Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 584: Preparation before leaving the academy

Chapter 589 Preparation before leaving the academy

The excitement in the college at this time has little to do with Wang Xiaofeng.

He walked out of the elevator carrying a box of medicine, and happened to meet Zhao Wuji who was about to take the elevator. The two of them stared at each other in front of the elevator door.

Zhao Wuji looked at Wang Xiaofeng who came out of the laboratory and asked doubtfully: "Didn't I tell you that you have a holiday these days? Why are you still working overtime?"

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "It's just that there is no one to help process the experimental data. I can do it alone, but the efficiency is a bit slow at best. Teacher Zhao, didn't you go to the game too?"

Zhao Wuji lifted the sack in his hand and said, "Hey, I wanted to see how old Li looked deflated. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of rats sneaking into the academy recently, so you can see that I'm still working overtime."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the sack that was twisting in his hand speechlessly, "Don't always bring these people to the laboratory. Outsiders saw it and thought that the laboratory was doing evil human experiments." Woolen cloth."

Zhao Wuji scratched his head, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't stand it anymore and retorted loudly: "I am a scientist with a bottom line, and I do all serious experiments."

"Ah, yes, yes." Zhao Wuji quickly agreed when he saw Wang Xiaofeng's signs of anger.

"The original meaning of this sentence is to use it to spite others."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the innocent-looking Zhao Wuji and moved away from blocking the door, "Okay, please go ahead and get busy. I have to go out now."

Zhao Wuji was a little surprised, "Oh? It's really rare. What kind of wind can blow you, a busy man, out of the laboratory?"

Wang Xiaofeng lifted the medicine box in his hand and said with some resentment: "I will stay in the Star Luo Empire for a year next year, so the territory needs to make arrangements in advance, and the contract with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect also needs to be re-signed. In short, There are all kinds of things.”

Zhao Wuji ignored him and noticed that the struggle in the sack was getting stronger. He knocked out the person in the sack with a concussion punch and strode into the elevator with the sack on his shoulders. "Just show off. You usually put off work." For Gref, he is only busy for these two days all year round."

Qibao Glazed Sect.

After receiving the report from the servant, Ning Rongrong trotted to the door of the reception hall with excitement. She calmed down a little and asked the servant to sort out the messy clothes before walking in.

The interior of the hall is magnificent and magnificent, covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. Various treasures are placed in the spacious interior. On both sides of the large and somewhat exaggerated table in the center, two people are arguing about something.

It seemed that the blond man named Gref was arguing loudly with the deacons and elders, pointing to some clauses in the contract. Both sides refused to give in to each other for their own interests.

Wang Xiaofeng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, sat quietly in the corner, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Same outfit as two years ago.

It's still the same casual outfit of white shirt and black trousers that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, with a green gourd hanging around the waist, but this time there is an extra white coat on top.

The scholar's temperament seems to be getting stronger.

Ning Rongrong quickly walked up to Wang Xiaofeng and said, "Brother Feng, you are finally willing to come see me."

Wang Xiaofeng's dull eyes regained their former agility, he stood up from his position and stretched a lot, "What are you talking about? You are making me sound like a heartless scumbag."

The arrival of Ning Rongrong temporarily stopped the quarrel between the two parties at the negotiating table, which was regarded as the end of the first half of the negotiations and a break.

The deacon elder walked over and seemed to want to say something. Ning Rongrong raised his hand to stop him, "Elder Li, you will be solely responsible for this matter. Don't worry about me. I came here just to see my brother who I haven't seen for a long time. .”

"Okay." The elder deacon's eyes moved slightly and he nodded calmly.

After the deacons and elders left, Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and said, "It's public and private, there's no need to do this."



"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Brother Feng."

Ning Rongrong smiled playfully, "Although Elder Li is careful in his work, he sometimes cares too much about the immediate gains and losses. Brother Feng, the potion you made is not comparable to this small profit.

Whether it is a physical potion or an energy potion, they are all precious medicines that can directly reverse the situation on the battlefield. Brother Feng, you can immediately find the Qibao Glazed Sect to cooperate. Little sister, I have to express your gratitude. "

"What you said is too exaggerated." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "Compared with the drugs on the market, this product is a little less effective. The only advantage is that it can be taken internally or applied externally. Oh, it is effective. Time will go faster too.”

"But such a quick-acting potion is exactly what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect needs." Although Ning Rongrong had a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes. "The enemy will not let you recover slowly on the battlefield." One extra second may be the difference between life and death."

"It seems that the Qibao Glazed Sect is not very peaceful recently?"

"The Qibao Glazed Sect's tree attracts the wind, so it is inevitable to fight with others."

The two were silent for a moment, and finally Ning Rongrong started a new topic.

The two chatted a lot, ranging from the scandals they had done in the college to their prospects for the future. This was the happiest day Ning Rongrong had spent in the past two years. The guilt on her body seemed to be relieved at once, but it was wonderful. Time is always short.

The negotiations in the second half went very smoothly. The Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly made a big concession on the terms that were still in a stalemate before.

The potion produced by the semi-automatic production line commissioned by Wang Xiaofeng from the craftsmen will definitely be less effective than the hand-prepared trial version, so the price needs to be renegotiated.

Behind each decimal point, it represented thousands of gold soul coins, but the Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly did not want this part of the profit and directly purchased it at the original price.

Until he signed and stamped his signature and walked out of the hall, Gref was still in a daze. He didn't know why the other party's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

Ning Rongrong reluctantly said: "Brother Feng, it's already this time, let me entertain you as a landlord."

"No, I have too many things on my hands and I have to rush back to deal with them." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head.

The vague feeling of surveillance in the dark made him feel like a thorn in his back. He felt uncomfortable everywhere. He didn't want to eat under the scrutinizing gaze of a titled Douluo.

Wang Xiaofeng stood in front of the carriage and said goodbye to Ning Rongrong, "Next year I will go to Xingluo Royal Academy for a one-year exchange. Is there anything you want me to bring to Zhuqing and Mubai?"

Ning Rongrong made a mischievous face, "No need."

Wang Xiaofeng took out a very plain-looking envelope from the soul guide, with only four big characters written on the cover: "Received by Ning Rongrong."

"Really? Then this letter in my hand is specially written for a certain person. I'd better return it to him the way he came."

"Is this really the letter Xiao Ao wrote to me?" Ning Rongrong covered her face with her hands and cried with joy.

"It was written by him." However, when Wang Xiaofeng was at a loss, Ning Rongrong smiled evilly and took the opportunity to snatch the letter from his hand, leaving only a figure who left in a hurry.

"Brother Feng, I won't send it to you."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his nose and said, "This little girl has really good acting skills."

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