Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 571: A trivial incident in adolescence

Chapter 576 A trivial incident in adolescence

In the process of spiritual practice, you will always encounter many problems, and everyone's situation is different.

Especially those with strong talents have many problems. In order not to affect the time for ordinary students to ask questions, individual guidance from teachers is necessary.

"In addition to Teacher Xiaofeng, Dean Flanders and Master also confiscated students. They said to the outside world that they were too busy with administrative work, but in fact they were too tired to take care of students and found it troublesome." Michal couldn't help but talk about what he knew. of gossip.

Marco nodded calmly. If he wanted to obtain more resources in the future, he must enter the elite class. He just didn't know which teacher would be willing to recommend him. Shrek seemed to have very few on-the-job teachers.

All he can do now is seize the time to improve himself.

Well, I will practice for another hour in the evening.

"Who is Senior Brother Leng Feng's teacher?"

From Marco's point of view, Michal, who had an average talent, could find Ma Hongjun as his teacher, while Leng Feng, who was more talented, had to be at least a senior soul emperor.

I searched my mind for the original characters.

It seems that only Li Yusong, who uses the dragon pattern stick, barely meets the conditions.

Michal used his peripheral vision to secretly glance at Leng Feng, who was answering questions sternly, and said quietly: "Although Leng Feng has entered the elite class, he has no teacher for the time being."

This sentence means that no one wants to be his teacher.

Marco asked in surprise: "Why?"

Michal explained in a low voice: "Sword Wuhun is very special in the category of weapon soul. Once you confirm your swordsmanship, you will have to pay a huge price if you want to change it in the future. There are no teachers of sword Wuhun in our academy. , teachers of other weapons and martial arts are also afraid that they will teach the students incorrectly and let the talented students go into a dead end.

Therefore, for the time being, Teacher Xiaofeng, who has no students under his name, is in charge of him, and the extra resource subsidies for elite classes are still being paid out normally. "

Are there extra subsidies for elite classes?

Speaking of this, Marco immediately became energetic.

Michal clapped his fingers and said: "The subsidy for the elite class is actually similar to the salary of the grade chief. Let's not talk about elixirs and decoctions. The only difference is that there is a weekly ranking battle in the elite class. The one who has made the most progress Students can receive an extra subsidy this month."

After Shrek's reform, students have many more ways to obtain resources than before. He seems to be rich and wealthy, as if he is afraid that students will become lazy and stay in their ways.

Listening to the gossip and chatting, the cold drink in my hand gradually emptied.

On the other side, the post-match review has come to an end.

Liu Erlong was quite satisfied with Leng Feng as a student, but it was a pity that her path was not suitable for him and he could only give him some pointers in combat.

Liu Erlong stretched his waist. Although she is over forty years old, she still looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen. "Okay, it's a great holiday, and I won't force you to accompany me, an old woman. I only have love for you." One requirement is that on the first week of every month, you must participate in a spirit battle, and then write a post-game analysis of no less than 500 words. If you have any questions in the future, please go to Ma Hongjun and leave me alone."

She didn't need a Contra to give guidance to a group of brats who weren't even Soul Sects.

As the vice president, Liu Erlong is responsible for the external affairs of the entire college on weekdays and is very busy, not to mention that she has reached a critical moment in her practice of Kung Fu.

The club's instructor is just a name, but Ma Hongjun is actually in charge.

Walk out of the soda shop.

The autumn sun is scorching hot on my body.

"So this is the end?" Marco scratched his head.



"Yes, it's free time now, dismissal!" After Michal finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

I felt like I was just going through the motions after waking up so early, but it was a worthwhile trip to see a wonderful duel.

Feeling that there was no point in going back to the dormitory to sleep, Marco stayed in the mimicry training environment all morning.

When he returned to the dormitory with lunch, he found that the dormitory door was unlocked. He remembered that he had locked the door when he went out in the morning.

Marco opened the door carefully and saw Fang Jing, who was supposed to be participating in class activities. At this time, he was sitting at the table holding a big book called "Baicao Jing" and chewing on it.

"Didn't you go to Jinding Mountain to watch the sunrise? Why are you back so early?" Marco put his lunch on the table and said with a smile, "If I had known you would come back early, I would have packed an extra meal."

"It's not interesting, I'm just back." Fang Jing said slowly.

"Oh?" Marco seemed to hear some gossip from the flat tone. He opened his lunch box and got into position, staring at Fang Jing with burning eyes.

The burning gaze made his body itch, as if there were ants crawling on his skin, and he couldn't bear it.

Fang Jing had no choice but to put down the book in his hand and recounted the two-day and one-night camping activity in a smooth tone.

Dull words. It really makes people have no desire to enjoy it, but Marco can automatically filter out those boring places, extract keywords from them, and then add some of his own imagination.

Probably a boy in adolescence, seeing a beautiful girl, immediately becomes attracted to her, as if he likes her so much, and fantasizes about the future, even thinking about where to bury them together after death.

Then it just so happened that the girl had no interest in the mediocre boy.

This triggered a "tragic" love story.

"It wasn't tragic." Fang Jing corrected seriously: "It just rained suddenly when we climbed to the top of the mountain, and we came back."

"That's right, there's no tragedy, no love or hatred." Marco ate all the lunch in his hand and burped.

Fang Jing stopped talking. He could sense that Qian Jinyuan's attitude towards Esta was completely different from others, but Esta's attitude of keeping a distance was also obvious, so he didn't know how to calculate love, hate and hatred. Doesn’t count.

Marco put the lunch box away.

Miss Ai, who was born in Qibao Glazed Sect, has never seen any young talents.

Qian Jinyuan doesn't have the magic looks like Oscar, and in terms of potential, even Alan can't compare.

As for her family running a big business and being wealthy, she may be a bit attractive to other little girls.

But for the Qibao Glazed Sect, which monopolizes 70% of the jewelry business in the mainland, it is not worth mentioning. Just from the annual dividends, Miss Ai may get an unimaginable amount of money.

So there is a high probability that it will just be an unrequited love that ends in nothing.

In class on Monday, Ma Ke saw both sides of the topic. He thought there would be an embarrassing scene, but when he entered the classroom, he found that everyone was chatting and playing cards as usual.

Marco observed carefully for a while and found that Qian Jinyuan acted smarter. He did not do stupid things like actively confessing his feelings, but instead built up his favor little by little and maintained a distance between classmates that was neither far nor close.

You know what I mean, and I know you know what I mean, but as long as I don't blow myself up, you can't refuse.

Remember the martyrs and wish the motherland to be prosperous and strong

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