Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 581: Distance creates beauty

Chapter 586 Distance creates beauty

The master left the stage midway, and Liu Erlong got up and followed him.

"Ahem." Flanders coughed twice.

Although the two vice presidents who managed internal and external affairs have left, this does not affect the subsequent annual summary meeting for all faculty and staff.

This year, the college underwent a major reform. Many departments were established and a large number of ordinary people with little talent were hired to participate in the administrative work of the college.

Freeing teachers from complicated management work, they can better focus on improving their own cultivation and teaching research.

Therefore, in addition to controlling the strategic goals of the college in the general direction, the master and Vice President Liu Erlong have rarely participated in the administrative management of the college.

As the last working meeting of the year, the heads of various departments of the college reported on the work progress in the second half of the year.

By comparing the annual work goals, summing up the results, finding gaps, analyzing the reasons, and taking practical and effective measures to speed up the development of various undertakings of the college to ensure the successful completion of all goals and tasks throughout the year.

After Ren Yingying, who is responsible for managing the college's finances, reported the college's financial revenue and expenditure this year, she added: "The new battle hall in the college has overdrafted the empire's subsidy to the college for the next five years. In order to ensure the normal operation of the college, this part of the missing funds , other expenses need to be cut to make up for it, and the two mimic training rooms planned to be built in the first half of next year can only be postponed."

Everyone looked at their mouths, noses and hearts, and remained silent.

Ren Yingying, the financial director, was promoted by Liu Erlong. It is absolutely impossible to say that there was no tacit approval of the other party behind this.

Wang Xiaofeng had just pissed off the master, but he immediately picked on you at the meeting. He could only say that he would rather mess with the king of hell than a woman.

Although the battle hall was Wang Xiaofeng's first-hand project, it was voted through at a plenary meeting, and it was tacitly acknowledged that it would not be profitable for twenty years.

Not to mention that when the plan for this year was made at the beginning of the year, the budget for building a mimicry training room was obviously sufficient.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Flender.

Flanders lowered his head to sip the fragrant tea in the cup, as if he wanted to drink out the taste of the poor quality tea.

Ever since Liu Erlong practiced that "boiling blood", he needed expensive special medicines every day to stabilize his mood and nourish his spirit.

Flanders' own small treasury alone could not support such a high consumption, so he had no choice but to use the school's funds.

In a quiet atmosphere, Wang Xiaofeng said: "How much is missing?"

"One hundred thousand gold soul coins." Ren Yingying said in a stiff tone.

Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the table. Ever since the Qibao Glazed Sect took a fancy to the energy recovery potion he was researching and signed an exclusive supply contract, he rarely worries about money now.

One hundred thousand gold soul coins are nothing to him, but he cannot use his own money to fill the hole in the academy. If there is a first time, there will be a second time. This hole cannot be opened.

Wang Xiaofeng applied for more computing power in the avatar linked spiritual network, and his thinking speed exceeded the limit of ordinary people in a short time.

After pondering for a moment, he suggested: "Since it is a defect caused by the battle hall, let the battle hall make up the hole. I suggest that this final exam of the whole grade be regarded as a special college exhibition event. During the exam, the college will open."

"We can use the free viewing of the spirit fighting competition as a gimmick to attract people to come and watch."

The more Wang Xiaofeng talks about it, the clearer his thinking becomes. “As long as we attract enough tourists, making money is not a problem. We just need to find ways to stimulate their consumption.

Rich and diverse food, exquisite and beautiful souvenirs, and gambling at the bank, there is always something that can touch their hearts and empty their pockets of soul coins. "

Wang Xiaofeng's suggestion caused everyone to discuss in low voices.

Flanders looked at him with burning eyes. As expected, he had come up with such a good money-making idea in such a short period of time.

Students can display their talents on the Soul Fighting Stage, especially prospective graduates, who need such a stage to promote themselves.

It can not only generate income for the college, but also serve as a window for external publicity.



Killing three birds with one stone is wonderful.

"But the time is too tight. The written examination will be conducted the day after tomorrow. There is only less than three days to complete the exam." Someone at the bottom retorted.

"Since we don't have enough time, everyone should work overtime and work hard."

Flanders smiled and said: "Administration Department, after the meeting, we will work out a feasible activity plan according to Xiaofeng's ideas as soon as possible.

Propaganda Department, I hope that by tomorrow afternoon, even the darkest corners of Tiandou City will have our propaganda posters posted.

Other departments cooperate with the administrative department in carrying out their work.

Do you have any objections? "

The boss has already spoken, who dares to have an opinion.

"Since I have no objection, the meeting will continue."

Friend comprehensively reviewed the work of the college in the first half of the year, using a large number of facts and data to fully affirm the outstanding achievements of the college's various tasks.

The meeting ended with a round of applause, and everyone stood up and left.

"Xiaofeng, wait a minute." Flender stopped Wang Xiaofeng who was about to leave.

Wang Xiaofeng stopped with a grimace. He is just an ordinary clone. You can talk to the main body.

Flanders took three steps at a time to catch up, "Xiao Feng, that kid Yingying is not a soul master. She doesn't understand the importance of soul fighting to us soul masters. She spoke a little too hastily. Don't argue with her."

"Dean, I'm not that stingy." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head.

Wang Xiaofeng was the soul master with the friendliest attitude towards ordinary people that he had seen in so many years, so Flanders naturally knew that he was not speaking sarcastically.

However, that was not what he wanted to say. He knew that Wang Xiaofeng understood, but Wang Xiaofeng pretended not to understand, so he could not take the initiative to explain to Liu Erlong.

When you stand at a certain height, even if you don't fight, the people below will take the initiative to help you fight.

The two walked side by side in silence for a while.

"By the way, Dean, I have left you a message." Wang Xiaofeng seemed to have thought of something and said: "The threat of Salas has been eliminated, and the college is no longer short of teachers. In order to avoid getting entangled in trivial matters, this exchange event between the two colleges I will resign as a teacher when this is over.”


After hearing this, Flanders stayed there for a long time. It was not until Wang Xiaofeng's figure disappeared from sight that he slowly walked back to the office.

"That's fine, that's fine."

In less than a day, Shrek's promotional posters were plastered all over the streets and alleys of Tiandou City.

Unsurprisingly, the huge words "Watch Soul Fighting for Free" on the poster spread like wildfire as word of mouth spread among people.

You must know that going to the Grand Soul Fighting Arena to watch the cheapest Soul Fighting match requires a Gintama Coin.

Not to mention that the event hosted by Shrek will last for three full days.

Being able to watch the game for free for three days can be imagined, which caused a sensation.

Flanders walked among the crowd in a low-key manner. Hearing that everyone in the streets was talking about topics related to "Shrek" and "Soul Fighting Tournament", he knew that this impromptu event was stable.

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