Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 565 School starts

Chapter 570 School starts

While the sun was still struggling to stay in bed on the horizon, Marco's biological clock had already woken him up.

At this time, there was still an hour before the first class, and Fang Jing was still sleeping soundly.

Marco quietly dressed and washed, tidied up his personal hygiene, and briefly checked his backpack. He took all his pen and ink with him and left the dormitory after checking that everything was correct.

Walking on the forest path, tall teaching buildings in the distance are looming among the trees, and many figures are quickly shuttling through the forest.

Marco came to the cafeteria. The cafeteria that was empty yesterday was now almost a third full. Most of them are senior students, after all, the freshmen will still be immersed in dreamland for a while.

There is a small blackboard hanging in front of the only open window in the cafeteria, which lists the food provided for breakfast, ranging from pasta to pastries.

Although it was not the first time he had seen it, he was still blinded when he saw the price above. He gritted his teeth and spent two copper soul coins to buy a big meat bun and a cup of soy milk.

After finding an empty seat and sitting down, Marco took out the class schedule he copied yesterday and read it.

It not only has a week's course schedule for first grade, but also a time schedule.

For example, breakfast time is 6:00-8:00, and the first class is at 9 o'clock, and the class time is two hours.

Lunch time is 11:00-12:00, the first class in the afternoon is at 1 o'clock, and the class lasts three hours.

There are two classes a day, and the time is relatively loose. The morning is usually a theoretical class, and the afternoon is usually a practical class.

Dinner time is 16:00-19:00. Dinner is served for a long time because many students have to go to the infirmary after finishing practical classes.

There are no classes for many hours on Friday afternoon, so it’s an extra half-day off.

The curfew time is 9 o'clock for grades one to four, and the curfew time for senior grades can be extended to 11 p.m.

The college does not set a specific time for lights out, but students cannot leave their dormitories after curfew. Otherwise, it will be considered a violation and points will be deducted and a review will be written.

In addition to normal class schedules and curfew times, in theory, all other time periods can be freely used.

Students can participate in club activities or do credit assignments, and teachers can also arrange to adjust classes to make up classes.

There is an elective system for those in third grade and above. Each teacher will offer an elective course. The top scorer can take all of them. The fish monster can only choose a few compulsory courses, such as Zhao Wuji's physical fitness improvement course, Shao Xin's wilderness survival course, or Relatively relaxed.

"Marco, you didn't even call me when you got up to have breakfast."

Marco looked away from the class schedule. It turned out to be his roommate Fang Jing, but his appearance at this time was not very calm. With his messy hair and disheveled clothes, he looked like he had just escaped from a bandit's den.

"I didn't see you in bed when I opened my eyes. I thought you overslept and were late." Fang Jing took a bite of the stuffed meat pie and said resentfully.

Marco waved his hand and said: "We have different schedules, so there is no need to go together. I will show you the way later, so you don't have to get up so early next time."

The basic arithmetic class was on the second floor of Teaching Building No. 1. Marco and Fang Jing found it without much effort.

The two of them arrived early. There was no one else in the classroom yet, only empty desks, chairs, and podiums.

Marco found a familiar seat in the back corner by the window. As soon as he sat down, Fang Jing shouted, "Look, there's a big water polo there."

A dark blue water polo with a radius of almost half a meter was suspended in the corner, very conspicuous in this empty classroom.

It was obviously the first time he saw it, but this thing felt inexplicably familiar. Marco touched his chin and thought quietly.

Fang Jing moved faster, and before Marco could respond, he had already reached out to touch it.

The water polo changes into various forms in his hands.

"Huhu, it's so soft and cool, huh? There's still a root of grass inside."

"Classmate Fang Jing, this is not grass, it is the new shoot of gourd vine."

The water ball suddenly made a sound, which scared Fang Jing back sharply, pushing the desk and making a harsh friction sound.

Fang Jing's face turned pale: "Say, did you speak?!"

Marco stood in front of Fang Jing, staring warily at the unknown thing in front of him.

However, the water polo made no unnecessary movements. Instead, Shi Shiran floated out of the classroom.



It wasn't until the classroom was filled up one after another, and the freshmen arrived, that Wang Xiaofeng stepped on the class bell and walked into the classroom with a smile on his face.

Wang Xiaofeng stared at Fang Jing, making him feel so guilty that he almost stuffed his head into the desk.

"Fang Jing does not abide by classroom discipline and does not raise his head to look at the blackboard. Five points will be deducted!"

All the freshmen looked confused: What happened? Could it be that this young-looking teacher is deliberately looking for trouble to establish his authority?

Wang Xiaofeng wrote his name on the blackboard, "Let me introduce myself first. I am your class teacher, Wang Xiaofeng, the 53rd level auxiliary system weapon soul king. I am responsible for solving some problems while you are living in school. Of course, due to special reasons, I also I also serve as the lower grade cultural teacher, so you will see me often in the next year."

"Money gold dollar."

"Here we go!" The little fat man who was chatting and laughing with his classmates on the ground immediately stood up.

"Qian Jinyuan performed the best in the entrance exam, so he will be the first-year chief before the end of this semester." Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "As the first-year chief, every month the college will allocate equivalent students based on his cultivation level. 50 gold soul coins of training resources, and then, two hours of individual guidance and 100 credits."

Some students who had learned about the credits in advance began to breathe thicker unconsciously.

"The chief is not fixed. The one with the first overall ranking at the end of each semester will automatically become the chief."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced around and nodded with satisfaction: "I saw fire in the eyes of some students. This is good. What we at Shrek train are monsters, not trash. If you don't even dare to compete for the chief position, you might as well go back. The family farmed.”

The first class in the morning was basic arithmetic, which he also taught. However, Wang Xiaofeng did not attend class. Instead, he took everyone to collect the textbooks for this semester, and then went to the hall to apply for a student card.

While there was still some time, Shrek was taken around in a circle to help some students who were introverted and afraid to communicate find their way, and he answered some students' questions on the way.

The whole morning passed like this.

Boom, boom~

The bell echoed in the academy.

Wang Xiaofeng said goodbye to his dear students with a smile, "Don't be late for the afternoon practical class. Teacher Zhao Wuji doesn't like late students. You don't want to know what it feels like to run under the bright sun against 5 times the force of gravity."

Everyone shouted and dispersed.

"Huh, get out of class is finally over." Esta patted her smooth belly, "I overslept in the morning and only had time to drink half a bowl of porridge. I'm so hungry now."

Alan silently took out the pastries from the soul guide that he had packed when he left in the morning.

"Idiot Alan, you didn't take it out earlier. It's already lunch time. Who needs breakfast?" Even though she said this, Esta, who was so hungry that her eyes turned black, still took small mouthfuls of the bag. Eat all the pastries inside.

Esta licked her oily lips. The snacks just now seemed to whet her appetite. She waved her hand: "Marco, Fang Jing, I will take you to the second floor of the cafeteria to eat delicious food."

Marco asked: "Is there a second floor in the cafeteria?"

"Of course there is. The first floor is the student cafeteria, and the second floor is the teachers' cafeteria. Under normal circumstances, the second floor is not open to students." Esta took out a white jade card, "But when I take out this card, Let’s talk about it another time.”

"This is?"

"Hey, this is my cousin's student card. With it we can go to the second floor."

Marco still wanted to say something, but a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, only three of the four people were left.

Alan silently put away the soul ring, "It seems to be the senior classmate that Marco is familiar with."

Esta said regretfully: "I even used my soul skills. There must be something important. It seems that Marco is not so lucky today."

Without Marco present, Fang Jing turned into that fearful look again, shivering and refusing to go.

"Okay then, let's make an appointment when Marco is free."

Esta watched Fang Jing leave quickly, shrugged and said helplessly: "I wanted to take this opportunity to have a good communication with my new friends, but we were left alone again."

"Miss, are we still going?"

"Go, I heard that the dishes on the second floor are all made by Teacher Xiaofeng. They are very delicious."

Esta said hurriedly: "Let's go, let's go. If we go late, senior Ma Hongjun will eat us up."

First-year courses, Monday: basic arithmetic, herbalism, practical combat. Tuesday: Herbalism, history of Heavenly Dou, practical combat. Wednesday: Language expression and writing, basic arithmetic, practical combat. Thursday: Soul beast identification, language expression and writing, practical combat. Friday, martial arts summary, music appreciation.

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