Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 564 Credits

Chapter 569 Credits

Marco also tried to order a "poor man's set meal", but for the sake of nutritional balance, he reluctantly went to the window next to him and added a spoonful of meat and vegetable chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Fortunately, the aunt in the cafeteria has a steady hand and has a lot of diced meat, but the price of five copper soul coins is still much more expensive than outside.

He thought that Shrek's canteen would become so expensive only after ten thousand years, but he didn't expect that Dou Yi would already be like this.

All I can say is that Flanders is a hard-nosed man who doesn't show mercy when it comes to picking up students' wool.

Marco casually scooped a little sauce with a spoon and poured it on the rice, then took a chopstick of rice and chewed it in his mouth, his eyes widening suddenly.

This rice grain has a refreshing fragrance, which leaves a fragrance on your lips and teeth when you chew it.

The most peculiar thing is that after chewing the rice grains, a very small amount of energy entered the body along with the saliva, and merged with his own soul power without any barrier.

This amount of energy is only a drop in the ocean compared to the soul power in the body, but if you can eat it for a year, you may be able to increase your soul power by half a level.

Marco hurriedly swallowed the rice in his mouth and looked at the rice on the plate in surprise, "This rice?"

Michal, who was sitting opposite, burped, patted his slightly bulging belly, and smiled: "Junior brother, this is one of the hidden benefits of our academy. This kind of spiritual rice only available to big forces, as long as you don't It’s a waste, you can eat as much as you want from the three copper soul coins.”

Marco ate the pickles and drank the soup. As expected, the food was just average.

Marco stuffed a few big mouthfuls of rice into his mouth. Now he didn't feel that the canteen price was high at all. Instead, he was a little worried that Shrek wouldn't go bankrupt if he sold it like this.

Although he was worried about the operating situation of the college, it did not affect his free prostitution at all.

But he obviously overestimated himself.

This special kind of rice is very filling. After adding just one spoonful of rice, Marco was full.

With his bulging belly, Marco took small steps with some difficulty and followed Michal out of the cafeteria.

The two of them walked around the college to eat, and took Marco to get to know the way.

The college is quite big, and there are acres of groves.

Find out where the important teaching buildings are in advance, otherwise it will be embarrassing if you can't even find your class when school starts.

Marco randomly found a topic to chat about: "Senior brother, you just said that the cheap spiritual rice is just one of the hidden benefits of the academy. What about the other benefits?"

Michal said: "The club is one of them. You can ask questions from teachers who are compatible with your martial soul at any time. This is a benefit that can only be enjoyed by being accepted as a direct disciple in the sect, and it can avoid a lot of detours.

In addition, you can meet like-minded seniors in the club, which will also be a good network after graduation. "

So, the racing club is all made up of seniors. I wonder if there are any characters from the original novel.

Marco asked: "For example"

"For example, senior brother," Michal pointed at himself and said, "My family runs a hotel and I know a few good mercenary groups. If junior brother wants to engage in related work in the future, senior brother, I can still provide a little help."

Marco was in awe, "I didn't expect that senior brother is still a hidden boss. I'm disrespectful."

Michal pressed his hands down: "Low-key, low-key."

After a while of joking, the two continued walking.

"Other academies have them, let's not talk about the mimetic training environment. Our academy also has them, but they are more general in this regard. They are all general-purpose and have relatively low training bonuses.

I heard that investment in the mimetic training environment will be increased this year. It will probably take two or three years to build it. I will probably have graduated by then. "

"Of course, our college has something that no other college has." Michal paused deliberately.

Marco raised his eyes and said, "What is it."



"The new thing launched by the college this year is the credit redemption system."

Michal took out a silver card from the soul guide and said with some show: "This is my student card. You only need to input soul power to display basic personal information."

As he spoke, Michal input a trace of soul power into the silver card in his hand. Under Marco's gaze, a big portrait of Michal smiling silly began to slowly appear on the originally blank silver card, with a few lines next to it. Character.

Student name: Michal

Grade: fifth grade

Soul power level: 32

Fighting list: 17

Credits: 97

“Credit is the most important thing in college and it does most of the things.

For example, if you are short of money, you can exchange credits for gold soul coins.

For example, if you are not satisfied with the dormitory environment, you can use your credits to apply for a bigger and better dormitory.

You can even use your credits to ask your favorite senior sister out for a romantic candlelight dinner, of course, if the other person agrees. "

With that said, Michal took out a thin booklet and handed it to Marco: "This is something that can be exchanged for credits in the academy for the time being. You can take a look."

Marco took the slightly wrinkled book and flipped through it. The first page was a catalogue, roughly divided into four categories: weapons and armor, self-created soul skills, natural materials and earthly treasures, and miscellaneous items.

Scroll through and you'll find a dazzling array of images and information.

"The White Tiger Dagger is made from the fangs of the 5,000-year-old Liuguang Tiger. It sells for 1,000 credits."

"Basic Shunpo. After completion, you will be able to turn three times in the air. The price is 30 credits/class hour."

"Ice grass, 53 years old, has a special effect on ice-attribute martial arts. The price is 7,000 credits per plant."

"Instructor-led, Master. 100 credits/hour."

Finally, he saw something among the miscellaneous items, which made his eyes widen.

"Soul bone, 1000-1100 years old ape left arm bone, sold for 20,000 credits."

Does the college even dare to take out this thing and exchange it for students?

Marco's surprised expression made Michal laugh: "Aren't you surprised? We were almost the same as you when we first saw each other, but then everyone gave up. You couldn't earn so many credits during school. The stuff is just put out to whet everyone’s appetite.”

Even though the soul bone cannot be exchanged, there are still a lot of good things on it. Marco returned the book to Michal and said with burning eyes: "Brother, how can I earn credits."

Michal said: “There are many ways to earn credits, the simplest is to practice.

For the great soul master level, 10 credits will be added for each level up, and for the soul master level, 50 credits will be added for each level up. "

"Then there are midterm exams and final exams for each semester. The top three in the theoretical exam and practical exam for each grade will add 50, 30, and 10 credits respectively."

"There are also martial arts battles on the last five days of each month, which are similar to the individual competitions in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, but we will have a list." Michal pointed to his student card and said: "I saw this 17 Well, this means I was ranked 17th last month.

The combat rankings are calculated once a month, with 100 credits for the first place, 50 credits for the second place, and 30 credits for the third place. 20 credits for students 4-10, 15 credits for students 10-20, 10 credits for students 20-30, 5 credits for students 30-50.

Don't even think about freshmen, the top 50 are basically soul masters. "

“Of course, what I just mentioned either takes a long time or is relatively difficult, so currently the bulk of earning credits is mainly based on completing tasks.

Tasks are divided into short-term tasks and long-term tasks. According to the difficulty of the task, there are three levels: easy, normal and difficult.

Do you still remember the hall when you registered for admission? That’s where you usually receive tasks. School hasn't started yet, so you can't get in for the time being. Once you have your student card, you can go and see for yourself and you will understand. "

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