Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 554: The initial development of the territory (1)

Chapter 559 The initial development of the territory (1)

[Zhangtou Little Theater · Battle of Successors 3 · Grudges Resolved]

[The huge bloody claws wiped out the rain of light in the sky, tore apart the vicious white tiger's shadow, broke through the protective golden light, and finally, the tiger's claws stopped in front of Davis's forehead.

"I lost, Dai Mubai." Davis was knocked out of the spirit-possessed state, and he collapsed on the ground with a pale face: "Let's do it, you have been waiting for this day for a long time."

The huge statue of the White Tiger Saint King with Evil Eyes lay lazily on his stomach, his ruby ​​eyes staring closely at the brothers in the field.

The pillars of the country stood around and watched.

They are both witnesses and initiates of the inheritance.

When there is only one person left on the field, they will open the inheritance formation and focus the blood and spiritual power of the dying person on the winner, thereby stimulating the power of the evil-eyed White Tiger Saint King hidden in the blood.

But Dai Mubai glanced at the people above him, exited the possession of the martial spirit, turned around and walked down the mountain without looking back.

Davis, who had been very carefree just now, suddenly turned ugly, and roared at Dai Mubai's back: "Why stop! Are you insulting me?"

Dai Mubai stopped and said, "I have no interest in the throne. Besides, even if I don't absorb your soul power, I can break this so-called Holy King's Curse."

As he spoke, he glanced at his nominal father, the supreme ruler of the Star Luo Empire, the White Tiger Emperor, who was sitting high in the hall. This is the third time they have met since he was born.

"I came here just to tell others that you are no match for me at the same level."

The people who ruled the country looked at each other silently, pretending not to notice the stiff face of the White Tiger Emperor next to them, and watched the future heir to the throne leave.

"Dai Mubai is extremely talented and has the qualifications to be the founder of the country, but no one can withstand the pain of dissipating power and soul when the bloodline is awakened. He will take the initiative to come back to start the ceremony. 』]——

early morning.

The spring rain fell slowly, and the hair-like raindrops floated down from the sky, seeming to cover Tiandou City with a transparent veil, like an ancient giant beast lying on the ground.

Suddenly, the city gate opened, and a group of swift cavalry rushed out of the city. Passers-by who were queuing up outside the city to wait for the door to open quickly moved aside to avoid the splashing puddles.

after an hour.

This small group of fifteen cavalrymen led a carriage to an extremely remote hillside more than 20 kilometers outside the city.

Wang Xiaofeng got off the carriage, and the cavalry behind him also dismounted and moved around, vaguely protecting Wang Xiaofeng and a big fat man.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the eroded and narrow dirt road under his feet and the surrounding weeds that were taller than a person, and asked the big fat man: "Is this my territory?"

The big fat man's name is Pu Dehua, a branch nobleman of a large family, and a small transparent person in the land planning department of Tiandou City.

If there had not been this large-scale land reward, he might still be drinking tea comfortably in the office, and he would not follow Wang Xiaofeng to this corner to enjoy the wind and rain.

Pudhua tilted his neck and held the oil-paper umbrella, spread out the dusty map with both hands, and looked at it carefully with his narrowed eyes: "No, no, no, this is still under the jurisdiction of Tiandou City, but here There is no road left.”

As he spoke, he pointed at the mountain in front of him and said, "Go through these weeds and climb this mountain, and you can see the Viscount's territory."

Wang Xiaofeng's expression suddenly became strange, "But I saw on the map that there is a road here? Why is there no road?"

"Ahem," Pudhua said with some embarrassment: "After all, this is near Tiandou City, and the surrounding land of some value has long been selected, so the Tiandou City territory planning map you see has exceeded It hasn’t been updated in a hundred years.”

For most of the feudal nobles, they were very poor in the first twenty years after opening their territory, and they needed to continuously invest money. Therefore, for them, industries that can be realized in a short period of time are the best quality industries.

Therefore, territories with mineral veins or coal are hot commodities.

"I didn't expect that there are such twists and turns inside. No wonder the people in your department looked at me so strangely when I selected this land." Wang Xiaofeng stroked his forehead helplessly and comforted himself.

"Forget it, I'm here now, let's take a look first and then sell this land when we are really short of money.

However, does anyone actually live near here? "

After hearing this, Pudhua was stunned for a moment: "There should be no one living around here."

Then, he followed the direction Wang Xiaofeng was looking and saw the smoke rising from the foot of the mountain not far away from the side of the mountain.

"That will be interesting." Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said to Pudhua: "Let's go and see what my future neighbor is like."

Everyone left the carriage and horses by the roadside, leaving two people to guard them. The other knights took turns cutting weeds in front, heading towards the direction where the smoke was rising.

Pudhua was not wrong, there was no road here at all, and the lush weeds made everyone walk for more than 20 minutes before reaching their destination.

This is a small village with about a dozen houses. The village is basically composed of two-story low wooden buildings and tile-roofed houses scattered here and there.

No different from most villages in the empire.

With the unfamiliar faces, armors and weapons, Wang Xiaofeng and his party quickly aroused the vigilance of the villagers.

A shout came from the house closest to the crowd: "Don't come out."

After a moment of uproar, a thin black man wearing linen clothes and a raincoat carefully walked out of the house, stood by the fence of his yard and asked, "What are you here for?"

"I haven't asked you yet, but you asked about us instead." Pu Dehua glanced at him with disgust and said: "There is no mark on the map that there is a village here, nor is there any registered population. I would like to Ask where you came from."

The knights took a step forward, and the sound of armor scraping hit the man's heart hard. The oppressive air oppressed him and he could hardly speak, "I, I"

"My lords, please don't embarrass Klev. He is just an honest farmer." Suddenly an old man opened the simple fence door in the yard more than ten meters away and said to everyone: "It's still raining outside, adults. Come to my house to take shelter from the rain first."

"You old man." Pu Dehua was about to curse him, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly, and changed his tone, "You are quite nice, so we won't be polite."

The old man's home was not big, so except for the two knights who entered the house with Wang Xiaofeng and Pudhua, the other knights just took shelter from the rain under the big trees in the yard and were alert to the surrounding movements.

The old man poured a cup of hot water for several people.



Pudhua lowered his head and glanced at the dusty cup, without any thought of touching it, "Old man, what's going on with this village and you people."

"Everyone in the rebellion or famine fled from different places. For example, Klev, he is from the far north and I am from"

The old man didn't answer his questions and talked a lot without any logic. In short, sir, we are all good citizens and have never done any bad things. We hope we can be given a chance to survive.

After Wang Xiaofeng listened, he silently withdrew the spiritual power that enveloped the old man.

Wang Xiaofeng has also studied Nidia's mind-reading talent to some extent, and can barely simulate it with mental power to a superficial level.

Only fear and fear can be felt from the old man, and the source of fear comes from the two knights standing at the door, so the possibility of someone deliberately arranging it can be ruled out for the time being.

Wang Xiaofeng said: "I remember that my territory has a household registration quota."

Pudhua nodded and said: "Yes, according to your title and the location of the territory, the upper limit of the territory's population is one thousand households."

"Then just register them in my name. After all, life is so difficult, there is no need to embarrass these poor people anymore." Wang Xiaofeng drank the hot water in his hand.


Pudhua secretly lamented that these refugees were really lucky. You must know that according to the laws of the empire, the status of refugees from other countries who fled to this country is the same as slaves. They belong to the lowest class and can be slaughtered by others without any slightest hesitation. right.

However, after being registered under the name of Viscount Wang Xiaofeng, he ascended to heaven in one step and crossed several classes to become a commoner of the Tiandou Empire. If he had better luck in the future and gave birth to a soul master who could practice, it would not be impossible for him to rise to the top and become a noble.

The old man's head was dizzy. He didn't expect that a big pie would fall on him. At the same time, he also knew that this ridiculously young boy among the people was the one in charge. He mustered up the courage to ask, " Sir, why are you here?"

"My territory is over this mountain. I'm here to see what my territory looks like." Wang Xiaofeng picked up the raincoat hanging at the door and put it on his body, preparing to leave.

"Lord, if you don't mind, let my son lead the way for you." The old man said, and shouted into the room: "Tutak, come out and meet our Lord."

But after waiting for more than ten seconds, the old man couldn't bear it and rushed into the corner room angrily, dragging a skinny little child out.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly scanned it with his soul power, and found that the other person was only built like a child, but his bone age was already that of an adult in his twenties.

As for why it looks like this, it should be because he has eaten poorly since he was a child and his body is not fully developed.

The old man introduced Wang Xiaofeng enthusiastically: "Lord, you may not look at my son's appearance, but he is indeed the only hunter in the village. He usually goes to the mountains and knows the surrounding terrain very well."

Tutak looked at his father and added in a low voice: "Not only is he the only hunter in the village, he is also the only carpenter."

Being a hunter can lead to malnutrition, so it is better to farm at home.

As if he guessed what Wang Xiaofeng was thinking, Tutak defended himself in a low voice: "There are many soul beasts in the mountains, and I am no match for them."

"It's okay, you don't need to do anything, they are here." Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the knights stationed on both sides and smiled: "Do you know the surrounding terrain very well?"

Tutak nodded weakly.

"Then please accompany us." Wang Xiaofeng took out a silver soul coin from the soul guide and placed it in his palm.

Tutak's pupils expanded slightly, he held the cold silver coin in his hand and said, "This is it?"

Wang Xiaofeng raised three fingers: "This is the deposit for this employment fee. After the job is completed, I will give you three more."

Before Tutak could show his surprised expression, the old man quickly took the Gintama coin from his hand on the pretext of keeping it for him.

After coming out of the village, the group began to cross the mountains. The old man was indeed not bragging. Tutak did know the neighborhood very well.

Although there was still light rain in the sky, everyone climbed the mountain much faster than before. They followed the animal path guided by Tutak, saving a lot of energy.

If you ignore the few ten-year-old soul beasts that were stunned by Wang Xiaofeng's mental power.

Standing on the top of the hill and looking into the distance, Wang Xiaofeng realized why Flanders had chosen this piece of land.

It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with three mountains sandwiched between two rivers, and a small basin in the middle.

This place is indeed very suitable for the development of agriculture.

If you add in the fact that the one on the map does not exist and shows the false road that deceives people, this place perfectly meets all Wang Xiaofeng's requirements.

Pudhua wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, took out a map from his arms and introduced it to Wang Xiaofeng: "This hilltop is your territory, the one next to it belongs to Viscount Oscar, and this one belongs to Viscount Ma Hongjun. The scope of your territory With the river as the boundary, it is about this large area.”

Wang Xiaofeng listened and thought.

The terrain here is complex, transportation is inconvenient, and the space for economic development is severely limited.

If it is just your own territory, then just plant some high-value plants and raise some cattle and sheep to meet your own needs.

But after adding Oscar's Ma Hongjun's territory, it would be a waste of such a big place not to do a big fight.

So, first of all, set a small goal.

A road connecting the outside world will be launched within three days.

After deleting, deleting, and subtracting several thousand words, this is a fairly satisfactory version after several days of revision.

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