but he didn't expect that there was money! And it was a large sum of money, but there were conditions.

First of all, the royal family has 10 admission exemption quotas, and this is every year.

Secondly, set up a supervision department within the college, and have the right to supervise and inquire certain departments, teachers, and individual students at any time and at any time."

"Stop, stop, stop, needless to say the rest. I can't stand just hearing the first two." Wang Xiaofeng sighed, "I guess in the end, the dean not only refused, but also said a lot of unpleasant things."

"Half of a guess was right." Zhao Wuji grinned: "Flender even beat up the official who came to the door."

"I like this temper."

While talking and laughing, the two returned to Shrek Academy.

The academy has not changed from the outside, but after winning the Elite Competition, Shrek's reputation is at the height of its popularity among civilian soul masters and ordinary people, and many people come to visit and check in every day.

Shrek did not turn them away, but designated a visitable area in the academy.

There are not many places to visit, and it takes about half an hour to walk around the places Shrek has to visit.

Many people will buy some souvenirs when they leave, such as folding fans with Shrek Academy logos or silly character dolls.

During the elite competition, Wang Xiaofeng came up with the idea of ​​selling peripherals to avoid handing out flyers, and it is still generating a steady stream of income for Shrek to this day.

Although the most popular period of the competition has passed, the money earned from selling peripherals every day is not much, but the success is long-term, and the little money adds up to a lot, which is also a very considerable income. This is why Flanders dares to One of the reasons for rejecting the Tiandou royal family.

I don’t feel panic when I have money in my pocket.

At worst, just go back to that small shabby village in Soto City and continue running the school.

Before the two of them reached the dean's office, they heard an argument coming from inside.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if I, Flender, jump from here, I will not apologize to him."

"I'm not asking you to apologize, but please send someone to inform me before you receive the royal envoy next time. You are such a big person, so don't always act like a child."

"Master only knew about this matter a few hours before you." Zhao Wuji said in a low voice, "This is where we come to investigate."

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes.

After the voices inside calmed down, Zhao Wuji knocked on the office door.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

Flender's voice came from inside.

Zhao Wuji opened the door and led Wang Xiaofeng inside.

Flanders and the master sat on both sides of the tea table, neither of them speaking, just like children being angry.

"Dean, Master, long time no see." Wang Xiaofeng said hello with a smile.

The master was obviously stunned for a moment, "Why did Flanders call you here? It's a long journey, and the festival isn't over yet."



"You always say that I act on impulse." Flanders said with a smile, "No, the reinforcements I invited have arrived."

"You, you." The master glared at Flanders speechlessly, "You are already old, and you still bother Xiaofeng to come all the way to wipe your butt."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't like his dean, so he first filled the tea cup in front of the master, then picked up the teapot and drank it all in one gulp, not even letting go of the tea leaves inside.

"Hey, my little ancestor!"

Flanders looked at the teapot with not a drop left, feeling so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

"This is a good tea given to me by Sect Master Ning. I usually just ask about the taste and am not willing to drink it at all."

The master smelled a different breath from his mouth, "Ning Fengzhi? When did he come?"

Flanders shrugged: "About a month ago."

The two have been good brothers for many years, and they knew what the other was going to do almost immediately. The master immediately knew that Flanders' beating was not as simple as it seemed.

"Tell me, what did Ning Fengzhi promise you to actually make you, a tough guy, stand out for a while?"

"Hey, Xiaogang still understands me." Flanders carefully selected a few tea froths from the cheap tea leaves and threw them into the teapot, then filled it with boiling water.

"But I only guessed half of it right. Sect Master Ning is only responsible for threading the needle. The most important thing is Emperor Xue Ye's promise."

Flanders placed a snow-white letter on the table.

The master picked it up and swiped it quickly, his pupils shrunk slightly, and his lips were a little dry and he said: "Are there no other additional conditions?"

Wang Xiaofeng secretly glanced behind the master, and couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart. This was too generous.

The paper said: The royal family recognizes Shrek's educational philosophy and will not interfere in the teaching affairs of Shrek Academy.

Moreover, the funds required for the operation of the entire academy are specially allocated by the Tiandou Empire. As for the money earned by the academy itself, except for the taxes that should be paid, the rest belongs to the academy.

At the same time, the college can also receive an expansion fee of 1 million gold soul coins to expand the scale of the college.

Zao Wuji smacked his lips: "What a pure philanthropist."

Flanders smiled disdainfully, "There are no philanthropists among the nobles. They are all devils who eat people without leaving any bones."

As he spoke, he took a sip of the tea that was as light as water and then continued:

"About last month, Sect Master Ning came to visit secretly, and I took the opportunity to find out more.

Generally speaking, the royal family wanted to clean up a group of corrupt nobles a long time ago and use their wealth to replenish the national treasury, but the nobles shielded each other and could not find a reason to do anything.

The Qibao Glazed Sect has already achieved success in the field of jewelry a long time ago. If it wants to develop further, it needs to grab food from other people's bowls.

Other areas are firmly controlled by the old noble soul masters. No matter how strong they are, there is little chance of expansion due to the unspoken rules among the nobles.

I thought that such a fragile balance would continue forever, but who knew if those nobles had lost their minds and actually focused on Shrek's allocation.

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, we are just three little soul saints who were lucky enough to win the championship with a bunch of little kids. We can't just handle it casually?

But sometimes the meat on the chopping board can also be a man-eating dragon. "

"So Xiaofeng, you and Hongjun only need to go to the site tomorrow to go through the process and accompany them to see the good show."

Wang Xiaofeng was happy when he heard this, "Since you said so, Dean, I'll go and have some fun tomorrow. The fat man actually returned to the academy, so I'll go and chat with him first."

Wang Xiaofeng patted his butt and was about to leave. Flanders said quickly:

"By the way, you and Xiao Ao's fiefdom has been decided according to your ideas. I really don't know what you think, but you chose a large area of ​​barren mountains. There are no high-value mineral veins, and the products are also very average. Except for There are several rivers with relatively abundant water, which is a bit impressive, but I really can’t think of any reason to choose such a barren area.”

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "You will know later."

Before leaving, Flanders gave Wang Xiaofeng a small piece of paper with Gref's address written on it.

But there is no rush to find Gref now. What is more important at this time is to find Fatty first. He is very curious about what kind of divine appearance it is that can seduce Ma Hongjun so much that he breaks his lust guard for several years.

"Finally home!"

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this small building hidden in the increasingly dense bamboo forest.

Although my home in Hulu Village is also very warm, every time I come home too late from doing experiments, my mother will always nag me, and I always feel like I am being controlled. I am not as free and relaxed as I am at school.

"Fat man! Fat man!"

The quilt was lifted up, and the sleepy Ma Hongjun muttered:

"Who is it? Didn't you see that the young master is sleeping?!"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Ma Hongjun's pale face carefully and said, "With such heavy dark circles under your eyes and the appearance of kidney deficiency, you must not have stayed in the hook pen all night."

"What the hell." Ma Hongjun yawned widely, "I was testing a new move and something went wrong. I just need to rest for a few days and it will be fine."

"And I've told you several times that when I went to Goulan in the past, it was because of Wuhun's last resort. It wasn't because I really liked that thing."

Seeing that Ma Hongjun's disgusted look didn't look like he was faking it, Wang Xiaofeng changed his tone and said, "Well, I also heard from Mubai that your boy was being chased for molesting a little girl on the street. This must be true, right?"

Ma Hongjun helplessly covered his fat face with the quilt: "Why do you even know this? My innocence is completely destroyed in the hands of Boss Dai."

Ma Hongjun could even imagine the next time when a few people get together, all they would talk about was embarrassing things about themselves.

No, no, I can still save it.

For the sake of his own reputation, Ma Hongjun quickly spent about ten minutes explaining to Wang Xiaofeng the ins and outs of the matter.

"What? It turned out to be just a misunderstanding." Wang Xiaofeng suddenly felt a little excited when he didn't get the big meal he expected.

Ma Hongjun slapped the bed board angrily.

Hey, what's going on with that disappointed look on your face? You don't even want to act anymore, right? My reputation is so unimportant in your heart.

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