Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 590 Duke Zhou’s Mansion

Li Muchen walked into the office under the sunshine and sat on a soft chair.

Li Muchen was obviously in a good mood now that he was back in a familiar environment and didn't have to endure the bumpy ride of a carriage.

But this good mood only lasted until the assistant handed him a sealed letter.

"What is this?" Li Muchen took the letter in confusion, holding it delicate and smooth. Only big shots would use this special letter paper.

"The person who sent the letter said it was sent to you by Dai Mubai."

"Dai Mubai, Your Highness the Crown Prince?" Li Muchen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart and hurriedly opened the envelope in his hand.

As expected, the content of the letter was a request for leave. Teacher Wang Xiaofeng, who had just come to the college to study, would take a six-month personal leave due to some special reasons.

At the end of the leave application form was Dai Mubai's signature and the college's seal.

"Nonsense, just nonsense!"

A teacher who came to the college for exchange was abducted just one day after arriving. This is simply an act of robbery.

What would outsiders think? Most people will only think that the so-called academic exchanges carried out by the college are just a face-saving project.

Li Muchen slammed the table angrily, "What qualifications does he, Dai Mubai, have to approve fakes for others?"

"Director, Director Dai really has such power." The assistant said softly.

In addition to being an honorary guest of the Star Luo Royal Academy, Dai Mubai is also the leader of a research team.

According to the rules of the college, leave requests for group members only need to be approved by the team leader and do not require approval by the college.

Of course, in order to avoid some phenomena of seeking power for personal gain, the college has set many restrictions, and vacations lasting more than one month require the approval of the college director.

However, Dai Mubai happened to be the representative of the Xingluo royal family and one of the twelve seats on the college's board of directors.

Although there is a suspicion of left hand switching to right hand, such operation is undoubtedly reasonable and legal.

Li Muchen glared at the assistant, "Where are you from?"

The two people that Li Muchen was thinking about had already arrived in Xingluo City in a carriage, and finally the carriage stopped at the entrance of a very luxurious-looking hotel.

Dai Mubai jumped off the carriage, "There's still half an hour before the time Zhuqing and I agreed. Let's take a short rest here. There is a breakfast buffet on the second floor. Their pastries are pretty good. How do you like it? Do you want to try it? taste."

"I just saw a lively market on the roadside, and I'm going to have a look." Wang Xiaofeng looked Dai Mubai up and down.

"On the way, I actually wanted to ask, what did you say to Fatty last night? Why do you look like you didn't sleep well?"

Dai Mubai yawned and took the lead to walk to the hotel, "I have an adjutant with a good character but a commoner background. Recently, a matchmaker has been coming to my family to arrange for his sister to marry a local nobleman who does not have a very good reputation. , he really had no choice but to beg on my head.

I have seen the portrait of his sister. To be honest, she is very beautiful and diligent. She is highly regarded by the neighbors. However, she is a bit older, five years older than the fat man, and she is not a soul master.

But this is not a big problem. If you can't be a wife, you can be a concubine.

I thought at that time that among our brothers, only the fat one was still single, so it wouldn’t be wrong to help lead the red line.

But last night, when I told him that I wanted to find him a wife, he didn't eagerly agree. Instead, he said that he wanted to meet and chat with her first.

Oh my god, this doesn't look like the fat man I know. I thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out. "

"Fat man has also grown up in the past two years." Wang Xiaofeng smiled. After experiencing so many things, Ma Hongjun's growth has never stopped, but they are too dazzling.

It was so dazzling that even his fire phoenix could only dim.

But now, Ma Hongjun has undoubtedly truly grown up, and even Dai Mubai cannot cover up his shine.

"I'm going to take a walk around and I'll be back later." Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the door.

"Go early and come back early." Dai Mubai found a room at the front desk, "I'll catch up on some sleep first, but I can't let Zhuqing see that I stayed up late, otherwise I'll have to talk about it again."

When we walked out of the hotel, we were greeted by a heat wave, and the market not far away seemed very lively.

This time happens to be when the market is most lively, with tents clustered on both sides of the aisle, leaving only a not-so-wide aisle in the middle.

Pedestrians were flowing slowly in the aisle at this moment, which seemed crowded and lively. The voices of people talking to each other and the shouts of vendors were endless.

Wang Xiaofeng bought a large bag of steamed buns and meatloaf on the roadside. While eating, he turned into a small alley.

Under the soul scan, the surrounding terrain environment is used as the origin, and a map model is quickly constructed.

He was like a native, coming and going with ease in the complicated alleys.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng walked out of the alley, and his eyes suddenly became wider.

Wang Xiaofeng looked left and right, came to a noodle stall, and waved to the owner of the noodle stall.

"Boss, let's have a bowl of meat noodles."


The owner of the noodle stall put the thin noodles into the hot soup quickly and quickly placed a bowl of noodles in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and while eating, he looked at a house opposite the noodle stall.

This is a high-class family with a high threshold. There is a plaque hanging high on the door with two big words: Duke Zhou's Mansion.

Just sitting here eating noodles and looking up, the door of the mansion was closed, but no one came in or out.

Wang Xiaofeng pondered slightly and waved to the noodle stall owner.

"What are your orders, sir?" The noodle stall owner hurriedly came over.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you, who are the people in the family opposite?"

"You mean Mr. Zhou's house?" The noodle stall owner smiled when he heard this: "Mr. Zhou is a good man. Which one of us in Xingluo City can't give a thumbs up when mentioned?"

Wang Xiaofeng asked: "Can you explain it in detail?"

The noodle stall owner was a little embarrassed: "Sir, I have something else to do."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the empty noodle stall, smiled slightly, took out two copper soul coins from his arms and placed them on the table: "To be honest, I am new here and want to find a way to make a living.

But apart from being strong, I don’t know anything else, so I wanted to find a job with a good family. "

The noodle stall owner took a look at Wang Xiaofeng. He was dressed in ordinary but clean clothes. He had good facial features and was young. He didn't look like a person with malicious intentions.

He immediately smiled and said: "Then you asked me to the right person."

The noodle stall owner casually put the two copper soul coins into his pocket and began to talk about everything.

It's very detailed and very trivial.

From which of the maids in Duke Zhou's residence is prettier, to what good deeds Mr. Zhou has done recently, they all tell the truth.

All in all, this family has a really good reputation and never bullies others.

If there was a famine or flood somewhere, they would even open a warehouse to give alms, which is very admirable.

Hearing this, Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin. In this way, Mr. Zhou is indeed a good man.

But according to the women of the Moonlight Hotel, this place is a quagmire.

Of course, the perspectives are different, the interests are different, and the things seen are different. Wang Xiaofeng will not trust any party.

However, this also means that many methods cannot be used, which is a bit troublesome.

While eating noodles, he listened to the boss talking about the Zhou family's affairs. It wasn't until he refilled three bowls of noodles that finally a customer came to the noodle stall, and the noodle stall owner stopped with something to say.

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his mouth, paid the bill, and stuffed another Gintama coin into the boss's pocket.

He had just used his mental power to check and found that Nitya was not at the house.

He happened to accept Dai Mubai's request for help at this time. He couldn't spare time for the time being, so he might as well wait until the matter was over and then conduct a thorough investigation.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng left, an old man with a white beard came to where he was sitting.

Frowning and looking at the direction he left, he murmured to himself: "When did such a master of such a powerful and hidden spiritual power come to Xingluo City?"

When Wang Xiaofeng returned to the hotel, he saw Zhu Zhuqing with a cold face and his arms folded across his chest.

Dai Mubai showed a flattering smile.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng approaching, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes suddenly lit up. He no longer maintained a serious expression and took the food box from the servant on the side.

"Brother Feng, I'm going to trouble you again this time. This is the pastry I just made."

"You even brought a gift? You're really thoughtful." Wang Xiaofeng took it with a smile.

"It's not like someone who came to me empty-handed and didn't say anything, and secretly drank my wine."

Zhu Zhuqing glared at Dai Mubai, who then smiled coquettishly.

In front of the public, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't say anything, so he could only get on the carriage that had been waiting for a long time.

Dai Mubai followed closely, "It's getting late. Let's get on the road quickly. If anything happens, we'll talk about it on the way."

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