Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 593 Stone Mountain

Chapter 598 Stone Mountain

The group of people is on a high cliff, overlooking the ground of Zhelong Mountain. Looking down, I can see that in the deep mountains behind the main ridge, there are all conical peaks and dangerous rocks.

The continuous peaks are connected one after another in the distance, like thousands of bamboo shoots unearthed, thousands of wats facing the sky, the peaks are connected, and there are peaks behind the peaks, filling the endless space between heaven and earth.

In the forest below the cliff, there were faint sounds of arguing.

Li Yue'e listened for a moment and said in surprise: "It's the teacher's voice."

Li Yong wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: "We're finally here. I was still worried about taking me in the wrong direction."

Wang Xiaofeng looked through the dense forest. Below, hundreds of engineers were like hard-working bees transporting food and equipment to the set up barracks.

Although Dai Mubai couldn't see it, he could feel the movement under the cliff and said, "Now that we have found them, let's go and join them quickly."

Li Yong looked around and said, "Let me find out if there is a gentle slope nearby that I can go down."

Before he could finish speaking, a sudden force came from his back, causing him to take two steps forward, then stepped on the air and fell directly off the cliff.


The strong voice directly covered up the argument below, but soon, a sharper scream came from behind.

Dai Mubai looked at the three figures falling off the cliff one after another and shook his head, "Who made Xiaofeng angry again?"

Zhu Zhuqing on the side looked thoughtfully at the three people below who landed safely.

Something must have happened last night that they didn't know about, otherwise Brother Feng wouldn't have suddenly changed his attitude.

The cliff is not very high, only about twenty meters.

But jumping directly without any psychological preparation is still too much of a test of psychological endurance for ordinary people.


Li Yue'e was retching on the side.

Li Yong's legs and feet were weak, holding on to the tree trunk, and said resentfully: "Brother, can you tell me in advance next time? My little heart is about to pop out."

"Even if your heart really pops out, I can put it back intact." Wang Xiaofeng responded with a smile: "I have a lot of research on trauma."

Li Yong felt a chill.

Don't say such horrible things in a serious manner.

At this moment, a small group not far away quickly approached, then stopped ten meters away, shouting from the air: "Who are you!"

The sharp long knife exposed a small section, and no matter what happened to the three of them, they could react quickly.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his forehead, his ears twitched slightly, and the sound of rustling footsteps came from all around. Unknowingly, he was surrounded, and the number of people continued to increase.

In the tense atmosphere, a dark and thin old man walked out from behind.

"Aren't these two assistants of Master Wang?"

The old man waved his hand and asked everyone to put away their weapons, "Don't do anything, we are all our own."

At this time, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing walked down the cliff slowly, stepping on the sharp rocks protruding from the cliff.

The old man's eyes lit up when he saw Dai Mubai, and he immediately went up to him and gave him a bear hug.

The speed was so fast that Dai Mubai didn't even react. Arms made of steel had already wrapped around his back and patted him hard.

"Hiss!" Dai Mubai grinned and shouted in pain: "Uncle Zhao, I haven't seen you for so long, and your hands are still so strong."

"You have changed quite a lot." Zhao Xiaofeng squeezed Dai Mubai's arm and nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you haven't relaxed your physical training in the past few years, which is good."

Zhao Xiaofeng led everyone into the camp where various fortifications were being done in full swing.

"The environment at the ancient ruins is harsh and there are many poisonous insects. Although I spread pesticide powder step by step, the efficiency is extremely low. Until now, I have not entered the core area and can only do some archaeological work in corners."

Zhu Zhuqing deliberately slowed down a few steps, came to Wang Xiaofeng's side, and asked: "Brother Feng, why?"

"Why are you targeting them so much?" Wang Xiaofeng pointedly said: "After the incident here is over, we will investigate their past experiences more carefully."

Last night, in order to verify the authenticity of the information, Wang Xiaofeng used his mental power to forcefully enter the depths of their consciousness while they were not alert in their sleep, and read a lot of information.

Not to mention, Wang Xiaofeng actually saw some interesting information.

The identities of these two people are actually fake. Li Yong's true identity is a tomb robber who sells cultural relics, while Li Yue'e is a thief who commits academic fraud.

Without some punishment, he had trouble with his thoughts.

Zhao Xiaofeng took everyone around the camp and then led them into a simple tent.

There was only a simple table and a few benches in the tent, and an old man was smoking a dry cigarette.

Li Yue'e, who was standing at the back of the team, suddenly shouted happily, "Teacher."

The old man who smoked dry cigarettes subconsciously raised his head when he asked. He was stunned for a moment when he saw so many people suddenly appearing in such a tent.

Zhao Xiaofeng introduced both parties: "Old man Li, this young man is Boss Dai who supports our archaeological work and provides financial support this time, as well as his girlfriend Miss Zhu, and Mr. Wang, an expert in ancient writing.

Boss Dai, this is Master Li Gujiu, the leader of the archaeological team sent by Longgu City. "

Li Gu Jiu put the dry cigarette aside. He was not interested in the so-called boss. This expert made him look forward to it.

Many cultural relics were unearthed in the pit, but there were artifacts from all eras. This made him a little unsure about the situation in the tomb, and he was in need of professionals to discuss it.

As a result, he glanced around and finally saw a young face.

An expert in ancient writing? Just this little kid?

Many masters he knows who have studied history for many years are at least 70 years old, and even these people dare not call themselves experts outside.

This can't be some liar looking for fame.

Although he was murmuring in his heart, Li Gu Jiu did not behave rudely on the surface. He just nodded slightly to show that he understood.

After Zhao Xiaofeng waited for everyone to take their seats, he began to describe the current situation.

The landslide exposed only an astonishingly large burial pit. Due to the interference of poisonous insects in the forest, the main tomb in the mountain has not yet been determined, and the progress of the archaeology has obviously been delayed.

So he proposed to use the Explosive Pill No. 2 provided by the institute.

This improved powerful gunpowder is several times more powerful than before. It can produce powerful destructive power in a small and sealed space, and can definitely open a passage in the mountain.

"No, I object!"

Li Gu Jiu patted the table and stood up. "The continuous heavy rain has changed the structure of the mountain. If the mountain is forcibly opened, the entire mountain may collapse, let alone the cultural relics inside."

Zhao Xiaofeng comforted him: "Don't be nervous. I have many good blasters under my command. They will never affect the mountain structure."

Li Gujiu angrily rebuked: "That's not okay! Cultural relics are so fragile. A slight vibration may cause irreparable consequences."

"Hmph, do you know how to protect cultural relics? I can't communicate with warriors like you."

After saying that, he walked away.

Li Yue'e smiled apologetically at everyone and left immediately.

"The annoying fly is finally gone." Zhao Xiaofeng turned to Dai Mubai and complained: "This guy knows how to point fingers all day long. He is not allowed to do this or that. It is annoying to death."

The so-called archaeological work is just a disguise to avoid the eyes of Wuhun Palace and some hostile forces. Their real purpose is just to open the trial of the ancient ruins hidden in the mountain.

We can't expect these warriors to be so gentle with cultural relics. For them, these bottles and cans that can only be viewed are not as practical as weapons and food.

Without outsiders, Zhao Xiaofeng no longer concealed anything and revealed that just two days ago, strange phenomena appeared on the stone mountain where the ancient ruins were located, which indicated that the trial may have begun.

Since they could not determine the closing time of the trial, several people discussed it and decided to enter Stone Mountain tonight.

In the early morning, when everything was silent, a group of people quietly walked out of the camp.

Not long after leaving the camp, Wang Xiaofeng knew why hundreds of people were blocked here, and it was impossible to open up the situation.

Under the scanning of mental power fluctuations, tens of thousands of poisonous insects hidden in the forest were instantly marked in his mind, and this was only within a fifty-meter radius.

Zhao Xiaofeng, who was walking at the front, was no longer hiding, and completely released the powerful aura of Contra. Driven by the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the poisonous insects kept away from everyone.

"Don't fall behind." Mr. Zhao said handsomely.

One horse leads the way to clear the way for everyone. Wherever it goes, the insect tide recedes.

Under the moonlight, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the huge rocky mountain in the distance.

The green grass and trees on the surface of the mountain vaguely form special patterns, with varying shades and continuous patterns.

When you get closer, you will see that the mountain is even more special. The entire large rock mountain is actually a single piece of dark blue rock.

The stone is dark green in color and has a cold nature. You can feel a deep chill creeping into your fingertips with a slight touch.

This environment is completely different from the surrounding landforms and geology, which can be called a miraculous work of nature.

However, due to a landslide caused by a previous heavy rain, a large crack appeared on the right side of the mountain.

The extremely wide crack was not covered by soil, and it split straight down like a knife and an axe. The depth of the mountain gap was bottomless, which was chilling.

Dai Mubai frowned and said, "According to ancient records, there should be a cave here leading to the ruins, but looking at it now, the cave may have been buried by earth and rocks."

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the crack, "Isn't there a ready-made shortcut?"

Dai Mubai did not make a decision immediately.

The cave leads directly to the ruins, but now the entrance is buried, making it too difficult to find such a large place.

Entering the mountain through the cracks is likely to activate traps in the ruins, or face unpredictable dangers.

"Nowadays, visions are happening frequently and the trial has begun, but we don't have much time." Dai Mubai cupped his hands towards Zhao Xiaofeng.

"Uncle Zhao, if we don't come out in half a month, you can blow up the mountain. By transporting these stones, you can recover some of the losses."

"You kid, you are still in the mood to joke. It seems that you are ready." Zhao Xiaofeng gave Dai Mubai a headache, and then stuffed two small round balls into his hand.

"This is the smoke ball I stole from the research institute. It is said that after lighting the fuse for five seconds, it will release a pungent mist into the surroundings. If you take it, you might be able to use it."

Dai Mubai put it into the soul guide, "Then I won't be polite."

Some of the scene descriptions in the article are selected from the clips of Nu Qing Xiangxi

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