Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 576: Martial Spirit True Body VS Pure Water Arms

Chapter 581 Martial Spirit True Body VS Pure Water Arms

Wang Xiaofeng clenched his palms into fists. Under the amplification and protection of his soul skills, his body turned into the most powerful weapon. The wind of his fist roared, bringing up billowing air waves, and directly collided with Saras's red fire claws. Fire splattered.

Astonishing strong winds swept across, causing the ground beneath their feet to collapse.

Salas roared angrily, and the sharp claws as sharp as blades danced out afterimages. The soul power in his body was stimulated to the extreme, but even so, he found that he still could not truly suppress Wang Xiaofeng.

"Asshole, he is just a Soul King, how can he confront me head-on!" Salas roared in his heart.

The true combat power possessed by Wang Xiaofeng, the five-ring soul king, far exceeded his expectations.

The two figures carried powerful soul power and struck together fiercely. The soul power shock wave directly lifted the soil from the ground into the air, and the soil all over the sky was shot out along with the shock wave.

At the source of the shock wave, Salas looked ferocious, and the fourth soul ring on his body emitted a purple light.

Relying on the power of the soul ring, a long knife made of flames was held in his hand.

Salas clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed out with a force as strong as a mountain. However, this fierce attack that could easily split any soul emperor in half was stopped by Wang Xiaofeng with a pair of physical fists. , resisted life and death.

There was a dark film rippling on the latter's fist, and even his flaming sword couldn't tear it apart.

And a layer of frost climbed onto the body at some point.

"Sword skills? Flashy."

"My Lord Bishop, you made your name as the "Crimson Flame Lion" in the imperial capital thirty years ago, but are you only limited to these abilities? It seems that Wuhun Palace is not as powerful as I thought."

Wang Xiaofeng was a little dissatisfied with this. Salas's strength was much worse than expected.

But that's right, most people will lose their vitality or spiritual power as they get older, and soul masters are no exception.

It's not that there aren't "monsters" who get stronger as they get older, but obviously, that kind of monster won't be the Salas in front of him.

Wang Xiaofeng's patience was finally worn out, and his originally gentle expression became as sharp as a blade at this moment. The harmless young man seemed to have instantly turned into an unparalleled demon king who walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The waist and hips move, and the strength of the whole body is concentrated on the arms according to his thoughts. The muscles of the right arm are big and ferocious.

It was like a long bow that was bent like a full moon was released at once, and the sound of the bow string vibrating came out from the body.

There was nothing mysterious about a simple punch, but just as Wang Xiaofeng's fist was blown away, cold light rippled out from his fist, and immediately three ice-blue dragon-patterned light seals appeared.

These three dragon pattern light seals were no more than the size of a palm, but when they appeared, they emitted a particularly domineering wave.

Wang Xiaofeng looked calm, and punched out, three dragon pattern light seals roared, and with three blue light tails and the sound of breaking wind, they hit Salas without hesitation.

Salas also noticed the power of Wang Xiaofeng's offensive, and his eyes immediately became extremely solemn. He clenched the long sword with both hands, and his right arm suddenly emitted a dark red light. Immediately, the blade shook, and the dark red light of the sword suddenly appeared. It extends several feet in length.

"Yama Slash."

Salas's eyes flashed with cold light, and he shouted loudly. The light of the knife in his hand turned blood red at this moment, as if blood had condensed.

The next moment, the blood-red sword light tore through the air and collided with the three dragon pattern light seals that bombarded him.

At the moment of contact, three dragon-patterned light seals exploded almost at the same time. Three domineering frost powers, layered one on top of another, were like waves, and finally hit the blood-red sword light.

Bang bang bang! !

The blood-red sword light trembled violently, and the ripples were directly shattered by the impact of the three dragon pattern light seals.

Salas's eyes also filled with horror.

This was a blow that blessed the soul bone.

"The fifth soul skill, Yama's Armor."

The dark red flame sword shattered from his hand, but before the impact came, a ferocious flame armor appeared on his body, and his body was shot backwards as if he had been hit hard.

After rolling in the mud for more than ten meters, the terrifying power was released.

Even with the protection of the fifth soul skill, Salas felt severe pain all over his body.

His spine creaked and his messy hair fell back, but just for a moment, he suppressed the sweetness that overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, just when he stood up, his body suddenly stiffened because he felt an extremely violent wave of soul power in front of him.

Salas stiffened his head and slowly raised his head. Not far ahead, he saw Wang Xiaofeng with his hands hanging down. The young face was staring at him calmly, and above his head, lightning flashed, and a ball of water was condensed. The dragon's head actually poked out from the thundercloud.

Salas's pupils shrank sharply, and a hint of horror crept into his heart.



Muchen looked at the frightened Salas indifferently, and then snapped his fingers, and the thunder water mosasaur above his head suddenly roared, and shot out with its fangs and claws.

The azure dragon body carried violent lightning, and with an extremely visually impactful momentum, it hit Saras's body fiercely. The lightning burst overflowing, and the land was shattered.

But the lightning only lasted for a moment, and in the next moment, flames that were more terrifying and manic than the lightning suddenly burst out.

There was a flash of blazing white, like the coming of the sun, the earth shook suddenly, and mushroom clouds rose.

As the flames and shock waves raged wildly, a huge three-meter-tall lion king stepped out of the fire. Its whole body was as crystal clear as red agate, and its iron tail, as red as the clouds, crackled in the air.

Although the size cannot be compared with the giant beast, it is extremely powerful, and the surrounding air becomes distorted and illusory in the high temperature.

Under the tall and inhuman Salas, Wang Xiaofeng's figure seemed to become smaller and smaller.

A trace of malice flashed through his agate-like vertical pupils.

"The sixth soul skill, Red Flame Red Lotus Breaking."

The flames burning around him seemed to be summoned, and they came madly in an instant, gathering on his body, like a little sun rising from the ground, and then crashed towards Wang Xiaofeng.

This is interesting. The corners of Wang Xiaofeng's mouth raised slightly, astonishing fighting spirit spurted out from his small body.

"Water wall."

The blue water flowed out from the gourd and turned into a wall of water that rotated in front of him, forming layers of water walls.

But Wuhun Avatar, as a bottom-of-the-range move, brings all-round improvements.

Saras's own attack power doubled due to the increase of the martial soul avatar, and at the same time, the attack power of all soul skills also increased by 50%.

The power unleashed by a Contra with all his strength was terrifying. These water walls could not withstand it. The layers of water walls were smashed into pieces, and then evaporated into water vapor by the high temperature.

But what Wang Xiaofeng needed was not to block him, but to slow down Salas.

"Wan Laicang chants the green gourd."

Four palm-sized frost dragon markings appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng again, colliding with the scorching sun.


Layers of waves of fire swept across the earth, like blooming red lotuses.

The sky above turned red at this moment, the clouds were rendered fiery red, as if they were burning, and the air was distorted by the blazing heat.

Rolling smoke and dust rose into the sky.

In the still dust and smoke, there is a huge figure looming in it, looking majestic.

A huge black hand stretched out from the smoke and firmly pressed the Lion King's head.

When all the dust and smoke dissipated, the fully revealed figure was much taller than Saras' martial soul avatar. In comparison, the three-meter-tall Lion King avatar looked like a docile cat.

A huge skeletal giant stood in front of Salas.

This is not over yet. Complex textures appear on the dark blue skeletal giant, like a bottomless black hole, which continues to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, enriches flesh and blood, and gathers hard armor of the same color.

Dharma, Heaven, Earth, Pure Water Arms.

The dark and huge fist suddenly fell from the air, and the fire on the lion king was instantly extinguished. The high temperature blocked the spread of frost, but it could not stop the terrifying power pouring in through the medium of the fist.

boom! !

Like a giant hammer striking a wooden stake.

Salas's tall and majestic body was almost hammered directly into the ground as hard as stone slabs, and even the ground below collapsed.

"This is the final work I made after more than a year after the elite competition." Wang Xiaofeng's cold black eyes flashed with a hint of madness.

"Let's start the second round of fighting."

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