Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 592 Tomb of Prince Qing

Chapter 597 Tomb of Prince Qing

Zhelong Mountain is full of high mountains and deep valleys, quiet and densely populated with mountains and forests.

Even the villagers living in this area rarely go as far into the mountains and forests as they do.

Panting heavily, Li Yong stopped under a big tree and slapped the huge mosquito that bit his face to death.

Looking at the faint mist that began to appear around him, Li Yong estimated that the time was almost up. He took out a small porcelain white bottle from his arms, poured out a pill and took it, then handed it to Dai Mubai and said, "It's past noon. The forest here will gradually become filled with miasma. This is a miasma-avoiding pill. After taking it, it can reduce the harm of miasma to the human body within two hours."

Dai Mubai shook his head and rejected Li Yong's kindness, saying that he didn't need such a thing.

He and Zhu Zhuqing had taken fairy grass. Although their bodies were not invulnerable to all poisons, they were not affected by miasma.

As for the one who stayed at the stone tablet for a long time.

The first time he saw Wang Xiaofeng being poisoned was when he was facing Dugu Bo, but even with such a violent poison, he could only lie down for a while. Miasma was nothing.

Dai Mubai took out the water bottle from the soul guide, handed it to Zhu Zhuqing, who silently jumped down from the tree nearby, and asked, "About how far we have gone."

After Li Yong thought for a moment, he said: "When we reach the boundary monument, we have completed a quarter of the journey, but it is getting late. I suggest we rest here for one night and start our journey again tomorrow morning."

Dai Mubai smiled and said, "You are a professional, we will all obey your arrangements."

Li Yong spread his hands with a wry smile, "You are not a professional, I just dig the soil, but most of the archaeological tombs are in the wilderness, and I have encountered too many lessons. These are all tuition fees."

The sun was already setting in the west, and the temperature in the deep mountains and old forests suddenly dropped. Everyone began to seize the time to camp in place.

Dai Mubai cleared an open space next to the stone tablet. Li Yong took out the medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the ground. Many insects crawled out from the ground and fled around.

Li Yue'e picked up a lot of dead wood under the tree, but unfortunately it was all wet and couldn't be burned at all.

Wang Xiaofeng turned the wet firewood he picked up into dry firewood with just a finger. Li Yue'e was amazed by this operation.

The bonfire was lit and the hot soup was steaming.

Everyone drank the wild vegetable soup and ate it with naan, which was quite delicious.

Li Yong took out a bottle of soju from his backpack and divided it among everyone. "The temperature difference between morning and evening is huge here. Let's drink some wine to warm your body."

Dai Mubai took a sip and shook his head, "Too bland."

Then he proudly took out the wine gourd from the soul guide and said, "Come on, brother, try this. This one is more delicious."

The wine drunk by the royal family must be a special product that ordinary people cannot have access to. Li Yong happily took the wine gourd, carefully poured a little into the bowl, and tasted it carefully.

"Wow, so spicy."

A stream of heat rushed straight to Tianling Gai. Li Yong took two sips of soju to suppress the fiery spiciness. He laughed at himself: "I am really like a wild boar who can't eat fine chaff." After speaking, he tilted his mouth and shook his head with a smile. The pot of shochu was drunk and there was no trace left.

At night, when Li Yong and Li Yue'e had finished their duties and got into their sleeping bags and fell asleep, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes and looked at Dai Mubai who was playing boredly by the fire with a wooden stick poking at the charcoal.

Wang Xiaofeng used his soul power to force his voice into lines and asked: "What is the tomb of Prince Qing they are talking about? Isn't it an exploration of the ruins?"

The tomb of King Qing is the tomb that the official archaeological team is going to examine this time.

According to Li Yong, King Qing was a powerful titled Douluo during his lifetime. He fought in all directions for the empire and made numerous military exploits. After his death, he was posthumously named King Qing.

It is known that Prince Qing was buried in the royal cemetery, but I don’t know why there is one here, and the burial objects are all fine porcelain from Prince Qing’s era.

Dai Mubai pressed his hand and replied in a low voice: "Don't be impatient. I will explain to you slowly. It actually involves some secrets of the royal family."

Three thousand years ago, the founding emperor of Xingluo obtained a strange stone and used it as the main material and countless treasures to create nine tiger talismans.

This tiger talisman has various incredible effects. Wearing it on the body can not only increase the speed of cultivation and improve physical fitness, but also attract good luck and avoid bad luck, and turn danger into safety.

As time went by, these nine tiger charms not only became tokens for the generals stationed on the border to mobilize their troops, but were also given special meaning.

Five hundred years ago, when the ruins were opened, a general's son who was in charge of the Tiger Talisman and the then Prince Xingluo entered the secret realm to participate in the trial.

The process is unknown, but the result is that he unfortunately died in the secret realm. When the general learned about it, he was filled with grief and anger, and relied on his special martial spirit and powerful strength to forcefully open the closed secret realm.

It was a pity that no one saw him come out again, and the tiger talisman he carried with him was also left behind in the ruins.

Legend has it that strange stones are the incarnation of Xingluo's luck, and the loss of one of the tiger talismans means that there is a gap in Xingluo's luck, just like a pond that opens to release water and will continue to drain.

Although the theory of luck is absurd, it cannot be denied. From that time on, the empire gradually became less and less able to control its huge territory, and could only divide the territory and give it to those princes who supported their troops and respected themselves.

And that general had great military exploits and loved his soldiers like his own son. In order to prevent his generals from mutiny, the royal family had no choice but to posthumously title him Prince Qing.

As for why there is a tomb of King Qing here, you have to ask the descendants of King Qing. Maybe some guy with a cramp in his head thought that the scenery here was beautiful and moved his ancestor's tomb here.

Anyway, King Qing is never mentioned again in the records of several ruins explorations five hundred years later.

"Finding and bringing out the tiger talisman is one of the three major requirements of the clan for me to ascend the throne." Dai Mubai curled his lips, "Although I am not interested in that position, the empire's treasures should not be left outside."

Wang Xiaofeng pinched his fingers and calculated: "Before, you only asked to accompany you to explore the ruins, so my asking price was not high, but now I have added an additional task of finding the tiger charm, so I have to pay more."

Dai Mubai waved his hand proudly and said: "Things that can be solved with gold soul coins are all small problems."

After answering his confusion, Wang Xiaofeng no longer had any questions. He planted the gourd seeds under his sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep.

By the time he was woken up by Dai Mubai, the sky was already twilight.

Wang Xiaofeng caught a few tits and cooked a pot of wild vegetable and meat porridge, and then woke up the others for breakfast.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they packed up their luggage and sundries for a while, and then continued on their way.

Under the leadership of the guide, everyone set out at dawn and walked through the greenery, climbed rocks and drilled holes along the way. It was not until the red sun hung high that they arrived at the destination of the trip, the hinterland of the Zhelong Mountains. The locals' expressions changed when they talked about it. Mianlong Mountain.

I wish all my book friends a happy new year, peace and joy

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