Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 589 White Tiger Heritage

Star Luo Royal Academy is built on a mountain. No matter where you stand in the academy, you can see Star Luo City in the distance.

In the dark night, the bustling commercial street is particularly eye-catching. The densely packed signboards and shops, coupled with street lights, form several long light strips, and pedestrians walking around can be vaguely seen.

Looking far into the distance, in addition to the dark night, the lights of the villages in the distance are like stars in the sky.

After admiring the night view, the three of them dragged their exhausted bodies back to the dormitory and collapsed on the sofa in unison.

Qin Ming crossed his arms and said doubtfully: "The class process is too depressing and gives students almost no time to think.

The teaching method of Star Luo Royal Academy is completely different from Shrek's. No, it should be said that it is different from most academies in Tiandou Empire. Can this kind of mechanical cramming teaching really cultivate excellent soul masters? "

"I don't know if we can train excellent soul masters."

Ma Hongjun stared at the ceiling blankly, "I just feel like my head is itching now, as if I'm about to grow a brain."

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his temples and read out a set of data, "Among the titled Douluo who have appeared in the eyes of the world in the past ten years, five are in Tiandou, three are in Xingluo, and two are in Wuhun Palace.

According to the statistics of Wuhun Palace, the number of soul masters below level 50 in Star Luo Empire is three times that of Tiandou Empire.

The top combat power Tiandou Empire has the advantage, but in terms of the number of soul masters, the Star Luo Empire crushes them. It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. "

"Don't discuss these spoiling things when you go back to the dormitory."

Ma Hongjun rubbed his stomach and complained: "I'm so hungry. I only have half an hour for dinner. Going to the canteen and queuing up takes up half of the time. I haven't even eaten. Xiaofeng, have you brought any snacks?"

Qin Ming's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he jumped up from the soft sofa, "Don't talk yet, there is someone upstairs!"

"There are enemies?!"

Ma Hongjun was staring closely at the stairs, ready to attack.

The appearance of the two fire-type martial spirits made the surrounding temperature extremely hot.

"Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous."

Hearty laughter came from upstairs, and along with the sound of footsteps, a blond figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"Xiao Feng, Fatty, Senior Qin Ming, long time no see."

"It's Boss Dai. He's really scary."

Ma Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief, put away his martial spirit and slumped back on the sofa, "I thought the Xingluo Royal Academy was frightened by Xiaofeng's physical test report and ambushed five hundred swordsmen upstairs."

Dai Mubai bumped fists with Qin Ming and said with a smile: "Five hundred swordsmen and axemen cannot defeat a monster whose physical strength is comparable to that of Contra."

Wang Xiaofeng's body had not moved since he entered the door, and he said lazily: "Shrek specializes in cultivating monsters. Thank you for your compliment."

Dai Mubai thought that Wang Xiaofeng had a grudge. He flipped his wrist and an unlabeled wine jar suddenly appeared in his hand, "It's my fault, it's my fault. I dragged you to Xingluo without discussing it with you. I will do it myself." I will give you a fine as an apology."

Without waiting for Wang Xiaofeng to refuse, he patted the seal open, and the mellow wine fell into his mouth like a waterfall.

Ten seconds later, not a drop of wine was left in the jar.

Dai Mubai burped, "It's great, the wine you brew is delicious."

Wang Xiaofeng said speechlessly: "If you want to drink, just say so. Why don't you beat around the bush and come up with excuses?"

While chatting and laughing, a trace of fatigue appeared inadvertently.

Qin Ming was silent on the side, and then he discovered, "It seems that Xiaofeng has been low energy since evening classes. Is it because he didn't get any rest?"

"Yeah, I've been car sick since I was a child, and I need time to calm down." Wang Xiaofeng said casually.

He and a sixth-grade teacher borrowed textbooks for the entire grade, and then copied all the textbooks to the library in Zhihai within an hour of evening class, which consumed a lot of energy.

As for the reason for doing this, it was of course due to tonight's uninvited guest. When he appeared, the time in the academy had already begun to count down.

Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice: "Who are you fooling?"

Dai Mubai looked apologetic, "It seems that I came at the wrong time, so I'll make a long story short. The exchange in the college is just to hide people's eyes. The actual purpose of inviting you here is..."

Suddenly a gloomy voice came from outside the house, "Your Highness, there are outsiders here."

"There are no outsiders here." Although Dai Mubai said this with a smile, his tone was unquestionable.

"Sorry, I made you laugh."

Dai Mubai shrugged, a little helpless, "Obviously I decided to escape from the palace at the last moment, and in order to prevent others from discovering it, I asked Zhuqing to pretend to be me. Unexpectedly, I was followed by the old man's shadow guard."

"Back to business, I specially invited you, Xiaofeng, to come to Xingluo this time. The main reason is that I want you to accompany me to explore an ancient ruins, which may be related to the inheritance of the Evil-Eyed White Tiger Saint King."

The White Tiger Saint King with Evil Eyes? In the legend, he seems to be the god of the Star Luo Empire. There must be no shortage of good things in the relics related to him.

Ma Hongjun's shrewd little eyes rolled, and he approached with a shy face, "Boss Dai, can I come with you this time?"

Dai Mubai pushed away his chubby face in disgust, and said with an upright face: "I'm sorry, this matter is very important, and I can't take you to pick up the leaks this time.

Even Xiaofeng had to go through many rounds of scrutiny. Not only had he made significant contributions to the empire, but his family was clean and he was considered half of his own family before he could be listed as one of the candidates.

However, once this test report is released, the latter one can be removed. "

Wang Xiaofeng's curiosity was about to arouse as it was related to the God's Mansion. However, when he thought that it involved many interests, there must be many restrictions on him and he could not study it casually. His excitement was suddenly poured with cold water, and he refused angrily:

"It's better to choose your own people for this kind of thing. Outsiders like me are not suitable to get involved."

Dai Mubai didn't expect that the simplest link would be broken, and he quickly persuaded: "Don't refuse in a hurry, this ancient ruins is naturally not that simple.

First of all, the ruins are in a unique space. If you want to enter, you must meet two conditions. First, the bone age must be under 20 years old. Second, the soul power must not be lower than level 45. "

Wang Xiaofeng frowned and said: "Although this condition is a bit harsh, it is impossible that the Star Luo Empire does not have the secret method to encourage growth."

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said: "Why haven't I tried it? But in the countless records, no one has ever come out of the ruins alive. I can only infer that it is very dangerous inside the ruins, and there is a narrow escape from death."

It has been 100 years since the last time the ancient ruins were opened. The time interval between each opening was so long that many data have been lost.

Nothing remains unchanged in the face of time.

Even for the White Tiger clan, too many inheritances have been cut off in the long river of time.

Now, they can only rely on the forbidden secret technique of bloodline fusion to barely maintain the purity of their bloodline.

Like the Tiandou royal family, Tian Yuluanfeng, the top beast spirit that could once rival the evil-eyed white tiger, has now degenerated into a swan spirit, which is pitiful.

Therefore, the ancient ruins that were suddenly opened this time must not be missed.

"Please Xiaofeng, Zhuqing and I really need you this time. We can't do it without you." Dai Mubai clasped his hands together and begged.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin. Dai Mubai rarely asked for help from others, and he was willing to bow his head in such a posture. It was really hard for people to refuse.

Anyway, since I can't refuse, I might as well get more benefits.

"I heard that the Wenyuan Building in your Xingluo Palace has the largest collection of books in the mainland. If you allow me to stay there for half a year,"

Dai Mubai said decisively: "You can stay as long as you want, even for the rest of your life."

Wang Xiaofeng raised his finger and said, "Three meals included."

"According to the highest standard of meals for the royal family, five meals a day."

Wang Xiaofeng and Dai Mubai high-fived and vowed, "It's a deal."

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