Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 552: Granting titles and dividing territories (Part 2)

Chapter 557: Granting titles and dividing territories (Part 2)

The entire Tiandou City seemed to be lively on February 17th.

Whether it is the Grand Fighting Arena, a hotel or a hotel scenic spot.

But at this moment, the center of the entire award ceremony was placed in the Tiandou Royal Hunting Ground.

The Royal Hunting Ground is the place where the Royal Knights of the Tiandou Empire usually train. It is also the most powerful knights in the hands of the Tiandou Empire.

On weekdays, no civilians or strange soul masters are allowed to approach here. Ten thousand people from the Royal Knights are responsible for patrolling, guarding, and training here.

Rotate every three months and alternate training to maintain combat effectiveness.

But for this grand ceremony, not only was part of the hunting ground open to the public, civilian soul masters were also allowed to come and watch the ceremony.

At 8:30 in the morning, the only main road leading to the hunting ground.

In addition to the road set aside for carriages in the middle of the main road, there were many people on both sides of the road.

Ma Hongjun stretched his head and took a look outside. People on the roadside obviously recognized him and waved to him excitedly. He waved to them subconsciously, but he almost caused a riot in the crowd, which scared him and he quickly retreated. carriage.

Rangers on patrol soon arrived to quell the rowdy crowd.

Ma Hongjun touched his face: "Wow, these people are so crazy. Am I so famous now?"

The master pointed at Wang Xiaofeng who was paralyzed on the side, "You have to thank Xiaofeng for this. Thanks to his blessing, the dolls made using you as a template are widely circulated in the Tiandou Empire.

Secondly, the weight of this honor as the Tiandou Empire's first elite competition champion may be heavier than you think.

Coupled with your commoner background, you are now their idols in the eyes of many young people in Tiandou City. "

Born into poverty, they supported each other in a shabby academy whose name they had never even heard of, and finally attacked the most prestigious Wuhun Temple on the mainland and won the championship in one fell swoop.

The rise of Shrek's group is an inspiration to those struggling civilians.

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun, who had never been interested in the so-called award ceremony, subconsciously sat up straight and straightened out his wrinkled dress.

Ma Hongjun patted his fat face and said, "It's so stressful."

"I hope these pressures can be your driving force." The master patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder encouragingly.

Wang Xiaofeng slumped in the corner, looking lazy.

The master poured chicken soup on Ma Hongjun. He drank too much in his previous life.

Moreover, the civilians living in Tiandou City are not real civilians. The real civilians are busy sowing seeds while the weather is good.

Those who have this free time to pursue so-called idols are doing so because they are full.

The master was not surprised by Wang Xiaofeng's indifference.

Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts and behaviors are very mature, and he doesn't look like a child who is still underage.

Thinking of this, the master suddenly remembered a suggestion that Flanders casually mentioned at the dinner table a long time ago.

In the past, he might have taken it as a joke, but now, he began to consider this "slightly" outrageous proposal.

The carriage drove at an even speed on the dirt road.

The three Heavenly Soul Horses pulling the carriage in front were not only extremely fast, but also carried a huge load. Coupled with their extraordinary endurance, they had always been good partners of the Royal Knights.

In about half an hour, everyone arrived at the destination of their trip. In the small open space in front of the entrance, a scaled-up version of the golden ribbon trophy for the elite competition champion caught the eye.

At the entrance, the staff had already completed the diversion arrangement early, and set up a courtesy belt at the entrance to divert different guests.

The spectators who had been waiting early had already made a full circle around the gate, and the line was winding and winding with no end in sight.

In order to limit the flow of people, the organizer specially set up the venue at a hunting ground 50 kilometers away from Tiandou City. But looking at the queue now, the number of people may be far beyond the organizer's imagination.

The carriage occupied by the three people entered the venue unimpeded.

As soon as they got off the carriage, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun met old acquaintances.

The girls in the sugar-water ball dress like beautiful scenery in their gorgeous dresses, attracting the attention of people around them.

Ma Hongjun smiled and said hello to them, "Long time no see, beauties of Tang Shui Duan."

Pulling her lively sister, Shui Bing'er nodded gracefully and said, "I didn't expect Shrek to send the master and you two as representatives. I had speculated that Shrek would be absent from this knighting ceremony."

After all, in last year's finals, Haotian Douluo made a scene and left in style, which greatly damaged the prestige of Wuhun Palace. The elders and senior officials of Wuhun Palace hated Haotian Douluo, and even Shrek and the others Being hated.

In order to avoid getting killed, I should keep a low profile at this time.

Of course, he was tricked by his own dean. Of course, such words cannot be said to outsiders.

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "If I hadn't heard that it was fun to watch here, I wouldn't have come."

"Have fun?" Shui Bing'er was stunned for a moment. She thought it was just an ordinary knighting ceremony, but it seemed that it was not that simple.

"Everyone, the ceremony is about to begin, please move inside." The emcee on the side reminded in a low voice.

The master looked at everyone and said: "Let's go in, we are not allowed to be late for such an important occasion."

In the square, the soul masters watching the ceremony formed a huge circle, and the nobles sat neatly on the seats on both sides of the central aisle.

As time passed, a clear trumpet sounded.

Accompanied by the sound of drums and trumpets, the ceremonial team stepped on the red carpet and led a group of boys and girls to the Emperor Xueye who was sitting on the central throne.

Emperor Xueye looked at the young people with young faces in front of him, and a surge of pride suddenly surged in his heart, sweeping away the depression suppressed by the Star Luo Empire. This was the future pillar of the empire.



The ceremonial officer on the side finished reciting the oath step by step, and Emperor Xueye took out a long sword studded with various huge gems, tapped on both sides of everyone's shoulders in turn, and then issued medals symbolizing their titles to them.

Amidst the cheers and celebrations, the knighthood ceremony was almost over.

However, Emperor Xueye did not announce the end like that. Instead, he used the amplifying soul guide, and the clear sound spread throughout the surroundings.

"Actually, the knighting ceremony is almost over here, but I think that the reason why Shrek Academy can continue to create miracles, and even beat Wuhundian Academy to win the championship in the end, is because of the students standing in front of the stage. In addition to hard work, it is also inseparable from the teachers who have been working silently behind the students, especially their team leader, Master Yu Xiaogang.

So I decided to grant Master Yu Xiaogang the title of earl. "

Upon hearing this, the Platinum Bishop Sarath, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly turned pale. He snorted, stood up, and left the venue regardless of the strange looks from everyone.

Several nobles sitting in the last row saw this, looked at each other, weighed the pros and cons in their minds, then silently stood up and left.

Emperor Xueye seemed not to notice and allowed them to leave.

Shui Bing'er secretly glanced at Wang Xiaofeng, is this the fun you're talking about?

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head slightly, this could only be regarded as an appetizer.

The master sitting in the audience was also stunned. Emperor Xueye's operation was not within the situation that Flanders said.

But Emperor Xueye only awarded him the title of earl, which was equivalent to an honor. The master had no choice but to refuse.

The knighting ceremony came to an end, and then came the celebration banquet.

People chatted in groups of twos and threes, some they knew and some they didn’t.

This kind of banquet is just for the young people who have just been knighted to establish friendship. Even if the old nobles or the nobles in an interest circle want to talk about something, they will find a quiet place, such as a private courtyard or a A niche high-end party.

There are also some nobles who wait until they are done talking before choosing to end up and accept the feeling of being guarded by the stars.

After this dinner, we will not mention what kind of cooperation or transactions there will be.

Wang Xiaofeng was quite satisfied with the dishes at the banquet, which used high-end ingredients that were not available in the market on weekdays.

For example, the piece of meat he is eating now is made from the tenderloin of a toothy pig that has been around for more than three hundred years. It is only such a small piece of meat from a toothy pig, and it can be said to be the best part of the meat.

Click, two mouthfuls and it was gone.

"Everyone else is making friends with powerful people and expanding their connections, but you are eating and drinking here. Are you Shrek people so unique?"

Wang Xiaofeng reluctantly looked away from the food.

I saw that Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er were no longer in palace dresses, but in light blue dresses. Their fair and delicate skin and sparkling jewelry were like the two brightest pearls in the deep sea. , attracted the attention of almost all the young male nobles at the banquet.

"If you want to dominate the crowd, I think you can do it."

Shui Binger said with a smile: "Thank you for your compliment. If you can swallow the food in your mouth, this sentence will be more convincing."

Wang Xiaofeng picked up a handkerchief and wiped his lips, "Okay, I'm sorry for my rudeness."

"However, we are not mavericks, but we are self-aware, and the audience should act like an audience." Wang Xiaofeng's eyes fell on the center of the banquet.

There, the master was pulled by Emperor Xueye, who introduced him to the family members of the royal family one by one, asking him to help see if there were any descendants who could become useful. The master looked at this group of people enjoying the best resources, But the princes and princesses who were in their teens and early twenties could hardly keep the stiff fake smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the banquet.

A group of well-equipped knights walked in, holding a man tied with a rope.

When several nobles saw this man, their expressions changed suddenly, they rubbed oil on their soles and disappeared quietly into the crowd.

"Come on, master, the gift I prepared for you has arrived." Emperor Xueye pointed at the man who was kneeling on the ground in front of them and smiled.

The master pretended to be puzzled: "What does this mean?"

"This is the person behind the unpleasant quarrel between Dean Flanders and I. I have been tied up and left to the master's disposal." Emperor Xueye waved his hand, and the guard loosened the cloth that bound his mouth. Tiao, the man kneeling in front of them said urgently: "Your Majesty, it's none of my business, it's all about managing the family, the Wang family, the Ye family, and so on."

Before he finished speaking, the man's eyes suddenly widened, and countless bloodshot eyes appeared in the whites. His head tilted, and he fell to the ground without making a sound.

Wang Xiaofeng sensed a powerful soul power wave and quickly left the scene, followed closely by several powerful soul power waves.

Hmm, I didn’t expect that I could catch fish with a straight hook.

Shui Bing'er said: "Is this the fun you are talking about?"

"Yeah, it's not bad." Wang Xiaofeng withdrew his mental perception and shrugged.

Shui Bing'er felt like her head was broken and she was spending her time here.


Shui Yue'er made a face at Wang Xiaofeng, and then left closely with her sister.

Wang Xiaofeng was not surprised either. For those in the middle of the situation, such an anticlimactic farce would naturally be boring.

"Brother Feng, if you don't want to eat this last plate of elbows, I will."

"Damn it, fat man, please save some for me."

The royal family wants to eradicate the blood-sucking maggots lying on the empire and return the empire to glory, but judging from today's process, it seems that the top brass of Wuhun Palace are involved.

This situation feels like a storm is about to come.

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