Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 568 Meditation and Breathing

Chapter 573 Meditation and Breathing

When midsummer and early autumn alternate, the weather changes at any time.

It was still sunny in the morning and the sky was thousands of miles wide, but in the afternoon it was already covered with dark clouds. Dark clouds filled the sky layer by layer, without a trace of cool breeze.

A huge thunder suddenly sounded, like a horn of attack, and huge raindrops poured out from the clouds, crackling into a mess.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, like thousands of beads falling from the sky, the gas and electricity were like fire dragons, and thunder shook the sky.

There is only one big class in the afternoon class schedule, which takes up two classes.

Marco stepped on the bell and ran into the classroom dripping wet.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng on the podium, he was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had gone to the wrong classroom, because the curriculum said that the teacher of the practical class was Zhao Wuji.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly to him, asked him to sit back in his seat, and then continued: "Your teacher Zhao is in an emergency, so I will take over the practical class today. It happens to be raining heavily and physical training cannot be done, so I decided to The following teaching content is ahead of schedule. Now, everyone, stand up!"

The students who responded quickly stood up immediately, while the students who responded slowly saw others standing up and followed suit belatedly.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the slow-reacting students and said to everyone, "Follow me." Without saying anything more, he walked out of the classroom.

The rain was pouring down, and nothing could be seen clearly in the distance. The earth was shrouded in a layer of water mist, like a layer of white gauze covering the earth.

Wang Xiaofeng walked straight into the rain curtain, and for a while he could only see a hazy back figure.

Qian Jinyuan, who was walking at the front of the team, looked at the heavy rain in front of him and hesitated for a moment. His steps unconsciously slowed down. With this short hesitation, a figure behind him directly surpassed him and rushed into the rain curtain.


Qian Jinyuan, who considers himself a businessman, had already investigated the family background, cultivation level, etc. of this freshmen class before school started early.

In his mind, Marco was in the category that he didn't need to make friends with. He just needed to maintain the relationship of an ordinary classmate with whom he was an acquaintance. Now it seemed that the category might have to be lowered a bit. He hates reckless people the most. Such people always do unexpected things.

"Boss, umbrella." The boy on the side came over holding several umbrellas.

Qian Jinyuan nodded slightly and suddenly said loudly: "Students who don't have an umbrella come to me to get one. There are not many umbrellas, so everyone needs to squeeze each other."

Qian Jinyuan casually picked up an umbrella from the boy's hand and handed it to Alan. He said softly to Esta, who had empty hands: "It's raining so hard, please hold an umbrella before leaving."

Esta blinked her big eyes: "Chief Qian, thank you for your kindness. However, I suddenly want to feel what it feels like to be caught in the rain."

"Let's go Alan."

"It's Miss."

Looking at the two people who suddenly rushed into the rain, Qian Jinyuan's smile remained unchanged, and he handed the umbrella to the classmate who didn't have an umbrella at the side, receiving thanks from the other party.

Before Marco rushed into the rain, he had long been prepared to be soaked in the rain. Anyway, he was already wet, and it didn't matter if he got a little wet.

But after rushing into the rain curtain, he immediately noticed something was wrong. The rain seemed to avoid him consciously.

Wang Xiaofeng waited in front of the battle hall for a while, and Marco and Esther Alan arrived one after another.

After waiting for half a minute, the large troops behind gradually arrived.

After Wang Xiaofeng asked Qian Jinyuan to name everyone, he pointed with his left hand and said calmly: "Go straight from here to the end and turn left. The first room is the locker room. Your names are on the cabinet. Inside are the training clothes. After changing, Come into the venue and take classes.”

After changing clothes, Marco and his classmates walked out of the locker room. What they saw was a huge, spacious venue.

The battle hall in front of you is a huge dome structure, supported by silver-white steel beams and covered with high-strength glass with extremely high transparency. You can take in the sky at a glance, showing luxury in its simplicity.

It costs 15 million gold soul coins and has a construction period of three months. It is the most expensive building in the academy except for the mimicry training environment.

This is not the first time for the freshmen to come to the battle hall. The second examination room for the freshmen examination is a small area temporarily opened in the battle hall.

However, at that time, because some areas in the stadium failed to pass the inspection, the use of the stadium was postponed until today. But now what they see is the true full picture of the combat stadium.

"Keep one meter away from each other and sit cross-legged." Wang Xiaofeng's voice echoed in the students' ears.

"What I want to teach you is Shrek's basic meditation breathing method, Dawn."



Originally, the meditation breathing method taught by Shrek's predecessor, Lanba Academy, was the basic meditation breathing method, which was the same as the breathing method taught by the Junior Soul Master Academy.

Being upright, peaceful, and treating everyone equally, there is nothing wrong with it except that the cultivation effect is less.

It's just that the breathing method, which is just enough for Lan Ba ​​Academy, is far from enough for Shrek Academy who wants to cultivate monsters.

After Flender's persistence and signing of various unequal terms, Wang Xiaofeng finally took out the old inventory from Wang Xiaofeng's pocket.

Breaking Dawn is an improved test product that Wang Xiaofeng summed up in stages when he was studying the basic meditation breathing method. On the basis of ensuring the original popularity and non-lethal nature, the breathing frequency was modified and the purpose of the method was deepened.

After a group of teachers practiced it, they found no problems, and the practice effect was improved by 20% to 37% compared to the basic meditation breathing method. Therefore, they unanimously approved at the academy meeting to establish Daybreak as the basic meditation method of Shrek Academy. .

"Now, close your eyes, but keep a ray of light in your eyes. This is the meaning of the dawn. At the end of the dawn, the sun leaps into the sky and becomes the creation of yin and yang."

"Although the creation of yin and yang is far away, its meaning is not far away. If you can grasp that meaning, you can use it to cultivate your spirit!"

"At the same time, visualize your martial spirits in your mind. Only when the meaning is established can it be truly used for your own use. The martial spirit in your heart is the root of the meaning."

"Breathe in now!"

The gentle and rich voice echoed in the venue, and everyone followed suit.




Marco breathed as guided by the voice, placed his hands flat on his legs, visualized bubbles and flying fish in his mind, and let his body empty.

A burst of fragrance comes from the tip of the nose, making people feel clear and focused.

The source of the fragrance was the soothing incense that Wang Xiaofeng had just lit. This spice has a soothing effect and is quite expensive, so ordinary people cannot afford it.

[Special environment detected]

[Cultivation speed increased by 30%]

[Basic Meditation Breathing Method 3/10

【Dawn Meditation Breathing Method 0/10】

Seeing the sudden system prompt, Marco, who was already getting better, suddenly fell into a trance.

In meditation breathing method, visualization is important, and the rhythm of breathing is even more important.

He always thought that the meditation breathing method taught in the academy never appeared on the panel because the meditation method was too low-level and could not catch the eyes of the system.

Now it seems that the teacher doesn't know how to teach at all, and his breathing rhythm is completely different from the original one, which has caused him to run in the opposite direction after practicing for so many years.

Unfortunately, the breathing method is not the Nine Yin Manual. You can practice it forward and backward. Fortunately, this breathing method is so basic that there will be no problem if you practice it backwards. At most, the speed of practice will be slower.

So I'm actually a genius?

Marco's head suddenly hit him, "Concentrate."

Marco quickly put away his messy thoughts and visualized his martial spirit.

Along with Wang Xiaofeng's voice, everyone sitting cross-legged more or less adjusted their breathing rates.

The rhythm of breathing is not static. It needs to be adjusted according to the different body constitutions of each person. Not everyone has the same rhythm.

What Wang Xiaofeng is doing now is to guide everyone to find and enter their own rhythm faster.

If they can't find their own rhythm in this class, then they can only use credits to ask for one-on-one guidance from the teacher.

Private lessons are expensive for a reason.

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