Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 579 Underground Research Base

Chapter 584 Underground Research Base

Since Xue Qinghe's order, there have been a lot more investigations and surveillance on Shrek, whether openly or secretly.

The most intuitive thing is that the number of tourists visiting the college has increased significantly.

The temperature in the north drops rapidly when autumn turns to winter, making it the off-season for tourism.

At this time, it is normal for the college to only receive three people a day, but for three consecutive days, it received more than thirty visitors every day.

Looking at the abnormal data in the visitor record, the master planned to close the academy and no longer receive visitors. However, before he had time to implement it, the number of visitors suddenly dropped to the previous one or two, which was confusing.

"Is this where Salas last appeared?" Xue Qinghe was wrapped in a black cloak, making it difficult to see his expression.

The knight on the side said respectfully: "Yes, Your Highness, this is the place where Bishop Salas left his last traces, but we only found some body fragments."

In front of them was a huge pit with a radius of 100 meters, and the air was filled with a faint smell of sulfur.

The three elements of water, thunder, and fire have almost changed the terrain within a kilometer radius. Among them, the fire element has the highest concentration, followed by the water element, and finally the thunder element.

Therefore, after the trial knights of Wuhun Palace restored the scene, they unanimously believed that in addition to Salas, there was also a powerful water-attribute soul master and a weaker thunder-attribute soul master at the scene.

However, judging from the traces left on the scene, Salas should have died together with his opponent, and the body was taken away by unknown forces.

"What's the situation in the underground money exchange?"

"Your Highness, no one has redeemed Salas' bounty."

"It seems they are not those hyenas, but our old friends."

Being able to locate Salas in a short period of time and kill him could be counted on one's fingers by all the forces in the entire continent.

Xue Qinghe sneered and said: "It seems that the hammer that Tang Hao hit on the Pope's Palace made some people bolder and dared to lift the tiger's beard."

"If we continue to investigate, we won't find anything." Xue Qinghe waved his robes, turned around and boarded the carriage, "Take our manpower back, report this matter, and leave it to our Pope to handle."

The towering tower on the back mountain and the medicinal gardens planted with rare plants around it are just disguises on the surface. The really important place is the area hidden under the tower.

There are three areas in the tower, namely the gym on the surface, the data center on the first floor and the laboratory on the bottom.

The three major areas are not small. Even the smallest gym is more than a thousand square meters.

At first, Qin Ming enjoyed this kind of life. He didn't have to worry about students every day or rack his brains to think about the next day's teaching content.

But humans are social animals.

Wang Xiaofeng was nowhere to be seen after entering the laboratory, and Zhao Wuji could only be seen when eating.

Apart from eating, sleeping and practicing, there was nothing else to do, which almost drove Qin Ming crazy.

So after three days of staying underground, Qin Ming finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Zhao Wuji was a little confused about this: "Master held a meeting this morning and said that there have been a lot fewer spies in the past two days, but we can't let all our efforts go to waste."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his smooth chin and said, "Why don't you, senior, come to be my experimental assistant? It just so happens that the fat man went out to obtain the soul ring, and I am in need of a fire attribute soul master to help."

"Is it really okay?" Qin Ming's eyes lit up. He was just too bored and complained casually.

Wang Xiaofeng's laboratory was the most mysterious place in Shrek, and he had long been curious about what it was like inside.

"It's not a shameful place." Wang Xiaofeng shrugged.

After eating, Wang Xiaofeng took Qin Ming into the elevator.

There are only two buttons on the left side of the elevator, the first floor and the current negative floor. Wang Xiaofeng took out a black card from the soul guide and inserted it into a thin gap below the button. Three seconds later, the elevator Start going down.

You can clearly hear the mechanical sound of interlacing gears and the sound of heavy objects moving below.



"The experiments I do are quite dangerous, so necessary protective measures must be taken." Wang Xiaofeng handed the black card he spit out to Qin Ming.

"This is a third-level permission card. It allows you to enter and exit the laboratory freely, and most areas are unobstructed."

Except for the exhaust hole, this elevator is the only passage leading to the laboratory, which is a super-large underground research base that is almost isolated from the outside world and equipped with a variety of cutting-edge equipment.

"Okay, we're here."

At this time, the elevator that had been going down finally stopped at the negative third floor.

"It's more than 30 meters deep here." Qin Ming stepped out of the elevator and saw a huge space.

"It's 100 meters underground. Basically all the money I've made in the past few years has been invested here."

Qin Ming followed Wang Xiaofeng very obediently, nervously and curiously looking at this super large experimental research base located one hundred meters underground.

Various students wearing research uniforms came and went, but they never noticed the two people outside.

Because the glass here is one-way glass with extremely high strength, people inside cannot see what is happening outside at all.

As for the experiments going on in the lab?

From the most basic cell cloning transplantation to more advanced biological modification.

Various professional terms popped out of Wang Xiaofeng's mouth, which made Qin Ming feel dizzy and felt like he was about to grow a brain.

When the demonic sound stopped and Qin Ming came back to his senses, he had already entered a laboratory. Various advanced instruments were placed in the corners of each experimental area. Huge brackets and scaffolding supported the entire underground space.

And this is just what we see on the surface.

"Take it." Wang Xiaofeng handed him a golden-red crystal cube.

The cube was filled with liquid, and a broken arm with no skin and muscle fibers was floating in it.

Qin Ming, who thought he was well-informed, hesitated to take over: "This is not a real manpower."

"Have you ever seen anyone with hands like this?" Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes: "They are cultivated with special cells, specially used to observe soul bones."

Qin Ming almost threw it to the ground in fright, "Soul bone?!"

"What all the fuss is about is just a left arm bone of Yama that is more than ten thousand years old." Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the huge instrument on the side and said: "Put this thing on it later. All you have to do is maintain a stable frequency and input it into it. The soul power keeps the soul bones in a semi-excited state."

Qin Ming tried to input soul power into the cube in his hand. The cube in his hand was like a living creature, greedily "eating" all the soul power he input.

Qin Ming felt that as the soul power was "eaten", the temperature of the cube in his hand increased slightly.

He endured the discomfort in his heart and asked, "Do you want to start now?"

Wang Xiaofeng said without raising his head: "You put him in the incubator in the middle. There is a thermometer on the instrument to monitor it in real time. You just need to keep it at 80° the whole time. If the temperature is low, you will lose more soul power."

I thought it was an easy job, but in the end, Wang Xiaofeng actually used Qin Ming as his assistant. In addition to inputting soul power for two hours every day, some tedious management work was handed over to him.

During this period, Qin Ming also saw another core area in the laboratory, the shelter, for the first time.

It contains various indescribable objects that caused genetic mutations due to failed experiments.

After walking around inside, he brought out a mouse with three heads, six legs and nine tails and handed it over to Wang Xiaofeng. That night, Qin Ming had a rare nightmare.

A week later, when Qin Ming was wrapped as a mummy and carried out of the tower pretending to be seriously injured, he dropped the little pearl in excitement.

I can finally return to the world of normal people.

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