Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 560 Shrek’s Changes (3)

Chapter 565 Shrek’s Changes (3)

"Taikang, it's your turn."

When he heard someone calling his name, Taikang opened his eyes and stood up. Only to see two little cubs that were only as high as his chest in front of him, Taikang couldn't help but smile fiercely.

"You chose me?"

Esta said angrily: "Big man, what's your expression, do you look down on us?!"

"Talking won't let you pass." Taikang motioned for the three of them to follow.

The four of them walked to the corner, where there was a red area with the number 7 written on the ground.

Taikang pointed to the ground and said: "Did you see the red dotted line under your feet? This is the scope of the field.

I will repeat the content of the test again: If you beat me, or knock me out of the field, or hold on for one stick of incense, you will pass. "

Taikang looked at the three people who were facing a formidable enemy and said, "Now, the battle test in Examination Hall No. 7 has officially begun. Both sides will release their martial spirits!"

Marco roared low, and two soul rings, one white and one yellow, floated from his body. Under a layer of blue light like water waves, his hands turned into two huge fins.

Esta and Alan also released their martial spirits.

Esta held a gorgeous gem in her hand, and two yellow soul rings were beating on her body. Alan's side was similar, and it was also the best soul ring ratio, but the form after his martial soul was possessed made Ma But he was stunned for a moment.

With the black and white hair color scheme and the obvious dark circles under his eyes, are you sure it’s a black bear martial spirit and not a giant panda martial spirit?

"Gong Minfu, the team configuration is not good." Taikang shouted, thick black hair covering his body, his strong body expanded again, and the length of his arms dropped to his knees.

"I'll go first." Marco whispered, regardless of whether his teammates heard him clearly, and rushed towards Taikang.

And Taikang didn't seem to want to sit still and wait for death. After seeing the gem in Esda's hand, he locked onto her and stepped hard, like a cannonball stuffed into the barrel of a cannon, and bounced towards Esta with a bang.

"The first soul skill, sticky missiles."

Marco quickly spit out a dozen fist-sized sticky foam missiles. The missiles were not very fast, but they were just right in Taikang's path.

Without even looking at the power of the soul skills released by the white soul ring, Taikang used his slender arms to shoot left and right, easily destroying the bubbles in front of him.

But after he rushed forward a few steps, he discovered that the liquid attached to his arm after the bubbles shattered was not only corroding his hair and skin, but the large pool of liquid on the ground also had a certain viscosity, which increased his speed. Inevitably a little slower.

"Good job Marco!"

The gem in Esta's hand bloomed with unimaginable light, turning into two streams of light and quickly shining on Alan, who had been waiting for a long time.

"The first soul skill, giant bear collision!"

Alan's muscles swelled, and red flames erupted from all over his body, and he slammed into Taikang's right waist like a tank.

Taikang's expression changed, and his body couldn't help but slide towards the edge of the field.

At this time, the purple soul ring suddenly emitted an unsettling brilliance.

"The strength is good, but it's a pity that you met me." Taikang's voice sounded from above. Alan suddenly felt that his body suddenly froze, and he could no longer push the opponent in front of him. A strong force suddenly came, and his body was forced Pushed back, breaking the momentum.

The fists as big as sandbags kept enlarging in his sight. Alan only had time to cross his hands in front of his face, and then his whole body was suddenly hit by a pendulum. He was knocked out and fell heavily into the center of the field.

"Phew, it was so dangerous. You almost succeeded." Taikang rubbed his lower back and looked down at his heel. Visually, he was only five centimeters away from hitting the boundary line.

He almost flew away with 20 credits, but luckily he was still superior.

"The difference in soul power is too big." Alan climbed up from the ground, patted his dusty clothes, and said expressionlessly.

Marco said optimistically: "No matter what, our attack is effective, as long as we maintain this momentum."

Having said that, Marco soon discovered that he might have been happy too early.

When Taikang got serious, he directly raised the difficulty of the exam to hell difficulty.



Four minutes after the exam started, Taikang deliberately set up a trap and suffered two soul attacks. He caught the flaw in the three people's cooperation and threw Esta out of the venue in one fell swoop.

At the seventh minute of the exam, in order to save Marco who was pushed to the edge, Alan was forced to activate his second soul skill and confront Taikang head-on.

In the ninth minute, Alan lost his strength and was eliminated.

Huh, huh.

The depleted soul power made his limbs twitch uncontrollably, and the huge physical exertion made his eyesight turn black.


The strong wind blew across his scalp, and Ma was able to avoid Taikang's attack in a very ugly dog-burrowing posture.

Wang Xiaofeng held a lollipop in his mouth and looked at the only set of tests left in the venue with interest. In his hand, there was a 30-second countdown.

In the center of the field, Marco was struggling to hold on with only a trace of faith. The second soul ring had completely dimmed, the soul power inside had been exhausted, and he could no longer even emit the most basic light.

Esta clenched her pink fists and whispered, "There are still twenty seconds, come on."

Unfortunately, Marco's physical strength had reached the limit, and his right foot suddenly cramped, causing him to miss Taikang's waving arm and was slapped to the ground by a huge slap.

"Ah, what a pity." Esta watched the timer stop at the number 00:04:69.

"Miss, Marco has tried his best." Alan couldn't help but said.

"I know, I don't mean to blame him, I just feel that Marco has worked so hard but failed to pass the exam. How disappointed he will be when he wakes up."

Esta looked at Marco being carried away on a stretcher and sighed, "It would be nice if we had a better understanding."

Behind him, Taikang's voice suddenly came: "What are you still doing here? Why don't you quickly go to the third level to take the physical test."

Esta raised her head and looked at Taikang in surprise: "But didn't we fail the exam?"

Taikang seemed to have thought of something, and said in a bad tone: "Can't I allow you to pass? Get out of here, the second round of testing is about to begin."

When Marco opened his eyes, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

The white light filled the whole room, the white curtains, the white single bed, and the strong smell of disinfectant made him almost feel like he had traveled back to his previous life.

"Hey, junior Mark, you're awake."

A familiar figure pulled him back to the present world.

"Senior Michal." Marco said in a dry voice.

"Haha, you still remember me. It seems that my brain was not damaged by the gorilla." Michal opened the small cabinet on the side and poured a glass of warm water for Marco and fed him to drink it.

Then, the two fell into an awkward atmosphere.

Marco asked with difficulty: "I failed the exam, right?"

At the last moment, he had already lost consciousness, but he could tell from Michal's expression that his performance might not have met expectations.

Michal nodded and then shook his head, "Yes or no. You passed the second test, but because you were unconscious, you missed the third test. In terms of the results, you missed the test." "

Marco was stunned for a moment. There seems to be a reversal in this?


"So, today is not over yet, you still have a chance to make amends." Michal took out his physical examination form, "Your resurrection card can still be used. The intelligence test will start in half an hour. This is your last chance. "

Unexpectedly, Emperor Bengtian was about to live a second life, and darkness descended again

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