Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 567 The Fire Dragon Returns

Chapter 572 The Fire Dragon Returns

Along with a long dragon's roar, a raging fire rained down from high in the sky.

The huge shadow fell from the sky amidst the roar of the air flow rolled up by the dragon's wings.

The ground trembled violently, the earth and rocks rolled, and the earth was broken. It seemed like some ferocious beast was moving its body below, and bright red vicious scales could be vaguely seen between the broken stone slabs.

Rolling dragon power emitted from the smoke and swept in all directions.

The sudden explosion attracted the attention of the teachers and students passing by, but when they saw the sticky red flames and the astonishing power of the dragon, everyone's expressions changed drastically and they turned their heads and left.

In Shrek Academy, the two extremely conspicuous features of flame and dragon roar are simply synonymous with that woman, and they don't want to get into trouble for watching the fun.

"In the new semester, the teachers are quite busy. Currently, only Vice President Liu Erlong has some free time and is willing to be your instructor. Of course, this is a two-way choice after all. Even if you are willing, she will have to personally inspect it. one time."

Wang Xiaofeng explained to the three of them, then took the newly approved documents and walked downstairs, "Let's go down quickly, don't keep your teacher waiting."

Michal and Leng Feng looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes. Do they dare to have an opinion? If they dare to have an opinion, they may be expelled in the afternoon for stepping into the classroom with their left foot first.

Only the ignorant Marco was still excited that the club was about to have a powerful instructor.

This excitement only lasted half a minute.

When he walked out of the teaching building and saw the three-meter-tall red dragon, his breath suddenly suffocated.

Layers of dark red dragon scales and winding dragon horns

It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the heroic image of half dragon and half man that he imagined in his heart. It can only be said that there is a gap between reality and fantasy.

Liu Erlong's vertical pupils stared closely at the poor and helpless person in front of him, and he exhaled hot breath through his sharp teeth: "Is this my student too?"

Michal and Leng Feng watched their mouths, noses and hearts, not daring to speak at all.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "His name is Marco, he is a new student."

Wang Xiaofeng patted Marco on the back and encouraged: "Don't be afraid, this is the unique dragon transformation state of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Teacher Liu Erlong has recently been learning the sect's secret skill "Boiling Blood", which requires long-term maintenance of the martial arts." The posture of being possessed by a soul"

"Okay, okay, there is no need to explain so much to them, we will spend a long time getting to know each other." Liu Erlong interrupted Wang Xiaofeng impatiently.

She waved her dragon wings impatiently, and the hot air flow blew around.

The heat wave caused waves in Wang Xiaofeng's body, and the appearance transformed by the water element became a little blurry under the high temperature. He frowned and said with some sternness: "Teacher Erlong, please calm down, don't scare the students."

"It seems that something is wrong with your condition. Why don't you go to the master to have a look? I think you can go to the infirmary to have a look."

Liu Erlong's eyes narrowed, and he was suppressed by the heavy dragon power, "Shut up, are you annoying me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Wang Xiaofeng's newly inflated chest deflated like a balloon, and he lowered his head and took a few steps back to huddle with Michal and the others.

Facing Liu Erlong, it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid.

If the real body was here, there would be ways to calm her down. Unfortunately, what was here at this moment was just a clone specially used to handle documents and chores.

Its combat effectiveness is almost zero, and it can't even defeat a goose.

He didn't want to wait and recharge at night to transfer memories to the main body. The other clones either had the memory of tutoring students or the memory of reading ancient books. Only he had the memory of being slapped to pieces.

I'm afraid that such a dark history will be ridiculed by other clones for a lifetime.

Considering that the main body is only 17 years old this year, the length of this lifetime may make people despair.

Liu Erlong's sharp gaze swept over the crowd like an ostrich, sporadic sparks spurted out from the tip of his nose, and a dull voice squeezed out of his neck: "I'm in a bad state today, but I remember your appearance and names. , let’s have a good chat at the weekend.”

Marco, who was standing stiffly in front, nodded subconsciously.

This made Liu Erlong's serious cheeks soften a little, but the performance of the other two made her very dissatisfied. They were actually not as courageous as the freshmen who had just entered school.

Thinking of this, the anger that had just been suppressed and wanted to destroy everything surged up again.

No, I can't stay here any longer.

"Gather at the battle hall at 7 o'clock on Saturday morning."

The sudden strong wind from Longyi made it difficult for everyone to open their eyes. With such words echoing in their ears, when they opened their eyes, they only saw a messy school road.

That frightening figure has disappeared.

The second floor of the cafeteria.

Lunch time has passed, and the teachers and students have eaten and drank enough. There are only some leftovers on the long table that can accommodate thirty people. But for some people, now is the time to eat.

Ma Hongjun, who was concentrating on the food in front of him, suddenly moved his ears, raised his round head from the rice bowl, and asked doubtfully: "Is Teacher Erlong going through menopause recently? He feels much more irritable than before."



Wang Xiaofeng walked out of the kitchen carrying a clay pot, "Don't say this in front of other people, or you may be dragged into sparring by Teacher Erlong one day."

Ma Hongjun swallowed the food in his mouth and muttered: "I'm not that stupid. I'm very witty in front of others. Wait, don't change the topic."

Wang Xiaofeng pulled a stool aside and sat down, casually placing the pot on the table. "This is not something that cannot be said. Let me think about where to start."

"I must have told you about my visit to Xiao Ao last winter."

"As I said, you also killed a dragon and gave us some bacon made from dragon meat." Ma Hongjun seemed to have thought of something and licked his mouth unconsciously, "The bacon tastes really good, it's just too delicious." It’s not enough to eat.”

Wang Xiaofeng laughed and scolded: "I just know how to eat it. The dragon exploded and was shattered into pieces. If I can find some pieces of meat in good condition, I think I have good eyesight."

"Don't interrupt, do you still want to hear it?"


"At that time, Teacher Erlong was given the title of honorary elder by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family because he was promoted to Contra. However, there were many voices of opposition in the clan, who believed that a girl who had made no contribution to the family should not be airborne to a high position.

So in order to silence some people, the sect assigned her to lead a team to hunt the ice dragon in the far north. However, she was not very lucky and came back empty-handed after two months of wandering around.

Although the results were unsatisfactory, they unexpectedly established a connection with Baidi City in the far north. If the two parties cooperate in depth in the future, they may be able to open up a new business path for the clan.

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, Teacher Erlong not only secured the position of honorary elder, but also got an opportunity to choose his family's martial arts.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family has many powerful techniques, but most of them require the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit to learn and use. Therefore, under the guidance of the master, Teacher Erlong selected a forbidden book that was shelved by the sect a long time ago. Technique, "boiling blood". "

"Boiling blood?" Ma Hongjun chewed on the word. There seemed to be an unspeakable danger hidden in these two simple words.

"The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is a very special beast martial spirit. Starting from the third soul ring, with each additional soul ring, part of his body will return to his ancestors in the direction of the dragon, so the ancestors of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family People believe that the end of level 100 is to transform into a real dragon. It is a throwback to one's ancestors anyway. Instead of pursuing the illusory level 100, it might be easier to discover one's own bloodline.

And "Boiling Blood" is a technique created under such a special background.

Weaken human consciousness and revive the dragon's consciousness hidden in the blood. The dragon's consciousness will make the human body evolve in the direction of the dragon. This is the theoretical basis of boiling blood. "

Ma Hongjun shuddered subconsciously. The food in front of him suddenly didn't smell good. "This doesn't sound like something fun."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged. If it was really a good thing, the Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus family would not shelve it.

When the dragon nature overwhelms the human nature, it is difficult to tell whether it is a human or a dragon.

Ma Hongjun gnawed his fingers and said with dissatisfaction: "Master has always been steady, but this time he was so aggressive. Who gave him the courage?"

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to himself helplessly, "It's me."

"A few years ago, I was inspired to create a soothing wine using ice grass as the main ingredient, nourishing medicinal herbs and fresh fruits as ingredients.

This wine is extremely effective in treating schizophrenia. Even those with mania can enjoy a baby-like sleep after drinking it. "

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought the master had his own way, so it's okay."

Wang Xiaofeng patted his head: "Thank you, you really have confidence in me."

After all, the soothing wine is a foreign substance, which treats the symptoms but not the root cause. I can only hope that the master can let Liu Erlong complete his training as soon as possible, so as not to get rid of it in the end.

Ma Hongjun, who had satisfied his desire for gossip, sped up his eating speed, "Hey, Xiaofeng, what's going on with you recently? I'm full after just a few mouthfuls of food. Now no one is trying to compete with me, and it doesn't feel good to eat anymore."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and shook his head. For him, eating now was just a matter of appetite. The energy provided by that little food could not satisfy the growth needs of his body.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the seal of the jar in front of him, and an alluring sweetness suddenly filled the air. Ma Hongjun stretched his neck out of curiosity, "Are you stealing something good?"

Wang Xiaofeng pushed the jar over in a funny manner, "Why, you want to drink the honey just collected in the territory?"

Ma Hongjun sat back in his chair disappointedly, "I've eaten it before, and it's so sweet that I'll lose my teeth."

Then, he saw Wang Xiaofeng lift the jar, and the thick honey flowed down like a waterfall and fell into his mouth.

Ten kilograms, a whole ten kilograms of honey, under Ma Hongjun's dull eyes, he ate it all without leaving a drop.

"I, you, this"

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his mouth and said, "I've finished eating. Remember to wash the remaining dishes."

Ma Hongjun looked at the rice bowl in his hand and suddenly lost his appetite.

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