Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 575: Red Flame Crazy Lion

Chapter 580 Red Flame Wild Lion

Jinding Mountain Lodge.

The golden melted butter and the bright red glutinous rice pepper blend in the pot, turning the entire bottom of the pot into a bright red color, and oil bubbles bubble up as the temperature rises.

When the bottom of the pot is completely boiling, the visual impact of the soup in the butter red pot is obviously stronger. The bright red soup is rolling violently, and dark red peppers are surging in the soup.

The spiciness comes out along with the heat.

"Sss! It smells so spicy!" Jiangzhu stared at the rolling red pot, the tip of his small nose twitched twice, and then he sneezed loudly.

"In this weather, you have to eat spicy hotpot to feel good." Shao Xin said cheerfully. If he didn't look at the ice water prepared in front of him, he might be more convincing.

On the table, Wang Xiaofeng has placed various fresh ingredients.

"If you don't want it to be too spicy, you can first rinse it in warm water and then put it in the dipping dish."

Wang Xiaofeng placed a bowl of warm water and a dipping saucer in front of Jiang Zhu.

"Oh, Xiaofeng, you are so considerate. If sister and I were five years younger, I would definitely pursue you. I really don't know which girl I will take advantage of in the future." Jiangzhu touched her fair and smooth face and let out a sigh. .

"You, you, there are so many delicious things and I can't stop your mouth." Shao Xin interrupted Jiangzhu's complaint that it was difficult to tell whether it was real or fake.

As a rare healing soul master, Jiangzhu has no shortage of suitors around him, and there are even young masters from big families.

Shao Xin glanced at Wang Xiaofeng, and then thought of Dai Mubai, Oscar and Tang San. People, you really shouldn’t meet someone who is too amazing when you are young.

"Xiao Feng, stop working so hard and take a seat quickly. The beef is about to be cooked."

"Come here." Wang Xiaofeng took off his apron, pulled out the chair and was about to sit down when his expression suddenly changed. One of the stars in his mind was about to exceed his sensing range.

"Something happened! There is a student's signal source that is moving away from Jinding Mountain at an extremely fast speed. My clone cannot catch up with it."

"Pull the flare, the exam is terminated!"

"Xiao Feng, wait a minute." Shao Xin had no time to stop him and could only watch Wang Xiaofeng's figure quickly disappear into the rainy night.

The raised right hand could only hit the table weakly, "What is this!"

Shao Xin roared at Jiangzhu, who was a little stunned: "Stop being stunned, quickly pull the signal flare to notify Qin Ming and Li Yusong."

"Oh." Jiangzhu quickly took out the signal bomb from the soul guide, ran outside the house, grabbed the lead and pulled hard.

A bright orange light slowly rose.

Even in bad weather conditions, it is difficult to completely cover the bright light source in mid-air.

Um? !

Looking at the hard-to-ignore orange light hanging high in the sky in the distance, the figure traveling at high speed in the forest suddenly stopped running.


It seems that I accidentally hit and killed an imperial spy just now, but with this reaction speed, could it be a secret force cultivated by the royal family?

But after running for dozens of kilometers and even temporarily changing directions several times, the surrounding dense trees were replaced by low shrubs, and they did not encounter any obstruction, not even a single soldier.

Could it be that I guessed wrong, but who is that signal flare? !

He exerted force under his feet, stepped to a sudden stop, and the rapid wind and rain were knocked away at once. The bright red soul power burst out with the wave of his right palm, as if a fire snake cut through the sky, and the sound of tearing air flow followed. Everywhere, weeds and shrubs were broken.

Under the grass, the thick earth suddenly cracked, and the things hidden underground were destroyed by the high temperature. The huge impact left a gully several meters long on the ground.

Amid the surging air currents, steam rose up like dragons all over the sky.

"Huh? It's just a ball of water?"

However, he clearly felt the fluctuation of soul power.

Before the old man finished speaking, he suddenly heard bursts of dull explosions like drums.


He suddenly raised his head and saw the roar of air high in the sky, and a figure moving at a speed that made him a little scared.

Arriving in a hurry!

The wind and rain in the sky seemed to be carried by figures swooping down.

"finally come!"

The extremely violent murderous intention no longer needs any cover-up at this moment.

In the midst of the electric light and flint, the purple soul ring that had just risen floated in front of his mouth, and the scorching rays condensed into the essence were already shooting out like meteors.

The scorching rays caused shallow ripples in the air, and as they passed by, clusters of white mist exploded.

But Wang Xiaofeng didn't have the slightest fear, let alone the slightest evasion or concession.



The red and orange gourds turned into shields in front of him.

The next moment, a tooth-wrenching sound of friction exploded in mid-air.

The red light shining with the blessing of soul power was actually split into two, piercing through the wind and rain on Wang Xiaofeng's left and right sides.

The old man's face was gloomy, and he decisively stopped the release of his soul skills. His toes broke through his boots and he stepped heavily on the ground. The terrifying reaction force caused him to move laterally for more than ten meters in an instant.


The huge object fell, and the surging air flow roared in all directions, and the ground was lifted up at once, as if it had been plowed over.

Under the turbulent air current, the old man's straw hat had been blown off, his long silver-white hair fell back like a waterfall, and his wide clothes made a sound.

His eyes were half lowered, and under the turbulent air current, the second yellow soul ring was placed on his right hand, and blazing flames rose up and turned into a huge fireball.

Clenching his right fist, the huge flaming meteor suddenly fell and hit the smoke-filled place.

Along with the roar, a huge wave of fire rose up, but it quickly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a figure walked out slowly walking on the flames.

The familiar yet unfamiliar young face made the old man feel dazed.

"Shrek, Wang Xiaofeng, I didn't expect it to be you."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the third button on his body that didn't match his clothes, and smiled: "I didn't expect to meet you here, dear Bishop Platinum."

Breathing in the cold air, Saras's heart felt hot.

Unexpectedly, before he left the Tiandou Empire, God would give him such a great gift.

This is really, really great.

The heavy rain in late autumn was very chilly, but Salas couldn't feel it at all. There seemed to be flames surging inside his body. The wind and rain roared, but it seemed that he couldn't get close to him, and it collapsed into clouds of rain and mist.

Red hair grew out from his cheeks, and his rickety back slowly straightened.

The old age faded away, the rickets disappeared, and the thin body suddenly swelled up!

Eight soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black, were beating on his body.

"Wang Xiaofeng, you are already the Soul King at a young age. With your talent, why not join the Wuhun Palace to serve His Majesty the Pope. Power, money, women, as long as you nod, these are easily available."

The sound followed the soul power and echoed in the empty wilderness.

"It's not impossible to join the Spirit Hall." Wang Xiaofeng scratched his head and said shyly, "Before joining, I have a small request."

"Well, tell me." Salas tilted his head slightly, as if he wanted to listen to the conditions he proposed.

"That is"

Before Wang Xiaofeng could finish his words, suddenly the air flow under his feet exploded and the soil flew everywhere.

With one step, he has already crossed several feet.


Punch out like a dragon.

However, Salas had already expected that his arm hanging by his side rose up like a long boneless snake and passed through the yellow first soul ring.

The ruby-like palm opened in an instant, revealing sharp iron claws.

He just swung out a claw and collided with the flesh fist, but it seemed to hit an iron wall, making a rapid and terrifying collision sound.

A huge force came from the tip of the claw, and the ground within a few feet of him collapsed under Salas's step.

The ground cracked and gravel flew.

Salas's face changed slightly, and the sharp pain from his fingertips showed that he was slightly defeated.

But with such a genius, killing people will be satisfying.

Especially a genius who is arrogant and lonely.

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