Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 574: Shocking Change

Chapter 579 Shocking Change

"Alan, I'm so tired. It's almost night now, how far do we have to go?" Esta patted her sore thigh.

She was a little tired after walking for so long.

"I'm fast, I can't walk anymore." Fang Jing said with heavy breath.

Marco's face turned pale and he supported the big tree and nodded in agreement.

Since they entered Jinding Mountain, they walked around the mountain forest in circles all afternoon with the mountain peak as the center.

Not to mention that a small-scale team battle broke out during the period. It took a long time to escape. My physical strength and soul power had reached critical points, and I really needed to rest and eat.

The range of one kilometer is neither too big nor too small, and the theme of this midterm exam is survival. The purpose of snatching the number plate is just to increase the confrontation. Even if the number plate is taken away, the students will not be eliminated.

Although signing up for a group tour can reduce the risk of having your number plate stolen, it can also easily become the target of those old gangsters.

For example, deliberately shouting loudly to reveal the location.

The small-scale team battle they were forced to fight in the afternoon was about the classmate who they defeated and took away the number plate. Because they were dissatisfied that the four of them teamed up to beat him and were carrying so many things, they shouted loudly after being defeated. , exposing the location of all of them.

In just half a minute, almost a quarter of the 36 people in the class arrived at the scene.

Then when he saw the supplies the four of them had, his eyes turned red with jealousy. What was supposed to be a massive melee turned into a righteous gang fight.

If it hadn't been for the situation, Ma Ke decisively dropped the large and small bags of snacks in his hands, turning the group fight into an internal fight for food.

Otherwise, he might be hung on a tree like the black-hearted boss until the end of the exam.


The sound from his stomach suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Alan put down his heavy backpack and said calmly: "Since the lady said so, we will camp nearby. The temperature of the forest is very low at night, so it is best to find a cave that can shelter from the wind."

The others suppressed their laughter and agreed.

Everyone has hunted soul beasts and knows the feeling of camping in the mountains and forests. It is not a good feeling. If you can find a cave where the beasts nest, it will undoubtedly be excellent.

Marco put down his backpack and gave it to Esta to take care of, while he went to look for the cave.

Thick dark clouds squeezed the sky, covering up the scarlet glow of the sunset. They were as heavy as if they were about to fall, and were so oppressive that the whole world was silent. The indifferent wind was blowing sharply, and the weak weeds had already trembled to the ground. .

It's the time when the storm is about to come.

"No more searching, camp where you are." Alan called Marco back. Although he couldn't find a suitable place, he at least confirmed that there were no large beasts around.

Everyone found a location on higher ground, leeward of a low but unusually strong tree.

Alan opened his big backpack, took out tent poles, outer tents, inner tents, ground nails, windproof ropes, sleeping bags, moisture-proof mats and other things, and set up with Esta.

Marco took Fang Jing with snake and mosquito repellent powder and quickly sprinkled it around. Although the rain would reduce the effect, it was better than nothing.

The sky was completely shrouded in darkness, and drizzle began to fall in the air.

Alan got into the tent, "The tent has been reinforced, and I also made a simple layer of camouflage with leaves. You shouldn't be able to spot us unless you pass by."

Marco handed him the towel and hot water, "Thank you for your hard work, drink some hot water to warm yourself up."

"Thank you." Alan subconsciously took the towel and pottery bowl, then looked at the steaming hot water in his hand, and was stunned for a moment. There was no fire, so where could the hot water come from.

Marco seemed to see his doubts and smiled: "Thank Fang Jing, thank you."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that his furnace spirit can not only heat food but also serve as a heater. It's really convenient."



Only then did Alan see his young lady sitting in front of a steaming furnace with her legs crossed, a contented expression on her face.

Fang Jing huddled in the corner with everyone on his back, like a frightened little animal.

In such a small space, crowded with so many people, this version was too advanced for him.

The rain fell just in time.

Zhao Ming, who was hiding in the canopy of a large leafy tree, looked at the three-man team who had no choice but to give up searching for him and turned away because the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He once again said in his heart: Such emotion.

Among these three people, one is an owl spirit and the other is a hyena spirit. They are very good at tracking. If the timely rain had not washed away his scent, the number plate in his pocket would not have been saved.

And now, with this heavy rain, maybe I can keep the 360 ​​credits in my hand.

And you don’t have to bother looking for water. When you’re thirsty, you can just raise your head and open your mouth.

The more Zhao Ming thought about it, the more he felt that he was lucky. He took out a few ground nuts from his pocket and threw them into his mouth.

This is a wild fruit, very small, with a sweet and sour taste.

Although I lost a lot when I ran away, I still have some left in my pocket, which not only satisfies my hunger, but also quenches my thirst. It will not be a problem to survive until tomorrow.

After comforting his growling stomach, Zhao Ming slid down from the tree. He was going to find vines and leaves to make a simple raincoat for himself.

Teacher Shao Xin said in class that being wet for a long time can easily cause hypothermia, which is very dangerous. You must keep your body dry.

"This one is pretty good, this one is pretty good too."

Zhao Ming found some suitable trees, pulled out the outer bark with sharp claws, connected them together with tough vines, and added a layer of leaves, and a simple raincoat and hat were ready.


Zhao Ming clutched his stomach. Physical work consumed a lot of energy, and he was hungry again.

Throw the last bit of fruit in your pocket into your mouth.

He thought clearly that the raincoat on his body was not enough. He had to find a suitable shelter to withstand the strong wind and heavy rain that would last for who knew how long.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, dispelling the darkness.

A figure flashed out of the corner of his eye.

The back figure didn't match any of the classmates he knew well. Could it be that the nearby villagers were lost in the mountains and forests?

"Hey you"

Zhao Ming opened his mouth, but his eyes suddenly went dark, and everything seemed to be far away from him.

"Huh? It's not an imperial spy. It seems to be a passing hunter. I happen to be short of clothes."

The torn clothes were thrown casually on the ground, revealing a strong body that did not look like an old man.

"Even the weakest Titled Douluo, I didn't expect that he could hit such a powerful blow even though he was tens of meters away."

The close-fitting soft armor fell to the ground, and a faintly eroded palm print could be seen.

"The poison in the body can be suppressed with a special detoxification pill, but to avoid long nights and dreams, we must join them as soon as possible to remove the poison."

"Haha, Dugu Bo, let me let you live freely for a few more years until we plan to close the network."

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