Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 578 Mourning

Chapter 583 Mourning

[Zhangtou Small Theater·Girl’s Heart·Warm Sun in Winter]

[Among the descendants of Duke Zhou, the granddaughter Zhou Wenxiu is undoubtedly the most shining jewel.

She has shown unparalleled business talent since she was a child. She can always lower the price to the lowest price that the other party can accept.

But at some point, a saying suddenly spread that Zhou Wenxiu's business talent was just a cover-up. She was born with the ability to see through people's hearts and know what they were thinking.

I thought that Duke Zhou's Mansion would deal with those who spread rumors, but it was rare that no one gave an explanation.

No one wants to expose their inner world to others without reservation.

People were afraid of her, and no one wanted to get close to her. Even her biological parents gradually alienated her under the influence of the people around them.

It’s the Spring Festival again.

The sound of fireworks and the laughter of children could be faintly heard outside the wall, but these had nothing to do with the owner of the yard.

The house is surrounded by dark gray high walls, as if it has been forgotten by the world.

But the girl didn't care, it had been like this for so many years, she was already used to it.

She sat at the table, the bright moonlight draped over her shoulders like a ray of gauze, and Juan's beautiful handwriting fell happily on the paper.

"I thought people like me would have to live like this for long and boring years.

But mother, this time I ran away from home, I seemed to meet the unique person you said, the person who made me happy.

By his side, I am no longer surrounded by malice. Even if we are one floor apart, I no longer need to find a quiet corner and smell the fragrance of lavender to force myself to sleep.

That was the best night's sleep I've ever had. 』

The girl wrote her thoughts on paper, but the bamboo basket at her feet was filled with unsent letters. ]——

Tiandou City, Prince's Mansion.

The antique hall covers an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. There are rows of books in the spacious interior, and there is nothing else except some simple furniture.

Xue Qinghe leaned on the desk and looked at the list of personnel submitted by various departments in the city. He held a pen in his hand and drew on it. If he was unsure, he would discuss it with Ning Fengzhi.

Until the sky gets dark, the lamps are lit in the temple.

Ning Fengzhi raised his head and glanced out the window, stood up and said goodbye, "It's getting late, I should go back."

Xue Qinghe quickly put down his pen, stood up and said, "Teacher, it's already so late, please stay for dinner."

Ning Fengzhi was very satisfied with Xue Qinghe's attitude, but as a courtier, he still had to be cautious.

"When I went out in the morning, my daughter specifically told me to go back early." Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "I can only thank His Highness for his love."

Xue Qinghe sighed and said: "It seems that we can't have a long talk with the teacher tonight."

Before leaving, Ning Fengzhi raised his hands and said, "Your Highness, although the list of replacement personnel has been initially finalized, these people have taken up their posts in a hurry. Some of them are not familiar with their responsibilities, so your Highness needs to pay more attention to the follow-up matters."

"I understand." Xue Qinghe walked Ning Fengzhi to the door of the mansion, watched Ning Fengzhi get on the carriage and leave, and then walked back to the study.

As soon as he entered the room, he was greeted by a maid.

"Your Highness, urgent message."

"Yes." Xue Qinghe calmly took the secret letter from the maid's hand, and the latter carefully closed the door.

Xue Qinghe walked to his seat, golden soul power rose from his palms, the special beeswax melted quickly, and with a gentle pull, the paper quickly opened in his palms.

After browsing ten lines at a glance, Xue Qinghe's soft eyes turned cold, and the letter in his hand was crushed into powder by the power of his soul.

"How could a platinum bishop with a soul power as high as level 82 disappear inexplicably?"

Xue Qinghe didn't care about the life or death of a platinum bishop, but Salas's status was too high and he knew too much. It wouldn't matter if he died, but if he was captured alive and his memory was searched, many of his plans would be at risk of being exposed.

"Mr. Li, are there any changes in the major sects and families in the past two days?"

An old man appeared in the air, as if he had always been here.

"Your Highness, as far as I know, no. Poison Douluo was also in the palace yesterday." The old man said slowly, "But"

Xue Qinghe frowned. As the strongest intelligence agent in Wuhun Palace, Mr. Li's ability was unquestionable, but his slow way of speaking was unacceptable.

"Your Highness, you sent someone to monitor Shrek Academy yesterday. Yesterday, a message came saying that a large number of teachers and students left the city and went to Jinding Mountain to carry out field training. Jinding Mountain is a straight line away from the gathering place. It’s just over seventy kilometers, maybe”



Xue Qinghe interrupted him expressionlessly, "Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong also went together?"

"That's not true. The only one with the highest rank in the team is Shao Xin."

"Flender is far away in the Star Forest. The Iron Triangle is uneven and the Golden Holy Dragon cannot come out. If Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong hadn't taken action at the same time, it would have been impossible to retain Salas." Xue Qinghe said with finality.

"Shrek's side continues to monitor.

Xue'er, the news will be released tomorrow morning, saying that I accidentally contracted the cold while doing business tonight and need to rest. I won't see guests for the next two days. "

The maid named Xue'er nodded and said, "Yes, Your Highness."

Xue Qinghe turned to look at the old man and handed him a special token, "Activate all intelligence personnel in Tiandou City."

"You want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you're dead!"

The sun was setting, and its extraordinarily strong light shot out from the treetops, dyeing the white clouds blood-colored and the people underneath them blood-colored.

“Today, we mourn our student, the outstanding classmate Zhao Ming, with a very heavy heart.

Classmate Zhao Ming Yu”

The master's stiff and deep voice echoed in the empty cemetery.

The first-grade students gathered in twos and threes in front of the coffin, feeling very heavy.

It was just an ordinary exam. The classmates they had chatted and laughed with the day before yesterday were now lying in coffins, separated from them forever, and the cruelty of the soul master world was before them for the first time.

After the master recited his condolences, the band on the side played mourning music. With the sound of twenty-one cannons, the coffin was slowly buried, and the memorial service ended.

"Old Zhao is also unlucky to encounter such a thing during the exam." Marco sighed.

Esta whispered the news she heard from the sect, "I heard that Teacher Xiaofeng and Teacher Qin Ming were seriously injured because of this. They are still in a critical period and are not even allowed to visit."

"Even, even two teachers are like this, I, we are really lucky." Fang Jing was trembling all over, as if a monster with claws and fangs would suddenly burst out of the dark woods nearby and swallow him whole.

Marco comforted him casually and tried to recall the original plot in his mind.

It seems that in the original work, nothing dangerous happened to Shrek in the past five years, but now something like this happened, which can only be attributed to the difference between the real world and the novel.

Shrek's back mountain, underground research institute.

The two teachers, who were the focus of the students, were enjoying the lunch boxes brought by Zhao Wuji.

Qin Ming pulled the lunch box and said with a wry smile: "Sauteed cabbage, boiled broccoli, bitter melon and scrambled eggs. Teacher Zhao, can you change the dishes to something a little oily and watery next time? My mouth is almost tasteless."

Zhao Wuji said casually: "It's good to eat some. There's nothing to dislike."

Qin Ming glanced at the fried pork and sweet and sour fish in the other party's lunch box, then looked at his own, gritted his teeth and said, "Then why are our lunch boxes different?"

"I am asking you to adapt to the hospital meals in one week in advance. You will have to lie in the hospital bed for half a month. Don't expose your secret to others when they visit."

Zhao Wuji glanced at him with half-smiling eyes, "Or do you want to eat Xiaofeng's nutritious meal?"

Qin Ming immediately picked up the broccoli from the lunch box, threw it into his mouth and chewed, "I think broccoli is quite delicious."

Wang Xiaofeng said dissatisfied: "What do you mean, that is a nutritious meal carefully prepared by me."

Qin Ming smiled and said nothing.

Compared with the nutritious meals prepared by Wang Xiaofeng and his cooking skills, they simply went from one extreme to the other.

It is said to be a nutritious meal, but it is better to say that it is a mixture of high sugar, high protein and high energy. It is too greasy.

Especially the ten pounds of honey as an after-dinner snack, as well as the nutrient solution boiled from various precious medicinal materials, it was simply a taste hell.

One meal of this nutritious meal is unbearable, let alone Wang Xiaofeng eating 7 meals a day.

However, there was no change in the opponent's figure. Qin Ming sometimes wondered whether Wang Xiaofeng was transformed into a spirit beast, but thinking about the past two days of sparring, he was still being suppressed and beaten even though he tried his best.

Forget it, don’t think about it so much, the lunch box is quite delicious too.

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