Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 585 Dividends and Chinese New Year

Chapter 590 Dividends and Chinese New Year

Today is another lively day in Hulu Village.

Today's Hulucun intersection is a wonder in the surrounding area.

The renovated road is much wider, but it can't handle the large number of people. It is more lively than the county town. There are hotels on both sides of the road, and small blackboards are placed at the door, indicating the number of vacant rooms.

The roadside is full of vendors shouting and selling.

Some set up stalls directly in front of their homes, some sell while walking with a pole, and some sell in sacks on the ground.

It can be said that even if you set up a tea stall in front of your home, business will be very good, so this has also led to a lot of petty theft here.

As a police officer, Li Bo's favorite thing is to patrol along the streets. As long as he is lucky enough to catch one, he will get a nice bonus.

But now, he had his eyes on a young man who was looking around, with a low-key appearance and an extraordinary temperament.

Based on his many years of experience, this kind of young man who is just starting out and unaware of the dangers of the world is like a child trying to survive in a busy city, and is the favorite target of experienced pickpockets.

He is new to the world and has no defense. He just left home and has many valuable things on him.

So in order to prevent this from happening, he took the initiative to wait and wait. When the boy was stolen, he immediately jumped out to catch him and said cool words.

"Young man, don't be afraid. Sheriff Li Bo of Calabash Village will not let any bad guy go."

When Li Bo, who had fallen into fantasy, came back to his senses, he found that the boy had gone away.

No, I'm going to lose you!

Li Bo put down the things in his hands and hurriedly wanted to follow, but unfortunately at this time someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Li Bo, you're not in the office. How many times have you skipped work?"

A familiar voice came from behind. Li Bo subconsciously stood upright and turned around, with a flattering smile on his face. The whole set of actions was completed in one go.

"Captain Wang, aren't I on patrol? Wait, now is not the time to talk about this matter. The boy is going to get lost, and the pickpocket will definitely take the opportunity to commit a crime."

Li Shoucheng frowned and pinched his ears: "It's a pickpocket again. You've used this excuse four times. Think I'm an old fool, don't you? Go back and copy the Sheriff's Code ten times!"

Li Bo rubbed his red ears and followed behind, muttering in a low voice: "I really didn't have an excuse to skip work this time."

On the way Wang Shoucheng took Li Bo back, someone suddenly stopped him.

"Uncle Cheng, bring the newcomers out for patrol." The white-robed boy said cheerfully.

Li Bo burst into excitement: "Little pickpocket!"

"You little pickpocket, show me some respect." Wang Shoucheng gave him a chestnut, "You talk about being better than others all day long, but in the end you can't recognize him when you stand in front of him?"

"Idol?" Li Bo was stunned. After a closer look, he saw that the boy in front of him was indeed 67% similar to the portrait he bought at a high price from an Erdao dealer and pasted on the wall.

"You are the king"

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed his left hand that was dancing with excitement and shook it gently, "Hello, I am Wang Xiaofeng."

"Uncle Cheng, I'm going home first. We'll get together in a few days when everyone comes back."

Wang Shoucheng smiled and said, "Okay, if you don't bring out the good gourd wine then I will rob your father."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, and his figure disappeared from the sight of the two people in a few steps.

"Okay, it's time to leave. Don't look at him." Wang Shoucheng looked at Li Bo's dazed look and couldn't help but go up and give him a kick.

"My idol shook hands with me!" Li Bo was knocked back to his senses. He held the wrist of his right hand in his left hand and said excitedly: "I have decided not to wash my hands for a month."

"Who cares whether you wash your hands or not? Go and copy the rules for me."

"Oh." Li Bo, who was extremely excited just now, suddenly stopped. The young man had to face the cold reality after all.

Wang Xiaofeng was walking in the alleys of the village. He could see that the houses were neat and tidy, the village roads were wide, and every house was filled with a happy and harmonious atmosphere. Neighbors passing by took the initiative to say hello when they saw him.

The village has not changed much, but the spirit of the villagers has taken on a new look, and their eyes are bright and energetic. This is a mental state that only appears when there is hope for the future.

He Li walked out of the kitchen carrying a steaming teapot and saw Wang Xiaofeng condensing water vapor to nourish the soil in the yard.

"Mom." Wang Xiaofeng greeted with a smile.

"You brat still knows how to go home." He Li said a little pretending to be angry, with uncontrollable joy in her eyes.

He looked at his son carefully up and down.

Very good, I haven’t lost weight. It seems I still eat on time outside.

"You came back suddenly without saying a word." He Li walked into the room carrying a teapot and a teacup. "You said in your letter that you would be a part-time teacher in the college. You have to teach and do your weird experiments. I thought you wanted to I won’t be able to come back until New Year’s Eve.”

"I am going to Xingluo next year for academic exchange, so I will come back after handing over the work of the college." Wang Xiaofeng answered casually.

As soon as he walked into the house, Wang Xiaofeng was immediately surprised by the number of people in the living room, "There are so many guests in our house today."

He Li joked while pouring tea: "Didn't you say that, hold a big meeting for small things and small meetings for big things."

"Xiaofeng is back. We are discussing the dividends. It just so happens that you can come and listen." Without saying a word, the third uncle who was sitting in the main seat pulled Wang Xiaofeng and sat next to him.

The third uncle who was pushed aside shook his head with a wry smile and sat in the corner with the pony in his hands.

Wang Xiaofeng scanned the area with his mental energy. Wang Daniu and Beibei were not at home. They should have gone out to play.

After He Li filled tea for everyone, she sat next to her second uncle.

Unlike other families where the male is the dominant figure outside and the female is the domestic lead, He Li has a stronger personality, so her opinion is the main factor in external affairs.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started." The second uncle tapped his cane.

The second uncle, who is in charge of the aquaculture farm, and the third uncle, who is in charge of sugarcane planting, began to report on this year's income.

Listening to the elders' introduction, Wang Xiaofeng had a certain understanding of the current situation in the village.

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and the fish pond farm established along the river in Hulu Village sold the last batch of carp and grass carp before the year, bringing the largest income since the farm was established, a total of 1,632 gold soul coins.

After everyone combined the accounts, the cooperative received a total of 6832 gold soul coins this year. Excluding the taxes and costs that need to be paid, the profit rate can reach about 70%. It can basically be said that the investment has been recovered.

After discussion with the elders, He Li decided to distribute dividends in order to let the villagers see the performance of the joint venture this year.

In order to strengthen the confidence of the villagers, we will better promote "Linggu Rice No. 1" on a large scale around the village in the coming year.

Wang Xiaofeng could only cultivate inferior quality Linggu rice using the "barren" land in his territory. Both the taste and nutritional value were far from the theoretical data.

The Linggu Rice No. 1 grown in Hulu Village, which has more fertile land and is close to the Star Dou Forest, is the real Linggu Rice.

At that time, advertisements will be placed in all channels, Linggu rice will be packaged into high-end products, and then sold to the upper class nobles of the kingdom at a price that is more than ten times higher.

You can only earn a small amount of hard-earned money by making sugar and aquatic products. If you really want to make money, you have to cut the leeks of those fat and oily nobles.

After reserving part of the development funds, the cooperative used 1,000 gold soul coins to distribute dividends. Wang Xiaofeng's family and Hulu Village each received 500 gold soul coins.

The dividends received by Hulu Village are distributed according to the number of people in the village. In this way, each household can receive as much as three or four dividends, or as little as one or two.

This is already a lot. A young and strong labor force can only earn 6 gold soul coins after working in the county for one year.

In addition, there are people who work in the farms and receive wages, and the farms usually buy feed from the villagers, which brings increased income.

It is conceivable that the villagers of Hulu Village can have a good year this year.

"Then it's settled. I'll have someone put up a notice at the end of the village in two days." The second uncle took a puff of dry cigarette and said, "Xiao Feng, do you have anything else to say?"

Unexpectedly, it was almost over and he would still be called upon. Wang Xiaofeng quickly put the melon seeds in his hand into his pocket, "I don't have any objections."

The second uncle teased: "That's right. Xiaofeng's territory is said to be bigger than our town, so he probably doesn't value this little money."

"Hey, you can't say that." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "No matter how much or how little we earn, everyone is working hard for a better life."

Everyone chatted casually about home affairs, and the sense of distance that they had not seen for a long time was invisible in these few words.

On New Year's Eve, everyone gathered together, everyone's face was red, and they drank and drank together at the banquet, celebrating the smooth development of this year.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the younger generation should salute the elders, and the elders will send red envelopes to the younger ones.

As long as you are not married, you are still a junior. So Wang Xiaofeng and Wang Beibei also received big red envelopes from their elders.

But before the big red envelope in Xiao Douding's hand was warmed up, He Li took it away in the name of "keeping it for him because he is still young."

But he is only two years old and has no idea what the red envelope can do. He may regret it in the future, but now he just wants to find his brother who suddenly disappeared.

Wang Beibei turned around and found no trace of Wang Xiaofeng, but the huge gun barrels in the yard caught his attention.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly hugged him from behind and said, "Cover your ears."

Xiao Douding followed the instructions subconsciously.

call out!

With a heart-stopping bang, colorful fireballs burst out of the barrel and rushed into the sky.

The moment it reaches the peak, it blooms instantly, like countless bright meteors piercing the night sky, blooming with dazzling light.

Countless fireworks bloomed immediately afterwards, as brilliant and dazzling as a kaleidoscope, which was intoxicating.

"Happy New Year!"

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