Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 591: Hard Earth Village

Chapter 596 Hard Earth Village

After the carriage set off from Xingluo City, it headed towards the northwest of the empire.

Wang Xiaofeng originally thought that the ruins Dai Mubai mentioned were near Xingluo City, but he didn't expect that it would take seven days just to get there.

The speed of the carriage suddenly slowed down, and the clerk who was sitting in front of the carriage guiding everyone said loudly: "Sir, the Hard Earth Village is ahead."

Wang Xiaofeng looked up and saw that the road ahead began to narrow, from a rammed earth road that could accommodate a carriage to a mud path that could only accommodate one person.

Thousand-year-old ginkgo trees grow on both sides of the dirt road. It is the time when the ginkgo leaves are falling. The ginkgo leaves sway with the winter wind, covering the ground with a thick carpet.

Dai Mubai glanced at it for a few times, then jumped off the carriage, twisted his waist, and said to Zhu Zhuqing and Wang Xiaofeng behind him: "My butt is sore from sitting in this carriage. It's just right. It seems that we haven't competed for a long time. Let's compete." How about we go to Hard Clay Village first.”


Zhu Zhuqing passed Dai Mubai, but his figure slowly disappeared, leaving behind only an afterimage.

"You're so cunning, you actually ran away!"

Dai Mubai let out a long roar, followed by powerful soul power bursting out from his body.

"You two, let's say goodbye." Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly, and the gourd on his waist suddenly became larger.

The sudden appearance of strong airflow and mist made it difficult to open one's eyes, but as soon as the eyes were closed, Wang Xiaofeng's figure disappeared from the spot.

The coachman sighed, "Sure enough, the young master's friends are not ordinary people either."

For a while, there were only two people left. When the clerk saw this, he stepped forward with a shy face and asked: "What about that? We agreed on the reward before."

The coachman despised him in his heart, and expressionlessly took out the money bag he had prepared from his arms and threw it away.

The clerk hurriedly caught it, but before he could count the gold coins in the purse, the coachman was already on the carriage, waving his whip.

The handsome horse neighed and began to turn the car around.

"Hey, wait, I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Old trees and old houses, with smoke curling up from the kitchen.

It was noon at this time, and except for the men who were still busy in the fields, most of the residents of Hard Earth Village gathered around the small courtyard to eat lunch and have a half-day of leisure.

"Thank you, ma'am." Looking at the corn in the bowl in front of her, the woman gave an ugly smile.

The villagers only shelled this kind of corn and carried out preliminary processing. After stewing it, it became the staple food. It tasted very throat-cutting.

After being accustomed to eating soft bread and polished rice, she couldn't swallow this food at all.

On the other hand, the dark-skinned young man on the side ate with gusto. After finishing the meal, he asked the aunt for another bowl.

The woman looked at the young man beside him almost burying his face in the bowl, and was furious. This fool knew how to eat and didn't worry about the teacher at all.

"Why hasn't the teacher come back yet?"

The young man said without raising his head: "There is nothing to worry about. They are the army and not bandits. What's more, they are paid, one gold soul coin per person per day."

Although those people were dressed in coarse linen and dressed like civilians, the discipline they inadvertently showed in their movements undoubtedly revealed the true identities of those people.

"But they didn't tell us who to wait for, so they just asked us to wait here. We have been waiting for more than half a month, and we haven't even seen a ghost."

While the woman was complaining, the sound of dogs barking and children screaming suddenly came from outside the house.

The young man raised his head suddenly, took the unfinished bowls and chopsticks and walked towards the outside of the courtyard, "Let's take a walk, let's see what's going on."

"I see you have really become a villager." Even though he said this, the woman couldn't help but follow him.

As soon as I went out, I saw a young man riding a gourd falling from the sky. The naughty children cheered excitedly and surrounded the young man.

A woman angrily accused them of not knowing etiquette and shouted them away. The boy smiled and said a few words to ease the atmosphere, and also gave some candies to the children as gifts.

But looking at the woman's attitude, these stubborn monkeys might not miss a meal of fried meat with bamboo sticks after they return home.

Thinking of the scenes of those naughty children crying and howling after they returned, the young man felt that the rice in his hand tasted better and he could eat three more bowls.

But then a man and a woman appeared, and he didn't even notice that he dropped the bowl and chopsticks in his hand. He wanted to run back, but unfortunately, he was caught by the woman beside him with quick eyes and hands.

"Oh, what are you doing?" the woman asked in confusion.

"You idiot, didn't you see the armband on the man's shoulder? It's a white tiger pattern, and only the royal family can wear it." The young man said urgently in a low voice.

"First the army and then the royal family. Those villagers may have really dug up something incredible. The wind is blowing hard."

"What should the teacher do?"

"Keep the green hills and don't worry about burning them without wood."

The cheap teacher and she are real archaeologists, but he is not. He is just a third-rate tomb robber who cannot withstand official scrutiny.

If the digging of large and small tombs and the sale of precious antiques were found out, he could live in prison for the rest of his life.

The young man wanted to leave eagerly, but unfortunately a figure had already come behind them and hugged their shoulders enthusiastically.

"Looking at how you two are dressed, are they the guides mentioned in the secret message?"

Feeling the power coming from his shoulders, the young man's face froze. When he turned around, a happy smile appeared on his face: "Yes, Sir, Lieutenant Lu specially asked us to wait for you here. Hope for the stars." I hope for the moon, and I finally have three of them here.”

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Yong. I am a level 16 control soul master. I am responsible for physical labor and occasionally work part-time as a bodyguard."

"She is Wu Yue'e, Boss Wu's assistant."

Dai Mubai also introduced them, "My name is Dai Mubai, she is Zhu Zhuqing, my girlfriend, and this is Wang Xiaofeng, an expert in ancient writing."

The surnames Dai and Zhu are the two most noble families in the empire.

Wu Yue'e saluted respectfully to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and then said: "Teacher has already taken a step ahead with the large army, leaving only the two of us here waiting for you."

Dai Mubai picked up the bowls and chopsticks on the ground and handed them to Li Yong, "Are you having lunch?"

"We just finished eating." Li Yong took the bowl and chopsticks awkwardly, "You guys have come all the way here, why don't you take a rest in the village first?"

Dai Mubai shook his head and refused, "We've already been delayed a lot on the road, so let's go up the mountain first."

Li Yong brought the packed luggage and supplies from the house and led everyone towards the mountain forest, while Li Yuee introduced the situation to the three of them.

"There was a heavy rainstorm here about two months ago. Some villagers picked up an ancient jar from the ruined era 590 years ago from a nearby stream. When the county knew about it, they organized an archaeological team to come over to investigate. The teacher was The leader of this operation”

A huge gray bowl-shaped mountain stands tall.

This place is called Zhelong Mountain by the villagers. Legend has it that even if the Dragon King comes, he will be blinded by the long-term fog in the mountain and cannot come out.

There are a lot of poisonous insects and poisonous fog in the mountains, mosquitoes breed, the valleys are humid and hot, and the miasma persists all year round. Many people have disappeared, and no one in the area is willing to go deep into the mountains and forests.

Dai Mubai carried a hundred kilograms of luggage and supplies on his shoulders and struggled to clear the way ahead.

Although Li Yong and Li Yue'e were weak in strength, their speed was not slow and they followed closely behind Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure disappeared and appeared in the forest, alerting everyone around him.

Only Wang Xiaofeng, who was left last, seemed to be on an outing. He was banging a branch in his hand and humming a song. He often disappeared while walking, but he suddenly appeared again every time he took a break. .

The weather in the mountains is changeable. It seemed like there was a heavy rain yesterday. The land was muddy and wet, making it difficult for everyone to walk. Once you step down, the wet mud can absorb a person's entire calf, and it seems that you have to use your whole body to pull it up. the power of.

"We've reached the monument, we can take a rest."

Wang Xiaofeng stepped forward to inspect it. It was a very rough boundary marker with some warning words engraved on it.

The weeds around the boundary monument show signs of being cut down.

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