Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 572: Empire’s Birthday Anniversary and Midterm Examination

Chapter 577 Empire’s Birthday Anniversary and Midterm Examination

Any troubles in the class could not be hidden from the bright eyes of the students, and Qian Jinyuan's little thoughts were no exception.

It's just that Qian Jinyuan has a good family background and is good at playing, so he has a high reputation among a certain small group in the class, so everyone just chats in private and won't joke about it publicly. .

But Wang Xiaofeng still noticed the hidden undercurrent in the class during class. After all, no matter how beautiful the girls are, they can't always look back.

Find a random student to chat about your recent life, and it will become clear what happened.

What, you actually still want to fall in love? That must be because the homework after class is not enough, and the usual training is not tiring enough. Double it, double it.

The students, who had just had two days of rest, were suddenly overwhelmed by the heavier workload.

Zao Wou-Ki's brutal long-term physical training, coupled with the almost endless homework, was simply a double torture both physically and mentally.

They didn't know that they were being blamed for the disaster. They just thought that the teachers had gone crazy again. They could only scold Wang Xiaofeng and Zhao Wuji in their hearts for not being human beings, while gritting their teeth and persisting.

This persistence lasted for two months.

In the past two months, everyone has undergone great changes in both personality and appearance. Their burning eyes, full spiritual temperament from the inside out, strong body, and improved level. These are all They gave their own answers in the past two months.

"Now, let's start the class meeting."

Wang Xiaofeng walked up to the podium and started the last class meeting before the National Day holiday (a five-day holiday commemorating the birth anniversary of the Tiandou Empire).

"It's a holiday tomorrow. Where are you going to go during such a long holiday?"

As if he noticed that Wang Xiaofeng was in a good mood, a student below joked: "Teacher, let's take a good nap first."

As soon as the words came out, everyone laughed. This sentence expressed what most people felt.

"It's true that the schoolwork in the past two months has been a bit heavy, but everyone still gritted his teeth and pushed through. He didn't cry to me and said he wanted to drop out of school. His performance was pretty good. It seems unreasonable not to give some rewards." Wang Xiaofeng said matter-of-factly. He nodded and pretended to think for a moment.

"Well, that's it. I won't give you any homework during this short holiday. Let's have a good rest and have a happy holiday."

At this time, the whole class was shocked. They couldn't believe that the devil also had a kind side.

Wang Xiaofeng waited until everyone was almost done celebrating, then he changed his words, his voice was still gentle, and the smile in the corner of his eyes was a bit like a fox: "However, before enjoying the wonderful vacation, we still need to complete a small amount of school work. Phase testing.”

Everyone's expressions were like a fan-shaped diagram with a rich structure, mixed with five points of joy, three points of pain and two points of confusion. I really didn't expect Wang Laomo to be so shameless. He just gave them a candied date and gave them a stick with a stick. , I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

"Ahem, now let's read out the midterm exam rules.

For this midterm exam, a one-day wilderness survival training will be carried out with Jinding Mountain as the center and a radius of 1 kilometer.

"The time is now 11:05 am, Jinding Mountain is 25 kilometers away from Tiandou City, and the official start time of the exam is 1 pm.

Based on the total number of students in the class, the first student to arrive at Jinding Mountain will be given a number plate with 360 initial credits. The second student to arrive will be given a No. 2 number plate and an initial credit of 350 points.

The students who arrive later are numbered 36, and so on. The last student to arrive is number 36, with an initial credit of 10.

During the exam, students can seize each other's number plates.

After the exam is over, the number plates in everyone's hands will be counted, and the credits of the student whose number plate was taken will be halved and added to the student who took the number plate.

If you do not arrive at Jinding Mountain before the start of the exam, you will be deemed to have missed the exam and your score will be zero. "

After Wang Xiaofeng narrated the rules, he said with a smile: "Do you have any questions?"

Marco raised his hand and asked: "If my number plate is taken away when I enter the venue, and I take someone else's number plate later, how should I calculate the score during settlement?"

"First deduct half of the basic credits upon entry, and then add the credits represented by the looted number plate." Wang Xiaofeng replied.



Wang Xiaofeng waited for a while, but no one asked any more questions. His tense body showed that he was ready to move, "Since everyone has no problem, we can leave for Jinding Mountain now."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was no one in the classroom.

Running 25 kilometers in more than an hour is not a high requirement without limiting the soul power. After two months of torturous physical training, even the assistant student with the weakest physical fitness in the class can complete this goal. .

But arriving at the exam location on time is just the simplest test, equivalent to warming up before the exam.

The real difficulty lies in how to apply the wilderness survival knowledge learned in class after entering Jinding Mountain and persist until tomorrow morning.

Wang Xiaofeng deliberately chose to announce the exam content during lunch time.

Tired bodies, tense spirits, dangerous wilderness that may be encountered at any time, potential threats from competitors, and little surprises specially prepared for them by teachers in various subjects.

Hope they enjoy this final exam.

Qin Ming and Li Yusong walked into the empty classroom.

"This midterm exam is really a big deal. I saw the shocked expression on Dean Flender's face when he got the budget sheet, and I almost couldn't help laughing." Qin Ming said with a smile.

Wang Xiaofeng bowed his hands to the two of them, "This exam made the two teachers worry a lot."

"Hey, I'm just looking after a bunch of little kids for a while. How hard can it be?" Li Yusong took a sip from the wine gourd and said with a relaxed expression.

"On the other hand, it's really hard for you, Shao Xin and Jiangzhu. You have to accompany them in the wild until the end of the exam.

I'm curious how you persuaded them to join you in your mischief. "

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Teacher Shao Xin, it's okay. It's all done with a big meal. But the out-of-print signed photo album of Tang Shui Tuan that Senior Sister Jiangzhu asked for was very troublesome. It's priceless in the market, but it cost me a lot." Favor.”

Qin Ming raised his eyebrows: "I heard that Shui Yue'er personally delivered it to the door."

"We are all friends." Wang Xiaofeng showed a helpless expression.

Tiandou City, the Imperial Palace.

Emperor Xue Ye put down the tea in his hand and listened quietly to Xue Qinghe's report in front of him.

"In cooperation with the Wuhundian Tribunal, a special operation was carried out to crack down on the criminal gang of former Wuhundian Bishop Salas. A total of 10,000 Royal Knights were dispatched. A total of 17 criminal gangs headed by Wang Qinhai, Ye Ming, etc. have been defeated. A family of soul masters ransacked their homes and arrested 179 people. The leader, Salas, was severely beaten by Poison Douluo Mian, and his whereabouts are currently unknown."

"That's right, that's right." Emperor Xueye smiled while stroking his hands, "The Wuhun Palace not only colludes with merchants and bribes powerful people, but also attempts to infiltrate and split the empire. Do you really think that our Tiandou Empire is easy to mess with!"

Speaking of excitement, Emperor Xueye coughed violently.

"Father!" Xue Qinghe looked worried.

"It's okay, it's the same old problem." Emperor Xueye waved his hand, "Issue the most wanted order for Salas, so that he has no place to stay in the empire and forces him to enter the killing city."

After entering the killing city, it is almost impossible to come out again. Even if you escape, you will go back again because of the addictive nature of Huangquanlu.

For the two empires and Wuhun Palace, it was the most secure prison on the continent.

Xue Qinghe continued to report, "Many of the families eliminated during this trip work in basic functional departments, resulting in a large number of vacancies in many positions, which has now affected the normal operation of Tiandou City."

"You don't need to report these little things to me, they are all left to you. If you don't understand something, please ask your teacher for advice." Emperor Xue Ye looked at Xue Qinghe, whose childish face had faded, "You should also cultivate yourself Of the team."

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