Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 582 Exhibition Match (Part 1)

Chapter 587 Exhibition Match (Part 1)

"Ah, the exam is finally over."

Marco walked out of the classroom with a relaxed look on his face. The warm winter sunshine shone on his body, seeming to be reborn with new life.

But the noisy crowd not far away ruined this extremely rare feeling.

The spacious forest path was actually a bit crowded at this time. Marco smacked his lips and said with emotion: "There have been a lot of people visiting the college in the past two days. Could it be that the college has been silent and caused some big trouble again?"

Esta, who had handed in her paper in advance, was holding a cup of milk tea and drinking it with relish. After hearing this, she glanced at him strangely, "Don't you know, tomorrow is the practical assessment."

"What does this have to do with the actual combat assessment?" Marco was a little confused.

Fang Jing pulled his cuffs and pointed at the very conspicuous promotional poster posted on the notice board.

"It turns out that the pure fighting spirit has been changed into an open competition. Isn't this the spirit fighting mode of the big spirit fighting arena." Marco scratched his head and said with a joking look: "I have been reviewing these days. I have to work from dawn to dusk for homework, and work in the cafeteria, dormitory, and classroom between 3:00 and 1:00, so I don’t have time to pay attention to these things.”

Esta's fist hardened, "You mean we are very free! Alan Fangjing, let's form a team to play 3V3, and let this "genius" play 1V1 by himself."

"Don't." Ma Ke was sweating profusely.

If Esta was really allowed to persuade Fang Jing, where could he find teammates with whom he had a tacit understanding in such a short time to participate in a multi-player soul battle?

Marco immediately put on a different face: "I was just exaggerating to describe my level of hard work in the past two days. I definitely didn't mean that."

"It doesn't matter whether you're interested or not." Esta looked him up and down and smiled like a witch, "It depends on your performance today."

"Young man, I understand." Marco raised his chest and raised his head, and stood behind Esta. He played the usual image of Qian Jinyuan's follower and henchman to the fullest, making everyone laugh so hard that they couldn't stand up straight.

It is different from the relaxed and happy atmosphere where the students have just finished the written exam and are relieved of their stress.

Ma Hongjun only felt that the tea handed over by his teacher was a little hot.

Flanders happily placed the brewed tea in front of Ma Hongjun, "Hongjun, the college hasn't treated you badly in these years, has it?"

Ma Hongjun twisted his butt, his chubby little face almost squeezing his features into a ball, "Teacher, we are not outsiders. If you have anything to say, just say it and let me understand better."

"You silly boy, there is no way you will die. Don't worry, it's just a simple matter, but it has to be you."

Flanders seemed to have tacitly agreed with Ma Hongjun, smiling and saying: "I want you to go on stage to play an exhibition match tomorrow."

"You want me to go up and play an exhibition match tomorrow?"

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun shook his head repeatedly, "I have finally cultivated to the level of Soul King, and I still have the noble status of Viscount on my head. How can I still do such a low-priced thing? I won't go if I don't go."

"Not going?!" Flanders' eyes widened.

What if he doesn't go? In order to attract the audience, he has already announced that tomorrow's fighting spirit exhibition will have champion students on stage to provide a wonderful opening performance for the students of the academy.

If Ma Hongjun doesn't take part, the audience who feel they have been deceived will definitely send him razor blades.

Flender racked his brains and persuaded: "This exhibition match is a very rare stage for you to show yourself. Hongjun, although you are also a genius, in the eyes of Mubai and the others, you have always been their little brother. You are so willing to remain You are hiding under your wings, don’t you want to prove yourself?”

Ma Hongjun looked like a dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

Flanders saw the anxiety in his eyes and changed his words, "You also saw when we were training in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Most of the other people's eyes were on Mubai and Xiao'ao, who were more outstanding in appearance. Xiaosan, who has a great contrast in appearance, also has many fans.

In the team, Xiaofeng is probably the only one who really doesn't care about this, but don't you care? Don't you want to show off in front of others? "

"I also have a lot of fans." Ma Hongjun said this, but the expression on his face seemed a little moved.

"Those fake fans are just attracted by the handsome appearance of your third soul skill transformation." Flanders immediately took advantage of the hot iron, "This is a very rare good opportunity to show yourself in all aspects. This time, there is no Dai Mubai , there is no Tang San, and no Wang Xiaofeng, all eyes are only focused on you.

Don’t you want to hear the school girls in the audience shouting your name loudly? Don’t you want to show off in front of many junior students? "

At this time, Flanders seemed to have transformed into a deceptive devil, putting down the last chip on the balance of victory and defeat, "If you are willing to take the stage, then go to Star Luo for exchange this time. In addition to the college's subsidy, I will personally support you 500 Golden Soul Coin.”


"500, is that too much?" Flanders gritted his teeth.

"Then, okay." Ma Hongjun hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Flender nodded with satisfaction, "Don't worry, I will definitely prepare a handsome shirt for you and make your fans crazy."

As soon as I walked out of the office door.

Ma Hongjun turned around and ran to the laboratory to complain to Wang Xiaofeng.

"Oh, the teacher even sold me for this event. He also said that he would prepare clothes for me. I guess they are the kind of clothes with advertising logos on the back."

Ma Hongjun drank half a bottle of orange-flavored soda in one gulp, "What a pity, we only have to pay the appearance fee of 500 gold soul coins."

"500 gold soul coins is quite a lot. For most people, it's harder than ever to get a copper soul coin from him." Wang Xiaofeng replied without raising his head.



"I think he is giving you money in a roundabout way. After all, this is a serious exchange event. Your wardrobe is full of clothes of this style. You don't want to wear this to Shrek." Shame on you."

"Who said I don't have other clothes in my wardrobe? I just like to wear something more comfortable, so I bought a little more of this style." Ma Hongjun stiffened his neck and retorted.

"Ah, right, right." Wang Xiaofeng didn't bother to expose him.

Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes and drank another bottle of soda.

"Stop drinking it. You're almost going to finish off my San-style No. 47 energy potion."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the dozen empty bottles at Ma Hongjun's feet and raised his eyebrows, "Drink so much, you don't want to sleep these days?"

"Hiccup~" Ma Hongjun burped loudly, "Don't fool me, this is just an ordinary soda."

"To be precise, it's an energy potion flavored with orange soda." Wang Xiaofeng sighed and looked at him with pity.

"According to the feedback from the Qibao Glazed Sect, although the energy potion has a very good anti-fatigue effect, the taste is too difficult to swallow, so the disciples on night shift are not willing to drink it.

In order to improve the taste, they are willing to add 100,000 gold soul coins as scientific research funding, so I spent some time in the past two days to make a batch of samples.

At the cost of reducing the potency by 5%, the potion was made to taste like soda. What you are drinking are trial bottles that I plan to send to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. "

"Hiccup." Ma Hongjun burped again, "There won't be any side effects if you drink too much of this stuff."

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "This is a formula that I have passed the safety certification of the Alchemist Association. How can something happen if you drink it? At most, it will make you feel the feeling of being full of energy and not being able to vent it."

"Now that everything is finished, you should get to work." Wang Xiaofeng threw a square object over, and Ma Hongjun hurriedly caught it.

Looking at the things in his hands, Ma Hongjun sighed, "They say they are soft on others, but I understand. One or two of you have already laid an ambush, just waiting for me to fall into the trap."

"Others have no chance to give it up." Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile but not a smile: "A bottle of energy potion in your hand can make 10 energy potions. Each potion is sold for 1 gold soul coin. You drank a total of them. 12 bottles”

Ma Hongjun decisively raised his hands and surrendered. If he continued, all the bad debts he had owed might be revealed.

"Just tell me what I should do."

"Sit here, put your things up here, and maintain a steady input of soul power."

Wang Xiaofeng pressed Ma Hongjun onto the chair, then pointed to the scale on the instrument and said, "Do you see this red line? You have to maintain it at 230°C. If it is higher, reduce the output. If it is lower, use harder."

"It's very simple." Ma Hongjun said confidently.

The golden-red soul power was injected into the cube along his arm, and the thermometer on the instrument rose rapidly.

"Much faster than Senior Qin Ming, he deserves to be the top Fire Phoenix Spirit." Wang Xiaofeng praised, then turned and sat in front of the observation mirror, carefully observing the instrument through lenses, elemental vision, mental power scanning, soul power perception and other multiple methods. The changes in the inner soul bone.

It had been quiet for more than half an hour when Ma Hongjun's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiao Feng, can this thing be eaten?"

Wang Xiaofeng said without raising his head: "Fat man, you can't eat anything. Don't tell me you're hungry again."

Ma Hongjun looked a little weird, "No, it's you. I don't know what to say. Anyway, I just have a strange feeling in my heart. It seems to be tempting me to eat it."

Stimulated by Ma Hongjun's soul power, the cube in his hand was emitting a crimson light, like a large light bulb, illuminating the surrounding area red.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin. This was not the first time he had seen such a phenomenon. Zhao Wuji had also experienced such a phenomenon when stimulating the power-type ape soul bone, but it was not as exaggerated as Ma Hongjun. At that time, there was just a little black light on the surface.

"The compatibility between this soul bone and you is surprisingly high."

"What, this is a soul bone?!" Ma Hongjun was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold the cube in his hand.

"The left arm bone of Yama that is just over 10,000 years old." Wang Xiaofeng observed carefully and found no problems except that the mental temperature was a little higher than the physical temperature and the surrounding fire elements were slightly more active.

"You can continue to hold me." Wang Xiaofeng sat back down.

After learning that the disgusting thing in his hand was actually a soul bone, and it was also fire-attributed, Ma Hongjun's attitude immediately changed, and he held it in his arms and stroked it very preciously.

Wang Xiaofeng asked doubtfully: "It's not like I've never seen a soul bone before. Isn't the soul bone on your right arm much stronger than it?"

Ma Hongjun said enigmatically: "You don't understand, this is like the difference between a wife who is forced to marry and her first love. Although the 30,000-year explosion and burning of the right arm bone is good, it does not have the same relationship with me as the left arm bone of Yama." Spiritual resonance.”

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "I understand, I started to dislike Mrs. Niu when I had Xiao Tiantian."

One chapter is about water, the next chapter is about soul fighting.

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