Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 583 Exhibition Match (Part 2)

Chapter 588 Exhibition Match (Part 2)

Shrek Academy is built entirely in a forest.

After Shrek's transformation over the years, this forest is no longer what it was originally.

Not only are there many areas for mimicry practice, but they have also been re-planned. Rockeries and viewing pavilions have been built in the high-lying areas, and the low-lying areas have been transformed into ponds. No one will question whether it is a park.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the super-large building in the middle of the forest, which looks like a crawling beast.

Even before the sun has risen, a large number of tourists have gathered around this large building that was built less than half a year ago, patiently waiting for the venue to open.

In the stadium, Liu Erlong was flying in mid-air, speaking loudly to the students below.

"The head teachers of each class must manage the academy of their class. Those who are not taking exams of this grade are not allowed to enter the spirit fighting arena. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences if you are implicated in spirit skills. Do you understand?"

As the deputy dean, Liu Erlong has always been known for being strict. Under her aggressive gaze, everyone replied in unison: "I understand."

The seats of each class have been arranged long ago, and they are all in the best areas of the four viewing platforms. After each class found its position under the leadership of the chief, it dispersed on the spot.

They will gather together again after seven o'clock to watch the first grade soul fighting assessment.

the other side.

As a guest at the exhibition match before the Soul Fighting Exam, Ma Hongjun came to the dean's office early to receive his jersey.

Although he was mentally prepared, Ma Hongjun couldn't help it when he saw the familiar yellow-green school uniform.

"Isn't this the school uniform?"

Flender said matter-of-factly: "Yes, it's so sentimental and meaningful to appear in this outfit."

"But there are too many advertisements here." Ma Hongjun pointed to the almost empty space on the clothes and said.

The entire clothes were covered with advertisements, and even the Shrek school badge on the chest was squeezed into the size of a fingernail.

Flanders laughed and said: "Isn't this to replicate the clothes you wore when you participated in the first elite game?"

Ma Hongjun muttered softly: "There weren't so many advertisements back then."

Flanders couldn't make it up anymore, so he just said roguely: "Anyway, the clothes are already made, and I don't have time to change them now. Just tell me whether to wear them or not."


For five hundred gold soul coins, Ma Hongjun bravely put on this "battle" full of advertisements.

However, this outfit was so embarrassing that he had no shame to wear it while walking outside, so he took out the green mask from the soul tool that he used to hide his identity in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, and covered his red face.

Flanders was quite satisfied with Ma Hongjun's nondescript outfit.

Ugly or not, let's not talk about it. At least the emotional buffs are full. Maybe after the exhibition game is over, it can stimulate a wave of souvenir sales.

The sun gradually rose from the other side of the mountain, and the warm sunshine enveloped the earth.

As the bell rang, this battle hall, which was built at a huge cost, revealed its true appearance hidden under the mysterious veil to outsiders for the first time. The huge door slowly opened, and the crowded people flowed under the command of the logistics staff. Enter the venue in an orderly manner.

The area opened this time is Area 1. When it was built, it was built using the Great Soul Fighting Arena as a template, so the layout is so similar.

In addition to the 12 VIP boxes, there is also an auditorium that can accommodate 3,000 people at the same time, which is comparable in size to the branch venue of the Tiandou City Spirit Arena.

As the seats gradually filled up, the noise in the venue reached its peak.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." Flanders' voice came from the loudspeaker soul guide in the venue, drowning out the voices of everyone around him.

“As the dean of Shrek Academy, I would like to thank everyone from all walks of life for coming to Shrek Academy to watch the academy’s final spirit fighting assessment.

This is the first time that Shrek Academy has displayed the assessment content to the outside world, so please forgive me for any shortcomings.

Before the assessment began, I specially invited a former very outstanding student to perform the opening performance. I wanted to use this exhibition to let the students see how far their peers can reach the extreme.

Now, let’s invite Ma Hongjun, an outstanding Shrek graduate student, to appear. "

Hearing his name called out on the radio, Ma Hongjun took a deep breath, walked out of the passage, and strode into the Soul Fighting Stage.

As the first student from the champion team to win the Elite Tournament as a member of the Tiandou Empire Academy, Ma Hongjun's image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The iconic mask on his face and the spherical figure that could not be distinguished from muscles or fat undoubtedly announced his identity.

In an instant, the venue that was silent just now turned into a boiling ocean, and the cheers sounded like a volcano erupting.

"Evil Fire Phoenix, Evil Fire Phoenix!"

"Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun!!"

Ma Hongjun bowed slightly to express his gratitude, and the cheers on the court suddenly reached a new peak.

A variety of cheering banners and cartoon characters were held high in the crowd.

The image on Ma Hongjun's support item is his handsome image after using his third soul skill to transform.

Especially at the booth on the left, someone actually used his soul power to amplify his voice and suppress the sounds of the other booths.

"Take it easy." The man next to her covered his face and tried to pretend he didn't know her. Unfortunately, her movements were too bold and it was difficult for people to miss her.

Ma Hongjun took a closer look and saw that it was Yu Tianheng and others whom he had not seen for a long time.

Unexpectedly, some of them actually became his fans. Are they convinced?

But soon he no longer had the intention to pay attention to these, because as Flender's voice sounded, it was Li Yusong who walked out of the opposite passage.

As a teacher who joined Shrek a long time ago, Ma Hongjun's butt was often whipped with the dragon-marked stick. Now facing Li Yusong, he hesitated. After all, this old man was quite old.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mask and the other party couldn't see his expression clearly.

Li Yusong stopped ten meters away, listening to the cheers coming from around his ears, and muttered: "Little fat man, remember to make the scene more dazzling later. That iron cock of Flanders has agreed that after this exhibition match, He just returned the coffin book that he deceived me into investing in before, so you have to fight hard and don’t screw it up.”

Ma Hongjun replied dumbfounded: "Okay, Teacher Li."

"Please both parties release their martial spirits."

Five soul rings, two yellow, two purple and one black, rose up from Ma Hongjun's feet. The optimal soul ring ratio made many viewers exclaim. But what was even more surprising was that Li Yusong, who looked ordinary, actually rose up from under his feet. Got six soul rings.

The white, yellow, purple, and black old man with an unattractive appearance turned out to be a six-ring soul emperor. He held a dragon pattern stick engraved with complex patterns in his hand.

"Li Yusong, level 67 power-attack fighting spirit emperor, martial spirit dragon pattern stick, please give me some advice."

"Ma Hongjun, level 51 attack type fighting spirit emperor, martial spirit fire phoenix, please advise." Ma Hongjun raised his head and flicked his long red hair, and the pressure of being a top beast martial spirit spread unceremoniously to the surroundings.

The surging soul power squeezed the air, and the sound of roaring dragons and phoenixes could be faintly heard in the sky above the venue. In terms of momentum, the two sides were evenly matched.

As an exhibition match, it is not about deciding the winner with the opponent, but it is about exciting the atmosphere at the venue.

So when the game started, Ma Hongjun tried his best.



The second and third soul rings shone at the same time, huge flames rose into the sky, and the loud phoenix cry echoed throughout the venue.

After the pillar of flame reached its peak, it turned into a stream of light and dispersed. The dazzling phoenix flames cut through the air and hit Li Yusong.

"You're so welcome, little fat man."

Li Yusong was mumbling, but the movements of his hands were not slow. The two soul skills were activated at almost the same time.

"Long, long."

As the first and fourth soul rings were attached to the dragon-marked stick, the dragon-marked stick stretched tens of meters in the blink of an eye. The thick stick body swept through thousands of armies, smashing all the incoming phoenix flames into pieces. .

Dazzling flames bloomed like fireworks.

But the dots of phoenix flames did not disappear. Instead, they converged on the figure walking out of the flames below.

Ma Hongjun, who became extremely handsome, flapped his wings of flame behind him and flew up to the dome. He spit out flames from his mouth and condensed on his body, turning his whole body into a flaming phoenix.

The huge flaming phoenix soared in the air, its beak slightly opened, and a stream of flames spurted out, heading straight for Li Yusong.

Li Yusong knew how difficult it was to deal with the phoenix flames. The intensity of the flames blessed by soul skills was different from the flames without soul skills. He did not fight head-on. He stepped on the instant step to avoid the incoming fire pillars and even dodged and dodged. Under Phoenix's belly.

Ma Hongjun turned his head and turned around, followed closely by the red pillar of fire.

Li Yusong seized the few seconds created by constant movement and pulling, took a deep breath, and put the purple soul ring on the dark dragon-patterned stick. In an instant, the dragon pattern suddenly fell off the stick and turned into Make a phantom of a dragon hovering at the head of the stick.

"The fifth soul skill, the dragon goes out to sea." Li Yusong shouted.

The black rod carrying the dragon's phantom stretched instantly, and the dragon's shadow directly cut through the air, because the speed was so fast that even the air had no time to generate a sonic boom.

Ma Hongjun's eyes widened as he watched his Phoenix Fire Wire being pierced by the black rod, and the dragon that was already in front of him had no time to react.

The dragon roared and wrapped around the flaming phoenix. Its body tensed, directly shattering the phoenix form that Ma Hongjun had condensed with flames. The next moment, it also turned into light and dissipated due to exhaustion of soul power.

This made Ma Hongjun breathe a sigh of relief, but before he could be happy, the thick stick head that followed him hit him hard in the stomach.

Bang! !

With a loud sound, Ma Hongjun's body shook, and his whole body was directly knocked away dozens of meters by the huge force, drawing a parabola in mid-air.

Fans outside the stadium screamed because the parabola's landing point was already outside the stadium.

"Oh no!!"

"If you want to pinch me, pinch your own thigh." Yu Tianheng yelled to the side.

Just as he was about to fall outside the ring, the flames on Ma Hongjun's body ignited again. As the golden-red flames spurted out, his body was pushed back to the ring by the force of the flames.

Looking at Ma Hongjun who returned to the ring, a trace of regret flashed in Li Yusong's eyes. Although it was just an exhibition match, as a soul master, his desire to win in his bones will never weaken with time.

He was panting and using the dragon pattern stick to support his body, "Oh, I'm really old. I can't hold on even after using a few soul skills."

"You are really ruthless." Ma Hongjun rubbed his tummy and said with a wry smile.

With the dual protection of the Fire Phoenix and Phoenix Wings, the damage he suffered was not as serious as expected, but this old man had a lot of combat experience.

Just finding his location among such a huge flaming phoenix in such a short period of time was enough for him to learn.

"The time is almost up. Hurry up and use your strongest move. Let's make the scene grander." After Li Yusong finished speaking with the secret technique, his whole body began to exude an astonishing aura.

"You won't overwhelm the guest." Although he was a little worried about the old man's health, making the scene gorgeous was the requirement set before the start.

Ma Hongjun's expression also became serious. The rhythmic fifth soul ring on his body finally emitted black light, and golden-red flames burned from his body and enveloped his whole body at the same time.

In the flaming eyes, a ray of light suddenly lit up.

"Phoenix Explosion Flame Strike."

The violent energy raged and immediately gathered towards the center like a whirlpool. A huge flame tornado rose into the sky. In a short time, it formed an extremely terrifying existence, slowly moving towards Li Yusong with a huge sense of oppression.

Li Yusong was not frightened by this exaggerated soul skill. His eyes were calm and dignified. He took a deep breath. The dragon pattern stick bloomed with golden light in his hand. All six soul rings on his body were integrated into the fourth soul in a short time. in the ring.

The dragon pattern stick becomes thicker, larger and longer visibly to the naked eye.

Five meters eight meters ten meters twenty meters thirty meters.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Yusong used his last bit of soul power to smash the dragon pattern stick that he couldn't hold with both hands into the flame tornado.

"Ring-melting technique·sky-lifting strike."

Bang! ! !

The impact of the collision of the two behemoths was astonishing. The aftermath of the collision caused Flanders, who was acting as a firefighter, to panic for a moment as sparks scattered in all directions.

The spectators in the surrounding booths were already going crazy, but no one on the field made a sound. All their energy was focused on the final collision. Many spectators had never seen such a magnificent collision of soul skills.

The golden light and flames were locked in a stalemate, almost splitting the arena into two halves.


Li Yusong shouted loudly.

Ma Hongjun tacitly put away his control over the soul skill. The soul skill exploded violently before it absorbed enough energy to reach its maximum power.

With a loud bang, golden light pierced the flames, and the already unstable flame tornado tens of meters high suddenly exploded and turned into countless flaming meteors falling from the sky.

The extremely large range will not only fall on the soul fighting stage, but also splash almost everywhere in the entire soul fighting arena.

Flanders suddenly appeared on the soul fighting stage, his fourth soul ring flashed, his hands turned into eagle claws and swung out, and the extremely sharp air blade turned into a sharp wind barrier covering most of the sky above the spirit fighting stage.

And the parts that couldn't be controlled were smashed one by one by other teachers.

For a time, the audience screamed loudly, and they enjoyed a hot air bath for free.

The indoor temperature, which was originally only seven or eight degrees, suddenly rose to more than 20 degrees.

On the ring, Li Yusong and Ma Hongjun walked to Flanders in disgrace.

Although the two looked extremely embarrassed and were a little unsteady on their feet, the audience on the booth all stood up and responded with warm applause and cheers.

It wasn't until three minutes later that the applause stopped. Flanders announced loudly through the amplified soul guide in his hand, "Thank you Teacher Li Yusong and Viscount Ma Hongjun for giving us such a wonderful soul fighting performance."

"Then, the soul-fighting assessment is about to begin. The first-year students whose names are read, please go to the corresponding soul-fighting stage to prepare."

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