Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 559 Shrek’s Changes (2)

Chapter 564 Shrek’s changes (2)

Through the windows on the door, Marco could almost see the intertwining figures inside.

Listening to the sounds in the house, Marco took a breath, organized the words in his mind, and immediately stepped on the stairs, opened the door from under the eaves, and got into the house.

Before he could clearly see the environment in the room, a figure became larger and larger in his sight.

The huge force caused him to fall heavily to the ground with him behind him!


The weight of more than 100 kilograms and the considerable impact force caused Marco to be almost knocked over in the first place.

Only after he coughed did the person pressing on him realize his presence, twist around and get up, no longer pressing him.

Marco raised his head and glanced at the guy who flew out, only to see that his face was already bruised and bruised, and his hands and feet were trembling with sweat all over his body.

Is this second battle test so dangerous?

Marco lowered his head and glanced at his slender arms and thin body. There should not be a social death scene where the assessment teacher knelt down and begged me not to die after he was punched.

The man on top of him trembled and tried to get up, but unfortunately he tried several times without success. The horse, which was recovering, could see how miserable he was, so he helped him up with all his strength.

"Thank you." The other party glanced at Marco, "A new student here to take the test?"

Marco nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and asked, "Aren't you?"

"I should be considered your senior." The other party nodded coldly, then limped open the door and left.


As soon as Marco turned around, he saw dozens of people in the room looking at him.

In the dimly lit venue, a dozen students wearing shit-yellow uniforms and club badges were standing on both sides of the venue. In the middle, there were dozens of students about his age, wearing different clothes. Boys and girls.

Marco's sudden intrusion was like dropping a pebble in the lake, breaking the original calm.

They all cast sharp glances at the boy, as if scolding Erha for breaking into the wolf pack for no reason.

The blond young man in the middle of the venue suddenly said: "Everyone has seen the demonstration just now, and the process is roughly like this.

Everyone selects their own teammates and forms a team of three, and then randomly selects one of these seniors to fight. No matter what method is used, as long as you persist for one stick of incense, all of you will pass the assessment.

Of course, if you are strong enough and can force him out of the field or defeat him and make him admit defeat, you will receive an extra 20 points for the entrance exam and 5 points for the basic credits. "

The blond young man opened his mouth to help Marco attract everyone's attention, so that he would not stand at the door like a fool, but at this time, he felt a huge wave in his heart.

"Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger?!"

He recognized the young man with blond hair in the center of the dojo, wearing only a white T-shirt. There was no way he could mistake that blond hair and those strange eyes.

However, in the current timeline, Dai Mubai should be fighting for the throne with his brother in the Star Luo Empire.

Could it be that he, a little butterfly from time travel, is beginning to affect the development of the plot?

"My clone is quite realistic."

"Ah?" Marco stared blankly at the boy who didn't know when he was standing next to him.

"Do you want to compete with Dai Mubai? Just get 100 credits after enrolling."

The boy looked at him calmly, and in the not-so-bright room, the golden eyes that shone with a faint golden color hit his chest like a heavy hammer. He took a few steps back, sweat dripping from his back.

By the time he regained consciousness, the other party had disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

This teacher is so mysterious and mysterious that it scares me to death! And he also likes to talk to himself.

However, it turns out that this Dai Mubai is fake, this is too realistic.

Marco wiped his cold sweat, turned around and walked into the crowd to look for his temporary teammates.

It's a pity that his appearance looks too thin, and his martial spirit is still an offensive and water-type martial spirit. Such a mediocre martial spirit that is half front row and half control is not popular in a temporary team that doesn't know each other well.

On the contrary, extreme damage, defense or control are easier to coordinate with each other.

After hitting the wall several times in a row, Marco sighed helplessly.

There are a lot of people like him in the stadium who can't form a team. The teacher who will invigilate the exam later may let them group the lone wolves together randomly, hoping that the matched teammates will not be cheated by the time.

"You, are you alone too?"

A timid voice sounded beside him.

Marco was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the girl beside him. She had long blond hair, was wearing clothes with cute bear patterns, and her delicate white skin looked like the daughter of a wealthy family.

Marco nodded unequivocally: "Yes."

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Esta, a weapon soul gem, a level 21 auxiliary weapon soul master. This is my good friend Alan, a beast soul black bear, and a level 24 offensive battle soul master. "



Only then did Marco see the thin, dark-skinned guy standing behind Esta. His skin color was obviously very conspicuous in the crowd, but his presence could always be ignored inadvertently.

Is it a special talent?

"We happen to be missing someone in our team, would you like to join us?"

There are tanks and assists, and the winning condition is to persist for 5 minutes. This dog can win. Marco is naturally willing to join. Although he doesn’t know why the other party will help him, as long as he can join Shrek Academy, no matter what the reason important.

A three-person team was temporarily formed.

"My name is Marco, Wuhun Bubble Feiyu, a level 23 attack-type battle soul master. The first soul skill can release sticky and corrosive bubbles, and the second soul skill is to increase my own speed and allow me to short-circuit Taxiing at low altitude within the time limit.”

Alan said: "My first soul skill is collision, and my second soul skill is madness. If I activate my second soul skill, stay away from me."

Esta explained: "After Alan activates the second soul ring, there will be no distinction between friend and foe. When the time comes, remember to run farther away. My soul skills increase defense by 20% and power by 30%, and there is no problem if it lasts for one stick of incense. .”

Marco nodded with satisfaction. Everyone's soul skills were pretty good, and there were no repeated positions. Their team's configuration was good.

The time to form the team was about to end, and Marco said quickly: "Although this is the first time for the three of us to work together, you two have known each other for many years, and you will have a better understanding than the three of us working together, so I will be there later. I will harass and cover from the side and coordinate with your attack rhythm."

"As you say." Esta was obviously the one who made the decision between the two.

"Okay, it's time." The blond young man shouted to stop the noisy crowd.

"The teams that have been formed come forward to select the seniors you want to challenge, and then go to the designated location for the test." The blond young man looked at the scattered boys and girls on the other side who seemed to be squeezed out.

"For those who did not form a team within the specified time, the test content was changed to: hold on to a stick of incense in my hand. Don't worry, I will suppress the soul power to around level 35, and only use one soul ring during the test. Skills."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at the seventeen people with sympathetic eyes.

Marco asked softly: "What's going on? Why are everyone's eyes so strange?"

"You came late, so you didn't see how Senior Dai Mubai abused that fifth-year senior." Esta shook her head, "Obviously they all have the same soul power, but they didn't even use soul skills. It’s so miserable to be beaten without even taking action.”

Alan rarely expressed his own evaluation: "The difference between a mouse and the king of beasts."

Esta retorted: "That senior's martial spirit is a kamaitachi, not a mouse."

Alan whispered: "It's all the same."

While everyone was still carefully discussing which senior to choose, a fat man in luxurious clothes stood up, pointed at the gloomy-looking senior in the corner and said, "I want to challenge the senior in brown clothes. "

"Okay, Li Daoming, take them to examination room No. 1."

"No need to bother." The little fat man suddenly took out a black card from his arms, "This unnamed black card contains 10,000 gold soul coins. Senior Li Daoming, if you voluntarily admit defeat, this card will be yours." .”

"Okay, I admit defeat." Li Daoming raised his hand to the blond young man, then took the black card from the little fat man's hand and left the venue without looking back.

There was an uproar around him, wasn't this cheating?

But what was surprising was yet to come. The blond young man announced with a smile that the results were valid.

"Protest, it's not fair."

Looking at the puzzled, angry, and suspicious eyes around him, the blond young man said calmly: "I have just said that no matter what method is used, as long as you persist for one stick of incense or your senior admits defeat, you will pass the test. Use Of course, bribery can also be considered as a means of passing the exam.

If you have 10,000 gold soul coins, you can also try it. "

Although this answer did not satisfy everyone, the blond young man didn't care.

So after a farce, the test continued.

"This is the first time I have seen a coin-throwing boss in real life." Marco said with some envy, "It would be great if I could be so rich."

Esta had a different view: "You only see the behavior of spending a lot of money, but you don't see the boldness and carefulness hidden underneath.

To judge in such a short period of time the difficulty of senior Li Daoming's life by his clothes and expressions, and to dare to exploit loopholes in the rules to bribe seniors in such an exam, such a person is either a madman or a genius. "

Marco touched his chin, this idea was novel.

"Miss, you've made your choice." Alan said softly.

"Which senior?"

"The one in white clothes with his legs crossed and his eyes closed."

Marco looked in the direction Alan pointed and saw a sturdy young man sitting cross-legged on the ground. He had broad shoulders and a broad back. He was extremely strong and had a chestnut-red short hair that looked full of energy.

Marco compared the gap between the two sides. His thigh was not as thick as the other's arm: "It looks strong. Are we okay?"

Alan explained: "I know that senior, his name is Taikang, and his martial spirit is the powerful gorilla. Senior Taikang is very powerful, but his speed is weak. We only need to use one stick of incense."

"Not bad, not bad. I'll mark your contribution." Esta happily patted Alan's thick arm.

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