Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 569 Devil Teacher

Chapter 574 Devil Teacher

Until the entire soothing incense burned out, Wang Xiaofeng shouted loudly: "Stop."

The sudden shocking sound made everyone's breathing stagnant, their breathing rhythm was disrupted, their visualization state was also interrupted, and their minds instantly returned to reality.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the confused students and said: "I have taught you the meditation breathing method. When you can maintain the rhythm of breathing during meditation without the help of calming incense, this method will be considered a beginner."

"Cultivation focuses on relaxation and relaxation. Blind visualization is not a good thing. A fragile body cannot support a strong spirit and will only deplete the source of life."

Wang Xiaofeng's voice suddenly changed from gentle to severe.

"Everyone, get up and move around. Those who need to use the toilet, please go to the toilet. Meet in Area 3 in five minutes!"

The battle hall is composed of three areas. Wang Xiaofeng and the others are in Area 1, which is the corner of the battle hall. It is the smallest area among the three areas. There are only quiet rooms, changing rooms and equipment rooms used for daily teaching.

As for Area Three, it was built entirely in accordance with the standards of the Great Spirit Arena, and was the most expensive part of the entire building.

After practicing the meditation breathing method for an hour, everyone became energetic and not at all tired from a day of classes.

This is the role of breathing meditation, to nourish and refine the spirit.

Among them, nurturing is more than refining.

If you really want to exert the effect of training, you have to practice Qigong, that is, temper your body.

With the combination of movement and stillness, both body and spirit can be effectively exercised.

However, there is also a time limit to the practice of visualizing breathing, at least for Marco, it exists.

His thin body and the underlying disease in his lungs limited his cultivation time.

Because the cultivation of breathing method is not a real rest, but a stimulation to explore the potential and the origin of life.

People with outstanding physical talents, such as Alan, practice breathing methods to continuously explore their potential. But for Marco, practicing once in a short period of time is to tap into your potential. To practice twice is to deplete the source of life. Not only does it have no refreshing effect, but it will make you even more tired.

Forcibly squeezing oneself will lead to premature aging in the short term, and over time, it is easy to die suddenly.

Marco thought silently. Since the Breathing Technique appeared on the panel, maybe he could add the Breathing Technique proficiency first instead of rushing to evolve his martial soul.

After all, the effect of just one hour of practice was twice that of his usual practice. Even with the blessing of system buffs, this increase was slightly exaggerated.

If the breathing method is fully activated and the mimic training environment is added, can the training efficiency be doubled or even more? In this way, when Tang San returns to the academy to expand the Tang Sect four years later, his soul power level will not lag behind the others. As a junior, coupled with his good cultivation, he will have more opportunities to enter the core level and obtain Tang Sect's secret skills.

Marco silently revised his previous plan to add points. Esta on the side was chattering and sharing the feeling of practicing just now with the classmates he had just met, but his curious eyes stayed on Wang Xiaofeng who was walking in the front.

Cousin Rongrong always said that the person in Shrek who should not be provoked the most is Teacher Wang Xiaofeng.

But it took me a long time to contact him.

He has an average appearance and a slim build. He is good at teaching and has a gentle and elegant temperament, just like a teacher who teaches children how to read in a private school.

I didn't find it scary at all.

When they arrived in Area 3, without Wang Xiaofeng's orders, everyone spontaneously formed a formation and distanced themselves.

"Next, I will teach you a set of movements. It is a set of health exercises that I created. It is barely enough to strengthen the body and lay the foundation. I will show you the exercises first."

Deer-shaped, tiger-shaped, bear-shaped, crane-shaped, ape-shaped.

There are eight movements in each form.

Some weird or strange movements were performed one by one with Wang Xiaofeng's body.

In a daze, everyone seemed to see tigers roaring in the forest and deer scurrying in the forest.

By the time they came to their senses, Wang Xiaofeng had already put down his posture.

"Soul power is the fusion of the aura of heaven and earth, spiritual power, and physical power. Improving soul power drives the body and spirit and forces them to evolve. This is the key to practice.

If you want to hit a higher level, you must not have obvious shortcomings.



My set of health exercises may not be the fastest or most effective in terms of laying the foundation, and it may not have the most solid foundation, but it is definitely the most stable and the least difficult. "

"Now, follow my movements and feel the rhythm of my breathing, one or two."

Everyone swung their hands and feet, one move after another. The speed was not very fast, and they could not feel the power of the fists and feet.

But if you observe carefully, you will feel a sense of stability.

After Wang Xiaofeng led everyone to fight in the tiger shape for half an hour, he stopped. Although he was still shouting commands, he began to walk around the crowd, correcting his movements one by one.

Although the health-preserving exercises are simple, they exercise almost every part of the body. If you do them seriously, your physical strength will be exhausted very quickly.

Everyone who was originally in high spirits saw for the first time the horror of this slow-moving technique. When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, they all sat on the ground to rest with dejected expressions.

But Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to let them go yet, so he led the exhausted people into a 2v2 chaotic battle with free teams. He didn't announce the end of get out of class until he squeezed out the last bit of their energy.

"Hi~ I can't hold up the chopsticks!"

The piece of meat between the chopsticks took advantage of the owner's inattention, shook and escaped from the pinch, jumped out of the air, and fell into the steaming soup with a splash, and the splash of fat fell on Marco's face.

"So hot!"

"Sorry sorry."

After a moment of fuss, calm returned to the dining table.

Fang Jing watched the two chopsticks in his hands fighting with each other and placed them on the table angrily.

"Stop using chopsticks, use a spoon." Marco put the dish on the rice, bent down parallel to the mouth of the bowl, and used the spoon to pull the rice into his mouth. "See, spooning is the correct way to eat."

Esta wrinkled her little face. She didn't want to be as indecent as Marco. She poked the rice little by little with the chopsticks in her hand, "My cousin always said that Teacher Xiaofeng is terrible. After what happened today, I Finally I know.”

"Miss, I'm back from buying steamed buns."

Alan put the buns on the table, and Esta pushed the food in front of her away. She was exhausted and had no appetite at all.

Every time she wanted to be lazy during class, there would always be a blast of energy hitting her hands and feet accurately. If days like this continued in the future, she would definitely go crazy.

"Is it too late to drop out of school?"

"Miss, the mistress will not agree." Alan said sternly.

"Alan, I'm just joking." Esta sighed.

"Although Teacher Xiaofeng likes to torture people, I think he is quite good. He taught us two sets of new exercises on the first day of school. If it were a sect, I would not let you do odd jobs for three or five years first, and then... It is well-known as examining the nature of the mind.”

Looking at the newly added [Health Exercise·Tiger Shape] on the panel, Marco said optimistically, "Our practical class teacher is Zhao Wuji, and Teacher Xiaofeng is the teacher of the Bishop's theoretical class. This kind of substitute teaching is only occasional. I think we No need to worry."

Marco's optimism seemed to have infected everyone at the same table. In short, everyone had a clean dinner on the first day of school.

But Marco may have been happy too soon.


Wang Xiaofeng appeared in the boys' dormitory with a bottle of essential oil and showed a devilish smile to everyone: "Although today's training intensity is not high, you can hold on, but the muscle damage may have accumulated secretly and has not yet occurred. So. For everyone's health, I came here to give you a massage, so that I won't leave any fatigue until tomorrow."

Ah, here, the teachers have come to the door in person. Even if they come, it’s hard to refuse.


That night, strange screams sounded in the boys' dormitory.

"Ah~ah! Teacher haha~ Oh, why don't you want it~!"

In the voice, there is pain, laughter, and begging for mercy.

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