Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 555: Initial Construction of the Territory (2)

Chapter 560 Initial Construction of the Territory (2)

Russell Blacksmith Shop is one of the few century-old shops in Tiandou City, located next to Shrek Academy.

As the resident master blacksmith in the shop, Luo Jin has a lot of work, especially the sudden increase in orders from the military department recently, which has caused him to work overtime until late every day.

Lunch time was almost over when he hurried to the canteen. Before he could even take a bite of his meal, he was interrupted.

"Master, master, it's bad." The newly recruited apprentice ran over panting and said, "Someone is here to mess up the place."

"Drink some water first and speak slowly." Luo Jin asked the young apprentice to calm down, "Who is going to ruin the situation?"

"It's a young man who took out a strange blueprint and asked you to forge it by name.

The second master and the third master both saw it and thought that the other party was just joking and that this thing could not be made at all. "

This aroused Luo Jin's interest: "Oh? There are drawings but I can't make it. It's interesting. You can look at the food for me and I'll go take a look."

Luo Jin walked quickly towards the front hall. Before he reached it, he heard the voice of the sixth junior brother from inside.

"Little brother, although the things on this drawing have no technical content, according to your requirements, it must be both hard and tough, so good materials must be used.

This thing is so huge that just smelting the metal will take a lot of time. It really can't be made in three days. "

It turns out it's not some kind of gadget. Hey, this little kid can't even hear what he's saying.

Luo Jin's newly aroused interest suddenly dissipated. He turned around and was about to leave, but he didn't expect that his figure had been seen by the sharp-eyed fifth junior brother.

"Hey, don't run, don't run, Fourth Senior Brother, why are you running?"

Luo Jin stopped abruptly, and his upper body made a 180-degree turn, almost reaching his waist.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just remembered that I haven't eaten lunch yet."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said hello: "Long time no see, Master Luo Jin."

Seeing an acquaintance, Luo Jin's stiff expression softened a lot, and he rubbed his waist silently: "So it's you. Is the weight ring still working?"

"It's pretty good, but four of the weight-bearing blocks were accidentally broken. I need your help to build a few more."

Luo Jin's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Although it was a weight-bearing block, it was essentially a super iron block made from the fusion of more than a dozen rare metals. Its hardness was far beyond that of ordinary weapons. He really couldn't think of anything that could damage such a heavy and hard thing.

The technical content of this thing was almost zero, but it required constant beating and forging for a long time, which was a tiring job. He didn't want to wait in the forging room for several weeks.

Luo Jin quickly changed the subject and said, "I heard from the apprentice that you want to build a strange thing. Where are the drawings?"

"Here it is."

Luo Jin took the drawing from his junior brother and glanced at it. The thing drawn on the drawing looked like a large shovel for shoveling soil, except that the back end and the left and right sides were tilted up. There was a partition in the middle, and the two sides were facing. Extension.

As his junior brother said, it is indeed something without any technical content. It's just that the size of this thing is a bit big, five meters long and three meters wide.

Luo Jin gestured in the air, "This seems to be an improved shovel. The sand pushed out will come out from both sides."

"Yes, this thing will be attached to my martial spirit and used to build roads." Wang Xiaofeng nodded.

"This is the first time I've seen martial arts used like this." Luo Jin smacked his lips and discussed with his fellow apprentices.

"I'm really sorry. The orders we have are already scheduled until the beginning of next month. If you are in a hurry, you can only add money."

"sure, no problem."

After signing the contract and paying 20 gold soul coins as a deposit, Wang Xiaofeng walked towards the Chamber of Commerce without stopping.

He has made up his mind to recruit more people after this period of busy work.

How can a boss do this kind of purchasing work himself? He recruits people and recruits them ruthlessly.

Ten days later.

A caravan of 1,300 people set off from Tiandou City in a mighty manner. After walking for about a morning, they finally arrived at their destination.

It was still the place where Wang Xiaofeng got off the car last time, but at this time, the weeds within ten meters of the surrounding area had been cleared away, and a two-meter-wide dirt road was extended directly to the village.

The village has also changed its appearance. A dozen ten-meter-long tree trunks are piled at the beginning of the village. There are more than a dozen brand-new wooden houses on the edge of the village. The old houses have also been renovated.

When Greif found Wang Xiaofeng, he was pulling up trees in the mountains.

Amidst a dull crashing sound, a tree more than ten meters high and more than thirty centimeters in diameter was uprooted. Wang Xiaofeng dragged the tree to the open space aside and put it down with a "bang".

Gref, who was once again amazed by his boss's strength, couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing? Is it some kind of special training?"

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his sweat: "There is no special training. You should read less novels. This is just preparation for road construction."

Before building the road, the weeds and trees on the surface must be cleared. He has only cleared a tenth of it now.

However, the main difficulty is in building mountain roads, and it is much easier to build roads on flat land.

"How much does it cost to build such a long road?" Gref muttered.



Wang Xiaofeng ignored him, stretched out his hand and walked to the root of the tree. He broke all the remaining roots with a few clicks. Then he walked to the crown of the tree. His soul power condensed in his palms, and the sharp hand knife quickly cut off the branches. .

In just a few minutes, the entire tree in Wang Xiaofeng's hands was reduced to its trunk, which looked like a huge wooden stick more than ten meters long.

The two arms were able to pick up the tree trunk. The next moment, with a sudden swing, the tree trunk rose into the air and rolled down the mountain.

Gref broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he came out from the other side.

"Let's do this for now." Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands, and the water fell to the ground with stains, "Let's go down the mountain."

The village has never been so lively.

There were more than a dozen carriages parked in the open space in front of the village entrance. Slaves with chains were constantly carrying goods from above and putting them into the wooden houses. The guards were watching them closely. If they moved even slightly slowly, they would be scolded and insulted.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at it with furrowed brows.

The person in charge of the Wanbao Pavilion caravan trotted over, took out the contract from the soul guide and said, "You can now check the goods on site. If there are no problems, please sign here."

The items delivered in the first round of transportation were some daily necessities and food. The items in the house were almost calculated by scanning them with soul power. There was no shortage. Wang Xiaofeng quickly wrote his name on the contract.

If there are no objections from Wang Xiaofeng within three days, Wanbao Pavilion can take the contract to the designated bank to get the remaining balance.

The person in charge of the caravan put away the contract, "The 500 red-feathered chicks and 500 flat-headed ducklings you need will be collected in about ten days. By then we will deliver the goods here. Do you think that's okay?"

"Okay." Wang Xiaofeng nodded casually.

At present, the mainstream breeding method in mainland China is free-range breeding. There are no such large quantities of chicken and duck seedlings on the market, so it is understandable that the waiting time will be longer.

"Okay, do you have any other needs?"

Wang Xiaofeng pointed at the crowd and said, "Help me open their anklets and handcuffs."

"Follow your orders." The person in charge turned to the guard and scolded: "Why are you still hanging around? Hurry up and untie yourself."

"Yes Yes!"

After removing the handcuffs and chains, the sallow and skinny slaves immediately became much more efficient. In a short time, everything on the carriage was moved into the wooden house.

After transporting the goods, Wanbao Pavilion's caravan left.

The slaves lowered their heads and looked at Wang Xiaofeng timidly.

I couldn't help but guess: What will their young master do next? Kill a few slaves to establish your authority, or send them to do tiring and dirty work

Wang Xiaofeng said to Gref: "Let them separate men and women, put them in groups of ten, and take turns going to the river to bathe.

Then he went to the village and called a few villagers who knew how to cook, took two bags of rice and a few pieces of bacon from the warehouse, and went to the canteen to cook some meat porridge for them to eat.

Arrange everyone's food and accommodation today, let them rest for a day, and then start working according to the work plan on the schedule tomorrow. "

Without looking at the surprised crowd, Wang Xiaofeng returned to the mountain to pull out trees after giving his instructions.

Wang Xiaofeng himself is a boring gourd. He can do research or fight, but forget about asking him to manage people. It can only be said that his talent is not there.

Fortunately, Greif was very capable. He took over the responsibility of being the shopkeeper and arranged everything in an orderly manner according to Wang Xiaofeng's wishes.

In the evening, when Wang Xiaofeng came down from the mountain, Gref not only exceeded the task and completed the food and accommodation arrangements and distribution of daily necessities to everyone, but also used the wood piled at the entrance of the village to initially organize them to build a public toilet.

During this period, people who performed well were promoted by him to team leaders to help him manage everyone, making them more comfortable in commanding and greatly increasing their efficiency.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "You are such a fucking genius."

Meeting Gref in the far north was simply a stroke of luck.

Now Wang Xiaofeng feels more at ease as the shopkeeper.

The territory of the three people includes mountainous woodlands and plains, which add up to nearly 10,000 acres. It is impossible to develop such a large area in one go, so after an on-site inspection, Wang Xiaofeng plans to build a poultry farm on his territory first.

To the south of the territory is a forest land of about 600 acres. It is spacious and open, the slope is not steep, the grass is lush, the wind faces the sun, the terrain is relatively dry, and there is a branching stream nearby, making it an excellent place for a breeding farm nearby.

The place where the small tributaries pass is suitable as a breeding ground for flat-headed ducks; the gentle slope facing the leeward direction is relatively dry, and it is suitable as a breeding ground for red-feathered chickens.

It's easier to get things done when there are more people.

Even in full compliance with the strict standards set by Wang Xiaofeng, a month later, a flat-head duck farm and a red-feather chicken farm were established from scratch.

Wang Xiaofeng felt a sense of pride in his heart when he saw the unfamiliar employees taking care of the ducklings according to standardized procedures.

He finally took the first step from zero to one.

"Boss, I have planted all the seeds in it according to your instructions." Gref came over carrying an empty sack, "But boss, why do you plant so many gourds in the mountains and forests and around the house? .”

"Because this is the first line of defense for our breeding base." Wang Xiaofeng showed a mysterious smile, "When these chickens and ducks grow older, the surrounding beasts and spirit beasts will not let go of these rations. Then you can I saw it.”

"Okay, here are two bags of chicory grass seeds. Hurry up and spread them on the farmland that was reclaimed two days ago. The little guys have to rely on them for their food rations. My wallet alone can't sustain it."

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